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Fantasy The Principle Journey



Date: Ferra 2st 997 C.Y.A.D. 3a.m

Location: Borokai
Archipelago, Unknown island

Spirit energy reserves: 100


The luck they have sometimes. When the figure appeared, Tuiben was already gone, and before he could stop her Certa attacked him. The movement was indeed skillful, but he did not know if this was the man the were looking for.

Donar was apt to dodge the coming wind attack, but they went off when soon after Tuiben came our from the tree, attempting to talk with the man, who gave a stern order to leave, and that what they seek is not here. But, Donar smirked, for the man seemed to have revealed himself anyway. With one attack down.

Cetra's outburst gave Donar the feeling that she wanted to fight, the bloodlust evident in her eyes.

He looked at the man again, taking the hood off his head, he had noticed the armor, though just barely. And also gave off a little of his armor as well as he drew his weapon. "No rights huh? The state of a fortress that was recently attacked, forcing others to abandon it, while keeping one to protect it? I would think myself a traitor to not be concerned for the events that happened to a extension of the Kingdom I serve."

Donar looked at the back of the warrior, "But, who's to say that you are not the true trespasser here? perhaps you could give us the due of a small bout in order to prove your claim correct? To alleviate doubts against you of course."

Unknown Target

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: EU Island

Energy Reserves: 88

They made no attempt to attack, but rather tried to provoke a response from him either by excessive threats and shouts or the disregard for the credibility of his claims. It was nonsense to him and he continued on. In a quick way he reached the gate in a single motion and closed the 20 ft gates behind him by himself shutting out the group of intruders.


Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, Unknown Island

Spirit Energy: 100

Miyuki clutched her swords within her grip, having drawn them at the first appearance of the stranger. She decided to keep her distance and assess the situation, for what stranger would decide to start a confrontation--peaceful intentions or not--with a group that well outnumbered him if he didn't have some confidence in his own abilities? That decision soon proved to be wise as the puppy dog immediately rushed forward to attack, which unsurprisingly proved to be ineffectual.

Seeing the rush of wind heading towards them, and one off in a completely different direction oddly enough, the girl braced for the impact, ready to throw up her shield in hopes of absorbing the brunt of the damage if not nullify it completely. Luckily, the wind rushed harmlessly past before she got a chance to and with a quick glance at their group, finally noticing the absence of Tuiben, who must have been on the receiving end of that lone strike of wind, as far as she could tell everyone seemed unharmed. That meant either he had terrible aim or those were just warning shots. Seeing as the latter made more sense, Miyuki straightened from her defensive stance, casting a wary but curious gaze upon the stranger.

Despite Tuiben's attempt at communicating, Cetra's apparent wish to be sliced into ribbons by those blades of wind, and Donar's attempts to goad him into action, the stranger appeared completely unfazed as he slammed those gates shut behind him. Weapons still held in her grip, she rested her hands on her hips as she cast an unimpressed look towards the gate now separating them. "What now? Are we going to follow after him?" It was clear he didn't want to fight, and though he was far from helpless she still didn't care for attacking an unwilling opponent.


Date: Ferra 2st 997 C.Y.A.D. 3a.m

Location: Borokai
Archipelago, Unknown island

Spirit energy reserves: 100


Seeing his own attempt fail, Donar simply sheathed his weapon with a small chuckle. Why wasn't this guy in the team? The guy had the personality of a great warrior indeed.

When Miyuki asked what they would do now, Donar shrugged. "From the way it feels, he has no intent on attacking us. I don't think he would either, so long as we don't try to get into this fortress." he said while looking at the door. "Either way, that guy is the target we are seeking." Donar turned from the fortress and walked away. But what is going on? I see nothing indicating that there was actually fighting here..

Alright, we will just have to wait him out for now, and see about another way in. Anyone willing to do so?" He wasn't going to give up the mission easily now. "We could just blast the doors open and fight him, or wait for the supposed assailants who chased everyone off this island except him."

Lei Lan Fa, the wandering soldier

Where: Borokai archipelago

Energy 100

.... well at least I know who the hot head on the team would be....

She watched the drama unfold before them all. Cetra really was in a mood to fight, just as much as her or maybe more so. Lei Lan didnt even see that another of their teamates snuck away, maybe he was hiding cause he was afriad or maybe to sneek attack. it would be pretty cowardly either choice but a good way of getting the job done.

Seeing Cetra's charge stopped by this cloaked person only made her cautious. .... this person is no ordinary guard... and is able to wield spirit energy with precision. The wind blasts were aimed in our general direction and she didnt have doubt he did not have to miss. Question was what to do now that the person did not want to fight. The leader suggested waiting of all choices.

" Why dont we smoke him out. " she took out Sun and Moon and chopped up some plants and a branch. After that she slashed her blades together to make a spark which lit up. she took a branch and threw it at the door. " Wooden doors are soo last decade, at least for fortresses. " This sort of tactic was used during her missions as a soldier of the Empire for smoking out rebels and pirates.
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Unknown Target

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: EU Island

Energy Reserves: 88

After shutting the gates behind him, the unknown figure had hoped this group of individuals would give up their quest, though he anticipated it would not be that way. One of them was setting the gates on fire. It took him a short while and the presence of heat and smoke to realize what they were doing. By setting a fire, not only was the gate in danger of burning up but should the fire spread, the dense brush of the island would fuel its consumption and scorch the island bare. He feared by these ones taking such extreme action that they were not going to leave quietly and quite possibly destroy the island to get what they wanted.

Summoning the energy from within he launched a burst of water at the gate to douse the flames. Not stopping there however, he propelled Several (6) similar water bursts up and over the walls each designated for Cetra, Lei Lan and Donar. This time though, the accuracy was dead accurate and the reach would hit its target. Although the gate was not soaking wet instead of burning hot, the damage was already done, and the doors were fractured and weakened.

Note OoC: 2 water bursts per characters indicated in post. Both water bursts equal (1) lvl 1 arte in power.

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, Unknown Island

Spirit energy reserves: 90

Before any bursts of water could be seen hurtling towards the gate and the three unfortunate targets, Tuiben was already reacting - to Lei Fan's fire. Seeing the smoke raise, he gritted his teeth and wordlessly fired his arrow into the ground, about a metre from the gate. Snapping the twig in his hand, he activated his previously prepared ability, sending a shockwave from the arrow which briefly dampened, but did not stop the flames. This was not the primary intention of the act however, the burst of energy forcing the dry vegetation near the embers which flickered from the tips of the fire to be blown away. With that out of the way, Tuiben turned to face the brash girl.

"We are in the middle of a forest, vegetation is all over the place, and you're just going to light a fire in the middle of the place?" The growing flames danced off his own fiery protectiveness, "Not only would you run the risk of setting the entire forest ablaze with your recklessness but also, we are in the forest. I realise you thought before you acted but you were so inconsiderate of yourself, your peers, and of the earth and plantlife here."

Perhaps he would have had more to say if the water jets had not rained down on them. Whilst not a direct target, the amount dousing the gates sent a spray onto him, enough to halt his flurry of words. Instead, he just close his eyes and sighed with relief after registering what had occured. Then the water bore down 6 separate jets, targeted at his allies. Despite his earlier frustration, after the warning cries pre-emptively shouted by Donar

he instantly looked upwards to see more coming towards the group. He instinctively dove into her, pushing her to the ground about a metre from her original position using his whole body - landing him on top of her.

@Andromeda Arc
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Date: Ferra 2st 997 C.Y.A.D. 3a.m

Location: Borokai
Archipelago, Unknown island

Spirit energy reserves: 100


Donar looked to see what Lei was doing, "Um that's not exactly-" when she set the door on fire, Tuiben reacted, but Donar noticed the burst of water coming from the door.

Hearing Tuiben scold Lei, Donar kept an eye out for the man possibly appearing from the door, but he got more than he bargained for when he watched six jets of water coming at some of the group, him being one of them. "Damn.." Donar moved quickly, he drew his sword, and as he did it charged up with lightning, "Lightning bolt." Donar launched the bolt at one of the water jets, colliding with it making a small explosion.

As this happened, he fired off another lightning bolt right after the other, and countered it.

Standing from his spot, Donar held his sword up, and once again lightning crackled from it, he used that to deal damage to the already weakened door, and fired the arte. it was possible the unknown was still within the range of this attack as well. Sorry, but i didn't think they would try burning the gate down honestly. he thought in his mind. Donar then charged in quickly, floowing his attack at the gate, Turian had cast something on cetra, and Tuiben went to save lei from the attack, "I'm going in!" the man unleashed two types of attack so far. One of wind and then water. he must have a very big arsenal of artes then... he thought to himse formulating a strategy.



Lightning bolt x3

total: 18 SE

remaining; 82
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Turian Kuhaku

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, unknown Island

Spirit energy reserves: 95​

As the stranger closed the door, Lei Lan was the next one to act foolish. Turian slowly walks on as he thinks, 'She was rash with setting fire to the door. It was sturdy but old and dry, it caught fire near instantly. If not for Tuiben the fire would have spread and the entire forest on the island would have gone up into flame. Perhaps Tuiben just doesn't like harming others even when the need arises. He could still prove useful.'

Turians thoughts continue, 'Lei Lan on the otherhand wasn't acting smart. The fire which now gets doused by some arte of the stranger. Ow crap.' With a wave of his hand in the direction of Lei Lan, Turian launches another defensive globe. This one to block a water blast heading towards her. Tuiben seems to notice the danger as well as he dives towards Lei Lan to push her out of harms way. The first of the twin water blasts is blocked by Turians globe. 'I hope they will be okay.', Turian thinks as the second blasts continues their way. Meanwhile Turian had walked on, his current distance to the gate is about 20 meters.

((Defensive globe: 6 SE))

((Energy sensing: 1 SE regained))

((Spirit energy reserves: 90))

((Edit fixed typos))
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Lei Lan Fa, the wandering soldier

Where: Borokai archipelago

Energy 100

....always send a woman to get the job done quick and right.......

The burning door was right on what she expected. wouldnt be long before they could storm the fortress do whatever it is they needed to do. but it wasnt meant to be, who knew the guy could use water element as well as wind element what else was up his sleeve she wondered. But the splash on the doors wasnt the end of it, somehow he had more power to reach over the walls to try and strike them. This time it was no warning shot, he was aiming to kill, or at least she thought. it didnt scare her one bit, cause with Sun and Moon drawn out she could deal with it. what she couldnt have seen was a meddling nobody getting in her way, literally.

.... oh for the love of.....
Tuiben in a not so graceful way pushed her out of the way, and landed on her. " ugh... didnt I tell you not to get in my way!" she yelled then punched him with all her might to get him off of her. " Dont think I'm some princess needing saving, otherwise you will be dead before you know it. Oh and leave your worries and comraderie at home, there is no place for that crap being a mercenary. " she said coldly. She followed the leader in just ahead of Turian and waited for the smoke to blow away and see what was going on.

Unknown Target

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: EU Island

The Gate had been breached. Their intention was made clear by this open violation of these sacred grounds. It was now necessary for the unknown figure to use the appropriate force in order to repel these intruders. With sword drawn, the individual fired four lightning slashes in rapid succession. This arte was so fast it could be considered unavoidable and needed to be countered or defended against. Anyone who would dare go through the gate would face this arte at full force.

( 1 lvl 4 arte has been launched into 4 parts. All members going through the gate at this time or after this post must deal with the arte in one way or another. )


Date: Ferra 2st 997 C.Y.A.D. 3a.m

Location: Borokai
Archipelago, Unknown island

Spirit energy reserves: 82


As Donar ran through the now destroyed gate, His eyes caught the glimpse of a lighting arte, he has lighting based artes too??! He shouted in his head coming to a near dead stop, "Heads up everyone!"he yelled to whoever was behind him, he brought up his sword but the attack was way too fast.

The attack hit him dead on as he tried blocking it with his sword, but to no avail. While his reaction seemed almost inhuman, he was still to slow and ended getting the attack right into him.


Donar was thrown into the wall behind him next to the door. The crash made him cry out in a painful voice.

Donar lay at the base of the wall, his sword embedded in the ground in front of him. He tried getting up, but a sharp pain went through his left arm, My shoulder got dislocated...ouch... It actually hurt quite a bit.

Using his right arm, he got up through the pain and held out his good arm. Well, I can also cast different elemental artes too!

He waved it in a circle small icicles, around thirty, started to form. They were all six inches long and they seemed to form a shield around him.

"I'll pierce this guy!"

He was acting more aggressive this time. perhaps he just wanted to get the mission over with.

HIT: -10

current se: 72

Preparing Ice Barrage

Book One

Chapter One

Verse Two


Title: Reasons for Assembly

Date: Ferra 4th 997 C.Y.A.D. Morning

Location: Welwyn Kingdom Outskirts, Fort Milestone

" We do not forsake our gathering as some have the custom.

A heart full of passion and a resolve that is mighty fuels our courage. "

- Epitaph, Gilgamesh; Supreme leader of the Unified Kingdoms of the Northern Alliance

The group of newcomers were faced with a foe whose powers they were not aware of and had no reasons to confront except to follow the orders of their superiors. One could argue the outcome of their assignment or even its fulfillment as mediocre. They were not a team, far from it, some were overly cautions, others overly reckless and some just enigma's. Yet the display of these conflicts towards each other, it allowed them understand a little more about each individual under circumstances that bring out traits that normally may not surface with simple conversation.

Although many were prepared to retaliate from the attack of their unknown assailant, one could notice the shimmer and sparkle of light that was the dawn. Their time had run out, and for fear of their safety, the leaders signaled the Defiance. Both parties met up near the shoreline where they got off. Before anyone knew it, they had returned safely to the haven of Milestone fortress just before nightfall of that day. Many were there to greet them including Master Genzah. He welcomed them home and prepared a hearty feast for everyone to celebrate.

Master Genzah allowed full days rest for the following day for all participants. It allowed him time to assess some news and concerns coming north of their location, near the contested regions. On Ferra 4th he was expecting a full report from the mission leaders, for the others, a chance to practice their craft, hone skills or get to know each other.
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Turian Kuhaku

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Break of dawn

Location: Borokai Archipelago, unknown Island

Spirit energy reserves: 90​

They were out of time. "
This is enough!", Turian says. His voice carrying over the field even their opponent could hear it, "We are out of time everyone fall back to the beach. I'll be right with you.". Turian says as he blocks a lightning slash using a defensive globe with one hand and somehow deters a second lightning slash with his other hand. Walking through the gate he helps Donar back up on his feet taking Donar's sword with his other hand. "There is no need for further combat, we are falling back.", Turian informs their opponent. Together with Donar he walks out of there towards the beach.

At the beach he uses his signal flare to signal their transport for pickup. Once on the airship Turian takes his time to go through the events that took place. It did not go as he liked, but then again it could have gone a lot worse. Turian did get some new idea's for a tech to work on, but it would be quite some time before he has the principles for this tech worked out. Turian's thoughts on the party, 'Concerning the group, it could work.... once they know more about what everyone can do. Tuiben didn't need to protect Lei Lan. Lei Lan might not have needed to set fire to the doors. Even I lacked knowledge to act as needed.'

((Defensive globe: 6 SE))

((Endurance lvl 1: 7 SE))

((Energy sensing: 1 SE regained))

((Spirit energy reserves: 78))

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D. Evening - Ferra 4th 997 C.Y.A.D. Morning

Location: Welwyn Kingdom Outskirts, Fort Milestone

As they arrived they were welcomed back by those who had stayed behind, including master Genzah. Turian nodded to master Genzah, as he was told to report on the 4th. This evening was for the feast and the following day would be for resting. The next day Turian spent thinking about what took place, and how to correctly report it to Genzah. Also he spent some thoughts on the new tech. The 4th arrived, today it is time to give his report to Genzah. After his morning routine, Turian went to Genzah's study. There he knocked on the door and waited for a response from Genzah to enter.


Date: Ferra 4th 997 C.Y.A.D.


Welwyn Kingdom Outskirts, Fort Milestone

Spirit Energy: 100

Miyuki strode through the halls of the fort, it didn't really feel like coming home in the least. Really, she hadn't even had any time to settle in before she was swept off on the first mission. Maybe after some time the stone walls and sprawling halls would feel like home but right now the girl felt a clench of homesickness as she remembered the humble cabin and warm smile she left behind. She wondered how he was doing, she really should write a letter to him soon...

Her mind soon wandered from thoughts of home to the mission she'd just returned from. In all honesty it was a complete wreck, they all acted like jesters playing a performance with how terribly it went. And, despite what her initial thoughts were about the other, Miyuki soon decided that Lei Lan was far too brash and idiotic for her liking. Who set fire to a gate made of wood in a forest? And she even punched Tuiben when the other only tried to help her. Miyuki herself was well aware of her abrasive attitude and even she had to admit that it was a ridiculous thing to do.

And then there was the fire itself... She remembered how the mere sight of it blazing was enough to lock her joints in place and paralyze her with fear, and how, as ridiculous as it seemed, she could have sworn she heard the faint echoes of screams from that night emanating from the flames. As the memories came back the air suddenly seemed to turn freezing as sharp shivers wracked her body and she froze, leaning against the wall for support before sliding down to sit on the ground, trying to will herself to calm down.


Date: Ferra 2st 997 C.Y.A.D. 3a.m

Location: Borokai
Archipelago, Unknown island

Spirit energy reserves: 82


His arte was stopped by the arrival of Turian grabbing him and telling him that it was time to fall back, Donar was about ready to shake him off when he realized the pain he was in, he consented and allowed Turian to take lead.

The man fired off one of the flare given to the two and they went aboard the ship afterwords. It didn't look like the assailant went after them so Donar calmed down, though he was feeling more pain other than just his arm, felt like other parts of his body were hurt too.


Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D. Evening - Ferra 4th 997 C.Y.A.D. Morning

Location: Welwyn Kingdom Outskirts, Fort Milestone


Donar said nothing on the journey back to the fort, and let Turian take care of the rest. The mission to him was a disaster, they were only able to figure out less than half the abilities that man had. If the group had been more cooperative, then it would not have turned out so bad. Or was it he himself? He remembered that he broke protocol with the orders he gave, and realized that certain individuals did not seem to be the types to fall in line.

He liked Cetra for her spirit, Lei Lan for her tenacity to get the job done with any means,
Though the fire was a little overblown.. he admitted to himself. Miyuki did not really get involved, so he wasn't able to see her skill. Turian was fine how he is, Tuiben though... He had to watch him, his actions from before could jeopardize the Nohrad Swords in the long run.

The night of their return, a certain Individual had come to the head quarters and found Donar before he could be taken to a medical wing, the visitor, revealed to be a young girl who is Donar's 'servant' would not allow it and sternly and forcefully took Donar from them and to his quarters. There she was able to get him back in a stable position with his body the night of the feast.

Donar was at the feast, but soon went back to his quarters to file a report of the mission, the three types of attacks, and possible insubordination, along with his own failure to lead them.

On the 4th He sent the Report to Genzah through another member of the merc group, because his 'guest' did not want him moving around too much. Though he wondered how she knew where he was, it was good to see her again after a long time, and is grateful of her arrival, since she knew more about his medical records than most.

After sending off the messenger, he noticed Miyuki leaning on a wall nearby before seeing her collapse. After a short argument he told his servant to stay indoors for now while he went to see to Miyuki, as he got closer he stated, "Are you alright?"

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