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The Phantom of the Opera: A Beauty and a Beast (Guile and Melody)

Erik refused to leave. Not now, not yet. An idea had come to his mind - a very clever plan that would not hurt Christine. At least, he hoped it would not. Raoul was not the husband and father he should be and Christine clearly still cared for Erik. Would she truly be devastated if the man left...due to a little bet? "A beautiful family, you say?" He chuckled, feeling rather sure of himself. "I beg to differ." A wicked grin came upon his face as he finally looked up from the ground and met the Vicomte's gaze with a vicious glare. "Look at you - deep in debt, stinking drunk, pitiful. Shall we two make a bet? Devil take the hindmost."
"What are you talking about? Of course they're my family." He pressed his hand to his chest. "I was there when you were not! Look at you, foul as sin! Hideous, horrible." He moved toward Erik, though his face clearly showed disgust. "Call the stakes, deal me in. Devil take the hindmost!" He had just blindly wagered his wife away as though she were property.
Erik was worried that it may not work, but he did not feel too guilty about this whole ordeal. He knew in his heart that he could care for Christine and Gustav far better than the Vicomte ever had, despite his hideous face. This wager, to him, was not about who could win over Christine. It was to get Raoul out of the way for good. If he was gone, by Erik's doing, Christine would have a clear conscious. She wouldn't feel as if she were betraying her husband because her husband would be the one to leave her. And then Erik would be there. He would take care of Christine and their child. He would give them the love that they deserved. "Our Christine shall choose tonight. Is she yours or mine? If she sings, you lose tonight. You leave from here. Disappear."
Raoul wasn't phased. He was absolutely certain of victory. "Let her choose." He told Erik in response to Christine getting to choose her life partner. "Draw the line." He smirked, showing that Erik had his attention at the moment. "I won't lose." He wanted Erik to know that the man wasn't intimidated by him. This game was going on far enough. He would never give Erik the satisfaction of seeing him scared. "Fine." He would leave if he lost. "Fine." He would also disappear. "And if she won't, if I win?" He asked, wondering what he gained out of this.
Erik was admittedly surprised at how nicely the Vicomte was falling into this. He had faith in Christine, faith that she would sing for him. She had promised him, after all. Still, that little fact started to gnaw at Erik's stomach. If she sang tonight, it would be because she had promised him she would do so. He had no intention of informing her of the bet and, should she sing for him it would be because she had no idea of what was at stake. Even so, Erik could not go back now. No, he could do this. He could remove Raoul from the picture and then take his spot. He would make sure that Christine would be happy with the results of this secret wager. If he won this, Erik would love her as he had always dreamed he would be able to. She and Gustav would never be lonely again. "All your debts, wiped away."
Raoul was hooked. He would play Erik's game. "Very well, let's begin. Devil take the hindmost." He shook hands with the demon. Still, he was angry. "You think you have the odds. You think you're in control." He growled toward Erik, bitter and drunk. "You think you've fixed the dice. Well, I will gladly roll." He was up for any game, even if that game could cost him Christine's love.
Erik shook the Vicomte's hand, but felt disgusted in doing so. Even still, he would play nice for now. He was just happy that this was going as planned. "Our old game...it's been changed. Every throw risker. All the rules, rearranged. Fate has redesigned most." Ah, yes. Much had changed since the last time they were pitted against one another. But this time, Erik was determined not to lose. This was his last chance at happiness.
Raoul was willing to do anything to prove he was the better man. "I'll bet against the house. I'll even double down. Fortune's on my side. I won her long ago. I won her from you then." He reminded Erik of their last encounter, with a small smirk. "I beat you even now. I'll win her back again." He was so confident in his ability to do such a thing for his family. And when the game is done. Either way! Devil take the hindmost!" He quickly let go of Erik's hand after this, disgusted from touching such a monster such as him. Disgusting filth! He thinks he'll win? Impossible! I've waited for this day for years!
Erik was equally as disgusted to be in the Vicomte's presence. Though he may look handsome on the outside he was hideous within. To speak of winning Christine as if she were some kind of prize! Disgusting! Not to mention, he never won her over. Erik had let her go and she went, more than willingly, but she came back. Oh, yes. She came back to him long ago and even just the other night. A part of her heart was still set aside for Erik and he knew, but the Vicomte was none the wiser. That only made Erik's smirk more threatening. "Cut the deck. Let us play. You and I, once again. In the end. Either way! Devil take the hindmost! Now Christine shall choose at last. Is she yours or mine?"
Raoul smirked. Of course she's mine, you fool. I have the wedding ring. To prove his point, Raoul showed the ring on his right hand.

"We've a son, our bond's secure." He was never before more thankful for Gustav and Christine. They loved him more than anything else in this world, and he loved them just as much, though he never showed them these days. This bastard will never know the joys of a family. He was truly confident in his ability to keep the two at his side. Under his roof.
Erik would do anything to ensure Christine's happiness, even if that meant keeping Gustav's true parentage a secret. However, there wouldn't be anything wrong with frightening the Vicomte a bit, would there? Erik would simply put the doubt in his mind and wipe that confident smirk off his face. "Are you sure? Are you so sure?" You don't deserve to even think that you have a child, let alone be around him. Then again, you never are around him, are you? Disgusting drunkard. "Such a child, strange to see. Different, musical. Is he more you or me? Which one do you find most?"
Raoul heard him speak of Gustav as if he knew the boy. Shut up, circus freak! You're as disgusting as your own show! "What?" He was caught in the web of this man when he mentioned Gustav's lovely traits. "What do you mean?" He wanted to know Erik's game. What was he playing at by telling him about a child that he sees everyday? "Huh?" He still was confused, then, oh God! No! It couldn't possibly be true! Christine was only ever with him! "You lie!!!" He was certain that this thing before him was pulling his leg! Yanking his chain, so to speak.
Erik smirked as a new-found confidence rose throughout his body. He realized he now had the upper hand. Whether or not the Vicomte though he was lying, Erik had gotten into his head. Oh, yes. This would surely tear the man apart from the inside out. "Deal the cards, let them fall. Choose your hand, try your best. He who wins, wins it all. Devil take the hindmost." Oh, the Vicomte could try all he wanted, but Erik was certain he had his own chance now. He could still have his beloved Christine.
No, there was no way that someone could show the spawn of Satan any nurturing care and affection, especially not a woman. Especially not Christine Daae. "No woman could, or ever would, love such a man, you're insane! So now I play for my life! Devil take the hindmost!" She was just another gambling chip at this time. "I call your bluff. The game is on, and we will see, who wins out! Once and for all, wins it all. Devil take the Hindmost!" He was infuriated, but also at the Opera Ghost's mercy.
Yes. Now was the chance! Erik had the Vicomte de Chagney just where he wanted him. This man was now at his mercy - he had no other choice than to agree to his terms, so he laid them. "She walks, you leave together - pockets full, debts paid." Erik was an honest man. Even the Phantom was an honest man. When he made a promise, he intended to keep it. The same was true now. He would do all that he said, so long as the Vicomte would do the same. "She sings, you leave alone." Erik was sure he had made his point. There was no use dragging out this unpleasant reunion any further. The Vicomte would do as he was told, or there would be consequences. Feeling as though he had gotten the point, Erik turned and left Raoul to think upon what he had just done. "Devil take the hindmost." As quick as he had come in, he was gone. You fool. You have just bet on your wife. Perhaps even I should feel guilty about dragging Christine unwittingly into this dispute. Still...as long as she sings for me she will be happy. So long as she comes back to me, she won't be hurt from this little bet. I will make her happy any way that I possibly can. I have sacrificed for her before, I can do it again. I will gladly do it again.
"Dear God..." Raoul lay on the ground of the bar, having tripped over a stool. "What have I done? I could lose her forever!" He panicked, grabbed his coat and fled the pub. "My Christine!" She would be at the performance by now, getting ready for what lie ahead for her, or, so she thought. "Christine, forgive me!" She threw open the door twenty minutes later. "Raoul! What's wrong? You look terrible!" She cupped his face in her hands. "Christine, hurry and grab your things. We must leave as soon as we can." He told her, but Christine shook her head. "No, I don't have a choice, Raoul." The man looked dumbstruck. "But, Christine...." his wife held up a hand for silence before kissing him. "Alright, we'll leave after the performance, I promise." Christine dismissed her husband.
Erik had left the pub only to ready himself for Christine's performance. Despite the unpleasantness that had occurred with the Vicomte, he found himself smiling at the thought of how lovely she would be tonight. Erik couldn't help feeling a bit giddy as he headed off towards her dressing room, though there was a sense of dread hanging in the air. What if she would not sing? Or perhaps, even if she did sing, she would still refuse to love him. If the Vicomte kept his word and left here alone, would Christine find it in her heart to love her angel of music even then? Erik was uncertain, and uncertainty frightened him. Still, as he listened in secret to her conversation with her husband, he was almost confident that she would, at the very least, sing for him tonight. Oh, my lovely Christine, bless you. As the Vicomte was dismissed from her room, Erik decided that he would have his own word with Christine. Instead of manipulating her into loving me because she will have no one else should Raoul leave...perhaps I can convince her to love me again...on her own accord. With hope rising in his chest giving him courage, Erik slipped into her room and locked the door behind him - simply to ensure that they would not be interrupted. He was glad her back was turned to him, for he was a nervous wreck and needed a few moment to compose himself before he spoke - something he managed to do rather well. "He is not good enough for you." That was how he announced his presence, speaking of that blundering Vicomte. Yet, his words were true. "Granted, I do not think anyone is good enough for you, not him...not I." There was a pause as he took a few steps towards her. "Still, I do know you deserve better than what he has ever given you. You deserve all the joy, all the lovely emotions, that only music could ever bring. Music is a heavenly thing, Christine, not unlike you, yourself. I could give you music again, Christine. I could give you far more than that, you know this." Erik words were soft. He was neither begging nor pleading with her, only reminding her of all he could - and would - do for her. If only she would give him the chance. "There is a way to feel loved again, my dear. And, forgive me, but it is not with him."
Christine knew he was alluding to that night so long ago. "He's my husband. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't talk about him in such a cruel manner." Her hands gripped the make up dresser she was looking into. "I already agreed to singing for you. Why can't you just be satisfied with that? I told you already that I would have given myself in marriage to you had you not left. Had you not given me to the very man that you so despise." Her breath was coming out in choking sobs. "It's considered rude to enter a lady's dressing quarters without her consent." She trembled in the chair. "Leave me in peace."
"Forgive me, but this husband of yours is far from deserving your kindness." The last thing Erik had wanted to do was upset her, especially tonight of all nights. Still, the Vicomte had been a less than admirable partner to Christine. That man did not deserve to have her defend him from cruel words in such a way. "Then again, I suppose I am as well." With that, Erik spoke no more of Raoul. He hadn't come here to hurt her. He hadn't wanted to be the reason for those awful sobs coming from her throat. Oh, damn it all! I have ruined everything! With each heart wrenching sob Christine gave, Erik was thrust deeper into his own thought's of self-loathing. Did she truly once love me so much that the memory of my abandonment causes her this much sorrow? "I know you would have married me if I had stayed. That is precisely the reason I left." He hadn't even realized he was able to speak until he managed to whisper those words. "I thought you would be happier without me. Now I have seen how he treats you and I curse myself for leaving. I sacrificed my own happiness - my dreams of living a normal life with a loving wife - for yours. In doing so I failed you. I left you in the care of a man who has neither the time, nor the desire, to give you the love you so deserve. If he desired to, he would have made time."

Christine's trembling was almost unbearable. Enough of this, you fool! He thought to himself. You are only hurting her with your words. She had requested him to leave, but he could not do so when she was so upset. Fearing her wrath, Erik took a few hesitant steps toward her until he was finally able to place his hands gently on her shoulders. "Enough of this..." He whispered, this time intentionally so as to calm her with the soft tone in his voice. "Harsh reminders of the past will do nothing to change the course of the future...not for the better, at least." Hoping to see her smile once more before the performance, Erik pulled from his jackets a beautiful silver necklace, laced with diamonds. It was not a piece of bribery, simply a gift to her. She could wear it for the performance and, hopefully, keep it as a reminder of this night. If she chose to leave him after all, then at least she would have something to remember him by - something that did not stir up bitter feelings and hurtful memories.

Erik placed it around her neck and gently clasped it together with a soft smile on his lips. He noticed that the necklace did not bring out her beauty, but it was her beauty that brought out the necklace. "You are stunningly beautiful." He remarked, staring at her perhaps a bit too long. "The audience will be grateful to hear and see true talent, instead of just grotesque, unfortunate beings." Unable to help himself, he allowed his fingers to gently rest over her curls - just slightly enough to faintly feel their softness. "They will love you as much as I do."
Christine's reaction to being touched by Mister Y was pleasant and soft. She tensed at first, raising her shoulders as if trying to shrug her friend off, then, she relaxed. "Erik, I forgive you." Her voice was soft, sweet. Then, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders to place the necklace on her. "Erik, I don't know. It's been ten years since my last performance." Her attitude was extremely sheepish. "Can you just promise me that I am 100% free to leave with Gustav and Raoul after this? I want to go home to Paris." She admitted as she began reapplying make up that had run. "Promise me my freedom again. I miss my father and I want to visit him again."
Erik was aware of how tense Christine was at first, but was oh so thankful when she relaxed under his touch. However, the sheepishness in her tone was quite absurd to him. "You needn't fret, Christine. We both know what you are capable of. Your voice is beautiful - like that of an angel's, you know this. If you do not have trust in yourself, then trust me. When have I ever been wrong in regards to your voice?" He offered her a small smile. "You will do splendidly." Giving her shoulder's a light, reassuring squeeze, Erik felt his heart sink as she spoke her next concerns. So she does wish to leave me after all... His heart ached and he had to force that pesky, burning sensation of tears back. No! He wouldn't break down and cry like this in front of her. He was through begging her. If Christine was going to stay with him it would be out of love, not out of pity. He feared that most of all. "Christine," Erik began softly, tilting her chin up and to the side so that she might look into his eyes and read the sincerity of his words. "If you wish to return to Paris with them...then you are free to do so. You will be bound to me no longer after this performance." If you do not wish to be. He did not add that thought out loud. Why would she actually want to stay with him? Why did he ever allow himself to get his hopes up that she may come to love him again? "Just know..." Blast! Why was it so hard for him to speak without his pain cracking his words. "Just know that I will miss you." Erik caressed her jawline with his thumb and longed to kiss her just one more time, but feared the possibility of seeing her cry again.
Christine didn't move. "Please don't say it like that. You're the one that left me." Her words weren't meant to be harsh. "I must go, Erik. I can't be late for your show. Please, go away so that I can put the last touches on before I go." She touched his cheek with the tips of her fingers. "Bless you, Erik." She thanked him for Gustav. Now that the truth was out, at least to Erik, she felt the weight lift from her shoulders. "Five minutes, Miss Daae." A voice called to her. She answered immediately. "I'm coming, Monsieur." She put her earrings in, gave Erik a thin smile, and fled the room.
She hadn't intended to hurt him, but she had. Oh, yes. Erik felt the sting of her words deep in his heart, causing him to remove his hands from her and force them to stay at his side. He was grateful for the light touch to his cheek and her kind words, though he said no more to her - nor did he touch her again. As she turned to him and gave him a thin smile, Erik returned it and nodded to her - a silent sign of acceptance. After she was gone, Erik was left in her room alone with only the distant ticking of a clock ringing in his ears. The moment of truth was coming far too quickly. She would sing, or she would not. Either way, Erik felt that her heart still belonged to the Vicomte. My efforts are futile. If he leaves America alone Christine will simply follow him, and I promised her I would not stop her from leaving should she wish to. There was at least one thing he could look foreword to: her beautiful voice. He could hear her sing again, one more time, before he would seemingly never hear her again. With that thought, Erik left the room and found his way to the wings of the stage.
Christine waited backstage, for the curtains to rise. When they did, her heart practically escaped through her mouth. She hadn't performed in over ten years. This wasn't what she expected. Normally, she would be in a theater, but, this was, at least, similar. It was a concert hall, after all. Her eyes traveled over the audience, who seemed bewildered by Madame Giry's earlier confessions of this not being a normal freak show. There was an air of excitement and uncertainty as her voice came to her at last.


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