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Fantasy The Price of a Life

Oh, @StoneWolf18, you seem pretty invested in the lore. I've got a couple of days before I can get further into this idea, so if you want then it's totally rad to leave suggestions and stuff.
dapperghost said:
Oh, @StoneWolf18, you seem pretty invested in the lore. I've got a couple of days before I can get further into this idea, so if you want then it's totally rad to leave suggestions and stuff.
I adore world building as well as logic so if you need anything, please do let me know. ^^

Shifting: I'm assuming most are strictly limited to full animal only. Yet is there a possibility that you could maybe only get the tail of a wolf or claws of a cat? Are some people stuck with these features out permanently? Also, when shifted are you compelled not only by pure thought but instinct as well? Are all souls strictly mammals or can there be others? I'm assuming anything mythical and extinct would be off limits.

Lineage: Do your parents determine your soul or is it random? If your parents, If two people different soul "species" have a child, will it be chance depending on which is gotten or will it be an odd but reasonable hybrid? (A very lithe wolf of mates witj a feline or an oddly small falcon if mating with a mouse?

Soul Animal: Does your animal depicit things such as if your an omi or herbivore? How tall you are? What your hair and eye color? Likes and dislikes? Is there racism such as canines not liking felines? Etc.

Soul Reaping: What if the process of "reaping" a soul was interrupted, only taking fragments? Would that force one to only be able to feel certain emotions along with not being able to shift completely? How long would it taken to complete this process? What needs to specifically be done in order to take someone's soul? It shouldn't be easy considering it's the equivalent of murder.

Absorbing a Soul: Similar to what I said above. How long would it take to adjust? How painful is it? How many can be taken before it's too much for the body to handle? Can someone accept say a feline soul if they have one of a canine, etc?

I'll think of some more. ^^
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Ayy, those are actually some good points. I'll probably have answers by this evening but won't update the OP - I'll just leave it for the real thread. But thanks (o'v'o)
Hey, I'm interested in this!!! Sounds like a really cool idea and I'm already thinking up a character. :P
@dapperghost Also! I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but maybe limit certain cliché animals to encourage more diversity? If not there is going to be a million wolves because people aren't creative. And they can't just say, "wolf" or "falcon" they would need to be specific on what type.
Seconding that. It'd suck if everyone and their brother was feline, canine, or a falcon/raven/hawk. I know I don't want to play any of the above... but when it comes to animals, that's where all the craze is.

Maybe a 2-per-species limit. So that you couldn't have two grey wolves and an arctic wolf, but you could have two lions and a housecat or something. 1-per-species might also work.
PowderSnow said:
Seconding that. It'd suck if everyone and their brother was feline, canine, or a falcon/raven/hawk. I know I don't want to play any of the above... but when it comes to animals, that's where all the craze is.
Maybe a 2-per-species limit. So that you couldn't have two grey wolves and an arctic wolf, but you could have two lions and a housecat or something. 1-per-species might also work.
Yeah, I'm sick and tired of seeing the stereotypical and cliché young emo wolf kid who had to get revenge on his family for an unknown reason.
I was thinking the same thing. I've decided to implement that rule and add a counter for members of all the different animal types (reptiles, amphibians etc). I always see sixteen birds and wolves whenever I find an animal RP, and it does get annoying.
I feel this RP is gonna be one heck of a ride....IM LOVING IT! Cant wait to see what it will be like xD

i will be surely pic reptile because of my big love towards them -3-
Awhhh thanks >///<

Hey guys, since just tagging ideas to a thread is a pretty disorganised way of compiling ideas, how would you guys like it if I were to open a PP for you?
What's a PP?

Also, how story-driven will this RP be? Is it slice of life, or "do whatever you feel like dont get your soul taken" or is there a problem that we will have to resolve?
dapperghost said:
Awhhh thanks >///<
Hey guys, since just tagging ideas to a thread is a pretty disorganised way of compiling ideas, how would you guys like it if I were to open a PP for you?
You mean like create a unfinished RP page of the current idea yes? and just use the OOC as we work on the idea and slowly see the RP being build will be ok! and as well will stop us from...spamming the interesting check :/

Actually i have a idea on humans having TO much souls i was thinking if some one has more than 5 "souls" they will be corrupt and if they shift there will be chances of....well...some bad body displacement. as some one would have lot of souls they will sometimes...let me put it simple..the souls would be tied up each other and if some one think to shift on to a animal it will only end up terrible with the person's animal they shifted will have kind of bad "mutation". if the human go such way there original soul (There soul they started with) will be tainted with the others it has taken. Most and all the time the mutations are bad and sometimes able to Kill the person because of the many souls. Did i mention as you have many souls your personality will be corrupted being more aggressive and let say in words...Lunatic. In most cases people with more than 5 souls never live long only maybe a month or so. They can be "Saved" by removing the excess souls.

In short.....what you all think of adding soul corruption? so we are limited to ONLY few souls and no one has like 40 souls or something -3-....I think something like this was suggested but have been busy so don't know :/
Ohh yes, I like that idea.

I've decided to make a PP. It's not actually a forum thread, but I guess that since you haven't heard the abbreviation, people on RPN don't use it much.

It's short for PiratePad, which is basically an online word document that multiple users can write on. Of course, if you don't trust the site then I won't link it. But it's a really useful tool for collabs...
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I'll trust it. I remember using something similar, called TitanPad, when planning RPs with my friends a few years back.
so if the souls determine your sense of morality, if you absorb someone's soul, wouldn't you also get their sense of morality? Maybe that can account for a power limit? Too many conflicting personalities, so to say?

Also, interested.
I was thinking the same thing about conflicting moralities.

And yeah! I think it would be good to make a document like that to help with ideas. :) It would help get everything together neatly.
I think the conflicting moralities would be what causes corruption. The mind just can't cope.

And yeah, PiratePad is exactly the same as TitanPad. Same layout, same EtherPad... just with a different name.. I prefer PP though because it has a couple more text features.

Here's the link if anyone wants to start adding their ideas.

PiratePad: tpoal
I have just been looking at this and reading through everything and i seriously like this idea :) it's refreshing and a nice step away from the typical fantasy rp. The very logic and stuffing of this world is something i haven't seen before.

May i join, BraveGhost?
Update: I've started writing up the RP, so if anyone has any last-minute suggestions, ideas or questions to be answered, now would be a really good time to make yourself heard - either here or on the PiratePad document will do!
Oops. I'll write something about that to prompt more questions from you guys.

I'm surprised that I forgot, because I actually have a really clear image in my mind of what the city looks like...

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