The Princess's Hand ~Accepting Characters~

(If I make a guy character would you be willing to start this rp? I can make another girl charrie...its just most rps are lacking guys)
Okay, I'd rather not play the Princess but it looked like Eve might be interested but she hasn't replied in a while
Hope it's not too late for me to possibly join.

Name: Takashi Karasu

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Role: Assassin/Competitor/Foreign Diplomat


History: Takashi was born into a noble family from an empire in the east. His father, the clan leader, treated him more as a student than a son as he did to Takashi's brother and sister. Most of his life thus far has been spent in intense training to ensure he can further the clan's goals. He was instrumental in a plot that occurred over a course of years whereby his clan poisoned the very emperor they swore loyalty to in order to replace him with an elder member of the clan. Having taken over their home country, the sights are set on other lands and Takashi was sent. Before the competition was announced, he played the part of a diplomat while secretly plotting the assassination of the kingdom's royal family. With news of the competition, he plans to bring the kind of diplomacy his clan knows into play to bring the kingdom under Karasu clan control.

Skills: shadow magic, alchemy (as in making poisons and potions, not turning iron into gold or anything like that), wielding of one-handed blade weapons, tinkering (meaning making explosives such as small mines and other traps as well as disarming them), martial prowess

Other: He is quite agile and dexterous as a result of his training and will do quite a few very underhanded things in order to get ahead of the competition.
All characters are accepted. I will talk to Eva about taking the Princess and if she won't, then someone else can.

I am always welcoming competitors and others while I do this.
Name: Eve Winter

Age: 21 years old

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Role: Assassin/Competitor/ Bodyguard for hire

Appearance: (Green Eyes)

History: Eve was borned into a small noble family. She grew up learning archer, by the time she was ten years old, she was a pro. But durning Atra's destructive ranpage, she killed and tortured her entire familey before her eyes, and brurned down her home. Leaving Eve to defend herself, at only nine years old. Eventualy a man saw her living on the street and took her in. He taught her how to wield daggers and swords, stealth, reflexs, interogation. All the skills of becoming a perfect assassin. Durning the time Eve was training she learned that she had gained dark magic because of Atra, that made her hatered of her grow larger. But the time she turned 20 she became a bodyguard for hire, but underground she was an assassin for hire. When Eve heard of the announcement of the competition, she view this as an opportunity to avenge her family.

Skills: Archer/Daggers or Swords/A bit of dark magic (The magic she can do is telekinesis and sensing. She can sense what someone is feeling and the history behind someone or something. Also her eyes change to this color when she uses magic

Other: Likes to be called by her last name rahter than her first. Her normal everyday role is a bodyguard for hire, while her underground role is assassin for hire. When she turned 17 years old she became a bounty hunter and worked beside Ian up untill she turned 20.
[MENTION=1872]Legendless[/MENTION] Also, is it ok for me to make a couple, or one, guy character. There seems to be only 2 or 3 guys.
Name: Princess Lierah

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Role: Atra's Daughter, one would be married off


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History: Lierah was always the kind princess many admire. Grace and beauty always surrounded her like it did with her mother. Though, unlike her mother, she held no edge, no darkness. Almost as if her mother's influence only went skin deep. But that wasn't the case. Lierah feared her mother as much as she feared her nightmares. Ones she can never escape, no matter what enchantments her mother ordered people to cast within her chambers. This, of course, was a bother to Atra, an inconvenience, something that just delayed what was needed to be done. So, with knowledge that her mother had no care for the ever growing darkness within her heart, she had begun to draw into herself, keeping to herself the nightmares that plague her slumber. The only person she talks to was Zeira, her maid in which had been employed by Atra not three years ago. But since then, both had become extremely close. Lierah always did desire for a husband, a king, though Atra always ruled over that. Her desires were disregarded, instead, she would marry a man who'd one a competition for her hand. A man she knew she will not love. Which, of course, when she'd found out, she was extremely upset. That night, Zeira watched the Princess attempt to console with her mother. And things went horribly wrong. Lierah made Zeira swore not to tell anyone what had happened that night, while she in turn never spoke of it as well.

Skills: Many in the court find the princess about the garden, singing with voice melodic enough to draw people toward her. Many love to hear her sing. Along with singing, she had a talent of drawing. Because she is so drawn to nature and always in the gardens, if she is not found singing, she would be sketching what she sees.

Other: Lierah takes much interest in sweets. Her weakness, which she feels embarrassed to say, is food.
Name: Geraldo Cordan

Race: Human, from the frozen north

Role: Queen Atra's right hand man, bodyguard, enforcer, champion, and executioner.

Appearance: Geraldo is a hulking monstrosity of a man. At 7'3" he towers over most everyone he meets. He seems impossibly strong and he's well muscled. his jet black hair hangs in multiple dreads, down to the small of his back, and has a full, thick Beard, complete with mustache.His eyes are a dark blue, and his face and chest have many scars form the countless battles he's been in. In his homeland he wore thick furs, but claims these southern climes to be too cold for such.

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History: Geraldo Cordan has been a fixture of the royal court as long as the queen he serves. In fact, he met Atra at the last tournament. Before that tournament, Geraldo had been a Barbarian Warrior from the frozen northern wastes. He originally came south on a holy quest of his god, Kormundu, and the tournament seemed the perfect place to begin.

At first, when he joined, he smashed and defeated all those who dared face him in the lists, killing many champions and would-be 'heroes'. For a long time he was favored to become the victor, although what he would ask for was a mystery. Then came the final bout, and up stepped his foe, a young girl named Atra.

After a fierce, but quick battle, the soon to be queen soundly defeated Geraldo, ad she had many competitors before him. That was when Geraldo knew his quest was at an end. He had been told, in the ancient prophecies of Kormundu, that the one who bested a son of the Cordan Clan would be the "Dark Messiah", and bring about the promised times.

Since that day, Geraldo has served the queen unquestioningly in any all all tasks, and has never left her side for long.

Skills: Geraldo weilds a huge battle axe like he was born to it, and has only lost with it once. He is also a great tactician and general, having lead several of the queen's dangerous, more secretive campaigns. As do all who serve Kormundu, he dabbles in dark magic, but mostly just to enhance his already considerable fighting prowess.

Other: His Axe he has named Oathbreaker's End, and it is magically enchanted to be sharper than any normal blade.
i'm sorry, but another character grabbed onto my brain and forced his way here.

i understand if it's too late, but here he is! And yes, he works for the queen.

Heldar Cordan

Race: human, from the frozen north

Role: one of the Queen's magi, and high shaman of Kormundu

Appearance: As a shaman of Kormundu, Heldar is covered with ritualistic scars. He is 5'11" and, as with all Cordan clansmen, has long jet black dreads down his back. Unlike his nephew, Geraldo, Heldar is not physically imposing. He is, however, still strong. His eyes are dark red, owing as much to the dark magic he wields as to their original coloring. Upon his chest he has the skull of Kormundu tattooed. He has adapted to court much more than his nephew, and due to that he wears courtly garb, although his attempt at it is marred by the wolf headdress he wears as a sign of his rank.

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History: Heldar, keeper of the ancient prophecies of the dark god Kormundu, was the one who sent Geraldo south, to search for the Dark Messiah. after a few years of not hearing from the warrior, he despaired. Then came a raven, with a sending spell attached to it, and Heldar called together the worshipers of Kormundu.

After several days of discussion, it was agreed upon. Heldar himself would go to the southern lands and see this queen for himself. And so he journeyed to Atra's side. There he consulted with Geraldo, and spoke with the queen. after a few months, he agreed with Geraldo. Atra was the one to bring about the promised times. Then he sent another raven back to the clans. he has yet to hear back from them, despite the several years of time that has passed.

In that time, Heldar has served the queen well, as he is well practiced in the dark arts, and skilled with twin daggers.

Skills: Black magic, especially blood magic, is Heldar's specialty. He is also well versed in the arts of interrogation, and is particularly gifted with the arts of twin daggers. As a Shaman of Kormundu, he knows subversion and infiltration, as is their way.

other: Heldar has been known to have been taken with a certain vice for southern wines, and when he's not doing the queens bidding, or practicing the rites of Kormundu, he has been known to get rather drunk off of certain vintages.
Here's my other character, and sorry the History is short

Name: Ian Delmar

Age: 20 years old

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Role: Competitor/Assassin/Farmboy


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Ian was born into a poor farming family. But his famly, and farm, got burned down because the Queen. He was also picked up from the street along with Eve. They grew to become friends, and even siblings. He learned how to wield swords and sheilds. Ian also have tremendous amount of strength.When he turned 18 he wanted to go down a different path than Eve. Becoming a farmer. When he heard of the competion he entered form the same reason Eve did. Revenage.

Skills: Swords/Sheild/Strength

Other: Ian and Eve still talk, even after they both turned 18. Before he became a farmer, he was a bounty hunter at 17 years old, he also worked beside Eve durning his bounty days.
Accepted! I'll get the rp set up soon. I'll leave the SU open for a week in case anyone else wants to join. I have also decided to take Atra until someone else takes her. If no one does, I'll keep her.
Name: Queen Atra

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Race: Darkness Construct

Role: Queen Atra was a past competitor but had won the Kings hand in marriage. She is now his wife and will also be thinking up puzzles, tricks, and many contraptions in the Competition.


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Atra joined the event King Wilhelm created and won the competition at age 14. She won the old competition through manipulation and deceit and cruel tactics. She has always been a master at dark magic since she is a part of it and is aware that she is not human, unlike the Prince who has no idea. She requested the Kings hand in marriage as her prize for winning and had her first child at the age of 16. She then gave birth to her second child, Prince Kiel, at age 19.

The only person Atra shows kindness to is her son Kiel, who she made like her creator to help spread darkness. She is somewhat demanding of him though. As for the Princess, she is unkind to her and disappointed because she was born almost pure human. If she was half darkness Atra would not have made Kiel and plan to marry him to her, but she feels this is the necessary choice. Though her plan B is to kill the Princess and marry Kiel to someone instead. But she feels that people would be content with both as rulers and the uprising would be kept down.

Skills: Atra uses dark magic a lot to cause unease, fear, and pain in people. She is also very cunning and will do anything to do what she thinks is necessary.

Other: Nothing at the moment

(I didn't really write her bio myself. i used bits and pieces of the information Legendless sent me and some of the information used in the explanation of the story.)

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