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The Prince and the Peasant

Michael laid in his bed, thinking of the time he could spend in town tomorrow. Maybe he would see that girl again, he couldn't help but think that he wanted to see her, he just wasn't sure why exactly.
Celia went to her bed to sleep. It was barely a bed. It was a thin mattress on the floor that was worn. She had a an itchy and thin blanket to cover her and she had no pillow.
Michael woke up before the sun was up, leaving a note for his parents that he was training a bet on his gentleman training, before he started to town again.
Michael smiled as he entered town and found that she was back in her usual spot, "Hello again." he said, as he approached the stand.
"U-usually get Papa's medicine and Mama's dresses," said Celia. Just because her family didn't have much money, didn't mean her sister didn't insist on having a portion of their money go to buying her new clothes.
"Nothing, really," said Celia. "Sometimes, when I need a new dress, I'll buy some fabric and sew it myself, but other that that, nothing."
Michael looked at her surprised, "You said your father was sick. Can ask what's wrong with him?"
"I, I'm not sure," said Celia sadly. "We can't afford a doctor. I just get him normal medicine, and while it does help, it does little good.
Michael looked at her surprised, "oh. Have you thought of asking the king and queen for help?"

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