The Phantom Trail (SolG123, ChubbehPanda and I)

This isn't good, it's an FFA for rooms, whoever I become roommates with, I lose. Jacob was annoyed by this development, it meant he had to be more careful with his actions. Most of the guys don't sleep until well into the morning, so sneaking out would be a problem, the curfew is not a problem. Well I should just hang back and vulture whoever is left behind. He let out a sigh and surveyed the hotel lobby for lack of anything better to do. He must look suspicious, but he suddenly realized something. The more suspicious I look, the more Kenji would keep pressing Scarlettia that I'm the suspect, the more she gets annoyed with her partner and they become a not so effective team. He had purposely smiled as he made that thought, it was little to go by, but a little was better than nothing. This trip will be interesting.
(So the only female suspect for Kenji was Charlie Yoi? Hmm.. I'll add some touches c;)

"There's no way that you would be able to come to my peaceful home." Scarlettia growled lowly, and the male students at behind them silently nodded. She faced Kenji, and raised a brow. I'll never allow you to wreck the peace flowing at my home. Nor would my father, and butler, and maids, and the guards. With a satisfying grin, Scarlettia closed her eyes and listened to almost everything which their teacher just said.

"special permission, you know who you are..."

Scarlettia's eyes snapped open, her lips partly agape. Dammit. Who else could sleep together, except for abnormal people, siblings who couldn't be seperated and detectives on a very special case involving a rich girl's stolen jewelry? After trotting away from Kenji and sending deadly glares at male students who wanted to stay in a room with her, she looked for female students who would be crucial to her investigation.

There was Charlie Yoi, who for a second, looked everywhere and continued spreading gossip. Scarlettia didn't really doubt Kenji's suspicions, but Charlie didn't seem to be a good roommate.

Andrea Wilde would be a good one too, but the class representative always seemed to be a horrible secret keeper, and her voice just always echoes around the room.

It's either the suspect or the victim. But she knew that most rooms in hotels like these exactly for students had three beds.


Sitting down on a jem-adorned couch, Scarlettia crossed her legs, and thought deeply, not knowing that her utterly perverted classmates might peep under her skirt. She didn't mind even if she knew it though, knowing that she'd beat them up sometime.

(What did the teacher mean when she said 'use protection'? /O w O'\'')
(Woop. I'll be asleep by then. And since school's in a week, I would have to sleep at 8. Darn.)
(Wu Ju like me to RP another person as well?) 
(at least your class is in a week mine started 2 weeks ago. #DLSU-Manila student)
(I'll go think up of a random student who gets caught up in this...or not depends, i'm still kinda derp)
(Sorrryy~ >.< ill try to post earlier!!!)

Kenji watched as everyone else paired off. Scarlettia seems popular with the boys :3 He took out his water bottle and sipped the cool water as he watched. He then remembered, he has special permission. He WAS a detective...however he grunted at the fact that he was at the bottom of the list. However, he did have a card that shows that he has permission from the highest position, himself. He walked up to Mrs. Brown. "Mrs, I have my own room." He flashed his card and badge. " Which rooms are available?" Mrs. Brown looked awkwardly at the card. She then grabbed out her book and gave a list of rooms available. "Alright, there are 4 private rooms open. There is 1407, 1409, 1428, and 1439. Which would you like." Kenji started at the room numbers. "1407, I'm not scared of ghosts." He took the keys and grabbed his bags. "See you upstairs~" he whispered to Scarlettia and added a little wink.
(Obviously they are gonna run out of rooms and someones gonna crash with me. Kenji wont be happy.) 
(If you dont like the idea of kenji having his own room we can change it to that.)
(well according to an idea of Luna, we both bunk together or Kenji x Another suspect)
Where'd that card go?

With a raised brow, Scarlettia continued to shove her hands and wiggle her fingers inside her blazer's pockets. Minutes passed, and she observed most classmates already tried to pair up and become roommates. Some were just staring and waiting to be asked though, and most male students were still disappointed due to the hard fact that they couldn't sleep or at least stay in a room with the ladies.

"Looking for this?"

A very familiar and more annoying voice than Kenji's echoed in her mind. Andrea Wilde caught her sights. The petite, long-haired rich girl was standing in front of the crossed-legged detective. Clutched by her hand lied a golden card which shone in the light. Scarlettia stood and walked towards the class representative, and she was about to grab the card when she realized something. "I'm not looking for that," she said honestly, and zipped open the smallest pocket of her backpack.

"You got me." Wilde walked past her and sat at the cream-colored couch, wanting to have some rest. "And before you even interrogate me about why I have a card like this, the reason is simple." Scarlettia finally found her card, with her name engraved in it, and stared at Andrea's. "You have tons of money to afford even this hotel." She said before Wilde could even continue. And words were carved in her mind. You're filthy rich.

Scarlettia walked up to their teacher, Mrs. Brown, and showed her card in a pretty cool way, like how cool people would in action movies. She had already heard everything that she and Kenji talked about, so Scarlettia started. "1439." The teacher wasn't really surprised, and gave her only a key, with streaks of gold shining in it, just like the card. Bellboys took her luggage, and proceeded to the elevator. Scarlettia moved her lips close to the teacher's ear.

"No normal people in my room. Only knock when needed. Charlie Yoi, and Andrea Wilde are allowed. Also any gender students who have business with me."

Mrs. Brown nodded quickly. Scarlettia headed towards the elevator, and five more words were heard by the teacher. Those were ice-cold words that stabbed anyone who heard it."No Kenji in my room."
(awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that burns >.<!!!!)

Kenji froze in his steps as he heard Scarlettia's words echo through his mind. "No Kenji in my room." T.T why only me?! Its not like I would do anything to the rich girl.... He sighed and walked into the elevator with the bellboy. Scarlettia got to use the service elevator with how much stuff she had. As the elevator dinged at 14th floor, Kenji already placed miniature microphones around the floor. He stopped by 1439 and stared at the more expensive design. He sighed again... Rich people... He placed a miniature camera facing towards the door and 3 more microphones than he normally would. Once Kenji reached his room, he opened the door. A light breeze came in as the window was open and the curtains light the room up with a fade white light. The bell boy placed down his luggage. "This is it Mr. Kimura." Kenji gave the bellboy a small tip for his trouble. He then shut the door and unpacked his things. secure the room. He took out his detector and looked under lamps and paintings for any listening devices. He then looked for any cameras. Once he decided it was clear, Kenji placed a camera looking through the peep hole of the door. He then secured the windows and took out his laptop. As he opened it, he opened his spy gear and activated all of his cameras. He then could see everyone's room, every hallway, and every detail of the floor. He had a few blinds spots but that didn't worry Kenji. He then turned his camera onto the ones that are checking on Scarlettia. He watched as she fussed while she spread her things out in her room with the door open.
(I'm just going to introduce a new character cuz I dunno who J would be bunking with. xD Apparently Kenji is on his own?)|

Jacob had seen the rest of the crowd scatter as they found their roommates. The last one left was a relatively new student. Gerard Bardell, new guy, everyone is him giving the cold shoulder. Just transferred in about a week ago, still under the radar of those two. PERFECT. He approached the new guy. "Hey Gerard, you may not know me but would you like to be my roommate? I mean let's face it, everyone is gone. By the way my name is Jacob. C'mon let's go" He had kept his smile up and tried his best to act friendly. Eh, maybe when this all blows over I will become your friend.

_______________________Gerard had been rejected by almost everyone, his heart kept sinking with every last rejection. I'll end up alone again? He'd been on the business ends of rejections for a while. He didn't know why he was outcast, he simply was himself. "Hey Gerard." He turned to see another student approach him and offer to be his roommate. This is a first. "Sure, why not? How did you know my name?" He was still unsure about this Jacob character by hey maybe he could be his first friend in this school. "Lead the way then."


Jacob had simply smiled and said "When you are a loner, you end up being a lot more observant about things. The elevator is this way." Jacob checked the remaining key on the front desk. "Apparently we are in 1412, alright. I hope you don't mind Daft Punk blasting in the room." 
(I'll turn my Venice adventure into a two man thing. I'll make the new guy into an accomplice so it's 2v2, even playing field xD )
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(It's alright if detectives won't go solo. So this is pretty much the plan: The two detectives are known in the school, but no one knows about the cases that they handle except for the client. So thief only thinks that they're already on the case... Pretty much, the card used by the detectives was only so that they could get a better room. They could get roomates if they want. Let me demonstrate. And as I said earlier, nobody could go solo.)

(Cool, SolG123 you're a Well-Known Member!)


Scarlettia walked towards the elevator and faced forward. Keeping a straight face, she never removed her left index finger on one of the lower buttons. Silently witnessing a reunion between one of Kenji's suspects and the innocent Gerard Bardell, she told them as they walked to the elevator. "Why don't you two come on aboard with me? I'm at room 1439, and it's at the 4th floor." She pushed another button and the number '4' glowed with a neon yellow. "Yours seem to be at the second floor, so..."

She pushed another button, centimeters away from the first one she pressed, and the number '2' glowed as well. Still pressing the button that made the elevator doors remain open, she showed a small smile, that she knew would make most people relax. Or at least, just the transferee. Tilting her head a bit to the right, bellboys came out of the elevator, took her classmates' luggage and came back inside, waiting for the two to come.

And just before they did, another figure came into her sights. "Andrea," Scarlettia muttered, almost nonchalantly. Wilde swiftly walked in with her luggage and was about to press a button, when she realized that she didn't really have to. "I'm at room 1411. It's a special room already built for me, and it's a whole lot better than the ones on the other floors." She glanced at the Jacob and Gerald almost judgementally, and shrugged. "Come on in. There's a lot of space for you both."

(Jacob having an apprentice makes everything all the more fun, so I'll allow it. On the other hand, I'll control Andrea a bit, and since Andrea's room is beside Jacob's, she might snoop without the detectives' approval.
(I don't even know how I became well-known xD )

Speak of the Devil. Jacob saw Scarlettia approach them as they discussed many thing about Daft Punk, which soon led to Fall Out Boy then Linkin Park. "Well I think we should drop this and continue the discussion about "Living Things" later, How does that sound Gerard?" He turned to face Scarlett. "Sure, why not?" He gestured to Gerard to follow them into the elevator as he pulled along both their luggage to the elevator.

In the elevator, Scarlettia suddenly flashed a smile at both of them. He decided to smile back at her. Something doesn't feel right. Shortly after the doors opened and the bellboys took their luggage. He waited for the doors to close, then in came the victim. Andrea Wilde, as stuck up as ever, rich people...and we'll be staying next to her room. Time to make her nights "heaven" via Daft Punk, Paramore, Linkin Park and Fall Out Boy.


Gerard, for the first time in a long time had taken in part in an in depth discussion with someone who had, more or less the same taste in music as he has. He enjoyed it but it was cut short when Jacob had ended it due to some bright red head coming their way. He didn't know who she was so was put on the defensive. Thankfully, Jacob had done the talking for both of them. He was even surprised that Jacob brought both their luggage and followed the Redhead into the elevator. He had followed them both into the elevator.

The Redhead had was flashing a smile at them both. He smiled back at her, though he wasn't sure about the common courtesy practices in the country she might have come from. The doors opened and Jacob held him back and watched the bellboys take their luggage to their respective rooms. Before the doors could close, A blonde came in and already he could feel the need to knock her down a few notches. It's those kinds of people he couldn't stand. He saw Jacob look like he had a plan, so just tolerated his urge to bring her pride down, whoever this blonde was.

(I just assumed Andrea was blonde, you know being ditzy and all, yeah I definitely sound....racist?)
(Not really. Blonde is alright c:)

Cutting the seemingly-plastic atmosphere, the pink-haired girl's face was normal again. Slightly glossed lips were pursed into a straight line. Scarlettia tapped her brown leather shoes almost silently as she thought about her first move, or even, any move. Grabbing her smallest piece of luggage, her backpack, she threw her only key up in the air behind her, and the three classmates, and one of the men caught it. "Bring all my luggage to my room. And knock on room 1411 to return my key."

The young man nodded, and Scarlettia thought so, even if he was at the back and she couldn't really see anything that people behind her were doing. "Ah," muttered the class representative, her fairly long, blond hair brushing off into Scarlettia, Jacob and Gerard's faces. She didn't bother to apologize though, being the ignorant, filthy rivh girl who she had always been. "You're visiting my room?" Scarlettia nodded. "I just said that, didn't I?" Admitting defeat, the blonde-haired girl nodded again. "Fine."

Tall, metal double-doors opened and the sight of elegance welcomed the two girls. One bellboy carried Andrea's luggage, and the other kept the elevator doors open. Every bellboy was already inside the elevator and they had already done their job. The two girls walked into the hallways, and Andrea opened her room's door with her key.

(A friendly reminder to ChubbehPanda, please refrain from 'bunnying', or controlling how a character reacts, responds, feels or takes action while not being mentioned by said person, or 'puppeteering' another person's character; Moving him/her around and making that character do things without the creator's consent. One example is how Kenji tapped Scarlettia at the back, and you said that she looked at the other side so he took a jelly bean. I never stated that. And another is how Kenji saw Scarlettia going to her room with one of his cameras. Unfortunately, Scarlettia's going to Andrea's room, so your post was contradicted.)

(Also, let's all refrain from putting OOC posts here by themselves c:)
Jacob had opened the door to his and Gerard's room. He stepped into the spacious room and the first thing that caught his eye was a Queen-sized bed. Nope not going to happen. "So I'll take either the floor or the chair as my sleeping place. If you feel uncomfortable with it we could swap places or alternate per night. How does that sound?" Jacob asked his roommate. "Then let's alternate between nights, You take first shift on the bed, I'll go floor." Gerard replied as Jacob just shrugged. "If you say so." Gerard began unpacking his bags and set up his sound system on the room's desk, right in front of the wall mounted 52 inch LCD TV. Their room had a nice view of the city. Jacob just left his bag open for easy access to his clothes or whatever else he needed. He plopped down on the bed. "Sure you don't want to take the bed tonight? It's really comfortable and soft." Gerard was inspecting the bathroom as he answered "All the more reason for you to take it tonight." The room looked elegant to say the least. "I guess this room can't even hold a candle to out neighbor's room." Gerard Chuckled as he walked over to the sound system and played some music (Fragments of Time-Daft Punk) The sounds of the french electro-house duo filled the room. "What was on the itinerary again?" He asked Jacob. Jacob sat up and just shrugged. "I know for sure Scarlettia will just pester us about it, she is usually the most responsible one in the whole class. Let's just shut up and enjoy the Daft Punk, how about it?" "All for that."
Scarlettia watched as Jacob and Gerard entered their room. Wilde did the same, but soon enough, she focused in trying to insert the key into her golden doorknob's keyhole, and desperately budging the door. With a raised brow, the pink-haired student almost wanted to facepalm, though, she decided otherwise. She crossed her arms and laid her back on a wall between the two rooms, while waiting for the silly rich girl to even fully insert her key. With a raised brow as high as the detective's the class representative looked surprised.

"Help me here," Wilde almost commanded.

"And why should I?"

"Because I couldn't open this door?"

"Are you asking me?"

"Just help me!"



A small grin almost flashed in Scarlettia's lips. Normal people would think twice about helping her, being that she was pretty, and rich, and was in need of help. But of course, this almost know-it-all female detective didn't have to think about ignoring the silly class representative. Scarlettia wanted to tell Wilde a lot of things, but she decided to keep her cool. "That's not my room." Andrea's brows furrowed, but Scarlettia pretended that she didn't notice. "It's yours, so open it."

"Ugh!" Wilde growled, as she internally agreed to what Scarlettia just said, and continued to jiggle the still doorknob. Sooner than expected, music blasted in and out of Jacob and Gerard's room. A grin now was visible on Scarlettia's face. She never dismissed the fact that they may not follow rules and try to annoy the responsible ones in the class. It seemed that it was effective, because Wilde was more annoyed than usual. It looked like she already wanted to just break the door knob.

"Do they even know how to read?" Andrea already wanted to punch the door when one of the bellboys came. Immediately, he gave back the key to Scarlettia. "Your luggage had all been placed in your room." With a flush of relief in her face, Wilde stepped back and called. "Hey, could you open this door?" With a bow, he took her key, unlocked the door in three seconds, and gave it back to her, leaving the two and entering the elevator, whose doors just closed. The music never stopped blasting from their two classmates' room, and Scarlettia waited for Andrea to open the door.

"Let's go, Scarlettia said as she observed Andrea open the door and be the first to come in, the door partly open. The detective went in, and said. "You look a bit down. Let's leave the justice to Mrs. Brown." With a smirk, she closed the door, and was not surprised when she knew something new about the room. "Does my room have this too?" she asked, as she heard nothing from the outside hallways. No music, no talking, no footsteps. "I think you have a sound-proof room too." They both sat on a big leather couch, and Scarlettia put out her laptop, and opened it. "Kenji's too secure." she said as she let out a sigh.

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