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The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

As Erik watched the curtains rise from the wings of the stage, he found that his heart had taken to racing abnormally. He wasn't sure at first whether it was because he feared she would not sing, because he was anxious to hear her, or because she looked so incredibly stunning. He imagined that it was a mixture of the three. And then at last, just when Erik thought he may faint from anticipation and anxiety, there was her voice. To the unknowing audience, all was well. They believed her to be perfect in body and sound as she put the emotions of the song into the words - and she was perfect. However, to Erik's trained ear it was quite obvious that there was a hint of genuine uncertainty and - dare he even think it - fear. Fear of what was to come after she sang, that's what he believed his beloved Christine was feeling now. And the poor woman had a right to fear him, didn't she? Oh, how he wished she wouldn't! But, she had the right not to trust him. He had betrayed her trust so many times in the past...so many times. Erik only prayed now that she wouldn't stop singing. He prayed that this song would never end - that he could live, surrounded by the waves of bliss her voice washed over him, for eternity. If only I could die like this. Here and now, surrounded by nothing but her voice. Christine, my Christine's, voice.
When Christine was done, her voice drifted off, and the tumultuous applause greeted her delicate ears, Christine bowed with a smile. All at once, she realized what she just did and her heart sank. She had thrown her marriage away. She had, in most people's eyes, sold her soul to Satan himself! I was beautiful. It's done. Just like we agreed. Just like he planned. I can walk away right now. Then, she saw Erik behind her and her heart fluttered again, though she was still frightened. "Hello, sir." She whispered. Meanwhile, Meg had found Gustav. "Hello, Gustav." She looked disheveled. "Oh, hello, Miss Giry." Gustav smiled in return. "Won't you come with me? I have something for you, child." The blonde watched Gustav shake his head up and down, then follow her away. To a pier.

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