The Queen's Madness - OOC

ianbabyyy said:
Well, see, I've never tried to get pink out. That's the only color I've done besides black.
Be more experimentive! :D Try Green~ Like neon green. Or purple. Purple is such a nice color.
xEmoBunnehx said:
I miss my Silver hair. It was BEAUTIFUL! But adult life calls for normal now its jet black.
Oh, goodness, I've always wanted silver hair. That sounds lovely.

I'm lucky. My job has no appearance requirements.
ianbabyyy said:
Oh, goodness, I've always wanted silver hair. That sounds lovely.
I'm lucky. My job has no appearance requirements.
Until I'm self employed (like I play to be) then I can't get all the tattoos I want and dye my hair. It's unfortunate but something I have to deal with.
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xEmoBunnehx said:
Until I'm self employed (like I play to be) then I can't get all the tattoos I want and dye my hair. It's unfortunate but something I have to deal with.
That sucks. We should all have all the tattoos. -grouches- But stupid money gets in the way.
ianbabyyy said:
That sucks. We should all have all the tattoos. -grouches- But stupid money gets in the way.
Right? Were it not for the fact tattoos were expensive, I'd have more ink than a printer.
xEmoBunnehx said:
Right? Were it not for the fact tattoos were expensive, I'd have more ink than a printer.
Saaaaaame. I have one small tattoo right now. Have like two or three large ones I'm thinking about, and a medium sized one I'm definite on.
ianbabyyy said:
Saaaaaame. I have one small tattoo right now. Have like two or three large ones I'm thinking about, and a medium sized one I'm definite on.
I have a medium sized one (I'd say) but I have plans for MANY more.
xEmoBunnehx said:
I have a medium sized one (I'd say) but I have plans for MANY more.
Ugh. The only time I hate how small I am is when I'm thinking about tattoos. I don't have nearly enough surface space for all of the tattoos I want.
ianbabyyy said:
Ugh. The only time I hate how small I am is when I'm thinking about tattoos. I don't have nearly enough surface space for all of the tattoos I want.
RIGHT?! Then I just wish I had more skin to cover with lovely ink.

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