The Princess's Hand ~Accepting Characters~





role:a knight used for help where ever its needed

appearance:im 6''4 160pounds i have long black hair with baby blue eyes my armor is pure black with a drak red trim on it with a dragon symbol on the chest plate

history:was born under the dagon sign he grew up in a city called white run where he wen under diffrent training methods and harsh teachings til one day his city was attacked by the dragon knowed as aldwen meny warriors tryed to kill aldwen but meny had failed for only one true warrior can put a end to aldwen only a true dragon warrior can knowing what spike must do he heads to aldwen and fights ferice thin out of nowhere a big ball of light appears sending thim both into time wakeing up on a cliff not knowing anything of how he got here or what happend he now spends his days alone looking for friends family and anyone to talk to so he can fine out what this place is and where aldwens at

skills:i can reheal pepole with dark magic and also use black magic for harm to i can shift to anything and use there powers i am a master at h2h and b2b i can telport anywhere i set my mine to
Name: Soren Anders

Age: 28

Sex: Male

Race: Human (boring,right?)

Role: Krisella's partner;brawler extrordinaire.

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Brown eyes. Looks imposing,but not thuggish. Six foot five inches tall. Wears a simple sleeveless linen shirt and linen pants. The man very well muscled. Wears plated gauntlets with magical topazes embeded within.

Background: Early in life,Soren was a farmboy. Time and time again,hed was sent into town to make required purchases for the farm,and each time he was set upon by thugs. Eventually,he learned to fight unarmed. When he was sixteen,his farm was burned down,his family butchered. He wandered the kingdom,fighting in tournaments to make a living. During this time,Soren learned of his talent with shield magics,and trained himself in their use. He quickly became a famed fighter,reputed for defeating all foes,no matter their weapon,and his seemingly unnatural reflexes and reaction time. He eventually met a young woman named Krisella,and decided it was time for a change of pace. He offered to be her partner in her trade,providing her with much needed cover. He travels with her,looking for a good score,and maybe an opponent who may be his match...Or even better.

Skills: The man is a talented brawler,but he doesn't use any fancy martial arts; he just throws good punches and kicks,with the odd grapple. His reflexes and reaction time are incredible,creating a minor time dialation effect to his perceptions. He knows personal shielding magics,and are strong enough to stop most melee weapons dead. However,bows and quarrels are still a threat,and magic,unless it relies on impact,is also a threat.

Other: The magical topazes in his gauntlets imbue his punches with minor electrical magic,providing a nasty kick to most foes,and a much needed magical avenue of combat,should he fight something immune to normal punches.

Heart and I talked about this character over MSN. He actually reccomended that my character be his partner.
Name: Agatha McCellan

Age: 29 | Sex: Female | Race: Human

Role: Personal Maid to Kiel


History: Agatha comes from a very well-to-do family with considerable wealth that she unwittingly gave up when refusing to take a spouse. After four years of attending a prestigious boarding school her parents expected her to be prepared to take a husband and promptly begin to produce babies.With Agatha refusing to succumb to being nothing more than a mother and wife for the rest of her days her parents cut her off from the fortune, thinking that she would quickly give up on her silly "beliefs" and do as they said. To their surprise Agatha accepted this new twist of faith and hasn't said much to her family in the past 10 years. She has worked a few jobs before meeting Kiel and working as his maid since he had been 7 years old, such a bar maid and seamstress. She is loyal to Kiel and does what is in her power to please him, regardless of her own personal opinions of his actions and personality.

Skills: She is a good seamstress and also knows how to properly run a household. She has also dabbled a bit with fencing and archery, going back to her old boarding school days.

Other: She was very sickly as a child and suffered from phenomena so bad that her eye sight was affected to the point that she needed to wear glasses. Over the years she had lost sight completely in her right eye, though she doesn't ask for any special treatment because of it. She is also determined to carry out the rest of her days as a spinster.
Name: Louis K. Sterling

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Half Human/ Half Dwarf?

Role: Competitor, Used to be one of the king’s messengers



[does wear the hood, has sandy blonde hair and green eyes that sometimes stick out of the shadows]


Louis had a normal childhood except for the fact that he grew up under a single parent, his dad. The female of the family had “left” one day when Louis was very young, or at least that was what his dad told him. It took a long time for the boy to accept it, but he loved his dad very much and only forced himself to forget about his mom for his dad’s sake.

Life continued on for the boy, he soon became a teen that worked on his father’s ranch and it was upon recommendation from one of the patrons he become the king’s messenger. After some reluctance on his part; due to his low amount of knowledge in protecting himself, let alone a package. His father eventually convinced him to at least check it out though, and he now is very grateful for that fact.

While in the castle, he saw the princess and although they were both at a very young age, he liked her at first sight. It was the younger girl that convinced him to take the job, going through the grueling self-defence training. Although, due to his job category he actually didn’t get to see the princess much, but he picked up something that he was more skilled in than any type of weaponry.

It was the Magic of the earth, and he wielded it easily enough that his blood was thrown into question; and it was confirmed, his mother was of dwarf lineage. It was five years later that the competition sprung up, and he knew he had to join for he still found himself in love with the princess.

Skills: Knows how to handle a sword and shield, can horseback riding but is known as a skilled mage in earth magi.

Other: Is the only to actually join the competition for her love so far? :I
My First Princess Chara


K’Tano Icerider






¾ Human, ¼ Frost Dragon


Competitor/King looking for legitimacy for himself and his new Kingdom

Appearance: K’Tano is a man of great noble strength. Elements of his heritage are clear for others to see. He stands at 6’2”, a warrior of average height who is from the Hrak’Tor Mountains. Like many from the region, he has a superb physique which he required from inumerable days hunting in the wilderness, and later from fighting in the effort to unite the region. While he appears to be human, his other traits betray his true heritage and belay a person with much greater mysteries.

The shoulder length hair is pure white, and seems to sparkle like the snow that is greeted by the morning sun. K’Tano’s eyes are consumed at all times and give off a soft blue light. His formal attire is armor forged from frozen steel; a special metal mined from the Hrak’Tor mines, that seems to exude a cool breeze to anyone near the subject wearing it. Covering the shoulders and chest are white fur, taken from game that was killed long ago. A much larger fur piece hangs over his back and drops to the ground. This far though was taken from a creature that no northern man could mistake; the fearsome giant snow wolf, which grow to be as tall as a man.

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It is said, that his arrival was announced by the greatest blizzard that the Arok’Ta had ever seen. That as his mother gave birth to the small one, a gust of wind rushed up the mountains and announced his birth to the world. The village holy man looked on in curiosity as the young mother struggled to give birth to the child. After the midwife had taken the child into her hands, she lifted the child up for the holy man to examine. Quickly, he noticed the feature that would forever distinguished the small boy; his eyes glowed with a soft blue hue.

His mother, so filled with joy at seeing her brand new baby boy smiled back at her, sadly died shortly after childbirth. The whole ordeal was too much for her mortal body to endure. Just before her death, the mother had asked before that the child be named from for her father, K’Tano. Having already lost his father to the frozen wilderness, the boy now was without a family to care for him. The holy man took pity on the child, and took it as his duty to raise him. He feared that this task would distract him from his duties to the Arok’Ta, but fortunately the boy turned out to be very little trouble to raise.

The Arok’Ta were a series of tribes that inhabited the Hrak’Tor mountains. For twenty generations, they had been divided by petty bickering between the various clans and tribes. Before the Time of Indecision though, the Arok’Ta were a proud and noble people. They were innovators in philosophy, science and the arts. But for over 500 years, the Frozen Citadel has remained closed as no worthy successor was ever found, and the people of the mountains have been a divided and disparate people.

The only thing that kept the tribes from completely tearing one another apart, was a system of laws that were handed down through tribal holy men, that acted as judges in varying disputes. And thus it was this world that the young boy entered into. He traveled the old roads with his surrogate father, and watched with great interest as the man mediated differing disputes. The young boy showed wisdom beyond his years; successfully mediating his first dispute at the age of ten. This charisma and wisdom the boy possessed greatly surprised even the tribe elders; and he was frequently called upon to mediate disputes when no peaceful resolution could be found.

By the time K’Tano was ready to be announced as a man before his home village, he was ready to take up the role he had seemed born to fill; to be the new King of the Arok’Ta. But even though the people were ready for him to be King, K’Tano wasn’t. Tales of the Frozen North and the rest of the world fired his imagination. And thus it was that at the age of fourteen, K’Tano struck out from his homeland with his steady compatriot, Siro, a snow wolf that he found as a pup and nursed back to health.

What he discovered on his journey filled his eyes with wonder and heart with sorrow. The north held many great wonders including it’s diverse peoples and races. And while he admired their plethora of ways they all adapted and thrived, they seemed more focused on what made them different. K’Tano saw the same noble determination that lay within the hearts of all the inhabitants of the north, and was distressed that the others didn’t see this as well.

Equally shocking was how the rest of the world seemed to view his beloved homeland as uncivilized, and without culture. Upon a trip to a local festival, he was greatly disturbed to see how the rest world apparently saw his homeland as a placed filled with savages and devoid of culture.

The only bright of the so called “Festival of the Dancing Fools”, came on a day he decided to drop in and check out the local tournament. As he watched the fighting with great interest, he gazed upwards and thought he saw an angel. The guest of honor was a fair princess, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. It wasn’t until after he left that he learned that it was in fact no ordinary princess, but Princess Leirah. From that moment on, he was resolved to forge a new homeland; One in which both his people and the Leirah wouldn’t be ashamed of.

He arrived home on his sixteenth birthday, was filled with a desire to unite the diverse peoples of the North, so show all the world the wondrous beauty that existed all over this fair land. K’Tano quickly took up the position of King that had awaited his return. He then proceeded rally the people from the surrounding tribes for his goal.

After a year of intensive training for himself and his men, the small force struck out from the Hrak‘Tor mountains. His quest to create this new homeland wasn’t without it trials; It took all the wisdom, skill, cunning and bravery that K’Tano could muster to achieve his goal. Finally, after six long years of battles and negotiations, He united the disparate people into a new nation that all would share an equal part in. The name for this new homeland was Auro’Nia, or “Frozen North” in the tongues of the Arok’Ta.

The council that would administrate over this new country was made up of nine representatives: three humans, three elves, and three dwarves. K’Tano, as King, set at the head of the council. His role though wasn’t to be the iron hand ruler as some preferred, but instead to offer advice and mediate between the disputes that should arise.

K’Tano first task for the Council was to find ways to strengthen the bonds of his people. The dwarves suggested that new roads and engineering projects should be built. This would not only connect the remote areas of the new nation, but also serve as a route for trade of Auro’Nian goods. The humans suggested that they would strike out to work up new trade agreements with far off lands so that their would be markets for these new goods. And the elves began to create institutes of learning and culture that would spread along these roads and teach others to recognize what united them, instead of what divided them.

The once small and ragtag group of hunters and farmers that struck out from the Hrak’Tor so many years ago, was now an impressive force encompassing elven mages, dwarves artillery, and fierce human cavalry. The Arok’Ta that left their homeland as simple horsemen, were now the greatest cavalry in the world, forged by seven years of combat and surviving the frozen wilderness.

With the council and the army now watching over Auro‘Nia, peace had finally come to the Frozen North. And now on his 24
th birthday, K’Tano finally took up his residence Frozen Citadel for a much needed rest. But just as the weary warrior diplomat set down on his throne for a much needed rest, A messenger quickly approached him with news that the princess he had accomplished all this for, was about to take suitors.

Without a moment to lose, he quickly gathered his pack before mounting his faithful steed and riding off with his two most faithful companions and a small honor guard. He was now returning to the world that thought so little of him and his people. But this time he was coming to represent a homeland that he was proud of, and to announce his love to the woman he had never forgotten about.


Although most know him for his legendary skills as a diplomat, he is also greatly endowed in the skills of combat. He carries with him a spear that he is most proficient with. But his most capable battlefield abilities comes from his heritage. K‘Tano has had a strong affinity for frost magic ever since he was born. All the many years in the frozen wilderness has sharpened his ability with his ice magic. And few in the world can rival his mastery of the frozen arts.


K’Tano travels with two companions; a former assassin named Desdanya who functions as his spymaster but is also still a capable assassin as well and his faithful dog Siro, who appears to be a simple snow wolf. (Character Sheets for those Incoming Later. Want to see if any changes to this character is needed first.)

Name: Desdanya “Des” Anoka

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Role: Spymaster and Bodyguard to K’tano

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History: Born into seclusion in a monastery a short distance from the Azador capital of Shinn, Desdanya had a quiet start to his life. Almost from birth, the monastery taught him to quiet his mind and harness the abilities that lay dormant inside. Desdanya quickly picked up these subtle arts and mastered them at an early age.

His mental abilities included, but were not limited to, the ability to lift up objects with his mind, speak to others from a distance, project himself outwards to see different places without leaving his seat. The one thing that was ingrained in him from an early age though, was to never to violates one’s memories without their expressed permission. To do so would be to dabble in areas of dark magic that would taint his soul.

Life was good from the young Des, until the day that his home was burned down. The incident had been blamed on a group of roaming bandits, but in truth Des had never truly accepted that common thugs could of done as much as they did. The small boy was found, sobbing, when a stranger came and found him. The man took the boy into his care and nurtured him back to health.

Later, the man turned out to be from an order of assassins that was in desperate need for his services. He was paired up with another young recruit, Ziera, and the two of them trained hard and became fast friends. The combination of his mental ability and aptitude, with her mastery of the deadly arts, made them a very good team. For several years the duo worked their way up the ranks and were considered the Order’s top team.

And then tragedy came to Des again, as on their last mission together, disaster struck. The details are still unclear to this day, but all that is clear is that afterwards he was ordered to find a new partner. His heart grew cold and bitter from resentment as his closest friend, someone he had began to think of as more, wouldn’t tell him what all happened on that fateful night.

After going through three partners like they were wet tissue, he finally decided to leave his homeland and to take up assignment in the far north. Just before he left though, he approached Zeira one last time and gave her necklace. He said that “it was a holy symbol, and that it would watch over her. Since it didn’t seem she wanted him around any more.” Without giving her a chance to respond he headed to the one place that was colder than his heart, the Hrak’Tor Mountains.

There he encountered K’tano and over the next few years they slowly became friends. Desdanya used his assassin training and his mental aptitudes to work as his Spymaster. Like K’tano, the man was wise beyond his years and took to his new role easily. And even after the Unification Campaign was complete, Desdanya decided to stay in that role and watch over his friend.

As stated above, Desdanya quickly mastered many of the mental arts in the Cholau Monastery. With the exception of telekinesis however, he uses the arts in a more defensive or supporting role. The code that he follows to this day, prevents him from attacking another’s mind directly, although if the subject is willing he can enter their mind.

Besides those, his time with the Order taught him well in the deadly arts. And while he is very capable with a bow and short sword, he tended to focus more on the subterfuge skills and became a master in those instead.

Other: I’ve got a lot of cleaning up to do on this pro, but since he’s introduced about to play a role, thought it best to put up the pro for you to look over legend.
Name: Jarek Gwane

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Half human, Half Drow Elf

Role: Lierah's Guard, Zeira's downfall... Mwuahahahaha! x3


About 6"3 to 6"4, he never cared to check. He still has a few features of a drow elf, such as his hair, though his eyes are pitch black.

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History: Jarek was always a man of mystery, never one to mention a thing about his past. Because it had been gruesome. As a kid, Jarek lived the royal life, he had been a knight around his teenage years, trained by the best. His father was a master swordsman, light on his feet and heavy on his strikes. Jarek always found himself envying the man for his ability to strike down almost every enemy he encounters. Jarek's main life goal was to reach his father's level, if not exceed it... But he never got close.

A week after his 14th birthday, Jarek awoke to the screaming of his mother. And what he found was one thing he refuses to repeat. And the bright child that used to be kind and open to almost everyone, the same as Lierah, nowhad become hard, cold and utterly closed off from the world. Never again did he return to the kingdom of Mab, nor did he become the knight he wished to be. Instead, he wandered the near by kingdoms, killing off men that no one would seem to miss, and at times a village benefits in his violent actions.

Jarek had recently requested to be a guard for the princess, having already pledged his allegiance to the kingdom. He had encountered queen Atra only once when asking for the job and immediately knew he dislikes her, but of course, showed great respect. Jarek was always the type to never speak his mind, and if he does it is rare, so no one knows what he is thinking. Even one such as Zeira cannot read his features. Which frustrated many people who do not trust easily.


Jaerk's skills were never really established, but somehow, whatever charm or power he possessed won over the queen. Though many suspect that he does have skill with a sword, seeing as his only weapon is the blade upon his back.

Has a bad habit of drinking.

A note to those who may wish to join. I will accept one more suitor/competitor and then no more and only if you make him/her soon.

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