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The prince and his maid

He chuckles, smiling at her. "Well, the room doesn't really gives me a place to hide in, and I sure don't want to go back out, so," He said, starting to remove his shirt, revealing his chiseled abs and well toned body. "I'll just remove my clothes so that we have the same amount of clothes on." He said to her, wrapping her in his arms once more.
Luna nods and blushes even further as she watches him take off his shirt. She turns away and begins to slowly take down her dress and the rest of her clothes, leaving just her underwear on, she soon took off her bra and quickly pulls her nightdress on, her body was slender and her skin was beautiful and smooth and her blonde her sat around her waist.
He smiled as she continued to undress, although he was a little disappointed when she turned around, her back facing him, when she continued to undress. He hugged her from behind, his lips slowly caressing her nexk. "Maybe you can do it facing me next time." He teasingly whispered, gently nibbling her earlobe.
Luna blushes gently and held him close as she kissed his cheek gently. "Sure, if you want to" she says and then walks over to the bed, this time she was wearing a tighter night gown, that cupped at her thighs gracefully. She lay down on the bed and hugged gently against a pillow.
He smiles at her, admiring how beautiful she looks like in that night gown. He had seen her in that night gown countless of times, but now, knowing that he might possibly marry Luna, it made him even more happier. He went over to the bed, lying beside Luna and spooning her. "How are you feeling, soon to be crown princess?" He teasingly asks her, kissing her neck passionately.
Luna nuzzles against him gently as he spooned her. She looks up at him fully, taking in all his handsomeness, she the gives a confused face. "Crowned as princess....? What do you mean?" she asks, clearly confused in what she was talking about, not aware that she may or may not become the princess soon.
He chuckles, obviously knowing that she didn't know it. "Well, since I am the crown prince, when we get married, and I hope you accept my proposal, you will be the crown princess. When my parents step down or, god forbid, die, we will take their place as king and queen, with Lily and whoever she chooses to wed replacing us as the crown prince and princess." He explained to her, gently kissing her neck. "I know it seems intimidating, even I am intimidated by it, but I hope you will still accept me as your husband." He said to her, his hands wrapped around her.
Luna blushed lightly as she felt his soft lips against her neck, she was utterly surprised that he wanted her to be his wife. "Oh.... Of course I'll accept your proposal but what makes you want to be with me? I'm just a maid, nothing special. There's tons of other more ladies like actual princess' that are more beautiful and all that....?" She mumbles.
He smiled at her, wrapping his hands around her. "That's exactly what makes you special." He said to her and, seeing her confused, he continued to explain. "Those ladies, the princesses you refer to, yes, they're beautiful and all, but their beauty is only skin deep. They fake their personalities, wanting to make themselves appear perfect, and that is what turned me off. And then I saw you. You didn't hide who you are, even if I am the prince, and that is why I love you." He said to Luna.
Luna blushes gently and looks up at him. "Aw.... That's really sweet, no one has ever really loved me or saw me as someone beautiful before" she shrugged lightly and smiles. "You aren't like other princes, you know? Some prince's are mostly loud and bratty but you're different to them, which is why I love you" she says.
He smiles at her, kissing her forehead. "I love you so much Luna. You're the first woman I love, and also the last." He said to her, locking his lips on hers.
Luna blushes and then places her head on his chest and begins to close her eyes. "I love you too" she mumbles softly and then falls asleep. In the morning she woke up, and began to get to work as always.
He smiled at her, kissing her before finally falling asleep beside her. In the morning, he did what he would usually do. He is now more open in their relationship since he knew his father approved, giving her random hugs and kisses throughout the day.
Lily watched as Luna came in to to her chores in her room, she grimaced as she watches Ivan kiss her now again. "Gross, I didn't know he could be so into.... commoners or stupid, dirty maids" she mutters to herself and then laughs as she gives Luna a glare.
He ignored Lily, not caring what she thinks. "I'll be seeing you later my love." He said to her, kissing her lips. He was reluctant to go, but his classes are going to start and he knew he shouldn't miss it.
Lily grimaces again. "I think I'm going to be sick" she comments and then begins to flick through some dresses. Luna blushes as he kisses her and smiles, she ignores Lily and then goes out of the room, finishing up her chores until she had free time to do whatever she wished.
Ivan, as always, sneaks up on her and hugged her from behind. He kissed her cheek, smiling at her. "So has anyone given you a hard time? Other than Lily of course. She gives everyone a hard time." He said, kissing her again.
Luna shook her head, "No" she says and she began to water some of the roses and blushes as always as he kisses her, feeling his soft lips tingle down her skin in a satisfactory way. She stops watering the plants and turns to him smiling gently as she runs a hand through her blonde hair gently, looking down and blushing.
He smiled qt Luna, drinking in her beauty. Never have he expected that he would fall for someone like her and, now that it's happening, he's glad he did. "Hey Luna, I know this is top early, but I'd like to ask. What would you like to name our child, or children?" He said to her, hoping the thought if having a child doesn't scare her.
Luna was shocked by what he had asked though shrugged lightly. "I'm not too sure, I guess I'll think about it more when we get into that....You know stage" she says, she knew that once she got married she would be expected to have children at some stage soon, it was quite a strict tradition in most royal families, though she didn't mind the thought of having children.
He smiles at her, nodding his head. "Of course of course, sorry about that. i'm just really excited about it, and I hope you are too. " he said to her, kissing her forehead. JUSt then, a guard came. "Ms. Luna, Prince Ivan, the queen wishes to see you." The guard said. Sam gulped, knowing it was bad. Her mom was stern and cold, a much more feared figure than our father, which is probably where Lily got her attitude.
Luna nods and smiles enthusiastically "Yes, I am" she says gently. When she saw the guard come and tell her and Ivan that the queen wished to see them she began to panic, she knew what it would be about and she didn't particularly like the queen, she just looked down her nose upon Luna and didn't seem to take much interest in her, unlike the king. Though she nodded slowly and then began to walk with Ivan.
He tensed as they went to her mother's room, his hands obviously shaking. He has always been afraid of her mother, not because she was a bad mother, she was quite nice at times, but because she was so strict. "W-What do you wish to talk about, mother?" He asked her, holding Luna's hand for assurance.
Luna sat down lightly as she held onto his hand before curtsying to her. She felt nervous as she bit her lip gently. The queen raised her head from her paper works and sat down in front on them, she looked beautiful and had a large crown on her head, she eyed Luna and then turned to Ivan. "This marriage....For you and this uh....Maid. The preparation needs to be discussed" she says, her voice smooth.
Ivan was very nervous, but he tried to keep a cool and calm demeanor. He tried to calm, but he is afraid on the inside. "Of course mother. What would you wish to discuss?" He asked her, hearing that she wanted to discuss the plans of marriage of Luna and Ivan.

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