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Realistic or Modern The Purge:Sinister

Xavier ignored he pleads, actually his begging disgusted him, to fear death like that, enough to cry and sob for mercy, it made him want to kill the boy even more. Fearing death like that, blatantly so, was something Xavier found worse than death itself. At first Xavier was going to end the boy's life by a clean shot through the heart, but now whipping him to death seemed like a more favorable option. Brandishing his whip again Xavier was about to deliver several severe whips to his chest when he hear a gunshot followed by a sharp pain in his left leg. Crumpling a bit Xavier clenched his hand to his gunshot wound. It wasn't as bad as other gunshot wounds he got, and he pain toleration was above average, but it still distracted him for a bit. Looking around he found know one is the immediate area and came up with a surprising conclusion.

I was sniped...
Arius didn't even hesitate as he took the mans distraction and pain and used it to his advantage. He ran. God, Arius was sick to death of running, but he had to, otherwise he would die. Death was not an option. The man had been sniped, which meant that he was probably being watched at this exact moment. Surprisingly, he wanted to thank the sniper, but he wasn't going to waste time looking over the rooftops when he should be escaping. He had to go somewhere that other Purgers wouldn't be able to find him. But he didn't know this city as well as he should, and should he survive this night, he would learn every inch of it like the back of his hand.
Demetrius grinned, and grinned even more when he saw the result of his work as the kid found enough of an opening to make a run for it. "Yeah, take that you prick." he pulls the bolt back, letting the empty shell fly out and clatter on the roof. "A tough guy though." Indeed. The rounds a Mauser fires are capable of going through the bone, and back out the other side. A very powerful rifle, second only to the Steyr-Mannlicher. But, that doesn't matter. He's still standing. The man blindly reaches to find his bottled coffee, screwing off the top with his teeth and downing it to a remaining three quarters. "Ahh. That's much better."
Arius stopped running and leaned against a wall, he didn't know how long he had ran, but he knew it was probably long enough. Spying a small area behind a bin that you'd really have to look for to see, he crawled behind it, and sat to catch his breath silently. While sat, he looked around him, and saw the man on the building, he was drinking something, his gun aimed no where. That must have been the man who had saved him. He seemed a good option of self defence, if Arius could get to him, without leading anyone his way... No. That wouldn't work. That man may have been aiming for Arius, and missed. But... Arius didn't know what to think. He didn't know whether or not to find the man, or risk it on the streets. Either way, there was a possibility of death.
A loud, insane laugh was heard behind Xavier. "Friends stick together..." Then, there was a slice down Xavier's back. "Through thick and thin..." Another slice. "For all the days of their lives..." Slice. "What a hypocrite." Slice. "You thought that you could get away..." Slice. "What a dumb@$$..." Slice.
Arius heard insane laughter, and a speech in the same voice he had heard earlier. He recognised it.. That girl! With the... mouth. His blood ran cold. He had not run far enough, and now, he had to sit and wait. He made his breathing steady, kept his eyes on the sniper. He would probably not help him this time.
Assessing the situation Xavier didn't notice Historia until he felt a overpowering pain from his back. Suppressing a shout Xavier felt another sharp pain go through his back followed by insane laughter and crazed reprimanding him for abandoning her. Blood was now trailing from where she sliced him and it took all of Xavier's willpower not to stumble back. Taking out his whip and gun Xavier lashed the whip at her with a crack, splitting skin and such. Than he curled the whip so it wrapped around her neck so he could pull closer.

"There are no such things as friends when it comes at the cost of another's life, I had to choose between my life and yours." Xavier growled.

He was growing weak from blood loss and probably wasn't going to make it through the night, but he'd rather stare death right in the face than limp away. Kicking her scissors out of her hand Xavier took out his gun Xavier made the shot.
Arius heard the shot then. Who had shot it? That man probably... He had forgot the man had a gun, only remembering the whip and the pain it caused. Arius shuddered. Did this mean they were both dead? Or was one still alive? He didn't want to find out, but he didn't really want to stay in the dark anymore. He was a sitting duck here.
Historia fell to the ground. Her mask fell off revealing her mouth that was open from speaking. Her piercing blue eyes stared at Xavier. There was still some life in her, but she would suffer enough from just laying there.
Xavier stared at her limp body, struggling to survive, but it would be in vain as almost all the life in her was drained. She was still alive and could easily be killed, as that was the logical thing to do, but for some reason Xavier couldn't bring himself to do it. Shaking his head at how ridiculous this all was Xavier looked up at the night sky and listened to the cries and shouts piercing the air. He wasn't sure what to do anymore, his body was also failing and pretty soon he'd be dead to. Giving one last look at Historia he felt obliged to say something.

"I'm sorry," he whispered to her.

Half dragging himself to whatever destination Xavier saw the boy he was chasing earlier. Grabbing his gun he made one final shot to the already bloody boy before falling over, not sure if he missed or not.
Historia tried to say something when Xavier said that he was sorry, but she couldn't, plus he walked away. She looked around as she lied on the ground, hoping that someone would help her. "IM SORRY!" She shouted out, not just to Xavier or the boy that she was going after, but to everyone. A tear ran down her cheek as the blood dripped out of her.
Excruciating pain filled Arius's shoulder, and he could not stop himself as he screamed. He had not expected for the man to shoot him now that he was dying, but then the will to kill must be strong for him. Arius bit his lip and sobbed, he had not experienced pain like this since the last Purge. Arius breathed a strong breath and looked at the man who had shot him, sprawled on the floor. Was he dead? Arius did not want to find out, and moved to run somewhere, but fell to the floor immediately. The pain was too much.

He heard the girl from earlier scream that she was sorry. And suddenly, something filled him. Not rage or hatred, but forgiving. Arius wanted to help the girl. But... She could kill him.
Feeling himself fade fast Xavier heard Historia's apology and Arius's scream. Instead of the usual exhilarating feeling he got when hearing his prey scream it felt empty. Now that he thought back to it ever since he killed his father he felt empty, and the only thing that would give him feeling was killing others...but now he didn't even benefit from that either. As he lay dying Xavier thought back to when he ever really felt alive. That was way back when, sneaking around his father and going on dates with numerous other guys, having fun, but now he was nothing but a stone cold killer. Even his time in the military was him killing and slaughtering, the only difference is that people called that kind of killing 'justified.' Most of his life was ending lives like it was nothing and now it was his turn to die, to fade from a meaningless life and eventually be forgotten. For the first time ever, Xavier was scared....scared of dying, scared of what was to come because of his actions. Feeling a tear slide down his cheek Xavier lay on the ground, fearing the thing he took as a profession.

"I...don't want...t-to die..." Xavier cried.

In a few moments after Xavier was dead, the last of his breath used to exclaim his plead.
Arius was crying because of the pain, but also because the man who had shot him had pleaded in his last breath. Arius felt sorry for him. Angry, but sorry. He looked about, it looked safe enough. He took in a sharp breath and stood up, deciding once and for all to walk to where that man, the sniper could definitely see him. Once in his line of vision, or so he hoped, he began to wave frantically with his one good arm.
Historia started crawling. "I-Im not...Im not going to die! I can't die right now!" She shouted as she kept crawling. She stopped by Xavier and sighed. She kept crawling. "We all deserve to live...and...I AM GOING TO!" She yelled.
Arius saw the mutilated woman crawling towards the man, screaming about deserving to live. Hate and anger filled him, what did she know about deserving to live? All she had done was take lives and torture people. Arius hoped that she die there. But also, that she didn't see him. He waved even more frantically at the sniper, and then moved into the shadows where he would not be seen by the wrong person.
Demetrius would have watched the scene of both Xavier and Historia, though with very different feelings. Joy, anger, perhaps a sense of victory. What he would have given to be down there to make it so, so much worse for them both. He watches the woman crawl on the floor, and scream for her continuing, disgusting life. However, as he adjusts his aim to deny such a request, something catches his eye. He turns his head to see that same teen from before, waving at him. "What... are you doing, kid." he glances from the woman to the kid, sighing and taking his trigger arm from the gun to return the wave, trying to signal for him to move to his building.
Historia saw the male, but didn't go towards him. Instead, she started singing.

"When the hour is nigh

And hopelessness is sinking in

And the wolves all cry

To fill the night with horror and

When your eyes are red

And emptiness is all you know

With the darkness fed

I will be your scarecrow..."

She cried and continued singing.

You tell me to hold on

Oh you tell me to hold on

But innocence is gone

And what was right is wrong...

'Cause I'm bleeding out

So if the last thing that I do

Is to bring you down

I'll bleed out for you

So I bare my skin

And I count my sins

And I close my eyes

And I take it in

And I'm bleeding out

I'm bleeding out for you, for you..."

(Yaya! Imagine Dragons!)
Arius looked from the sniper, signalling him to come, to the girl singing. Her voice was creepy, sweet, it sounded as though she was innocent. But with every word she sang her cut opened, her grotesque mouth making Arius's insides turn. He turned back to the sniper, and ran for his building. He did not stop to look back, and he did not stop to cry out in pain as his shoulder made him feel weak. Soon enough, he was on the roof of the building, facing the sniper.
Demetrius would be standing at the top of the stairs to the roof, inside the actual building. His rifle would still be in his hands, but not aimed at him. He looks at him with a rather neutral expression. The line of his mouth twists, and he slings his rifle over his shoulder, going over to offer a hand "Evening, kid." he says, with a calm tone. "You alright?"
Arius took the mans hand and shook it, pain going through his body, he opened his mouth to greet the man who had saved him, but instead of words tumbling out of his mouth, the sensation you get right before you vomit silenced him, and he turned his back as he threw up what he had eaten for lunch. What a way to make an impression.
Historia kept crawling, she saw her mask and put it back on. She continues to craw until she got to the wall of the apartment building. She rested against it and started crying again. "Why did I ever start doing this..."
Demetrius would be looking at him... blankly. He rakes his hands over his face in a disappointed manner. "Thank you, now I can smell that every time I come up here." He says in a groaning voice.

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