The Queen's Madness - OOC

Cosmo said:
@Halohbottech Maybe hedge knights who want to meet the queen should not go around blasting her soldiers because they were trying to do their job and uphold the law. (>u>)
...fuck. You got me there m8. (' :| )

KillThemAll said:
Also, Asavar should put up a bounty
So every character wants the Lightning Knight boy or whatever his name is dead.

for the $$$
caN wE NoT
@KillThemAll Hasn't done enough yet for that.. Just a warrant out for his arrest, pretty much <.< Totally... planned on putting a massive bounty on Joran if he had taken off. Like, small fortune for him dead (because he would have to put that option in cause da LAW) and 'set for life, never worry about nothing 5,000 freaking gold crowns' for him alive or information that leads to his capture.
... *Wants to see an Asavar Chibi... Kinda picturing Marvin the Martin*
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Cosmo said:
... *Wants to see an Asavar Chibi... Kinda picturing Marvin the Martin*
I was sooooo gonna draw him being chased by the three females after his heart o-o In chibi form
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