The Queen's Madness - OOC

northguy said:
I suggest making your first post in role play's involving approaching another PC or group of PCs. It really does make for a good start to character relationships and role plays in general, keeps stuff movin'. xD
I sometimes try to, but a lot of the time I play characters that just wouldn't approach others unless they have too so sometimes its rather hard.
NekoChanBo said:
I sometimes try to, but a lot of the time I play characters that just wouldn't approach others unless they have too so sometimes its rather hard.
You can do what I do, RP with yourself and just hum the Billy Idol song that is fairly close to that while doing so. May have to do multiple post on your lonesome with just some NPCs, but it works.

@ianbabyyy Hey, I am sane in an insane world, tyvm.
Cosmo said:
You can do what I do, RP with yourself and just hum the Billy Idol song that is fairly close to that while doing so. May have to do multiple post on your lonesome with just some NPCs, but it works.
@ianbabyyy Hey, I am sane in an insane world, tyvm.
I could but for some reason whenever I try that I just feel incredibly awkward.
Ugh, my brain is totally failing at IC communication today. I'm trying to keep my characters intelligent, but I'm just sitting over here going, "derrrr"

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