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The Prince and The Maid [1x1] (Twilight sparkle and Kitty-Chan)

Hearing the growling, Yuki turned his head to the servants. "Meow." He said. He was a bit hungry himself, and knew just what he wanted, fish. Figuring the servants got what he meant, he turned back to Nichole.
They nodded and got some some fish and some food for Nichole. Nichole slowly ate and thought to herself. She finished and sipped some tea.
Yuki began to nom on the fish, and then noticed he had just been sitting in his cat form. He thought for a bit, before deciding to finish the meal, and then change back. Then, he continued to eat the fish until it was gone.

He rolled over, and yawned, saticfied, before standing up, and exiting the room through the still opened door. "Meow."

When he didn't see his clothes, he growled. The servants must have picked them up, since they were wet, and on the floor.

So, he turned, and walked to his room, pushing the door as closed as he could, with his back paw. With that, he slipped off the bracelet, shifted back, and got dressed into a new outfit. Putting the bracelt back on his wrist, he headed back to the room Nichole was in.

"I'm back." He said. "Just needed to go do something."
"Oh." Yuki whispered, sitting down next to Nichole. "I'd better be quiet." He tried to keep himself busy, but soon fell asleep as well. Snoring, he began to drool a bit, and his tail curled around him as best it could. His ears twitched.
Yuki wiped some drool from his lips, and yawned in his sleep. He felt Nichole move closer, but didn't notice it was her. Then, he grabbed part of one of the blankets, and pulled it over thd top half of himself.
Nichole was nice and toasty. Morning came and Nichole sat up with a yawn the cover falling down to her waist. She had terrible bed head. Nichole rubbed her eyes sleepily and then saw she was nearly straddling yuki right then.
Yuki was breathing with his mouth open wide, as he slept. Then, he felt Nichole move, and yawned, beginning to wake up. But, not just yet. That had been one of the best rests he'd had since his father died, and he wasn't quite ready to let it end. He reached his hands up to his face, and began to rub sleep from his eyes.
Nichole blushed darkly and then lost her balance. She flailed and yelped as she fell to the floor in a tangle of sheets and cover taking yuki down with her. Nichole landed on her stomach with a grunt and groaned. What was she thinking?!
Yuki let out a yelp, as he fell. "Owch." He said, rubbing the spot of his head that had his the floor hardest. He sat up, "What happened?" Looking around, he saw Nichole, and blushed bright pink. "N-Nichole! Are you okay?"
Yuki stood up quickly, his face pink. "Sorry about that." He said, offering his hand to Nichole, to help her up. "I'm pretty sure that it was my fault..."
Nichole took his hand and stood. "No it was my fault....I did my best but as you said all that trying did nothing.." looking at the floor. She sighed and sat on the bed in thought her eyes a bit dull.
Nichole nodded and sighed sitting on the bed hugging the pillow to her chest. She perked up at the queen coming in and she bowed but again kept her eyes glued to the floor. "I know you did your best young one, we can never predict what is going to happen. You tried to stop the killer and you tried to save my husband. On both counts you did your best and the killer was caught. You shouldn't blame yourself. Yuki apologize right now. You had no right to blame her like you did. She was nearly panicking and stressed working under pressure." Looking at her son sternly.
Yuki had just stood back up straight, when he heard what his mom had to say. "Y-yes, mother." He said, before turing back to Nichole, and bowing again. "I am really, really, very sorry. I know you did your best."
Nichole nodded and heard a small meow. She blinked and looked out the window seeing a black cat. He pawed at the window and Nichole opened it. The cat shifted and said"your majesties." Bowing. He had tan skin, green eyes and black hair. "And who are you cutie?"Looking Nichole up and down. He was the captain of the royal guards, yet he was a flirt.
Yuki stood up, suddenly feeling himself get angry at the captain. "Is there something you need?" He asked, crossing his arms, and stepping in front of Nichole. He was feeling a kind of protective feeling over Nichole, and didn't want anyone flirting with her, though he wasn't exactly sure why.
"Ah yes. We want to know what do you want to have to be done with the prisoner. And I wanted to check up on our latest patient. " he bowed and kissed Nichole's hand and winked at her. "And how are you this fine morning?" He asked her. Nichole blushed darkly and said"i-im better..."
A quiet growl erupted from Yuki's throat, but he said nothing, not even anything about the prisoner. He thought his mother should be the one to decide what happens to the man. His tail made agitated swishing movements, as he watched the captain.
"What's wrong?" Vince asked pulling Nichole close who eeked. He lightly tilted her chin up. "Hmm you are very kissable~" as he saw her lips tremble. The queen cleared her throat and pulled him out by the ear.
Yuki was about to lose control and attack Vince, when his mother stepped in. Yuki shook his head, trying to pull his act back together. Then, he blushed, and sat down, feeling slightly embarrassed about almost losing his temper, he usually didn't get mad that quickly
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Nichole blinked and then walked out. She went back to the garden and smiled softly feeling safe. Then played with the animals giggling.
Yuki wasn't sure whether to stay or to go. He didn't know if his mother wanted his opinions or not. But, deciding he was tired of looking at Vince, he shifted into his small black cat form, and left the room. Trying to distract himsef, he thought about how much he loved being in his cat form. He was so light and agile, he was also covered in confy fur. "Purr..."

Exiting the castle, and entering the garden, he didn't notice Nichole, and just kept walking. He stopped at a small pond, and looked in, at his reflection.

His bright yellow eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and he leaned in closer to get a better look at what was in the water. "Koi." He thought.

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