The Princess's Hand ~Accepting Characters~


Netherworld Overlord
Here is the link to the info: INFO

And here is the character sheet:




Race: (I will be picky with this. I don't want too many different races and I generally want either human or elf or dwarf)

Role: (Who are they? Are they one of the royal family? Are they one of the servants? Someone from faraway come to compete? What is your characters normal everyday role? Also if competitor please have that too)


(Would prefer at least a paragraph/5-7 sentences)

Skills: (They know magic? A good swordsman? An archer? What are their skills?)

Other: (For anything else you need to add)

Name: Kielecki "Kiel" Sabel

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Supposely human

Role: Prince/Competitor

Appearance: prince/sani_banani360/Anime Piccies/Guys/K5F2021.jpg?o=46

Kiel does not recall much from his childhood. He recalls following his mother around a lot and learning about magic from her. Kiel had always been a patient and easy person to teach, but each of his tutors have said that he was unsettling. Many of them had left. Even his own bodyguard was hesistant to be around the boy, but he got use to the strangeness over the year. Kiel has always been fond of his sister, but the only person he shows real affection for was his mother. Kiel does not seem dangerous as he is mostly complicant of whatever his mother tells him, but Kiel is also loyal to his family and will protect them if he has to. Kiel can be cruel in his punishments as well, having thrown servants out windows or having skinned a cat alive. Kiel does not mind competing for his sister's hand, but he is somewhat uncertain of his mother's motive.

Skills: Kiel is moderately skilled in dark magic but he also knows fire magic. Also trained in swordfighting and a little in hand to hand combat.

Other: He also can play the harp and has a love of music

Name: Travlor Jyu

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Role: Hunter/Competitor

Appearance: Boy/anime_elf_Wallpaper_8zdbs.jpg

History: Travlor had a normal life for a few years, but at the age of seven, he left with a hunter to become one as well. For most of his young life Travlor followed his master, learning not only how to hunt, but about the forest and woods and other skills. Travlor's master warned him against most magic, saying that even the most pure magic could be used to harm and later than dark magic is a toxic and should be eliminated. Travlor's master left him when he turned 18 and Travlor lived in the woods for a while, sometime visiting villages. He heard about the competition and thought that it was a good test of skills, but it got him closer to Atra who has contaminated the Kingdom with dark magic. He does not want it to spread farther.

Skills: Travlor is a skilled overall hunter, with skills in archer, tracking, and trap-making


Name: Liselle Youberg

Age: 42

Gender: Female

Race: Neko (half-human/half-cat)

Role: Prisoner, use to be a city guard

Appearance: neko/gauriil_ishliha/Neko/anime_neko_fav23.jpg?o=45

Liselle was born in another Kingdom across the sea and had an exotic accent for a while after her family came over. They traveled for a while and eventually Liselle found herself in Azador Kingdom. She worked as a city guard, enjoying her life. Liselle was drawn to the old competition, wanting either money or to marry one of the princes. Liselle competed average. She made friends with some of the others and tried to befriend Atra. Atra rejected her at first, but eventually "warmed" up to her. Liselle shared a lot with Atra, trusting her. She saw some of the others either dying or fleeing, but she did not question it at first. Eventually after her lover was killed, Liselle asked Atra what her role was. Atra betrayed her, planting evidence that it was Liselle who killed him thinking he was cheating on her. Liselle swore that she would get revenge for Atra's betrayal.

For the rest of the years she had been imprisioned in the dungeon, sometimes being fed information from those who were still loyal and believed that Atra was corrupted and evil. Liselle is plotting an escape during the competition, wanting to strike down Atra. She also plans to join the resistance that is growing.

Skills: Is a master at an axe, can see in the dark, is agile and has excellent balance among other cat-like qualities

Name: Krisella Gellantra (usually goes by Kris)




Bounty hunter, following the tourney in hopes of bagging a big job.


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Kristella lived a fairly normal life as a child, born a hunter's daughter, she picked up some of his skills at a young age. It was only a few years ago that an attack was staged on her village, and the people were slain by means not entirely physical; it had been by chance that Kristella was out checking her father's snares when the invaders arrived. Upon her return, the girl swore vengeance for her home, though she's not acted on it yet, with no evidence but a gut instinct, and dark magic residue. With little other choice to make money, Kris began bounty hunting, and had made a small name for herself since.

Skills: Kris is an excellent archer, and has shown some talent with frost magics, though she hasn't been trained, and has little mastery over it.

Learned to play the flute as a child, and still carries one to remind her of gentler days.
Name: Rosalind Faire

Age: 16

Gender: female

Race: Human/elf

Role: Guard and maid to the princess


History: Rosa is the child of a respected guard and a kitchen maiden. Her father was an elf and a personal guard of the King, but he is now retired. Her mother a human kitchen maid died giving birth so she was raised by her father Barg. He made sure she was well rounded making her alternate between living with him and his sister. Thus she has learned both the roles of women: cooking, sewing and cleaning but also the roles of a man: swordsmanship, horseback riding and archery. When she was twelve she was given the job of protecting and serving the Princess.

Skills: Sewing, cleaning, she can do wonders with hair, she is always concealing daggers on her, she has a way with horses that most likely comes from her elf blood, and she is amazing with swords

Other: Her uniform:
Name: Zeira of Mab

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Appears to be human

Role: She appears as a maid of the king and queen, ordered about to do the most trifle things. Though, in her chambers, she keeps, hidden very craftily, are her extra weapons. Where as the other remaining are hidden in the folds of the rags she calls her clothes.


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Zeira's history is one always vaguely explained. She, of course, being the princess's (if that's okay with you x.x") closest maid, which she'd always talk to, Zeira would often tell about her parents. She explained them to be very kind and forgiving, and her father, a former warrior had taught her many things. Though, she never clarified exactly what warrior her father was, despite the princess's requests for answers.

Skills: Not many of her skills are revealed for she is very skilled at hiding, only one (Anyone could do. x.x") had seen her with her cloak draped upon her shoulders, making fast work of the jobs bestowed upon her. This man/woman had not seen her face, though he/she believed that the sparks upon the tips of her blades as she killed was indeed magic.

Other: Zeira keeps a necklace with a large cross that is embedded with one onyx stone in its center.
Sounds good.

We still need someone to take the princess. I don't mind NPCing Atra and some competitors.
The Princess can be how you want, but the main thing is that she is terrified of her mother. Like she will flee the same room as her mother if she could. And she is somewhat scared of her brother due to their mother's influence over her. She may also possess some dark magic due to her mother.

And for those wondering, no the Prince and Princess are not related by blood.
I see. Alright, i can think of something for her. And assuming her mother is beautiful and graceful with a gait that would further lure men towards her yet with a frightening edge, the princess would have those features, yes?
Atra has fair-ish skin, long black hair and bright blue eyes. She is also fairly short (around 5'2").
Excuse my rudeness but i have to get this out......


Anyways, on with the subject. And the father? Fair haired with hazel or green eyes, i assume?
Hey I'm 5'0".... No I know I'm tiny. Tis okay. ^_^

Anyways the King is fair-skinned, light brown hair and brown eyes.
I'm 5"0 as well, teeheehee. And i know i'm short and cheeseballs. ANYWAYS, so the princess would have... Imma make them greenish grey eyes with black hair and pale skin. Is that okay?
Name: Lite Rige

Age: 27


Race: Hylion/humans supposedly created by the sun god

Role: Royal Knight/Competitor


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History: Son of a royal family and brought up as a knight! He showed skill in combat and strategy at a young age and was explored upon by generals and scholars turning him into a powerful a skilled warrior. He is cocky because he KNOWS he can beat down anyone with any weapon given to him! Adapt and overcome! Overtake and kill! Lite sees himself as the proper candidate for leading the nation and that is why he is pushing to become the next king! Marrying or murdering whoever he must to reach this goal!

Skills: Skilled tactician and weapon expert

Other: will kick your behind
Just asked her and you are free to take the Princess.

Okay once she is taken, I want at least one more competitor before we begin.


Rhea Lana Feranard












Rhea grew up in a small village with her mother, father, and two brothers. She was treated as one of the boys and went hunting with her brothers. The day she turned 16 their village was raided by demons. She fled to the castle and begged for a job. The king, being as kind as he was, gave her the task of being a maid.


Her bow and arrow skills are impeccable. She has a hard time handling knives and swords though.




Liana Ray Corona












Liana was born in the kingdom to a single mother. Her father had left when he found that her mother was with child. Her mother died when Liana was 6. Liana left to find refuge in the forest. She used the skills she had learned from watching the men in town. When she was 8 a man found her and brought her to his home. She was raised there and loves them as if they were her real true family.


She does well with knives and hand to hand combat.


She is bisexual, although she is attracted to girls more so than boys.


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