The Phantom Trail (SolG123, ChubbehPanda and I)

With an eyebrow raised, Scarlettia closed her book, in disappointment. Her blue eyes slid left and right in search of her luggage, and when she found it, she stretched her right leg and dragged it on the seemingly-dirty floor. "You're too innocent, Kenji." Scarlettia told him as she could somehow see doubt written on his face. All the girl could think of now is being really bored, and not in the condition to read the best books ever. She rummaged her bag, and found a big bag of jelly beans. She ate one, which was color yellow, and held the plastic bag with a very tight grip, indicating that the sweets were hers, and hers only.

(It seems that my character is too bored to deduce ; n ;)
"Meh...I don't know...." Kenji looked around for his fellow classmates. "Yeah just chill here for a while." Kenji looked at Scarlettia and grinned. "Yoo~" He taps her shoulder. She looks the other way, allowing him to snatch one of her beans. "Thanks~ ^^!" as he threw it into his mouth.
J had not dared to do anything stupid from here on out at least until he checks in in the hotel.

The rest of the class soon came and were surprised to see their luggage already arranged on the floor and not on the conveyor belt of the luggage carousel. Once they had all settled down the head teacher said "Okay now I know we all just got here, but the tours starts tomorrow. We will just check in the hotel and you all will have a free day for today."

Everyone had moved to the Arrivals section of the airport and a bus was waiting for them to bring them to the hotel. They were greeted by a travel agent. Everyone boarded the bus and the travel agent reviewed at length the travel itinerary. When they had reached the hotel, Everyone had checked in and the teacher started to call out the groupings of each room. The hotel staff had already started bring up the luggage to the respective rooms.

J always drew the short straw. He was told that he would be on his own, on a entirely different floor from the rest of the class due to a complication with the room bookings. The rooms could only fit two and there were twenty five of them. At least I can plan out everything in peace. They always pick on the native, ehh what can you do. He nodded in response to what was said to him.

(If I forwarded the story too fast, I apologize for my mistake. And will jump in, after you have your characters check in)
Scarlettia let out a short grunt as she discovered that one of her jelly beans was missing. She let out a very big sigh, and put the big bag of jelly beans on her lap. "Fine, only you could get some, but don't tell anyone, and always tell me which color you got, or else." She demonstrated two more punches in the air, like how she did with Andrea Wilde. But all in all, anyone who would see her for the first time would think that she was a kid. 

SolG123 said:
(If I forwarded the story too fast, I apologize for my mistake. And will jump in, after you have your characters check in)
It's alright, c:
Kenji giggled, shes cute when shes possessive. "Mmmhmmm i ate 3 yellow ones...or is it blue....or red?...cant remember.. was too busy looking at you." The teachers finally showed up. They looked happy and shocked that ALL of their luggage was there. Kenji took out his notebook. Under Jacob he wrote: "All luggage was here. Wonder how he knew whose was whose." After each student got their own luggage back, Kai wrote again: "No mistakes..." and circled his name. He sighed and put his notebook back into his bad.
(Aw that's so cute c; I'll continue this tomorrow, but for now, good night!)

Scarlettia's sky-blue tinted eyes rolled again and again, upon hearing very shabby lines coming out from Kenji's mouth. "You know, I'm starting to regret giving you my jelly beans." She stood, observed everyone, and was led to the conclusion that they were all... boring. "Let's go now." she pointed at the excited students who were walking and running towards the area where the teacher was leading them, and caught Andrea Wilde seriously nodding at her. "I'll just follow you to where we should be." she muttered while reading her book again, trusting on her senses to keep her from bumping into things, and people.
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Kenji smiled at Scarlettia's coldness. He slipped another jelly bean from her bag and chewed it. "Pretty sure it was blue this time." He walked ahead checking on any other possible suspects.

While on the bus, Kenji watched everyone closely. He had come up with 5 suspects. There was Jacob Anderson, Melvin Hoi, Gabriel Wu, Charlie Yoi, and Sato Mori. Jacob was his usual loner self, keeping close to the window and avoiding eye contact. Melvin and Gabriel always caused trouble and sat at the back of the bus whispering, probably plotting. Charlie, aka "Gossip God", always seemed to have a LOT of gossip to spread. Apparently, Charlie and Andrea weren't on the best terms recently. Charlie has been said to have started many plots against Andrea but never seemed to get the supporters and guts to do it. Sato, kind of the bully type, was stealing a pack of chips with another student. He has had a record in the school for detention and has repeated stolen items because he simply "wanted to".

Kenji thought of each suspect carefully. Jacob would want the choker for what...? He doesn't seem to have a known record in our school but has repeatedly been a prime suspect in unsolved cases. The only ideas of why he would steal the choker is for money. Melvin and Gabriel always plot against everyone. They dont have a goal other than "it is fun". They have been in detention countless times but were always let free because they simply enjoyed tormenting the other students in detention. Charlie is the only one who has a good reason to steal it. Using the choker against Andrea, Charlie could do whatever she pleased. However, having Charlie actually execute the crime would be very hard and daring, she simply doesn't have the guts. Sato doesn't care about anything. He goes and takes what he wants without concealing his tracks. He ended up breaking many of the victim's items. He would also have no real motive of stealing the choker. Kenji sighed. He leaned his throbbing head against Scarlettia's shoulder.
Scarlettia let everyone else in the class board the bus, while checking the attendance and scribbling class-related notes at a small notebook that their teacher handed out to her and Kenji. She let him board the bus first, and then she boarded it last, taking note of anyone who may be peeping under her skirt. She sat walked at the back of the bus, and was a bit pleased to know that there were extra back seats. A bit of annoyance flashed in her face as she realized that Kenji sat beside her, but she just either read her book, ate some more jelly beans to heal her occasional nausea, or looked outside the windows.

Whilst looking at Kenji, Scarlettia realized that he was thinking deeply. Probably he already found suspects, she thought, as she looked at everyone whom she might have suspicion on. She could see that Kenji found at least three suspects, but decided not to talk to him about it, since she was a bit dizzy, and he wasn't much of a good person to talk to. And before she could reach her bag resting on her feet to get more jelly beans, Kenji leaned his head on her shoulder. With all Scarlettia's might, she successfully took the bag of jelly beans and ate one, and while looking at the seemingly-tired friend beside her, stashed a jelly bean at Kenji's open mouth, hoping that he would get choked.
"Your going to have to throw harder than that to kill me sweet cheeks." As Kenji happily chewed his jelly bean. "I think this time." He winked. Kenji then snuggled onto her shoulder, not caring if Scarlettia disliked it or not. He then slept there for the rest of the trip.
Jacob could already feel that he was part of the list of suspects for this case....except this time he really was the suspect. It always bugged him that whenever there was a problem, he would be on the list of suspects by those two, did they hate him for some reason, did they just like to poke fun at the loner? He could never understand them. He glanced back, from in the between the cracks of the seats he could see Scarlett trying to kill Kenji and Kenji simply just laughing it off.

Now where would be a good place to hide the choker, until we get back? I could always stash it in my bag, or in the hotel room, maybe just leave it on my person at all times. The choices were endless and he had ample time to choose. A smile formed on his lips as he relished the challenge set on him. Eluding these two for seven days, huh? I like it. The movement on the bus on smooth asphalt and rhythmic vibrations coming from the engine and axles of the bus provided a beat to which he tuned his thoughts to.
Scarlettia continued to not mind how Kenji was that much of a jerk to her. She was pretty thankful that they were sitting at the rockiest part of the bus, which was at the back seats, and it also seemed that Kenji was having a pretty hard time sleeping peacefully. With a normally bored look, the pink-haired teenage girl shook her shoulders up and down and observed one of the probable people on her fellow detective's list.

"Sato Mori," she muttered. "I guess I'm the only girl in class whom that jerk couldn't bully." She continued munching scrumptious and mouth-watering jelly beans one by one. Another probable suspect reached her sights. It seemed that Kenji was looking at him ever since they arrived and met up with the class, so she was sure that Kenji added him to the suspect list. "J." He seemed to be staring intently somewhere away from their world. Scarlettia slightly punched her annoying seatmate's head and woke him up. "Isn't this the time to think more about the suspects? We only have about a week, and we have to at least make up three of the most probable suspects."

Scarlettia sighed deeply. "Why'd you think that Anderson was a suspect anyway? He's just sitting there."
They had suddenly looked like they were arguing, Kenji stealing a few glances in his direction. And Scarlet seemed annoyed at her partner.

It was enough to spark hope in Jason as he delved deeper into his thoughts. I've been on their suspect lists so many times and for so long, The genius thinks that I'm just added there as a filler. On a normal day, she could be right. This isn't a normal day. He had decided to close his eyes as he dove deeper on his plans for Venice. A faint smile grew on Jason's lips, but no one could notice the shift on his face. No one ever sat beside him on the bus anyway. Everything is going smoothly for now. Let's just not do anything stupid.
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Kenji rubbed his eyes. He then looked at J, then back at Scarlettia. "So far, he's the one who seems most likely to do the crime. Think about it, he has been the most shady one on this trip. Ever since we got to the airport, he hasn't said a word. Then he was the first to disappears from the airplane. Then here we find him with all our luggage. Not ONE was missing. That means, he has really good memory and is obviously trying to cover up something because he first of all would never help anyone with anything. He has also never talked to me before, until today...Think about it, all the "nice" things he has done so far is for his cover up. He's up to something." Kenji then scanned J and was deep in his thoughts. Then he reached into Scarlettia's jelly bean bag and popped one into his mouth. "It's yellow." Kenji's eyes widen as the lemon flavored bean filled his mouth. He then blinked and smiled as he remembered something. "He's also been on 9 unsolved cases as a primary suspect." Kenji's smirk grew wider. "We are either dealing with an expert, or a unlucky guy." He then popped anouther jelly bean into his mouth. "It's blue."
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(Sorry for not posting much ; u ;)

"You think too much." Scarlettia muttered, utterly audible for only her seatmate to hear. Grabbing almost a handful of jelly beans and attempting to close the big plastic bag and just hide it already, the pink-haired girl sighed as deeply as she would when she was truly bored. "Alright, alright. Maybe it was wrong of me to make you talk that much again, but at least my shoulder rested at least a bit." Tired and annoyed from the weight Kenji's head caused, Scarlettia placed the jelly beans on her lap protected by her fairly short skirt, and rotated her shoulders and head, her coral-pink curls slightly bouncing.

"Alright, students. Time to wake up and fix your things. We're almost there." The teacher's voice echoed up and down the seemingly noisy bus, and it was just in time when Scarlettia had already zipped everything she needed to. A nod was delivered to her and Kenji by the neat teacher, but she just ignored it.

(Wait, where is the bus going again? >.<)
( At least you're posting. It was headed to a hotel. "Fix your things" yup, definitely sounds familiar xD )

As usual, due to his positioning and the fact that no one sat beside him, Jacob was the first one off the bus. He already kept his things in order even before he boarded the bus. He didn't bother rummage through his things because he rarely ever needs anything from his bag. The sight of a 5 star hotel greeted him. Of course it's a five star hotel. This school wouldn't have it any other way, that and the students wouldn't want any other way. The bellboys were already unloading the luggage from the bus and putting them on the carts. He decided to wait by the entrance for the rest to disembark from the bus.
(I didn't really mean anything by 'fix your things' ; n ;)

"Come on, let's go." Scarlettia stood, and gave a small glare to random male students in the class, indicating that they may help her carry her things down the bus. She gave out a small, practiced, but almost-real smile, and told them, "Yes, you may carry my things down the bus." as if just stating her thoughts. With highly satisfied whispers and almost deadly glares at Kenji, who seemed free to do almost anything to the female detective, the students scouted down the bus with Scarlettia's luggage, and of course, she followed with a calm face. "Looks like a commoners' 5-star hotel." Her eyes slowly slid to the bellboys who took her luggage from the students, and bowed at them.

Walking towards the teacher, Scarlettia gave off a silent gaze. "Since almost everyone's off the bus, why don't we go in the hotel now?"

(Next one who posts could control the teacher's movements, like bring the students inside. So we have some room rules: Roomates should be of the same gender, and no one would stay alone in a room. For more fun, why don't Jacob and Kenji be roomies? Or maybe Scarlettia could be with one of Kenji's possible female suspects.)
(It just sounded like something my teachers would say at the end of class. Nah i guess it's just me xD .

Did Kenji have female suspects? I could go for teacher, dunno If I can do a good job of it.)
(Charlie's a female.....and sorry!! didnt get any updates >.<)

Kenji sat there in awe as the students helped Scarlettia take down her stuff. He sighed and grabbed his bag and got off the bus. He didn't bring much, however, Scarlettia brought a lot. Kenji watched as the bell boy took his time packing her things. He then sighed again. Rich people.... Kenji walked around scanning the students. Finally, the Mrs. Brown spoke. "Alright students, lets go inside." As they walked in, students awed at the 5 star hotel's interior. Scarlettia however seemed bored. Kenji bumped into her. "Can I sleep in your house after we get back? You seem used to this type of decoration so you must have a pretty grand house." Before she could reply, Mrs. Brown stated the rules. "Alright, so you will pick your partners and rooms. Everyone needs a person to stay with, no one is allowed to be in their own room unless they have special permission, you know who you are. Remember, no sleeping with the other gender. And if you do, please do us all a favor and use protection. If we catch you, you will be instantly sent back to home with a letter and who you slept with. Curfew's at 10pm, but sleep early, you'll need it." She lead the students over to grab their room keys. Kenji stayed back, most the guys in the class stay up until 3am and play cards and really loud music, there was no way Kenji would stay with them. He would have rather stay with Scarlettia, at lease she doesn't stay up too late. Kenji then noticed that J did the same and stayed back.

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