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The Prince and The Maid [1x1] (Twilight sparkle and Kitty-Chan)

Nichole went through the life saving steps and tried to stop the bleeding quickly. She then started giving the king cpr and tried to revive him. "Cmon. Cmon please. Wake up!" She felt his pulse and found none. "No..." tears went down her face.
Tears slipped down Yuki's cheeks, and hit the floor. His breathing was shakey, as he began to sob. His ears went back, and he curled up on the floor, hiding his face in his arms.
Nichole closed the king's eyes and coveredhim with his ccloak. Tears went down her face. She walked over to yuki and gave him something the king gave her. "Im so sorry yuki. Hic i-i tried my best. He wanted you to have this." Giving him a bracelet and the queen a necklace.
"W-well, all that trying didn't work." Yuki sobbed. He stood up, "This is your fault!" With that, he ran out of the room, and headed to his chambers, leaving the bracelet in the ball room for the time being. As he got into his room, he fell over again. He trembled, as tears splashed onto the floor, and his tail curled around himself.
Nichole looked down and clenched her fists crying and ran out of the castle and deep into a forest. she stayed there for a few days. She couldn't believe what she did. Nichole couldn't save a life. She shivered and sneezed but ignored her own health. This was going to be her punishment.
Yuki looked at the bracelet, which he had gone and gotten after the guests were questioned, and pushed from the castle. He slipped it nto his wrist, and sighed, remembering the nice chat he'd had with Nichole, and then he just blamed everything on her. Standing up, his legs shook a bit, and he had a bit of trouble walking to the door. He opened it, and crept out of the castle. He had left his crown inside, and pulled on an old brown cloak with a hood, and pulled the hood up. With that, he began to walk. He needed to apoligise, just like the first time he and Nichole met. But, this time he didn't know where he was going, but knew what he needed to say sorry for. It was cold, and had begun to snow, which made the prince shiver. But, he kept moving, determaned to find Nichole.
Nichole sneezed again and again coughing. She shivered and weakly crawled to a cave curling up into a ball. "Achoo! M-maybe i-i should just die out here from hyperthermia. T-then yuki wouldn't have to put up with my failure.." she said to herself and shivered more closing her eyes. Her body cold but she again ignored it. She saw this as a punishment for herself for not trying even harder. A tear slid down her cheek and it froze as it hit the ground. Snow started to cover her unconscious form.
"Nichole?" Yuki called out, even though his throat was dry. "Where are you? I need to speak to you!" He stepped int the forest, and pulled his cloak closer. His tail hardly poked out from underneath the brown fabric.
He got no answer just a harsh blow of icy wind. A bobcat walked up to him and pulled at his cloak desperately. "Hiss."she pulled him through the forest to a cave. At the mouth of it was a pile of snow a shoe sticking out.
Yuki followed the bobcat, since he was a neko, he could understand felines, like most nekos. Once the two arived at the cave, he saw the shoe, and gasped. He got on his knees, and began digging. "Nichole!?" He said, surprised as he saw her face. He did his best to try to take her in his arms, and started to bring her back to the castle.
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Nichole was shaking violently and her teeth chattered as she gripped his cloak tightly. She was starting to go into shock and was having hyperthermia. She was cold to the touch but very much alive. Nichole needed to be heated up and fast.
Yuki had to stop for a moment, and had a lot of trouble getting his cloak off. He wrapped Nichole in it, before picking her up again, and beginning to walk again. He wasn't sure how far away from the castle they were, but he hoped they would get there fast.
The bobcat said"this way child!" Leading him through the forest swiftly and back to the castle. "The poor thing cried herself to sleep blaming herself and kept trying to hurt herself. She's sick too. Not good in this kind of weather. She was mumbling. 'I-its all my hic fault. Why didnt I try harder? This is my punishment. I should just die of hyperthermia out here rather than face yuki's anger and sadness that I caused' "
Yuki then relised that this was his fault, and he now owed Nichole more than an apoligy. "Thank you for your help." He said to the bobcat. Then, he hurried as fast as he could back inside the castle.
She nodded. Some servants saw them and said"prince yuki what happened? !' Nichole lay limply in his arms. Some of the servants took her and quickly tried to get her warmed up.
Yuki glanced away, "Um...I just found her freezing in the snow." He said, not wanting to tell the servants that it was his fault. His tail twitched nervously, and he shivered slightly. "You'll be able to help her, right?"
One nodded and gently took Nichole running to another room and covered her with blankets. A good while later nichole was nice and warm. But still unconscious.
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Yuki began to pace, as he tried to think of something he could do to help. But, not knowing anything about this kind of thing, he wasn't having much luck. Then, an idea came to him. "Nichole is cold, and needs warming up." He thought aloud. "So, all I need to do is bring them warm things." With that, he shifted into his small, black cat form, and shook off his wet clothes that were of course to large for him in this form. He wasn't worried about it, he had fur for the time being, and he didn't know of one person who was crazy enough to steal his clothes. The one thing he didn't leave on the floor, was the bracelet, which he slipped onto his neck, like a collar.

"There, now I'd better hurry." He thought, with a mew.

He began running through the halls of the castle, and soon got to his room, where he grabbed the smallest pillow off of the bed. Then, he rushed to the room where the servants and Nichole were. He scratched on the closed door.
The eldest maid opened the door and looked down. She stepped aside letting him in. Nichole started to weakly open her eyes. "W-where am I? " her voice was hoarse.
Yuki hurried to Nichole's side, and set the pillow down. "Meow. Moew, moew. Nya, mew, purr. Hiss, mow..." He said, forgetting for a moment that he was a cat. He had been trying to somewhat explain everything, but instead was mewing and growling. "Muuuurrrr." He lifted his head, to show Nichole the bracelet around his neck.
Nichole said"p-prince yuki? " she turned away scared. She put the cover over her head and curled up. "Im sorry prince yuki...hic I really am. I understand if you hate me..."
Yuki shook his head, he didn't hate Nichole at all. In fact, he owed her an apoligy, not the other way around. With as much of a sigh as a cat gives, he climbed, and curled up on top of her, purring, as if to give her a clue that he liked her and wasn't angry. Then, a slight blush brushed over his cat features, as he made sure to be careful of his claws. "Purr, purr, meow."

"I don't hate you. I never hated you."
Yuki rubbed his head against Nichole, as if to say she was correct. He was still purring, and his tail was wrapped around himself.
Nichole started to pet him and smiled a small smile. She was hungry and hadn't eaten in a while. She gulped and sighed as her stomach growled loudly.

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