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Fantasy The Queens Guard


Time to murder the English language.
The kingdom of Alexandria was once a weak land ruled by wealthy corrupt landlords. People suffered and with the country at the end of its ropes hope had never even been thought as an option. As crime, violence, and slavery ran rampant one woman cam foreword to oppose it. Armed only with strong convictions and an unbreakable will, she fought against the evil that plagued her land.

Her will, passion, and knowledge drew the attention of the landlords how saw their power threatened. Even with the threats on her life she did not waver. When the threats became attempts on her life it seemed like it would be the end of the countries one ray of light. Just when the woman was about to break, alone in her fight, one by one warriors came. The warriors came from all walks of life drawn to the woman for one reason or another but, they all had one thing in common they were some of the strongest warriors in the country.

With the countries strongest warriors at her side and a goal for the future, she pressed on. Landlord after landlord fell to her and soon, she had freed the country from its oppressive system. The people knew who they owed their new lives to and declared the woman queen. The woman took the position with pride, knowing that from here she could make real change and protect the land she cared for. She also knew that she did not get here alone and because of that the warriors that stood by her before became he guard.

As the kingdom of Alexandria started becoming stable, greedy countries and people constantly attack trying to take control of the newly revived country and it fertile lands. Whenever the country was in danger the Queen's elite guard always managed to protect it. Their skills and abilities made the warriors and the Queen they served the symbol of the country.

Now Alexandria has established itself and when people hear the name Alexandria they think of the great queen who leads and her master guard who defends it.

The Queens guard is an action, adventure, and possible romance story. It centers around the queen, and follows her choices for ruling the country and her interactions with her guards. As trial after trial is thrown at the queen will she remain strong or will her and the country fall? That's what we are here to find out.

There are three possible roles

Queen- There can be only one. She is the main character, so to be her you must be active since the story revolves around her. As said before the story is focused on you, so you run the world, your choices will direct the story and most of the other characters answer to you. You must be detailed and strong will. You are number one and everyone else writes off of you, so you can't write small single paragraphs. If you thing you are epic enough to hold the world in your hands and shape it how you want, this is for you. As I said there can be only one so if there is more than one we will vote or I will chose the best queen.

Queen's Guard- One of the warriors that follows the queen. The guard is the support system of the queen. They will be sent on missions or directed to do other jobs the queen deems necessary. This is also home to possible romantic interest for the queen.

Enemy- If you want to try your best to topple the country this side is for you. You could be another Queen who tries to destroy the country by taking the guard for your own. Landlord who hires assassins to try to take out the queen. You could also just be a great conquer how seeks to take the country as your just because it's next on your list. These are just some possibilities, really, sky's the limit in this category.

The story is fantasy so I do plan on the possible addition of mythical creatures. Magic may also be possible but I'm not to sure. I will leave these possibilities up to a vote. If you want to join let me know what role you want. I should have the actual RP up tomorrow if people are interested.
Great story, I am more than interested in participating in this RP if possible. I would like to act as either a guard or as an enemy but I just can not decide it yet.
I would say im interested in the queen, but you probably wouldn't want someone new to the forums to play that role. If you are, however, let me know.
new doesn't matter to me are you confident enough in your self to rule the world and other people. If yes then you can be the queen.
cool now that we have a main character I will set up to rp. I have to go to class first so it ma be a sec but I will do it today. 
also you rule the world so anime character or real characters.
on the whole i prefer anime characters. i dont mind if a person wants to do real or not...i just find it better to imigine a non existant person...sounds weird, doesnt it?

*Peaks through roleplay door*

I'm interested in playing perhaps a rivalling king who wishes to defeat the queen and a queens guard. :)

...If that's alright...
I'll be the general from a far away land that tries to befriend both sides to start war between them anyway he can. Would that help or no?
I like both of these ideas. Plenty of conflict and things for all characters involved. It's the GM'S choice, of course.
My foe shall be the leader of a once great empire, whose armies and populace are running west, from the ruins of their empire. The thing that brought about their ruin will be either some evil fantasy thing, (if you decide to make fantasy elements in this,) or some giant empire. That okee?
Well, my "Bad guy" has no fantasy elements, but the bad guy's bad guy does. xD Basically, all was chill in ze empire, (Something like what Alexander The Great had), the conquests had ended, and then suddenly, they start losing entire provinces, so they turn their millitary to fight this foe, and lose every single man. So, the survivors headed West in search of safety. They have few troops, only 25,000, and then around a 75,000 civillians. But, most of whom will probably die because they don't have enough food for their journey, and in the battles. I'll follow their journey for a bit, until they arrive, invading a smaller kingdom to the southeast of Alexandria.

When they do arrive, they'll probably be too weak to immediately assault kingdoms, except for the one to the south east. They'll attempt to be peaceful with Alexandria, attempting to buy land, or materials, or food, in order to help repair itself, and hopefully make allies against the threat that took out their old empire. However, as they are desperate, they will go to war against neighboring kingdoms if they do not receive help, in order to get what they need.

And just like the empires of Alexander and Genghis Khan, they appeared and rapidly expanded within several decades, and then were almost wiped out soon after. The emperor that gained them all their land was the strategic mastermind

Xhai Tan, who died defending the capitol city against the invaders while the refugees escaped.

That ok? :D

They're basically Alexander the Great/Roman/Greek style, so in battle, their forces look like this,


Except tons of them.

Since they are an empire, they have a variety of troops. However, they only use the best of each kind that they've gathered from each nation they've conquered. Their infantry, their pikemen, come from their homeland. Their cavalry, Cataphracts, come from a desert nation they conquered.


Their Archers come from a far eastern empire. They use a unique kind of crossbow, the Repeating Crossbow.

Basically, a crossbow with a clip that contains around 4 shots. One that would expect the minute long reload of a normal crossbow, would be unpleasantly suprised when a second, third, and fourth volley comes flying in just seconds apart. However, the reload for this weapon is a whole 3 minutes long.


They also have javelinmen, who are too average to mention.

In their newfound kingdom, (once they arrive and conquer it), they make their capitol and main stronghold, carved out of the top of a small mountain., in the small slice of the desert the kingdom includes.

(Basically, add some walls, and a keep made of the same material the houses are made of, and keep the bridge, and gatehouse building thing, and the big tower., and make it bigger. That'd basically be it) The fortress city, Villyra, will have a population of 10,000, and a garrison of 50 cataphracts, 400 pikemen, and 200 crossbows, adding up to 650 men in total. The city is virtually unassailable, unless someone wishes to scale the cliffs. The only way to get inside without scaling the cliffs and without using witchcraft, would be across the heavily defended bridge, which is a bit narrow, like in the picture, that leads to the city. The bridge is wide enough for 15 men to walk side by side, or around 6 horses, or 3 horse-drawn carts. The city's problem, is that it cannot produce much food for itself, outside the couple fruit tree groves it has in it's Park/Garden thing. The designers hoped that the enemy would attempt to directly assail the fortress city, instead of starving out the defenders.


They have several other castles and cities, but they are rather run of the mill.

Their empire is entitled the Barovian Empire, their people Barovians respectively. They have a unique form of monarchy, where all the major and minor lords within the empire vote for a new emperor, so sorta a republic, but the elected emperor reigns until death.

The Emperor's bodygaurd is the Gaurdus Emperii, an elite group of 50 soldiers, far more advanced than any knight, but nowhere close to the Legendary Queensgaurd of Alexandria.


Lastly, the current Emperor himself, who led the great migration from their old empire, Emperor Karaii Huron. He is 26 years of age, a rather young man for the role, but his cunning and love for his people have propelled him into the position. He has black hair and bright blue eyes. He is 5'10, a bit taller than average. He fights using a spear and light and light armor, relying on speed and agility in a fight. ((He fights like Oberyn Martell from Game Of Thrones))



Sorry for typing too much D:
That cool also don't spoil your evil plans. It makes it easier for the queen to counter. Play like you want to win.

Don't forget to make your character in the actual rp
Enolx said:
That cool also don't spoil your evil plans. It makes it easier for the queen to counter. Play like you want to win.
Don't forget to make your character in the actual rp
Kk It's ok though
so, what's the status on this RP? Is the queen destined to be the only female, given the traditional roles females have in medieval societies?

I guess i'm really just asking if this is gonna be a sausagefest or not.
Braxnond said:
so, what's the status on this RP? Is the queen destined to be the only female, given the traditional roles females have in medieval societies?
I guess i'm really just asking if this is gonna be a sausagefest or not.
Female warriors are a thing comrade. Magical elements are here, so it doesn't have to be realstic. Like, the Barovian Empire of mine, is a mix of cultures so diverse, that in this time period, it would rip itself to shreds.

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