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Realistic or Modern The Purge:Sinister

Arius fiddled with some broken glass on the floor and flicked it away from him, he sighed. "My friends and I were holed up in a small abandoned building and some people were trying to kill us. The people said they would let us go if they could just have one of us. They decided I was the weakest and were gonna give me up. I ended up killing them with a blunt pole. All 3 of them. I didn't want too.. They just kept coming at me. I hid for the rest of the night. My parents think that I killed those people because I wanted to, not because I had to."
Demetrius loses the rifle in an instant, and quickly backs away while withdrawing a small household knife from his sleeve. Soon, Kimberly runs off, and right after the... thing with the wound. He wouldn't follow. Instead he goes to gather the pieces of his rifle to check the damage, shaking his head after a very quick inspection. "The scope's screwed.. Bent firing pin. Hngh." he goes back into his building, holding the knife in one hand as he ascends to enter back into his room. He unlocks the door and enters to dump his rifle on one of the counters in his kitchen area before going back to close and relock the entrance.
Arius heard the thunder then, loud as anything. He would have mistaken it for the sound of a firing gun, if he hadnt heard enough of those already. He instinctively squeeked and put his hand on his gun, and his other hand on a few shards of broken glass that had fallen inwards. He re drew his hand almost instantly, blood oozing out of the cut. He shed a tear almost unnoticably then.
Hearing Arius story made Kimbo cringe. She couldn't even imagine what she would do in a situation like that. She had never killed anyone. She couldn't stand the thought or it. The loud thunder startled Kimbo making her raise her knife high above her head. When she realized it was only the storm she eased up and noticed Arius was bleeding. How did that happen? She saw the glass next to him and put 1 and 2 together.

She stood up and extended her hand to help him up. "Better get that fixed. I have an emergency kit back at home."
Historia took her last breath and fell to the ground with a thud.she was right outside of her apartment too. The blood poured out of her and she had a sad look on her face.
Arius pushed himself up with his legs, as he couldnt use his left arm, or his right because of the wounds he had been given. He grabbed her hand to steady himself when he was up, then, nodded. "Sounds like a good idea." He smiled at her.
Walking back to her apartment Kimbo noticed a body laying on the floor, "Oh My God!" The grip she had on the knife loosened up and it hit the floor. Kimbo say the blood and began to feel nauseous. She brought her hand up to cover her mouth and began to gag when she noticed it was the same girl from outside. Unconsciously she turned to Arius and buried her face on his shoulder to block the view of the bleeding girl. Did the sniper guy kill her?
Arius looked down at the body, sickened. The girl was covered in blood, her smile wide and eyes pained. She was definitely dead. Though this wasn't the first dead body Arius had seen, it was still disgusting, and he couldn't help but gag.
Composing herself Kimbo slowly turned to the girl and began walking up to her, "Hey..." She looked back at Arius with disgust on her face. She turned back around, "Hey...Girl...are you alive?" She took her knife and slightly poked her in a non threatening way. "Hey"
Historia's body slightly twitched but that was it. Her fingers curled up a bit and her body tensed.


So, since Historia died, Im going to make another character. Is it okay with you guys if I make a dog character?
Fletcher hadn't realized he had been sleeping until something crashed into his front door, jolting him awake. With his heart pounding in his chest he watched in terror as the door shook under the pressure of the pounding of fists. The boarded windows rattled with the screams of a young man. They were shortly cut off into a sick gurgling noise followed by thud after thud of someone ramming a knife into the door through the body. Bloodthirsty cackling erupted and soon faded as the assailant fled. Fletcher released the pent up breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and stood shakily. Clutching his butcher knife in his fist, he crawled out the back window and tumbled onto the ground. The laughter started again, along with the screams, not far from where he was. He cursed silently and bolted off into the city, towards an apartment complex.
The dog ran down the street from the crazy killers. She ran behind a house and caught her breath. She eas very smart for a dog. She started walking again and saw a body. There was a lot of blood. She sniffed the body and continued walking. She looked up at the large building and saw 2 other people that were looking at another body. Then, she saw someone walking towards the building. She crouched down and walked through the shadows. She stepped in many pools of blood and flattened her ears.


Hopefully my dog character lives long enough.
((Eye blinding blue! lol))

"She's dead." Kimbo said in a soft whisper. "If only I had helped her when the sniper guy showed up." A tear flowed down her cheek. She backed away and then motioned for her apartment. "Come let's go inside before someone shows up and tries to kill us." She opened the door to her apartment and waited for Arius to go in.

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