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Fantasy The Revival



The Royal Dragon Pokemon
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Chapter 1: Cloudheight

Aerin would awake in a town. Wait, a town? In the void, neither time nor space existed. It felt like no time had past since he was in that forest, hunting for werewolves. he was standing, a long with a group of others outside a lavish looking building called The sky-arenas. The ground felt surreal and weird. He looked around at the people near him, waiting for them to say something. The buildings and houses in this town were, jaw dropping to say the least. Every piece of stone and art looked like someones soul was poured into it. The people here seemed rich and happy. He looked to the sky, where there seemed to be... clouds? but the clouds looked much closer than normal, like they were actual in it. Then a thought hit him, were they all on some kind of floating island?

for some context of where we are
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Silva was certain that he was summoned by the odd looking bird hybrid and the white haired male to the clocktower but where was he now? The last thing he remembered before he was supposedly summoned here was that all the keys gathered in the clocktower by the odd looking bird hybrid and the white haired male were running towards him as his vision began to fade. "Khepri? Su?" He called out before the realisation that he was somewhere else entirely hit him. Scratching his head, Silva tried to remember what happened when he was summoned to stop this "Imperia" guy. Su and Khepri were there and the odd bird hybrid and white haired male's name was...Cier and Cassian! The plant hybrid tilted his head as he gazed at the group of people near him. Was he summoned to the spirit realm the bird hybrid Cier talked about? If so, the people in the spirit realm's residents were all strange, to say the least. The scenery in the spirit realm was strange too; clouds looking too close to be true, a building with a sign reading "Sky-Arena"...it was almost like they were floating. He cleared his throat before timidly addressing the group, his hesitance clear, "So...who are all of you?"
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He honestly had only just met those people before, but what about his kingdom? Everything he had worked so hard for, a lifetime of efforts and the countless lives he had taken, and watched be killed in front of his very eyes. he could still feel the blood against his chest. He got out of his internal train of thought to look at the person who asked and responded in a tone on grandieur and reminiscence"I am a king! Or at least I was, before a couple of things happened and blah blah blah." he took his crown and held It to his chest. It would probably get stolen if he held something like this in front of all the peasants here. He rested his sword on his hip, before he heard a sort of jingle. He looked at the place where the hilt was and there was a lock on the cover of the sword. Was it from those stupid guards at that prison? And... Wait. If this wasn't his world or where he belonged, then he didnt have the key. The lock was obviously magic as it had a runic inscription on it, but he couldn't read runes and now his only weapon was gone. He tried to open the katana, but the lock just jingled and jingled, refusing to budge without the key 'shit' he muttered under his breath. He had a pouch of coins in his pocket, but that was it. He didn't carry around much money since he was a king and could just order people to give him stuff, but what if this currency didn't apply here? Then again, this was real gold. He should at least be able to find a sort of temporary replacement until he found a way to open it, or he could try his best with a blunt sword. he put it away for now and looked at the person who had asked the question to the group "And who might you happen to be?"
“ I’m Celes Chere, who are you?” She presses her eyebrows together staring at Silva and the one that calls himself a king. Celes recalls spending time with Locke admist preparing for storming Kefka’s domain for the final confrontation. After that it’s a blank, waking up here in this odd world. She sighs, frowning. “ I doubt any of you know what’s going on?” Hopefully the guys have concrete answers though doubtful. She wants to know if the earthquakes are responsible for her bring here again it’s doubtful, part of her believes the impact of Kefka destroying the warring triads magic balance must have opened a gate. It seems not out of the realm of possibility, but her friends would have likely been displaced like her. “ Mmm..” She sighs.

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"Not really, but that building in front of us looks mighty interesting. Maybe going into it would be a good idea?" He awkwardly placed his crown back on his head "Also, I have a theory that this is some kind of floating town? I've seen clouds above us, much closer than they should be." He adjusted the crown on his head with some confidence, seeing as the people here resembled nobles. By now people had seen the group and were confused. Why was such a large party of people standing outside the Sky-Arena? Tourists of some kind? The door to the sky-arena opened menacingly as a squad of intimidating looking people walked out. One bumping into Celes, The other aerin. As they recovered they would realize some valuable items of theirs was missing "My Money, where's my money!" he tapped his pocket and it was gone. What the-. He turned around and they seemed to have disappeared, leaving only an echo of laughter. At least they left his crown in one spot. What they didn't know was that those two had been branded as.... especially rich fellows. Leaving some good things to happen ot them and some bad
"Say, Dango. It looks like we've been pulled into another dimension" said Ray, addressing his feline companion as if the latter could respond. Dango the cat licked his paw for a bit before choosing to just lay on his side. Moments ago Ray could have sworn he was doing something, speaking to someone. Attempting to recall the memories just made his head feel fuzzy. His guess according to the rules of webnovels was that crossing over to another world was scrambling his brain a little. The sound of what he assumed to be others in the same situation pulled him out of his thoughts. An odd group, yet Ray felt as if a weird gathering of people was normal to him.


System reformatted and adjusting to new worldspace, thank you for your patience

"Celes, Aerin and Silva is it? I'm Ray and this furball is Dango. I'm gonna take a swing here and assume none of you are familiar with this place? Now this may just be baseless speculation but we're probably in another dimension" said the young gamer, his system giving him the names of his fellow transferees but nothing else. It would seem his [System] needed a bit more time to catch up to the rest of this new world. Pulling off his hood since the open area was kind of warm. His blue hair would gently blow in the breeze. Dango sneezed before brushing against Celes. Neither he nor Ray had any food and Dango was a growing kitty.

Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy
“ A town floating above clouds huh?” Celes mused, she got on one knee scratching behind Dango’s ears, smiling warmly. She got back on her feet. “ I don’t think it’s a baseless speculation we all seem to be lost and taken from our worlds..” She noticed her wallet is gone whoever did this left her runic blade alone and a flower her grandfather gave her is still on her nothing of value is lost. However, if the flower is gone she’d throw hands the it has sentimental value as the last thing of her grandpa Cid before he died.

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia


A king? Well this was certainly new. Out of everyone here Silva didn't expect to be in the presence of a royal! "Well, I never expected to meet a king here!" A smile graced his face before two people who piped in and introduced themselves as Celes and Ray. The plant hybrid tilted his head curiously; what does Ray mean another dimension; and how did they know his name already? Perhaps it was because they were in the spirit world that they would know his name. But such thoughts are trivial, despite all the warnings that Flora would bombard him when he was travelling. If this was the spirit realm that Cier mentioned or a completely another dimension, what can go wrong! "Well it's nice to meet you all! My name is Silva Roseus!" he replied as he watched the cat as Celes scratched its ears. "Well, I don't know if we're in another dimension or not but what can we do?" He asked, curiosity laced his voice. "Explore this place, find new things to do, even learn a few tricks or two!”
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Celes tilts her head she’s used to being around Edgar and Sabin who are royals oddly they do not act all prim or proper.” I’m Celes Chere it’s a pleasure to meet you two.” She bows to Aerin and Silva. She shifted her gaze on Aerin. “ I think you would like Edgar and Sabin they’re both royals they’re the nicest men, they’re twins.” She nods, “ Exploring sounds like a good idea and maybe meet the townsfolk while we are it?” She considered practicing to advance her magic abilities. “ I’m wanting to learn a few tricks myself. I think we are on the same page.” She stooped to give Dango another pet they’re really cute.

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
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Quest: Hello World!
Info: Find out something about this new world you've found yourself in
Rewards: 10 GP
Failure Penalties: Dango gets a stomach ache

Ray made a face once he read the conditions for failing this quest. Scratching the back of his neck a few times and sighing. He looked over at Dango, who was enjoying the company of Celes for the moment. The ginger cat had been a stray that bonded with Ray over their shared poverty, that much he could never forget. Unlike with cats, stray humans like himself didn't get the same treatment. "Exploration is probably our best bet. Who knows what kind of world this is. If we're gonna be here a while. It'd be best for us to get of decent understanding of what we're dealing with" said Ray after listening to Silva and Celes in their decisions to check out the town. He hoped he didn't have to deal with street punks or random encounters. Ray was a Level 1 scrub with nothing in the way of weapons or skills. His current stats were balanced but pitifully low so combat was out of the question. Calling out to Dango so that the cat could follow him. Ray took his leave from the group.

DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
Luara didn't know when she had cone to this place, but in an instant she knew it was no where she had been. Heaven, hell. And the world's between she knew. This place was not one of them she could not feel something that had always been there something that she had never noticed because it had never been missing. She couldn't put her finger on it as the demon whispered to her as she realized fully she was not alone. The demon spoke if things she knew nothing of, names and places on no map of the cosmos. She wasn't just in some dimension she was outside it.

Then it clicked a memory buried, she had been about to go on a mission and then.... it was gone. Not the memory but the world, nothing had acted on it but it was just gone. Laura could just barely recall darkness and a deal? What deal had she made? What foul being had sought her out and for what end? The memory was fuzzy and she could only remember she reached out from the dark to took the deal. Laura didn't know why she had or what had even been offered. Despite how she acted Laura wasn't exactly out for herself above all others. She had taken a life line thrown just to her for some reason.

Well not just her, there were others here and each looked as outlandish as the most garish of heroes from her now gone world. Her form was that of the nun she so often took. Really qhay she really looked like, the true her was likely lost. She didnt know if she was the demon skinned corpse, the false nun, or just that scared little girl she tried to bury. The others seemed to catch on though no one else mentioned the black void abd the deal made. That she would keep to herself.

" So looks like everyone has decided we are just going to split up " Laura said her tone almost mocking but not quite " Run around see the sights and play turrist who ends up dead in the alley " that had happened and did happen all to often. " Well if that's the game then you can find me amoung the unseen, oh and I go by Jane " Laura said using her unoriginal fake name as to her and the demon a name held power and was not to be given freely.
Lyuda stumbled, her scuffed, grimy boots scraping against the ground of the majestic, festive floating city. Her head felt light, and not in the comforting way either. It felt as if she had just landed from a great and terrible fall from a vast height, much of her brain having evacuated itself out of the back of her head as a result. Of course, this was only a feeling...right?

A faint chiming brought her to her senses, leading her to look down to the radiant amber pendant pinned to her shirt. Her hand instinctively moved to grasp it. Its glow was solid, reassuring...as steady and immovable as the earth itself. She unconsciously began to walk forward, the pendant buoying her spirit and calming her fractured senses. She...remembered her name. Lyudmila. Before she was here, she was traveling somewhere, looking for...Tsaritsa. But who or what was that...? Did she come here because Tsaritsa was here?

That she could remember this much was likely thanks to the pendant on her chest...it was important, she knew.

But where could she start her search?

Her gaze fell upon a group that had apparently split up somewhat. Something tugged at her chest, and she moved. Surely they would be the key to searching for clues in this strange town.

A certain feeling of familiarity relieved her as she fell in behind them, apparently used to marching in formation with others. She did not announce herself, but it probably wouldn't be hard for them to notice the lanky, heavily-armed woman in military fatigues walking behind them.

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia DragonSlayer57 DragonSlayer57 Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
"Okay, if we are to split up I propose some of us explore the building. But splitting up doesn't feel like a good idea to me, if we were brought here in this specific group, it would make sense to stick together as this specific group." and the man known as ray had left. He stopped with a deadpan face and faced the woman known as Jane and the silent military woman "You two might as well follow the boy that identifies himself as ray, while Celes, Silva, and I explore the building. We can meet back here in an hour and regroup, hopefully with more knowledge than before." He held the door open for celes and Silva with his hands in his pocket. It would be nice to know what was inside this building after all, maybe they could acquire a map of some kind?
Celes nods her eyes are hooded she looks at Aerin and Silva. “ I have magic used for battle and a healing type of magic just in case.” She thinks exploring helps arm them with more knowledge of this realm. Her supernatural awareness kicks instantly, she picks up strong demonic aura from Luara something feels off about her. Celes goes ahead into the building stopping at the doorway scanning the area for possible hostiles.

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The building seems like it could be a whole town on its own, its way too huge for what it looks like outside. either a trick or the light or spacial magic. Theirs casinos, shops, merchants. The smell is Hypnotising. And the games. An array of casinos, arenas, horse riding, and anything you can think of. Some vendors look poor and skinny, begging for you to buy something. Others eyes are lifeless, blank. Some children in rags run around the place seeming just happy to be here and advertising for their parents. but they are mostly out shadowed by the grandieur and richness of this place. People are taking bets and wages on who will win fights. Some eyes in the dark seem to aline to celes and aerin. It seems word in this place gets around fast. A fat man with a Checkered suit seems delighted to meet them. "Hello Gentlemen, and Madame of course." He takes a quick bow and offers them a couple of coupons. Strangely he seems nervous under his facade, as if one wrong move could get him hurt, or more. "Would you like me to show you around this marvelous piece of infrastructure known as the sky-arena?" A French accent can be heard at the end. Aerin clears his throat and stops staring at the place "Thank you good sir for the offer, but I think we might be better off on our own." He accepts the coupons but the man insists "Please sir! Allow me to guide you!" Aerin seems annoyed by his persistence but begrudgingly accepts. "So, where are we?" "Well only the one and only cloudheight! The first flying town!"
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Celes is attuned to her spiritual awareness something feels odd about this place. She sensed dark energies in the room everything feels fake she’s seem everything the horses reminds her of the mythical unicorn esper back home. She definitely senses eyes are watching her from the shadows. As the stout man spoke of the floating town the last sky island she visited ended in disaster after another. She stares at the coupon suspiciously shifting her eyes to the other whose accent she can’t quite place it seems foreign to her. “ Cloud height..” she repeated under her breath. “ And how exactly did we end up here..?” She presses her eye brows together.

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Silva was confused when Ray went off by himself before his attention went to some of the other people from the group, particularly the ones that were dressed like a nun and the other one with black hair. "Salve! Nice to meet you all!" he greeted them, waving. The plant hybrid was slightly at ease since the confusion he felt he had when he appeared in this supposed spirit realm. Listening to what Aerin discussed their game plan. Clapping his hands in enthusiasm, he nods to the sentiment of joining Aerin and Celes to explore the building. "Alright! I was curious to what this building was too!" The plant hybrid's voice rang as he followed his group, bowing and thanking Aerin for opening the door for him.

What's inside the building was...surprising. He had never seen such an environment before in his life. The only experience that comes close to one was the concerts that Su performs and describes at. A lively place, for sure, but yet one thing was certainly familiar: the various people that were dirt poor and homeless, only finding their income by begging on the street as the despair hung over them. Silva’s stomach grumbled in dissatisfaction, he couldn’t leave some of them without some sort of comfort but it he does that, the social balance in this building was sure to tinker. Silva snapped out of his thoughts when heard an odd sounding accent as some guy with a checkered suit approached them. Wandering back to them, he once again greeted the male wearing the checkered suit with a smile, "And hello to you, sir!" The male looked like he knows the area. "So you know the place! That's great, we were just about to explore this place ourselves too!" he started off, raising his hand up to shake his hand, "So this place is called Cloudheight?"
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"Yes! " he started walking around the place showcasing the casino and the arena, before leaving them off at the bar. "we uusually use money, but you can barter here too! If you have anything you think might be of interest don't hesitate to offer it up! The skewer lunch in this bar is to die for. If you need anything just ask one of the other attendants." he waved them off and left. As soon as he did that aerin spoke to them in a rushed tone "I've bbeen observing and this place? This whole place is some kind of criminal hub. It's rampant with thieves, I would know." he sighed and pulled a chair from the counter "but, iI am itching to try out the casino. It's been a while since my last game after all. "
Celes nods with a sigh, “ Just be careful, ok?” She didn’t know what she could do except check out the shops maybe they have something she could use. She could go for some help for her magic abilities she knows a little bit of spells. She’s a girl who’s into reading antique books maybe there’s a book store to satisfy her needs. “ We should meet here once we are done. What do you think?” She folded her arms finding a book store seems rather appealing to her. She could be stuck for hours simply reading magic history alone. “ Hm, maybe look for a map while we are it?”

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Ray wasn't in the mood for games, which was ironic considering how his powers worked. The nun lady had her name as L%^&* before it suddenly changed to a simple Jane. Yet another sign that his [System] wasn't quite adjusted to this new world they had found themselves in. Looking over at the gun lady Lyuda and Jane next to her. Ray decided now would be a good time to send them a party invite. Now Ray wouldn't be able to explain for the life of him where his powers came from or how they actually worked. Yet that didn't mean that he didn't have any inkling of how to use them if he needed to. "Alright so my [Mini-Map] needs filling and we need some intel on this place. I'm going to use my powers on you both now, so try not to freak out. It'll just help me keep track of where we all are while we're traveling together" said the purple haired youth while looking as if he was tapping the air in front of him.

Player [RAY] has invited you to form a party
> Accept? Decline?

Nellancholy Nellancholy Karcen Karcen
Laura Aldred
Location: cloud height
mentions: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Nellancholy Nellancholy
Laura could have put up a fuss about going with others, but she had been the one to remark about them getting gutted in the dark. This place was not exactly a nice a casino, it stank of greed, desperation, and anger. It was something she knew well as she could feel darkness in this place and she drank it in. That in a way was reassuring to Laura as no matter where she went the darkness of the human heart was the same. The darker the shadow the brighter the light they said and Laura did hope that was true, despite her life seeming to try to prove otherwise. Laura had planned to go where she always did when she wanted anything, to the lowest rung in society. She had lived amongst the homeless, the addicts, the ill, and the criminal. they knew more than one would suspect about how things went and honestly once you got used to them and proved you weren't some easy mark they were rather friendly. it was how she had planned to get information before.... whatever happened that landed her in the dark void. The boy spoke up and mentioned a mini map was he using some Ai nonsense? He wouldn't be the first tech hero type Laura had seen and not the first she would have fought if need be. That however was unlikely as there was no holo projection before him and he didn't seem to have augmented eyes. As she focused on the boy the demon whispered to her of secrets and mistakes made. it was not like she could piece together his life as every bit of information had one goal, to hurt the one it was about. She got what might be stabs to the gut or great shames but lacked any real context for any of it.

" I have seen far stranger things that you think " Laura said which given she looked like a nun right now was likely true after all what could a nun see? Still she reached out and pressed accept.
Celes nods with a sigh, “ Just be careful, ok?” She didn’t know what she could do except check out the shops maybe they have something she could use. She could go for some help for her magic abilities she knows a little bit of spells. She’s a girl who’s into reading antique books maybe there’s a book store to satisfy her needs. “ We should meet here once we are done. What do you think?” She folded her arms finding a book store seems rather appealing to her. She could be stuck for hours simply reading magic history alone. “ Hm, maybe look for a map while we are it?”

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"It seems risky, extremely so. We're already taking a chance by being in two groups, but hey, why not?" He stood up with a chuckle. He would go try his hand at the casino if Silva agreed
"It seems risky, extremely so. We're already taking a chance by being in two groups, but hey, why not?" He stood up with a chuckle. He would go try his hand at the casino if Silva agreed
Celes thought for a moment with her supernatural senses she thinks sticking together is the smarter choice. “ On second thought I’ll stay with you.. this place gives me bad vibes.” She mumbles. Frowning, she drops her voice only Silva and Aerin can hear. “ Someone is watching us best stay together.” She sighs, keeping on guard.

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"Um?" The pale young man seemed to be the leader of sorts of this group; maybe he would have some useful information to offer to her regarding the whereabouts of Tsaritsa and...Kosechka? However, he seemed more interested in exploration at the moment, leading the way to a large, brightly lit building, abundant with individuals indulging in merriment amidst all the bells and whistles. He seemed to have chosen a blonde man and a similar woman to accompany him, and directed Lyuda towards...

She couldn't help but shrink a little as she regarded the strange figure dressed as a nun, its face betraying a certain sense of condescension behind its guarded expression. A chill ran down her spine as she did her best to remain composed. "S-sure, I'll follow you for now..." Even as she said that, she took a few steps to the other side of the blue-haired man, hunching down a little as if hiding from Laura behind Ray.

As the window popped up, Lyuda flinched back a little, taken aback by its sudden and strange appearance.

> Accept? Decline?

She pawed at the air for a few moments, her hand passing through the projection a few times as she awkwardly tried to figure it out before her finger was able to accurately hit "accept".

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Karcen Karcen
Nellancholy Nellancholy Karcen Karcen

"Okay gang, lets wander around and look for clues on where we've ended up" said Ray, not really registering what was going on between Lyuda and Jane. Gesturing at the pair to follow him. Ray looked over the booths and stalls that seemed to dot the streets. Judging from how many people were trying to sell things. His first guess was that this was either a merchant ship or some kind of floating resort. Passing by a man offering what appeared to be steak skewers. Ray decided to ask a few questions. First was where they were, something that seemed to take the merchant by surprise. "Hit your head on the way here, friend? This is CLOUDHEIGHT, the place to be if you wanna spend, earn or gamble the day away" said the merchant, leaning against a nearby barrel. At this moment. Ray's [Quest Log] would update with this new information. Since Lyuda and Jane had accepted the party invite. Both women would be able to perceive the update as well as their current HP and MP. Ray hoped the pair actually had [Skills] they could use; he himself was still at Level 1.

Quest: Hello World!
Info: Find out something about this new world you've found yourself in
Rewards: 10 GP
Failure Penalties: Dango gets a stomach ache
You've found yourself in the Gamblers Paradise known as Cloudheight. Unfortunately for you, you're broke as always.

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