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Realistic or Modern The Recursion of Japan

Jhosselin Castile was sitting in the back of her shop with a thin needle and load of fabric all over the place. The specific one she was working on was a beautiful silky black kimono and Jhossy was sewing beautiful black, red and white flowers onto it. Her chocolate brown eyes examined her work, making sure that she wasn't ruining the touch of the silk. This was a project she began working on just a few nights ago and it was something she came up with after watching a few flowers falling from a tree. The sound of a bell ringing from the front of the shop made her go stiff for a moment and then she realized that her store was still open. It happened sometimes when she was into her work so much that forgetting what was going on was the usual. Jhosselin's curly brown hair was long and fell down her shoulders with a bounce, pink plump lips that seemed to speak intelligently when spoken to. In the beginning when she had first came here people gave her looks and many doubted her skill with a needle but when they grew curious and walked into her store, it seemed her fabrics were better then expected.

Standing up Jhossy put the needle down and walked out to the front of the store that had several different clothes around the store. From silks to cotton, leather, fur and material that was a bit hard to describe. Though it was pretty popular among the men. It was an elderly woman who had walked in with a child, Jhossy gave them both a small smile as she leaned behind the counter. All the money that Jhosselin was give she put against her breast, the tight kimono she had on kept it in place. It had a cherry blossom pink base, a beautiful crane was flying with several different flower types sewn onto it. This kimono was cotton and made her feel warm, even though in her opinion kimonos were a bit suffocating.

"Is there anything I can get you?" Jhosselin asked, her Spanish accent was thick and for a moment the old lady seemed a bit confused but it seemed she understood her. Jhosselin was learning Japanese and even though she was getting better at it, her accent was thick and sometimes confused others.

"Its this child's birthday and I wanted to buy her a pretty kimono," The elder woman spoke with a nod of her head, she had a hard look on her face but when she spoke of the little girl's birthday she seemed to soften up a bit. Jhosselin motioned for them to follow her to the back of the store which they did and their eyes widened at how many clothes covered both the walls and floors, some were finished while some of them were not.

"As you can tell we have a variety of things for you to choose from, if you'd like she can choose what pattern she wishes and I could finish making one in her size in about a week. If that isn't to late?" Jhossy stood straight with a professional air around her, it was hard not to be serious about what she loved. After years of watching how her mother acted with the customers Jhosselin had grown to learn that being polite with customers was best attitude. Of course there were customers who came in with a bad attitude and Jhosselin pointed them right back out, telling them to come back when they've cooled their head. The communication between people is what sets your business in gear. In the end the woman decided to come back next week after Jhossy finished making the girl a blue kimono with white leaves and branches. Jhosselin excited her store, locking it behind her, so that she could go and buy more thread from the usual place. She had stayed up all night and used up most of what was left so it would be smart to restock up now.
Prince Okiro

Prince walked back into the sushi-shop, to get his much deserved break. His uncle was preparing him some food, so the young man decided to stay within the vicinity until it was time to eat. When he got a time on when it would be finished, the man would leave the shop. Walking outside saw the unconscious men still unmoved, something which was common. People walked around the bodies rather nonchalantly as they moved by; the festival had obviously been a much more important ordeal. Prince sighed, walking over to the heaping lumps of body mass. He took his time out to slide each one out of the walkway, positioning them so that they were leaning against the side of the shop.

Everyone deserved to live. The same went for second chances. Prince did not kill if he did not have to, and he was not mad at the men for who they were. Each person in life has a reason for how they are. Crazy people were made crazy. Men who are bloodthirsty exist to be so due to their past. The same went for the men that Prince dispatched of earlier, although he wished it could have went another way. Of course, he did not try to speak with them peacefully at first. Given his position and place, Prince on more occasions than not, found himself wasting his times trying to avoid violence. Most of the time, all roads led back to that one.

Outside was vibrant. Prince only had one thing in mind, visiting an old friend. So, the young man would make his way from the front of the shop to another abode down the street. Walking inside, Prince was greeted with the fumes of various burning narcotics. Walking to the back, Prince would be greeted by two body guards before taking a seat on his knees at a table opposite of a daimyo. One whom Prince had known since moving to Japan, after serving him in the shop. The man immediately greeted Prince. An opium lamp upon the table was the only thing separating the two.

A bowl connected to a semi-long pipe was being smoked out of, by the other man. When he finished heating it up with the lamp, he inhaled the vapors of the Opium before dispelling them into the air. The man fixated another small, pea-sized bit of the drug into the bowl before handing it over to Prince, who accepted the pipe happily. He repeated the same process before taking a rather harsh hit, holding the smoke in as long as he could before exhaling them. The young foreign man even let out a brief cough, one hand moving to pat his chest at the same time. This was followed by a chuckle.

"I need to ask you something. Today, three men visited my shop. I've never seen them before; but they had the intent of causing problems with two of our customers. Have you set out a hit on anyone today?" Really, Prince was going to ask the man to refrain from performing hits in his place of employment. He got the answer he pretty much expected, however - a no. Whether it was a lie or not, Prince had to accept.

A flower lilts bending in the breeze, a dancer deliberate and knowing, a tanuki cunning and watchful. Inukiku was that and more, she was nightingale unassuming, a fox sly and mysterious. She was too many things, they crowded her too tightly, Kizoku was not sure if there was a woman in there at all. She delighted in the priest's fear, her sly smile told too much.

"To your health lady Inukiku." The priest bowed raising a cup. An empty attempt made by a chicken when faced by the fox. And what was he in this game, not the just the game played in the room he was in but the game played on the country in which he lived and loved. What was his place amongst the grand machinations. Most likely he was little more than a pawn, sent by the abbot to feel out the political climate. Such was the world, it forced a man dedicated to enlightenment to fall to politics.

"Kannushi-sama, arigatou-gozaimasu." she said alighting on her cushion.

"Oh, my apologies. I have not been out of the monastery since I was young. I am afraid I have forgotten my manners." Kizoku blushed, he had made a serious error in decorum. He had forgotten to introduce himself.

"I am Oyama Kizoku. A pleasure to meet you" he introduced himself. He turned back to the table and picked a piece of beef from a bowl and ate it. The flavour was sweet and somewhat salty, he made sure not to eat to much, his stomach had not acclimated to the rich foods of his past. He was too used to eating plain rice and beef.
A field not particularly far, if actually pretty close to where the disguised Ambassador Tetsuyo and Matsukata Fuku are. The rice went up to his hip in height and brushed against a light breeze from a westerly prevailing wind, his rather well used greying white haori fluttering.

Having a Dysarthria of sorts meant that his speech was hushed at best, so was physically unable to shout and that he always spoke in what sounded like a cold manner. Well it wasn't his fault to be fair, as he was born with it. However it was one of the many catalysts towards what earned him his killing reputation, due to how little he talked, which presented a remorseless attitude. When all it really was is the effort it took to speak. Assumptions of him aside, there was still the whole thing that he has killed countless people, the main reason for having the nickname of 'Demon King'. However it was not his own conviction that ended this man and he was not a king, merely a puppet of the Satsuma, controlled by politicians like Lady Matsukata who did none of the fighting but only delegation. He sighed out loud, though it was not loud for someone like him.

A rustling could be heard among the rice, movement fluttering. Was it a rabbit? No, too many. The steps were too heavy too. Or he was just paranoid.

Shinmei tightened the grip on Tsukuyomi with one hand and on Kusanagi with the other, both still sheathed by his side. The former, a nodachi, was probably his most often used, if for simply its reach that it gave him. He waited for more movement, which was getting closer every second.


just wait a little more...



Shinmei sliced from both sides out his nodachi and katana, cutting through the rice, though felt like he had cut only rice. He sighed, sheathing his swords again. Clearly all this time bathed in the blood of his foes has corrupted his mind and he was imagining things. Was the peaceful life he sought ever a possibility, or was he doomed to be splattered in crimson?
Two men sat across from each other in the shop, one enjoying tea that had been set on the table. They weren't really assuming men, nay, they seemed rather normal. One sat in a yukata, it's fabric as dark and assuming as the night sky. His face was clean, both lacking of dirt and lacking of facial hair. His hair fell freely to each side of his eyes, and brown eyes full of innocence. He wasn't small, but he wasn't larger than anyone around either.

His counterpart, who sat across from him, played with his fingers, hazel green eyes burning with a fire and an anxiety. He wore simple cloth, almost looked like one brown piece of cloth that draped over his entire body. Wasn't too odd from other farmers like him, but it did seem a bit cleaner than a few of his counter parts. He was a start comparison to the man in front of him, dirty, facial hair rough and out of control, hair the same way.

They watched Prince, pass by, without even looking to give off the sense of observing and soon, made their way outside and followed Prince into the building. The farmer took the lead, moving towards the back, but of course being stopped by the body guards,"Gentleman, I just came here to thank the young man there for keeping the shop safe, we are-." He didn't get to finish before a kunai came flying through the air into the throat of the guard furthest from the farmer, and as the other other guard reacted, the blade of a short kusarigama had gone through the bottom of his jaw and up into his head.

A quick yank, and the weapon was out of the man's head, but he dropped to the floor. Another move, and a kunai came flying at the daimyo, before quickly being followed up by one toward's Prince. (all from the clean shaven man who's currently the furthest away)

Rough but HERE @PicaPirate sorry it's rough got a lot of posts to do for this ONE roleplay lol

Matsuda Inukiku

The priest's gesture, well it tickled her if anything. Such an empty gesture to perhaps try to the temper the fury that she was capable of. Maybe fury was ill-advised, her lack of resistance to destroy something that didn't please her. She was a typhoon when it came to objects that stood in her way. She would destroy them with the force of a tempest, but in such a subtle way. It was as if you could put the deadly force of an explosion, into the nibble of a child. So unassuming, but.....

"Be it in the wind," she said with a smile, amused by his blushing. Oyama Kizoku. He spoke his name, and something so familiar about it sent her mind into a frenzy. Oyama. Ah. She knew of it now.

"Oyama? A monk, isn't your family a bit more proud than that?" she questioned with a bit of venom surging through her words that she had no intended,"Forgive me, it seems I also have forgotten my manners." That smile of her's returned, the same one that mimicked a lily dancing in the wind. Beauty and grace. There was no secret agenda behind this smile, there was only general enjoyment of a casual conversation that was probably headed towards a bit more of personal.

"Forgive me priest, but I don't mean to ruin your meal but," she turned to the monk before her,"If your duty is to the Matsuda, I as daughter of this illustrious clan, request your presence at dinner with me." A slow rise to her feet, a move to brush herself off and a bow to the priest who had been so scared.

"It would dishonor me greatly if you were to say no, you can stay with us also. If that is not against your way's of course. I am not entirely familiar with your beliefs, but I am interested in learning them," she told him with an honest nod.

@ninbinz (Congratulations, you got a better post than everyone else :3 )
Well, it appeared to be that his paranoia was partially justified. Ears still honed from before, a rustling could be heard behind him and he turned around 180°, only to have an arrow skim his ear and leaving the slightest of cuts on it.

"Fucking dishonourable ninja hiding pricks!", not facing him like true warriors should, face to face. Plus he simply hated ninjas overall with their underhanded tactics.

It looked like he would have to deal with two at the same time. Well, this shouldn't keep him too long, as long as he didn't want to be an arrow pincushion. He gripped the swords but did not draw them, waiting for the warriors to come.

Luckily for him, the katana warrior was first. Easy prey.

Shinmei was sure the man was a good swordsman, but that mattered little to him. All he knew was that he was most likely faster and definitely had more range.

When the man was just about to enter his range, his nodachi and katana were both drawn with an iai cut consecutively with an X pattern against the man. The combination of the intense speed and the sheer force of having larger swords overpowered the man and cut their arms off cleanly. It was merely a case of him having the better weapons.

Now came the tricky part. The kusari-gamas ball with the chain was whipped out, to which he reacted by cutting the chain mid air with the katana. Of course it didn't cut, however it meant the chain was wrapped around his sword and not him, which was personal preference.

Wasting no time, he sliced with the nodachi horizontally at hip height, well within range. The disadvantage of grappling him meant that they had limited mobility too, which would see the demise of their pelvis as it cut through.

As the body slid off, the legs still standing then followed. Good riddance. Then came the wake-up call though. An arrow came and flew straight at his chest, which was to be the end of him. He somehow managed to twist away, but not enough. The barbed arrowhead left a clean but shallow cut across his chest on a horizontal slant, ripping the front of his haori and exposing red of his new cut across his chest where it did fly.

He for now ignored the pain and ran straight at the man with the yumi bow, who now withdrew a naginata. Great, his favourite weapon to face (not). The naginata came down at him with a shout of "KIAI!" by the warrior, which he blocked with a crossblock of both swords at the base of the blade that same at him. He winced in pain as his chest bled more from the tension, but he gritted his teeth and carried on. Eventually he managed to move Tsukuyomi away from the block and came in with a left horizontal slice at the warrior, who adjusted their block to stop the impeding death by cut.

It was a flawless block too, were it not for the katana Kusanagi coming in from the right...

Their arm was cut as the sword dug in half way through their arm, rendering it useless. At this point, the warriors strength was greatly reduced and at this point could easily overpower the block from the left, cutting their other arm to uselessness.

All it now required was a finishing katana cut to the neck and their head was clean off, rolling on the floor.

Shinmei sighed as he sheathed both swords and winced at his chest wound, the adrenaline no longer serving as a painkiller. He took his haori off and did some first aid by pilfering one of the fighters pouches for bandage, then wrapped it around his chest. Hhe had to go back to Lady Mastukata and report of this attack. His haori still had the slanted cut on it, though now only revealed in part the bandage around his chest.

@AkuNoOkami @LotusSan

Sent from my TARDIS using Tapatalk
Prince Okiro

When the second bodyguard dropped to the floor, Prince stood up and turned to face the direction of the threat. The daimyo also turned his head to see what it was that had taken out his guards. When one of the kunai came sailing into his right eyeball, he let out the bloodiest scream that Prince had ever heard. He did not turn to give his attention to his friend, who had since fell onto the ground and was holding his face. A second kunai would make itself known to Prince when the blade soared into his left shoulder.

It hurt exponentially, but Prince did his best to ignore the pain - which was increasingly making him agitated. Not so much that he had a ninja star sticking out of him, but due to the fact that he had not been able to dodge it or block it in the first place. His hand wrapped around his Wakazashi, but Prince would be derailed when one of the men came sailing out of the darkness. The force of a jump kick smacking him across the face sent Prince tumbling over the table he was previously sitting at. Still frustrated from being impaled. the young man would get up to his feet, narrowly avoiding another kick.

The two men got close, so Prince just put both of his hands up. They were fighting with knives, but he would have to do for now. There was no time to draw his weapon when the men were constantly on such an aggressive offensive plan. Within the opium den was complete silence; all of those who were residing or visiting inside had either left, or were watching without intervening. Prince was too busy to notice. When both of the ninjas split up, one moved to his left and the other moved to his right. This did not make Prince nervous, though he knew he would have to play it smart. Attempts to back up did not fly.

His shoulder felt as though it was about to fall off, but in life-or-death situations, such pain meant very little in comparison. A punch came from the left side, and Prince was able to bat it down with the use of his left hand. This was followed by a lightning-fast 1-2 combination, with his right fist jabbing into the man's face and his left following immediately afterward. It caused the ninja to stagger. The man on Prince's right had sent a foot lodging into Prince's side, causing him to stumble a bit as well. Using his momentum to his advantage, Prince forced his bad shoulder into the staggered man's chest. He let out a yelp, but Prince's opponent had all the air stripped from his lungs. That ninja fell to the ground gasping for air.

Prince paused to look at his attacker, who ran toward him. The man send a punch straight into Prince's left eye, causing a cut to appear. Some blood dribbled down his cheek, though the young man's facial expression kept neutral. His left arm increasingly hurting, Prince would have to trade it in for use of only his right fist and legs. Another two punches were thrown, one to the body which Prince dodged by use of good footwork. The other hit his face again, further bruising it a bit. Prince retaliated with a hard calf kick, which happened to shatter the man's fibula. As he bent over in pain, Prince ducked slightly before ripping his Wakazashi from its sheath. The blade traveled diagonally upward, slicing through the ninja's lower abdomen and up to the middle of his chest.

Blood sprayed out onto Prince's clothes, and some of his face as well. When Prince retraced his blade from the man's flesh, he found that the gash was too wide before the man's lifeless body fell before him. Prince stared down at the person, his digits still grasping the hilt of his sword. Then, a roundhouse kick smashed him in the side of the face. This caused an unconscious Prince to topple to the side, falling through one of the wooden tables.
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"German, you say? I'd be glad to." Fuku said, curious. What was a German doing at such a time as this? The Japanese people were in the midst of preparing for a civil war, with both sides doing their best to avoid any true conflict. It couldn't be mere coincidence that the friend of his, was in Japan at such a time.

Without anything else to say, Fuku allowed her companion to lead the way to his destination. She didn't trust him in the slightest, of course, but there was nothing he could do to hurt her on such a day. Too many witnesses, no matter where they went.
When Hikaru shot the next arrow, it was med in mid-air and sliced in two by a kunai, that sailed through the air and hit a tree in the distance. To her right stood Matsuda Rihan, better known as Matsuda Chiba or KenKage, and Matsuda Hiro. Hiro stood in his usual Samurai armor, the red tints of the plates, but lacking his helm. While Chiba stood in a navy blue gappa with his matching Zukin over his head.

"Hikaru-chan," spoke Chiba first, for he figured she'd be more comfortable with him.

Hikaru heard the Kuna before seeing it and was already mid draw on the next, muscles tensed and ready to dodge untill she realized who it was. Surprising and unexpected to say the least.


Chiba smiled, but Hiro stayed with an emotionless face. He thought for a moment before raising his hand,"I need to ask something of Hikaru. Do you think this clan can survive the westernizing of Japan?"

"Yes." She replied, she hoped at lleast that it would survive but fate didn't always go off of one's hopes.

"Even if it means the abolishing of the samurai?" he inquired again, a bit of irritation in his voice at her response. He knew the AkuOokami sect would survive, their ways would always survive, but how could the main family survive?

Hikaru paused a moment insure of what to say. The clan overall could survive, but with out samurai? There was a chance the family could survive but most likely not intact. "I... do not know." She replied not wanting to seem like she had no faith in the clan.

Her uncertainty was all he needed to know,"As I feared." He turned to look to Hiro who only nodded,"If even the children know, then there's not much we can do behind the strength of the samurai, but." He clenched his fist and nodded,"The samurai can live on in the shadows. Your marriage to Nobunaga means more than just strengthening your family. It means the survival of the Matsuda as a whole."

Hikaru looked up to the two men starting to feel the weight of what was at stake once more. "I will do everything I can to help the clans survival." She replied honestly. She was not so naive as to think the marriage was a simple merger of families. There was always more to it, a deeper reason for it. And during trying times such at theses each reason had a burden behind it. It was nothing new for Hikaru though.

"Well you may not know it now, but one day that boy is going to lead the Matsuda clan, and all of us will affected by the events leading up to it. " he shook his head, and glanced over to Chiba once more, both nodding. He rose his hand both began to walk away.

Hikaru was not really surprised about the news on Nobu. Though she wondered why that events he was talking about. There was a lot of things that could to wrong or write so it worried her as to what both Matsuda men were worried about as well. She rose after they did bowing once more as they left. A small sigh escaped her lips as she watched the two men leave a bit of worry twisting in her stomach.

Collab with @AkuNoOkami
Ambassador Tetsuyo

He could only nod as listened to her agreement to follow him, a little un-easy about the prospect of leading her to where he would be staying. It wasn't as if as a Satsuma official, he'd necessarily be hard for her to find if she wanted to, but it just seemed like such trouble to go through for an ambassador. Yet now, she would know where he was and might consider them, friendly, enough for her to drop by unexpected. What a tragedy that would be. He in his room with a Matsuda representative and she just happened to drop by.

They could always escape through the window but..what a hassle.

He had begun to walk, coat still hung over his shoulder, top-hat still sitting eloquently on top of his head. The grace in which he showed in his gait as he walked about didn't scream out westerner, but it didn't belong to Nippon all the same. There was a swagger to his..uh swagger, something that exuded confidence not fit for the modesty of Nihon. Yet, there was some humbleness to it that wasn't associated with the culture of the western world. He was a hybrid, the perfect cross of both worlds. Yet under that shell was a cold blooded assassin, something common between cultures of the entire world.

He managed to glance over his shoulder as they walked,"
Best to speak English around Miroslav, the boy's Japanese is so terrible. I'll be surprised if he hasn't gotten himself killed by some intoxicated fellow." He spoke with a bit of humor and jest, but all the same there was a bit of seriousness in it. Also if he had eaten all the food, he'd be a little bit upset, but he didn't expect him to know how to order in Japanese, or what to order. They would be close to the Inn when he spoke again,"Have you been to Germany?"

"I have not." Fuku said, offering nothing else to the conversation. While she wished to speak with him more, it seemed that their conversation would be delving into nothing more than chit-chat. Useless conversation was wasted breath, and she wasn't going to waste her breath.

Eventually, they arrived at what seemed to be an inn. The lights were dim, the people were far too rowdy, and there was even a group of drunks singing some wholly American song. The entire atmosphere was terribly uncaring. Most of them looked to be drinking their thoughts away, ignoring the outside world, the rapid change coming to Japan. Did most people think like this? Did they think that, no matter what happened, their den of vice would never change?

After another moment, she saw an extraordinarily peculiar sight. A farmer, a nobleman, and an obviously foreign boy eating rice and... sausage? She was certain it was sausage. But that wasn't the end of it, right next to their table sat a young man, tied up and thrown on the ground. Fuku held back screams as she glared at her companion, waiting for an explanation.

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Ambassador Tetsuyo

When they arrived to the inn and the three men were downstairs with their rice and sausage, he wasn't able to make much of the sight. He didn't know the men, though he could figure from his own occupation, that they were shinobi. His eyes fell upon the man that they had tied up. It was Prince, the one Hikaru told him about earlier and who had done away with the samurai.

He hoped he could maneuver the situation without geting Prince in trouble. He seemed like a good man, well at least good enough that his life wasn't worth losing. Tetsuyo stopped and glanced over to Miroslave raising a brow for an explanation.

The German boy blinked, seemingly choking on the sausage he was biting on. "Let me 'splain." he started in English, his German accent masking almost any sense of proper English that would be expected from an English speaker," Well, these two gentleman showed up to your room, saying they saw Matsukata-sama heading this way and neeeded to speak to her. How they figured she was headed to your room? No idea. At first, I wanted them to go away, but instead I asked them to order food for me. Also, that farmer fellow was bleeding pretty bad, so I patched him up."

The nobleman nodded to the two, figuring that the foreigner had explained their presence and began speaking in Japanese,"Matsukata-dono, we were ordered to assassinate a daimyo of importance to the Matsuda resurgence, and our assassination attempt was successful, but we had some complications." The man pointed to Prince, and then to the farmer, who was bandaged up but it was clear that he was still bleeding and needed to be sought to.

Tetsuyo could only nod, before shrugging and looking over to Fuku waiting on her assessment of the situation.

@LotusSan @Tree
When she first saw the scene, she fell under the impression that very little could surprise her more. What was more surprising then seeing a farmer and nobleman eating alongside a German while another young man is tied up? And then they spoke.

Matsukata Fuku didn't know what to say. Not only did two shinobi go to her as opposed to her brother, they did it in public, revealing anything private to the very man who tried to kill them. She would have to deal with them later, first, she had to deal with the criminal. He was familiar, though vaguely. Regardless, his crime needed punishing.

"You there." Fuku said to the young man, tied up in a corner. "You nearly killed a servant of the empire of the great Lord Meiji." She began, using the most official tone she could. He needed to fall under the impression that she was his master in every way, and that she had every right and power to end his life. "Had he died, had this German fellow not saved his life, I would not hesitate to order your execution." She paused for a moment before continuing. "But the Emperor is forgiving, so by his will you will live." Most of that was a lie, but everyone needed to believe that the Emperor was truly all powerful as well as merciful. A combination of fear and respect would go a long way to help the Meiji cause.

With that over, she looked to the unharmed shinobi. "Please, escort your friend to receive professional medicinal help. While the German did a good job at keeping him alive, he won't remain that way unless his wounds are properly cared for." She didn't want to leave herself alone with three strangers and no protection, but those men's lives mattered. Shinobi loyal to the Emperor weren't rare, but they weren't exactly plentiful.

Once that was settled, she turned to the German, switching her language to English. "Thank you, sir. Without your help two lives would have been lost today. I am Matsukata Fuku, and I assume you are Miroslav?"

@AkuNoOkami @Tree
Matsuda Inukiku

So the Monk decided to not join her, it was all the same. She'd prefer not to be near the temple in the first place and much rather had dinner with her foster father and mother, and even the foster sister she had grown just a bit fond of. Just a slight bit. For some reason, her parents had made this dinner seem imperative which confused her, it was just a regular ole festival dinner. Perhaps they were going to give her the head of their family. As if a woman would be head.

Shaking the thought off, she bowed once more to the priest and monk before departing off. Her home wasn't too far off from the temple, considering that was a Matsuda run temple, so as she moved gracefully through the area and headed towards her home she let her mind rush with several thoughts.

1. Nobu was much improved, at least in taijutsu. She wondered what else could he had improved in. He wasn't the greatest with several of the non-sword weapons, and even his connection to the spirits seemed clouded at times. Yet what he was good at, he was extremely good at. It didn't matter whether it was kenjutsu or taijutsu, stealth or disguise. He could infiltrate anywhere, no matter how you asked. He had faced and slain some of the top samurai standing in the Matsuda way, and if he had improved in his weak areas...she wasn't sure she'd ever be able to match him.

2. What would be the next move of her clan? It was clear they were losing this "war" and that the samurai would be done with eventually. Maybe that's what her parents had to talk about. The way of the shinobi could out live the way of the samurai. They were just set up to succeed in any regime.


Well she had started the third thought but had happened upon her home finally. Reaching forward, she moved the reeds that hung from the door way out of her path in a symphony of rattling and clanking, as she pushed inside her home. It was designed to be that loud at all times, so if anyone chose to go through the front they would be aware. Paranoid? Could be, but shinobi themselves were capable, why wouldn't they think others could be?

She slipped her geta off, and moved to remover her black tabi socks, replacing them with white one's (the one's she wore in the house), and began to walk towards the room where they dined. There, sat her foster mother, father, and Matsuda Chiba. She bowed to each of them, taking her appropriate seat on her little pad away from the heads of the table. There must be something important to discuss if the leader of the AkuOokami was here.

She didn't speak, she reached forward poured some tea into her cup, and brought to her mouth. She let it run through her mouth, and down her throat, sighing gently.

Hikaru shuffled back inside after a few more shot and set her bow back in her room her thoughts heavy with the impromptu meeting earlier. She wasn't really sure what was going to happen going forward. Her clans ways may survive the test of time but what of the main family? Would the whole clan be pulled apart in the chaos of the growing conflicts? There wasn't much she alone could do to help either way and talking to Nobu would be a mission all on its own.

Pushing the worry some thought aside Hikaru moved over to a bowl of cool water which was waiting on her nightstand. She splashed the water 0n her face to wash away the dust and sweat of the day feeling a good deal better. She dried her face and took deep breath clearing her mind of the troublesome thought. Feeling refreshed she got up and made her way to dinner ready for round two of the awkwardness. She silently slipped into the room where everyone was seated for dinner and glanced around quickly seeing almost everyone already there. She smiled slightly seeing Chi and moved to sit beside her and pour herself a cup of tea.
Matsuda Inukiku

Chizoba didn't look up to Hikaru, not out of disrespect, but she did not want to make eye contact with anyone at the moment. Instead, she went in favor of sitting the cup gently on the table and reached for her bowl of rice and chopsticks. She slowly began to eat, before Chiba began to speak.

"Chizoba-san..." spoke the elder leader. Emotionless was the young female shinobi he was addressing, who continued to eat her rice. This normally would be a sign of disrespect, but in truth illegitimate child or not, she was the daughter of the head of the main family. Chiba also knew Chizoba well, and managed to sigh,"Business as usual with you my niece, look. The main family will face their end. We are fighting a battle that we cannot win. The main family has to fight it still, there is no honor in running but....but they won't survive the westernization. We will. We have the means."

"You mean we lack the honor," she finally spoke up with the venom of a cobra in her voice. She went on to eat, like no one else was around her. The tension had grown thick, and her foster parents had grown nervous. Chiba, remained calm and even chuckled.

"Regardless. We live in the shadows, but we have to unify our strongest families or we will crumble even the shadows. This is why Nobu and Hikaru's marriage is-"

"What?" she stated gently. She no longer cared about what point he was trying to make, what important thing he had to inform her of..what he had said caught her attention. She was finally showing emotion as she glared at Chiba before glancing to Hikaru,"Her? She's a child and you want to give her control of an entire clan? Nobu will never just sit down, no matter what he tells you. He is a man of action, so she would be left in charge! She can't even clean a kitchen how is she ever to be a wife and head of a clan?"

She growled. This was....odd of her.
Uncharacteristic. Though part of what she was saying was truly how she felt, her intention wasn't to take her hurt and anger out on her sister she.....

She just couldn't talk about this anymore.

Hikaru took no offense to Chizo lack of greeting and simply started to enjoy her tea. She could already feel the tension in the air from the situation. Dinner was normally tense when Chiba attended but due to the fighting things were only worse. She herself was lost in her own worried thoughts. The sudden hiss of Chizos voice brought her back to the conversation. Couldn't she at least make it through one meal un interupted.

Her eyes widen slightly and glanced over to China as he spoke of the marriage and had a sinking feeling thing we're just going to get worse. Chizos out burst caught her off guard still, the last person she expected to make such a comment. Hikaru has spent years being trained and educated as to the clan ongoing and how to run a house hold. While true she wasn't the best at cleaning she did know how to delegate and how to manage.

Her reaction to the out burst didn't go past staring up at the younge woman wondering why the sudden out burst. The sting of the insult was something she'd have to deal with later. She recover ed a second later keeping the same grace as before. "Chizo, perhaps you should excuse your self for now..." she suggested not wanting to let Chi dig her self deeper into trouble.

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Matsuda Inukiku

Chizoba hesitated, she wanted to say more, do more, but....Hikaru was trying to protect her, and she recognized that so instead of speaking further she remained silent. She clutched her fist, and glared at Chiba before bowing to her parents, to Chiba, and turning to Hikaru. She looked down to her, offered another bow before heading out.

She was marching straight to her room and with a gentle sigh she removed her furisode and all of her hidden weapons. She wanted to just leave, but she couldn't. So she sat down and just stared out at nothing, a bit of irritation stirring in her. Hikaru and Nobu. Whose bright idea was this. Who decided they would rain on her parade. She couldn't stay in her room, it'd cause her to tear up. So as an alternative, she got to her feet, placed some farmer's clothing on and headed outside.

It was the range that Hikaru was just on, and in her hands was her own yumi. She held it up and fired.

Chiba looked to the rest of the people who remained in the room, and took in a deep breath,"Hikaru, mind going to talk to your sister?" he questioned as he turned to their parents,"I have business to discuss with your parents."
Hikaru watched Chi for a moment untill she left and sighed softly. She wasn't sure what that was even about, sure her and Chi had their sisterly squabbles but never anything serious. Today was proving to be full activity and surprises. The young woman glanced over to Chiba as he asked her to leave and nodded slight. She rose silently and left the room not exactly too keen on talking to Chi when she was angry. They both had one he'll of a temper and neither wished to be on the receiving end of it but she did want to know what the he'll was going on with her.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves and emotions she made her way down the hall. As she neared the room she heard the sound of a target being struck and changed directions to head towards the range. She simply watch Chi silently letting the woman she had seen as an older sister for years get out some of her anger.

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Matsuda Inukiku

She was very well aware of Hikaru's presence, and she let another arrow fly through the air striking a target with precision. Her long brown hair was loose now, falling around her shoulders and as she held her yumi she sighed. Everything seemed to forsake her, no matter what she seemed to do. Her own father, her clan leader, and now even her foster parents.

"You know, no matter what I do....I'll never be anything in this clan. I peaked the day I was assigned to our special forces," she didn't look at hikaru, she contiued to stare down range with her eyes longing for something. For once they showed genuine vulnerability, emotion, and hurt. The day her mother died was the day she was damned,"I can be the strongest, fastest, smartest one in the whole clan, and I'll be nothing more than the best of the best of the soldiers. I'll never lead anything. I doubt I even get married."

She shrugged her shoulders a laughed a bit,"But, I guess that's just my fate in this clan. That's the clan's mistake, not mine." A gust of wind blew causing her to fall in front of her face, and she brushed out of the way.
Hikaru watched her sister quietly listening to her like she usually did when she need to vent. She really did feel bad for Chiba, she was very smart and possibly one of the best fighters but just because of who her parents are she would never be recognized. At least not by those who are in charge. "Chi... I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. I promised to keep it a secret until it was a safer time for Nobu." She apologize as she came up beside the older woman. "But... just because they don't recognise you for your talents doesn't mean that no one does." She smiled softly.

"I know Nobu will be away most of the time. Hell I've been engaged for him for nearly a year and I've only seen him for an hour at most." she small smile dimmed slightly the who mess with the clan and westernization made things so unnecessarily complicated. "That's why I was hoping I could count on you to help me.You've always offered me advice in the past and there's no one I trust more than you." She looked up to her adoptive older sister, someone who had helped guide her in more ways than one and been there for her when no one else understood her wild ways. "Things are changing..." She said quietly looking out at the range. "I can feel it. The traditional ways will survive mixed among the new. We're growing as a country with new idea and views." She smiled warmly to Chiba a true smile not the fake one she normally wore for the sake of everyone else. "Maybe I'm just being overly positive. The elders won't let go of the past but once Nobus takes over things will change. I know it will"
Prince Okiro

Waking up to having his appendages fastened to his body in such a crude manner was bad enough. When some random Japanese woman began yelling at him about... Well, something. Prince could not quite make it out, mostly due to the fact that he had a hard time listening to people with such disgusting overtones. While the woman was speaking, the only thing the young man could continuously remind himself of was the near-extraordinary speech of bitchiness and how much he wanted to strangle the person who had been gawking at him about the situation regarding what had previously went down within the den. Prince did not say a word. Eyes found the female's own and stared with an expression that could be commonly diagnosed as unpleased, but it could not possibly matter to such an obnoxious person. Sure, Tetsuyo may or may not have been within the vicinity; Prince did not take a moment to look at anyone else. Matsukaka Fuku was just as ridiculous as the name gifted to her at birth.

It was obvious that Prince obviously meant no harm. Of course, he had no idea of who the woman was that had been speaking to him. He just wanted to protect the person he was initially visiting, obviously the victim of an assassination. When it came to the wrong place at the wrong time, the African-born man had happened to be all but unfamiliar. Struggling to wiggle free of his ties, Prince eventually would go on to realize that such a position that he was forced in could not be broken out of. He would have to allow the people who had initially knocked him out to release him. Such a feeling was pathetic more than anything else.

@AkuNoOkami @LotusSan
Mtasuda Inukiku

Chizoba looked behind her to her younger sister, and offered a smile. She couldn't tell her the true reason she resented her engagement, she couldn't tell her the truth about a lot of things. Yet, even after her harsh words, Hikaru was there trying to make sure her big sister was alright. She couldn't disrespect her anymore. As apathetic as she was, she did care for her.

"I apologize for my words onee-chan, I was just frustrated," she offered a genuine apology. It was more to heal any wounds she may have opened up on accident, and as she turned her attention to the target before her she sighed,"I'll arrange it where you can see Nobu for an extended period. You can't tell anyone, it'll jeopardize his mission. You two won't be anywhere near the major cities, but somewhere deep in the forest. This way, you won't have to worry about saying the wrong thing or blowing his cover."

She looked at the targets around looking at some of the Arrows Hikaru shot, and some that she shot,"Your shot is as good as mine. Maybe you won't be so bad of a clan leader." She never really thought she'd do that bad, yeah she thought she was better suited, but Hikaru would be fine. She had other motives for her feelings,"So does this sound good?"

Ambassador Tetsuyo

Tetsuyo watched as the men headed off and then looked over to Fuku as she spoke to the man. He chuckled on the inside, though he kept a straight face. He wanted to help Prince, but couldn't. His disguise depended on his anonymity,"Do you not remember this fellow from earlier? or were you not there to witness the fight that provoked my speech?" It was curious, how their paths would cross twice.

It was something Hikaru, Chizoba, and his father always lectured him about. When the gods send a sign, a symbol, don't ignore it. But Nobu was stubborn, and he always figured his way was the best. Yet. This time, he just couldn't ignore the signs. He wouldn't let anything bad happen to the man,"Let Miroslav just keep an eye on him while we continue our talk, and possibly have some tea? I'm sure we can find some solitude somewhere in this inn."

He stopped and looked to the German boy,"You can handle watching him now that you have food right? Of course." His attention turned to the lady before him,"Would you care to join me?" He was wishing Mirsolav knew the Matsuda secret codes, but a'las.

@LotusSan @Tree
Hikaru smirked slightly at Chizoba's comment about her archery and chuckled. "I've always been a good shot." She replied playfully. "But its okay... I don't hold your words against you. I was kind of surprised when they told me as well..." She muttered accepting the apology. In truth the comment had stung quite a bit but the subject of rank and being noticed was always a sore spot for Chi, ever since they were little. The offer to arrange some alone time with Nobu did come as a bit of a surprise. "Really?"

She looked back up at the older woman with a small grin. "Thank you. That would be really great." Her eyes looked down the range remembering back to when the three of them used to take turns practicing their ranged skills. Hikaru and Chi were always best with a bow and would normally tie but Nobu beat them both when it came to throwing a knife or star. "I never really thought of Nobu as more than a really close friend. Maybe a crush on him at one point but then he was sent off. He's changed so much since then though. But still a bit of a stick in the mud and easy to annoy." She chuckled softly before looking up at Chiboza again. "Hopefully the three of us can spend time together at some point."
"Yes really. I'll put it into the works later tonight. A just a little document forging, you know nothing to complicated for our kind, and you'll Nobu will be good for a day or two." She glanced to her feet, reaching down for the Yumi again. She took it up, and took in another arrow, and pulled back. A gust of wind blew across the field, causing her long hair to flutter for a second, and she held the yumi up at about a 50 degree angle. When she didn't move, and another gust blew, she adjusted it slightly and let the arrow go.

It flew in a large arch, seeming to go straight up before the head began to lower and it came charging for the earth. She couldn't help but chuckle when she said something about a crush on Nobu,"You're going to seriously sit here and tell me that you just had a little crush on Nobu? " The arrow was plunging down close to a target, but it didn't hit it- no. Instead it cut through an arrow that was already stuck into it, slicing it clean in half before plunging itself into the ground.

She couldn't help but chuckle again,"The most sought after man in the entire village, perhaps the entire AkuOokami sect. You and I were the closest to him, and you're going to say you maybe had a crush? Either you're a liar, or I am really bad at reading people."


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