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Fantasy The Principle Journey



Date: Ferra 1st 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Welwyn Kingdom, Fort Milestone

Spirit energy reserves: 100


Donar saw the look at the bewilderment shown on her face, Truly though, it was a good sight for those who either have not seen it, or those who simply enjoy it.

Soon realizing he broke his pace, he straightened up and said in a level tone. "A special stone that's is built into the ships keep them floating. Of course, I don't know all the particulars, it would be better to ask someone who is an engineer, if the information isn't confidential however." he then kept walking as if the talk was over before saying, "Welcome aboard The Defiance."

ooc it may be time to do the timeskip now so this will be my last post until then.
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Title: Home Away from Home

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D. 3 am

Location: Sequencia Ocean, EU Border

The Defiant: Captain William Shaw

After the group, their equipment and some supplies were loaded into the airship, they crew prepared for takeoff near around noon that day. The Defiant carried a small Expedition Force lead by Turian and Donar. Their selected members comprised of new recruits to the Norhad Swords. As Antarah suggested, it would take nearly half a day to arrive to the border between the two lands. Their arrival would be towards the early hours before the sunrise. The Captain signaled his helm to lower the ship nearer to the water before crossing the border in order to avoid detection or suspicion. The crewman were quickly changing the flag to fly neutral colors just in case they were stopped or hailed by the EU fleet.

A Crewman went into the crew quarters at the request of the Captain to alert the Expedition Force of their arrival. When everyone was ready they were told to assemble above deck for a briefing with the captain. When everyone had gathered the captain and his crew set the ship over water.

" Good morning everyone. Master Genzah has detailed this mission to me to explain to you. If you look over to the port side you'll see an island 100 meters away. We believe this to be the targeted island, there is no visible township anywhere, and even in the dark the shadow of an edifice stood near the high hill of the island.... Lower the Skiff!" he told the crewman who at once lowered the small rowing boat into the water. " You will have very few hours to explore and confirm this is where your mission is to take place."

The Captain paced back and forth as he explained the situation. He then stood still and looked at the group. " You have until the full dawn to return to the Defiant. At this point, we will lift the ship into the air and circle the island once. If after our pass, we do not locate or have not received any signal Master Genzah has told us to abandon you all on the island." he said to them. They only had very few hours to search the island and complete their task, and the consequences of not returning seemed fairly harsh. " We cannot risk everyone's capture, nor an incident involving the Norhad Swords in the Eastern Union. I wish you all the best of luck. "

Operation: Mysterious Guardian

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D. 3 am

Location: Borokai Archipelago, unknown Island

Achievement Goals:

1. Explore the Island: 10 posts

2. Explore Ruins: 10 posts

3. Endure Combat: 20 posts

4. Discover Targets Abilities: Reveal 7 skills of the target

5. Complete mission before Dawn

Mission Time limit: April 1st 2016

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Turian Kuhaku

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, unknown Island

Spirit energy reserves: 100​

During the trip Turian spent some time getting to know the new guys and girls. He introduced himself to each as Turian Kuhaku the Spiritualist. When asked about it he explains that the task of a spiritualist is to deal with the supernatural. Mostly to protect the real world from what happens outside. Also mentioning that his skills would also help defend against the natural. This is basically what Turian decided it would mean for him. He doesn't know what the actual meaning and their task is, nor cares. The one thing that he needed to learn was everyone their names. How else can one otherwise warn the other. Also he took a moment to discuss with Donar how they would handle the situation upon landing. The discussion didn't last long as Turian decided to leave that part up to Donar to handle.

After getting woken up early this morning by the crew, the captain explained to everyone what our job entailed. It was still night, Turian has probably only slept for an hour or two. It was time for the mission to start, together with everyone else Turian descended into the skiff which would transport them to the shore. Once there Turian expects Donar to take command.
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Date: Ferra 2st 997 C.Y.A.D. 3a.m

Location: Welwyn Kingdom, Fort Milestone

Spirit energy reserves: 100


Donar was wearing a cloak that he got from the ship, of course this involved his kingdom, he did not want to draw attention to the group. Plus there was supposed to not have many people on the island save for the Guardian and the Pirates. and this is supposed to be a recon mission more than anything.

By this time he hoped to see everyone already in the skiff, where he said, "Alright, I'll be taking point once we get to the island. For your own protection, you must follow my lead and stay out of sight from enemies. We got a few hours to get this done. So lets go." Donar sat on the skiff, eyes meeting Turian's for a brief moment before turning to the recruits.

Donar didn't get much chance to meet with the other members of this small group, but perhaps he will do so now. "I would like to know you names, and what you're good at so we can properly fight as a team. I wont tolerate people going off on their own, I certainly wouldn't want to get left on this island.
Cetra Kor

Operation: Mysterious Guardian

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, unknown Island

At the command of Donar, Cetra spoke up.

"My name is Cetra Kor," she declared, a smile on her face, "and my talent lies in felling my foes with the sheer brutality that is my strength." Her eyes locked on Donar's as she said this. This was the moment that she asserted her dominance. If those aprons her feared her then there would be no trouble. You could not mess around when it came to mercenaries.

However, Donar—to whom her boast was directed—did not seem to phase him. He did not look intimidated. In fact, Cetra felt she could see the twinkle of amusement within his eye. Her smile slipped from her lips and she felt as if her boast had simply made her look the fool. Her face felt heated from the shame, and she found herself irked to a high degree.

She grumbled to herself; grumbles of how she would prove herself when they reached the island. After that she fell silent, deciding that any further input may only exacerbate her embarrassment.
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Date: Ferra 2st 997 C.Y.A.D. 3a.m

Location: Welwyn Kingdom, Fort Milestone

Spirit energy reserves: 100


Donar did look at Cetra, he was more amused with her wild proclamation. She did seem to try to be proving herself for something, but using words would not work. No, only through battle would she prove herself. But it seems that she does not know this.

He had fought many enemies, most of them boasted, even troops who first came to the Contested region had the same boasts, but their eyes were nothing. But the eyes this girl was showing. It was amusing.

"Perhaps, but just telling about your strength isn't enough. Prove your worth by surviving this mission, watching over your teammates and protecting them, and follow your orders. If you do this, perhaps I will indulge you in a spar went we return to the head Quarters." Donar decided to say this to the account that this girl has spunk, but needs to prove it. He purposely left out the word reckless, for he did not want her to be, but he wanted to test her, to see if she would get what he said. he awaited for the rest to introduce themselves.


Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D. 3 am

Location: Borokai Archipelago, Unknown Island

Spirit Energy: 100

There was still the faintest shade of green in the girl's pale complexion, it had been years since she last had any reason to ride an airship and she seemed to have forgotten how it didn't agree with her. Taking a deep breath of the salty air to settle her stomach, Miyuki quietly raised an eyebrow as their mission was explained to them. They certainly weren't pulling any punches for a first mission, were they? This seemed like a stealth operation more than anything, one where speed proved more useful. Taking a moment to cast a disdainful look towards the one who introduced herself as Cetra and, turning her attention towards the leaders, Miyuki inclined her head in a greeting.

"My name is Miyuki Aelius, and, seeing as stealth seems to be the priority here, I can assure you that my skills would prove more useful than an overeager muscle-head whose boasts are larger than her axe." After her not-so-subtle jab, Miyuki fell silent, not even bothering to see what effect her words held on the other girl.



Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, unknown Island

While waiting to arrive Eruna observed everyone. These people seem a little to serious for her taste. "This should be loads of fun." She mumbled to herself with a sarcastic attitude. When it was time everyone went to the skiff and waited. When Donar arrived he started talking about the mission. After that he wanted them to introduce themselves. Setra went first she seemed very confindent. Which in Eruna's opinion was fine. You needed confindence to do things. Then the next girl introduced her self as Miyuki and seemed like she was confident as well. Eruna decided she would go next. "My turn!" She said happily. "My name is Eruna and I will do whatever seems fit for the mission." Which implied she would break rules if needed be but from the way she was acting she was pretty sure no one would think that about her. Also she never stated her last name. Reason being is because her family is quite known and she rather not let anyone know that. After she was done she was pretty sure some of the people here didn't think she was ready for something like this. Never judge a book by it's cover. A thought ran through her mind


@Jack Rakan



Lei Lan Fa, the wandering soldier

Where: Borokai archipelago

Energy 100

....something about seeing the ocean again........

Lei Lan had gone to bed late, wanting to stay up to see the sea. It was something she saw quite often living where she lived. this felt different cause it was a sea that was foreign to her. not her sea so to say. it was a real bad idea for her to sleep late cause they were woken up really early. She was half awake listening to the captain. it woke her up to hear they would leave them behind if something went wrong before returning to the ship after daylight. they werent messing around. it didnt help that she wasnt too trusting about the new group, after all they are still strangers. If worst comes to worst the only thing she does rely on is Sun and Moon her dual blades.

For some odd reaosn everyone was going through intros during this mission.

.... shouldve done this before we got on the island.....

she was aware of everyones names from previous going conversations. but she might as well follow suit with like the others. " Call me Leila, I trained professionially as a warrior close range combat is my forte, and speed is my second name." she said confidently.

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, Unknown Island

Spirit energy reserves: 100

Whilst his peers has approached Donar and Turian directly for the mission, Tuiben had instead found himself picked out from the crowd. Whilst he initially wondered why this decision was made, he had some inferences. Most of the mercenary recruits looked much like, well, mercenaries. His more humble hide attire would make him, by comparison, stand out. On the other hand, perhaps it was simply luck, being near one of those who approached directly and being assumed their friend. Not that he had many complaints. The high altitude was exhilarating for him, and at the very least, it was a vast change from his home turf amongst the trees. The crisper air up here made him feel at ease despite the unusual notion of flying. Of course, he'd seen the vehicles flying overhead, but he'd never actually put any thought onto being on one.

The journey gave him ample time to make acquaintance with his peers - though their quick boasting of their strengths left him baffled. What exactly am I a specialist at? Without reference to the skills the outside world had developed, he had a hard time registering his strengths as distinct advantages over his peers, no less since they were not a point of boasting but rather critical to his survival for the years he spent isolated. He made careful note of each of his fellow merc's self-proclaimed abilities however.

Cetra - Brute combat. Miyuki - Stealth... so far. Eruna - all-rounder. Lei - Duelist. Donar - Leader. These were the simple associations that formed in his mind to quickly remember their details, and put a face to who he should be turning to depending on the situation. The only one whose talents were not apparent to Tuiben were Turian's - the concept of a spiritualist escaping for now.

Time came, however, for him to make a statement about his abilities. Still, he remained unsure of his strengths, so simply stated his lifestyle instead. "I'm Tuiben. I know the ins and outs of hunting, and I have spent a fair share of time in the woods so I know how to make use of what's there."

Blunt, but effective. Geez I need to get better at talking properly. He retreated to watching the clouds and land go by as the ship sailed the wind to its destination.

Upon arrival and the mission briefing, however, Tuiben perked up. Scouting an island and staying undetected? It sounded too natural to him, almost. Memories flooded back of him running the Welwyn forests, between the paths, growing to know the earth as well as he knew to walk. Perhaps when he was selected for the mission, he was selected with a purpose after all.

Tuiben however, now had queries.

"What," he asked, "are we looking for, exactly? And who? What leads have we got indicating that this is the place for this mission? I could use that to help streamline the search, if I can pick up a trail anywhere..."

Maybe he was getting ahead of himself, barely knowing what kind of goal there was other than searching the area, but regardless, he was already settling into his element, and was prepared to take on any challenges the mission could throw at him.
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Date: Ferra 2st 997 C.Y.A.D. 3a.m

Location: Borokai
Archipelago, Unknown island

Spirit energy reserves: 100


He had to admit, he didn't think they would have a group like this. From his own eyes, he perceived that all four women seem too excited for this, the mission and to explain their skills.

Miyuki however, should try treating her new comrade with some respect... Hmm.. Oh, that might work, when a thought came across his mind. "Miyuki, it might be better to not say such things, I knew a man who was all muscle like Cetra, but I guarantee you, his ability in being hidden is great enough that if he were here, you would not know of it until it was too late. Besides, Creta here could be one of the stronger people in this group. Maybe."

This was his way of telling her that there are people out there who can do things that don't fit their respective roles, A classmate of his back in the academy days was living proof of this, and that she should be wary of her boast like Cetra.

Eruna was almost way too happy for something like this well, enthusiasm wasn't a bad thing at all, but not being able know what she can do would be a little hard to come up with good battle strategies if need be. "If I asked you to climb a ninety degree angle cliff face with fire raining down on you would you do it?" he said in jest, but he said it in just a stright face it almost would make one think he was considering it. "It would be good to know what you can do in the case of being in a battle, since your placement could determine the fate of the group. Remember that."

Leila however was confident, like the others, but she seemed to be one to back it up. But in hindsight, Donar did not know. "Ah, very nice. I'll either put you into the forward position or the middle ground. If we get attacked I'll count on you to reveal yourself." Hopefully, that did not come off as cryptic.

He was impressed by Tuiben, he fit the Hunter role, but since he was pretty much a hunter, this guy could prove pretty useful. He did not boast, and seemed unsure, but tracking would be a perfect tool in this group. "A hunter? a noteworthy skill indeed." While he was critical of the others, He could see the potential of this group already. It was to say the least surprising. "To go with your inquiries Tuiben, we are going further away from shore until we find a place that's been here for a long time. Currently, it's being raided by pirates, but everyone evacuated, except for one person." He started. "We are go assess this person's abilities, and try not to get involved. If anything, this person may be more than enough for them, so we watch quietly. In the event of a battle, stay close, don't separate, and run and fight at the same time. Since we have a small amount of time, we have to make sure not to get caught. That is a ton a paperwork i don't want to fill out, and i would hate to go to your families to tell them about your incident." Honestly, Donar would go save these people if they were caught, even if it meant getting stuck behind. He was to follow orders, but those under his charge are just as great of importance.

"I am Donar, Knight of Welwyn. I was recently in the Contested region before being sent here. It is nice to make all your acquaintances." Just then the boat was close enough to the shore that Donar jumped out and looked around the shore. It was quiet, the sound of the ocean soothing. it was hard to think a fight was going on right now. "Lets get the boat hidden and lets get moving, we are officially in the most dangerous situation you could ever be in. Turian, how far is the fortress from here?"
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Cetra Kor

Operation: Mysterious Guardian

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, unknown Island

Cetra hopped off the boat, beaming with glee from the karmic retribution dealt Miyuki's way by Donar. She turned, ensuring she caught the girl's eye and widening her smirk in an attempt to get underneath her skin.

She then felt something she hadn't felt in a while. She felt the need to please Donar. He seemed to be one who was difficult to impress, and that only increased her desire to impress him. She resolved that she would show him her skills and her discipline. Yes, that would surely be impressive to him. With a quick motion of her arm she buried her great axe within the earth. She approached Donar and stood to attention.

"Sir!" said she, a sharpness to her tone that was an attempt at seriousness. "I am but an extension of yourself. Please, state you commands and I shall follow them to the letter!"


Turian Kuhaku

Date: Ferra 1st 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Welwyn Kingdom, Fort Milestone

Spirit energy reserves: 100​

Even though Turian had spoken to each of them, Donar hadn't so they all introduced themselves again while we were on the skiff heading towards the island. This also gave Turian a little insight into their personalities. His curren Cetra, acts as if she has more brawn then brains. Miyuki, speaks her mind with the specific intent of harming others. Eruna, eager might attempt to do too much. Would probably need more protection then others. Leila, close quarters fighter, confidently, might also need more protection. Tuiben, hunter, survivalist, can take care of himself.

Donar took command as agreed. As they arrived at the island Turian got out of the skiff, although not as easily as Donar and Cetra did. Donar asked Turian how far it would be to the fortress. "I'd say 30 minutes walk inland tops.", turning to the others he continued, "You heard the man, let's get this skiff grounded and hidden, otherwise we won't be getting off this island when we return." , as Turian finished talking he thought, 'Should I have finished that sentence with "Move it".... probably should have.... well too late now.'
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Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, Unknown Island

Spirit Energy: 100

Unfazed by the reprimand, her expression remained neutral and unchanged. Donar might believe that Cetra had some hidden talent for stealth or the like but Miyuki doubted it. From the large axe to the overbearing boast everything about the girl screamed conspicuous. As she began to climb down from the boat, she caught sight of the smirk Cetra was throwing her way. An eyebrow raised in response, as if to question 'so?' How childish, did she think she won some great battle just because Donar spoke on her behalf? As gratitude filled her from standing on solid ground again, she heard the girl's next words towards the other male and nearly groaned aloud. A child and a loyal puppy dog, the best combination.

Taking a moment to stretch her limbs, she decided that rather than send another quip towards the puppy's way, she would hold her tongue and help with the boat. Time was of the essence on this mission and it would be foolish to spend it bickering and creating strife within the group. So, as she began to help with the boat, her mind wandered to the other members of their group. Eruna seemed to take this all as some kind of field trip and while she didn't get much of a chance to form an opinion of Leila, the girl at least came across as confident in her abilities. Tuiben seemed to be the only one she didn't immediately take issue with, he seemed reasonable enough and even thought to ask about their mission. As she thought to herself, a sigh slipped from her lips. It looked like she was in for an interesting ride.

Lei Lan Fa, the wandering soldier

Where: Borokai archipelago

Energy 100

.... well looks like we found the eager beaver of the group.... jeesh....

Looks like intros were done, and she thought it was a good idea to know about the others, at least for combat purposes and other such ways. She didnt really care for any of them, only that if they were to be a burden to her she wondered if she should carry them, wait for someone else to, or let them be entirely. She believed that everyone should carry their own weight and only rely on others as a last resort.

Lei Lan thought Cetra to be overly excited for such a tedious but serious mission. She could tell this one was one of those who wanted to prove to others what they were made of. She rolled her eyes when Cetra repeated the orders of the superior officer Donar. " ... did someone else hear an echo?" she smirked. " guess youre in charge of repeating orders?" she asked. she hoped that what Cetra lacked in... well brains her brawn and that axe would make up for. But out of all of them Eruna seemed the most out of place. She was really bubbly, someone she'd chat up with things as girls, however for a mercenary it was rather... off putting? The leaders aside, Tuiben and Miyuki seemed useful enough for the mission.

They made shore and Lei Lan went ahead in the forward position as suggested by Donar. Scanned the area and seemed pretty quiet. " if they were any pirates attacking now they must be sleeping.... or maybe no one but that one person guarding is here....we should try and see if there is a path. there should be one that leads to that place were going to."


Date: Ferra 2st 997 C.Y.A.D. 3a.m

Location: Borokai
Archipelago, Unknown island

Spirit energy reserves: 100


After Turian gave his answer, Donar once again looked at the group, this time he used his skill he gained on the battlefield, the skill to keep his surroundings in check. This way, he was aware of what was going on around him. That's how he got through some of the more dangerous missions in the contested region.

He watched and listened as he made sure his weapon was ready before covering his head with the hood of his cloak. Aside from some, some members of the group seemed way to prideful for their own good. Lei Lan had a good head, but she already made a mistake. "Never underestimate Pirates, especially those in these southern islands. While one would think they are sleeping, this island is full with the stench of blood and battle. There is no sleep here." He had hoped these words would tell her and the other something, Pirates aren't drunk morons who sleep on barrels of drink and take int he pleasures of women. These men were battled hardened foes who outnumber this group, and would most likely kill them all. "Anyway, lets tread carefully. We go inland, this place is tropical. So do be careful of coconuts."

Donar pointed towards the direction the fortress was to be, and told everyone to be quiet, and made sure to have Turian check for possible dangers around them.


It took time, but eventually the group made their way inland far enough to get a look at the fortress."Turian, is there anything close by to our location?"

Donar's seriousness was akin to a man who was in a war zone, this was the time they had to be careful and not get seen. "Everyone else, Do me a favor, watch the backs of those with you in the group. I don't care if you hate each other, just make sure each of you get out alive." Donar glanced at the area. "As before, if we get into battle, fight as you run. Don't leave your teammate behind." He then moved and grabbed Turian by the shoulder, "If by change you lose track of me, make sure these guys get back safely." He patted his co leader's shoulder and then turned to the fortress. "lets go."

The mission has started.
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Turian Kuhaku

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai archipelago, Unknown island

Spirit energy reserves: 100​

As they were moving towards the fortress Turian extended his senses. He could sense everyone in their party. Still his skills didn't allow him to keep track of which energy belonged to whom, that required Turian seeing that person. Even so no other human signatures were inside his range. As Donar asked Turian about anything nearby, Turian responded with, "
None that I can sense within 40 meters.". Donar continued talking to the group, while Turian was keeping track to see if anyone new would enter his sensing range. Although he lost focus for a moment when Donar grabbed him by the shoulder. Apparently Donar assumed that I would loose track of him. "We all go back safely, that is my priority.", Turian responded as Donar patted his shoulder. He believed his job was to minimize the damage and make certain we would be able to get out.

Unknown Target

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: EU Island

Energy Reserves: 100

The landing party was approaching the edifice. They were still a few hundred meters away. A figure sat atop the entrance gate leading into the main courtyard. The person spotted them with ease even through the dense brush and flickering moonlight. The pathway they were walking on was more defined, certainly showing it was in use on a regular basis. Once they got close there was no use for the person to be hiding any longer. He stood up and jumped down and landed in front of them. On his way down his clothing was apparent for a brief time, a uniform of some sort, concealed under a cape and hood.

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, Unknown Island

Spirit energy reserves: 90

As the party walked the long path to the gates, Tuiben felt his excitement drain for the mission. Instead of an opportunity to use his skills, it was simply... trekking. Naught interesting to entrance him. It wasn't so much the desire to show off, but to experience familiarity with his old life. To hunt, stalk, and plan was in his nature, wrought into his blood. This? The structure was too much for him. Perhaps that's why he took greater notice, with combined itch for excitement and existing heightened senses, of the individual waiting to descend upon them. Whilst he had no energy sensing to speak of, around 25 metres from the gate Tuiben caught a glimpse of the suspicious figure, although only briefly, through a gap in foliage. Whilst it was barely more than a flash of colour, to him the colours of the uniform contrasted starkly with the foliage, and seemed unusually far for its size and position. From what I can see, whatever that thing is, it's at least half my size, probably bigger because a lot was obscured - and that's way high up for something that size in full view.

Needless to say, the suspicion planted in Tuiben's mind gave him the rush he was looking for. Observing the remaining path, he quickly slipped beside the path, now intentionally concealing himself in the deep brush. Whilst the foliage here was unfamiliar in its geography, he knew the forests well enough to slip through alongside the path - staying low to the ground. Nearer to the gate, he found quick refuge in a tree. His existing hunting skill was enough to sneak up on even small, timid prey species up to around 5 metres away, though he didn't know how well this stranger would take to detecting him on sound - though the shuffling of his feet and hands as he climbed blended in well with the natural creaking and rustling of the forest. Seeing the hood as he scooted into a high resting place, he silently praised his victory - this hood cut off the figure's peripheral vision. He was certain that only similarly trained and augmented senses with a knowledge of the forest like him or energy sensing would be capable of revealing his position.

Unsure of the targets' intentions, Tuiben prepared himself in wait - huddling himself closer to the tree and within the leaves for cover, reading an arrow in his bow and snapping one dry stick from the tree. It resounded with a light snap, and he quietly prayed that it wouldn't be enough for the stranger to notice, or at least deem as a threat. First, he cast Exposition on the arrow and stick, setting them as the spell's trap and trigger respectively. He pulled back the drawstring with his thumb and index finger, remaining three fingers grasping the stick firmly, ready to contract and snap it at any moment. Holding aim steady on the target, it was now a matter of waiting for his fellow merc recruits to directly engage or address the hooded figure.
Cetra Kor

Operation: Mysterious Guardian

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, unknown Island

The moment she saw the figure drop from the skies she felt her heart flutter. She may not be the most receptive but she did indeed recall that the island was uninhabited save for the target. She felt her body freeze up for a moment. She hadn't mentally prepared herself for this moment and being suddenly flung into this situation caused her to have some degree of hesitation.

It was only a moment however. The next thing she knew Cetra was darting forward, the wind whistling through her ears. Her axe felt heavier than it normally did, and that only exacerbated the knot in her stomach.

Moments later her running brought her to the stranger. He didn't seem to respond much, which perplexed Cetra. Perhaps she had run fast enough to catch the man off-guard. She brought her mighty axe—its weight seemingly increased twofold, much to the worry of Cetra—whistling through the air on its journey to this stranger. Her blood pulsed in her ears as she swung the axe. It was about to collide. She would complete this mission with one mighty swing of her weapon.

Unknown Target

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: EU Island

Energy Reserves: 100

Once he descended upon his precipice, the group had surely taken notice of him. With the moon to his back they would not be able to notice his facial features too much but he would certainly ascertain theirs if they arrived close enough. One in particular raced to meet him arriving before the others. The person felt this young woman had every intention of causing harm, willfully swinging an Axe towards him. Thrusting through the cloak he wore, his hand revealed a sheathed sword of some sort. The Stranger drew the blade halfway towards the incoming attack to perhaps block it. However instead he had parried it allowing the full power of the swing to continue in a different direction away from him. He was amazed she could swing something of that sort let alone with the force he felt during the parry.

The forceful blow had been allowed to push him back and he flipped himself further away until he was 10 meters away from the axe wielder. Landing on one knee, he got up and as he did began to draw out his sword completely out of its sheath. As he did the wind seemed to start acting up with the bristling of the foliage. The concentration appeared to center around the strangers sword. As it was fully drawn light from the sword would draw more attention than the brightness of the moonlight. He unleashed 3 wind elemental projections. One towards the Axe wielder, another towards a foe hidden in the brush and the last towards the center group.

Oddly enough, the attacks did not project towards their position, but slightly off by a few meters. Perhaps it was a warning of sorts. Perhaps it was miscalculation, or perhaps luck. The group would have to draw their own conclusion.
" Trespassers, leave this place. There is nothing of value here." he said to them.

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, Unknown Island

Spirit energy reserves: 90

A gust of wind blew near Tuiben, wavering his aim and almost making him lose grip on the drawstring. Whoever this person was, they knew he was there. If not before, then now by way of the spell apparently seeking out targets. His perspective left him unable to see the effects of the wind on the party and Cetra, however, so he could only gauge the purpose of the attack by himself. It came down to three possibilities for him. Either it was self-preservation, and this person knew of the arrow aimed towards his neck and back, simple limitations of knowledge, meaning his exact position was not compromised, or that the attack was a warning. Given there had been no sounds of bodies falling of bodily harm, he could tell the remainder of the mercenaries went unharmed. Coupled with the figure's words requesting leave, it seemed clear, at least to the hunter, that this person did not mean harm - yet. If anything, he felt empathy for his situation. Alone on this island, presumably - it was similar to his own solitude in the forests of Welwyn.

Lowering his bow, but not yet removing the arrow from it nor setting aside the trigger stick he grasped in his fingers, he gently hopped down from his vantage point to address the stranger from a more even position. Unsure of this individual's capabilities, Tuiben turned to diplomacy first, whilst keeping a safe distance of about 4 metres along the ground in case another one of those elemental attacks were to be launched.

"I'm just here on orders, same with the rest of us. I was told this island was evacuated, didn't know we were trespassing anywhere. Apologies, sir. You've shown us your abilities yet not harmed us with them, so I presume you do not mean us harm if we leave. That said, I have been told our goal may lie in this fortress - although realistically what we seek could be anywhere on this island. It would help us on our way if you might be able to answer some questions. There is something of value to us on this island somewhere, and if you could aid in us finding where if not in this fortress, then we can both mutually achieve our goals."

A surprisingly silver tongue spouted the ambassadorial address, with a friendly and unassuming warmth - especially in light of the ominous way that the hooded man had forbade them. His truthful words also betrayed to his superiors how he understood their orders and briefing: that being a degree of doubt about their accuracy. Of course, that would be if they didn't mistake his naivety in addressing the looming man for lying in order to extort information.
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Turian Kuhaku

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, unknown Island

Spirit energy reserves: 100​

While the group was moving closer to the building, Turian more sensed then saw someone of the group slip away. Looking around he noticed it was Tuiben who was gone. Still he could sense him moving alongside them in the forest. The rest was moving along with Turian as a stranger jumped down, he was wearing a cloak which hid his outfit. Time for the real mission to begin and test this man's mettle. Cetra was the first of the group to charge at the man swinging her axe. Tuiben was not far from the fight either but remained hidden. As the man parried Cetra's strike he used the recoil to take his distance.

As the man unsheathed his sword Turian noticed three arte bolts being fired, one towards Tuiben and two towards Cetra. Which a quick motion of his hands a sphere of water (defensive globe) flew out towards Cetra, hoping that it would block at least one of the two attacks of the stranger. But instead of colliding one of the strangers attacks went harmlessly passed Cetra, and headed towards the group. The other landed just short of Cetra, the defensive globe that Turian threw was now hovering around Cetra. It would attempt to block the next attack that would reach her.

The stranger called out to them, " Trespassers, leave this place. There is nothing of value here.". 'He must have some kind of code, otherwise he wouldn't have called out like this, or he feels overwhelmed by us. Although I do not believe te latter to be true.' Tuiben revealed himself and started talking to the stranger. Turian sighed as he thought, 'and here one reveals his stupidity. Our goal is to asses this man's capabilities not chat with him. At least Cetra got him to reveal one, those wind projectiles. I just hope that he is skilled enough to use them correctly.'

(( Turian never said anything during this post. ))

(( defensive globe used. -6 SE ))

(( energy sensing lvl 2. +1 SE ))

(( remaining SE. 95 ))

Unknown Target

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: EU Island

Energy Reserves: 88

The person understood these individuals not to be pirates. One of them at least, was not looking for confrontation. He approached and revealed quite a bit of information about them. They were under orders, meaning they have some mandate to fulfill and are a part of some organization. They are searching for something of value, which means they could be explorers or hunters. However in either case, the answer was still the same.

" Go now. Whatever you seek you will have to go empty handed. You have no rights on this island. It's guardianship has been entrusted to me, and whether pirate or otherwise, you will be removed should you not leave... now please. " The man turned full circle and walked away with his back turned towards them.
Cetra Kor

Operation: Mysterious Guardian

Date: Ferra 2nd 997 C.Y.A.D.

Location: Borokai Archipelago, unknown Island

Cetra had been surprised by her attacked being blocked, surprised by the defensive spell cast to protect her and surprised by the attempted mediation of Tuiben. The events had swiftly followed one another, leaving Cetra frustrated with the confusion that plagued her. Upon hearing the warning of the man before he swiftly turned his back on her, she decided she had, had enough.

"Hey!" she called to him. "Don't you owe us some answers! We're not going at this rate, your flimsy warnings do naught to deter us! Explain yourself and I may rethink continuing my assault!"

While her first attack was parried, she understood that the stranger was shocked by her strength. Such surprise was normal considering her small frame and her large weapon. She could move quite quickly without being hindered by the weight of her axe, and she planned to use his surprise and ambiguity to her skill and unbridled strength.

Her heart pounded within her chest, adrenaline coursing through her veins. She was bloodthirsty; she hoped he would ignore her just to give her the excuse of launching into another fight. The thrill was beyond anything she could imagine. It was too bad she was on a mission with objectives that required more finesse than simply obliterating all that lay in her path.

She looked at the retreating figure, wondering what his response would be. Her thoughts also went momentarily to her allies. Tuiben seemed to be a steadfast pacifist; would he attempt to stop her should she begin an attack again? She hoped not—he was a hunter after all, he should be used to having to be violent.

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