The Person Above Rolled a 1

They are convinced, but they constantly give you nicknames and never actually acknowledge your real name.

I try to bring my OCs to life, and I have rolled a 1.
You perform unnecessary rituals that cause you to burn things. You end up in jail for burning a town...

I try to confess that my name is indeed not GC#... I roll 1.
My evil OC stops you from doing so and convinces the guards that you need to join me in jail.

I try to make a phone call to another OC, but roll a 1.
The Grunt challenges us to a Pokemon battle, and we have no Pokemon on us.

I try to create an underground tunnel for us to escape, but I roll 1.
I only keep trying to create an escape tunnel, insisting that you're the one who needs to be brought back to your senses.

I try to roll a 2, but I roll 1.
You roll a -24,637,343,637,353,363 and die on the spot. Good luck in the afterlife!

I try to summon HeathertheGamer HeathertheGamer back into existence, but roll a 1.
I refuse to listen, seeing as you got me back in jail. That, and I convince the guards to put you back in with me.

I try to break a wall down to escape the jail, but roll 1.
I smack your hand away, thinking that you're trying to tickle me.

I try to stop laughing and rolling around, and I have rolled 1.
I come back, but am now clinging to you to prove my loyalty.

I feel cold and am trying to warm up. I piece the die together again and roll 1.

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