The Queen's Madness - OOC

I know, still not at my hotel...

And I refuse to write on my phone!

Though I've had the cord cut between my eyes and my brain, it seems that the world has not turned black. All metaphors, similes, analogies, and literary flourishes about blindness and darkness should henceforth cease to be used because I'm saying it's far from dark. It is, in fact, quite the opposite.

So what replaces 3D technicolour vision once it's gone? The answer - at least in my case - is light. Lots of it. Bright, colourful, ever-changing, often terribly distracting, light.

How do I even begin to describe it? Let me have a go. Right now I've got a dark brown background, with a turquoise luminescence front and centre. Actually it's just changed to green… now it's bright blue with flecks of yellow, and there's some orange threatening to break through and cover the whole lot.

The rest of my field of vision is taken up by squashed geometric shapes, squiggles and clouds I couldn't hope to describe - and not before they all change again anyway. Give it an hour, and it'll all be different.

If I try to block out all this distraction by closing my eyes it doesn't work. It never goes away.

I miss those peaceful moments of near darkness: walking at night-time while focusing on the streetlights ahead, the atmospheric shadows in a room with a real fire burning, or travelling home late in the back of my dad's car glimpsing cat's eyes lighting up in the middle of the road.
xEmoBunnehx said:
D..Do I have to repost Aura's theme?

I'm sorry...

Also, I bet lots of blind people say their favorite color is black because that's what everyone assumes they see, and so they consider everything black
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Pfft, burn it down. It's not like I'm an Eagle Scout that knows how to start a fire without a match/lighter in several ways. I don't even know what char cloth is. Pfft, burn it down, like I'd know where to start, like dry dead grass.

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