The Path to Rock

Azriala jumped as the phone lit up. Her breath became shaky and her fingers stopped strumming. She was frozen, too terrified to move. Once the fire died out she ran to her room at the back of the hall. She sat on her bed, a creak issuing from it as she did, she lay her head in her hands. Something was familiar about the fire, and yet she couldn't put her finger on it.
Josh goes to follow Azriala, "Hey, babe, you ok? I know that Satan just messaged us from the Beyond. know.......that shit happens all the...ok it really doesn't." he sat next to her and put an arm around her quivering shoulders, "In fact im recovering from the trauma surprisingly well."
Matt yawned slightly again, then suddenly passed out. During his unconsciousness, he had a vision: a giant, menacing creature with 6,000 arms, each holding an axe. Blood dripped from each axe, forming a lake of blood, guts, and gore. The beast howled, and stepped out of the darkness, revealing itself to being...

Matt woke up. He blinked a few times, then rubbed his eye. To his surprise, blood dripped from it. He quickly wiped it all away and hid it from the others.
Matt stood, then blinked, looking into a mirror. He saw a huge shape, black and unholy. It stepped through the mirror, then glared at Matt. Matt squinted defiantly and twanged a string on the guitar. The shape seemed to shudder, so Matt played again. And again. And again, until he was playing something that sounded like Jesus passing gas...Righteously. The sound was like nothing he's ever heard before, and the shape shuddered even more and seemed to howl and unholy tune. Matt played faster and with more fervor, and the shape disappeared entirely. Matt looked around, then scratched his head in confusion.
Azeiala shrugged ¨Like a memory in the back of my mind that's just out of my reach.¨ she said and lay her head on his shoulder. Her dark hair cascaded across her shoulders and brushed Josh's hand.
Josh walks out of the room having comforted Azriala and looks at Matt standing in the bathroom, "Dude, it looks like you saw a ghost." and walked down to the basement.
Matt looked at Josh and grabbed his arm, beginning to mutter quickly.

"Hrm mrmrmr, frmmr! Hrmmm! Mra mra mra! Frmb!"
Josh pulled away, "Matt i told you, you can help yourself to the food. I gotta go find my Necronomicon, but i need my shovel first." He goes to grab his shovel and begins digging in his back yard.
In the end, she never quite made it to school. She'd instead, turned to sit by the shore, her knees to her chest. Stormy grey eyes were staring out into the rolling waves as she sat upon a tall boulder which fell victim to the cold water's embrace whenever a slight wave would rise higher than the rest.

Beside her, would be her notebook, the page she dared not to look into. For its contents terrified her, the words that transfered from her mind onto the paper. Words that should not have even entered her thoughts. Such terrifying lines that would not even pass as a playable song. The lyrics were much too... Frightening... But she found herself singing the satanic tune, nonetheless...

"Cast upon me the darkness of your heart

Sink into my heart the black blade which are your talons

Shred to pieces my body which is your possession

Allow this flesh to bleed out the crimson blood in which you love to drink

Dine on the life which I borrowed from you..."
Josh dug up the gnavish looking book and brought it inside and flipped to the page about Defeating Deamons, and read it aloud,

"Cast upon me the darkness of your heart

Sink into my heart the black blade which are your talons

Shred to pieces my body which is your possession

Allow this flesh to bleed out the crimson blood in which you love to drink

Dine on the life which I borrowed from you...
huh, that's weird."
Matt slapped his forehead, then silently cursed his inability to speak. He, instead, took Josh's offer and raided the fridge. He looked around, making sure no one was around, quickly slipped the straps off of his face, revealing a long goatee and thin lips. He bit into an apple, enjoying fresh food for the first time in a long, long time.
Azriala stayed in her room and sifted through her closet for something to wear tonight. As she does she sings the lyrics to Haunted by Taylor Swift. She finally chose a black sequined mi idress (The one she's wearing in her skelly picture). She lays it on the bed and then heads to the bathroom to get her straightener. She frowns at Matt ¨What the h3ll is your problem?¨ she asked.
"HEY! Don't drink that last Dew, man, that shit's mine!" and continued to read on how to arm themselves against the threat of deamons, "Hey! Guys! It says here that if we are harrased by Satan enough we'll be granted powers based on our greatest passion! Gee, wouldn't that be Burtal?"
Matt glared at Az and threw the last Dew at the back of Josh's head. Instead, he settled for a Pepsi. Sweet crack in a can. He chugged it, then another, then another. After his 8th can of Pepsi, he was finally satiated and put his straps back on his face.
Scarlet scowled as she snapped her notebook shut, raising her wrist to her eyes as she hopped off the tall boulder. Slowly, she trudged towards the path she knew would take her back to the band's place. No point in returning to the hotel, they'd already taken the pay off her account. And she was sure they'd thrown away her luggage already. Screw it...

But she can't help but allow her thoughts to run back to the words which she furiously scribbled into her notebook, a frown replacing the thin line which formed upon her lips. And as her red hair whipped about in the wind, she halted her steps, because before her was a slight blur.

Though the sight didn't last very long, seeing as the blur had dissipated. She thought none of it. Her eye sight wasn't the best, so there was not much point in fussing over a figment of her imagination.

She continued towards the house.
Az rolled her eyes and grabbed the last Pepsi before yelling to Josh ¨You do know that shit's just a bunch of lies.¨ She walked outside and grabbed the book. She tossed it in the dug out hole. Shebegan refilling the hole.
She stood in front of the gate, unsure whether to knock or just enter. After the afternoon, she wasn't very sure of what to do around Josh's bandmates. She was no longer certain if she belonged with them.

Scarlet glanced downward at the black drumsticks that still protruded from her pockets, a frown still marring her childish features. So instead of choosing an action, she just plopped onto the ground, sitting. Just doing nothing.

But eventually, she just pulled out her notebook once more, once again rapidly scribbling.

--- Merged Double Post ---

"Dark dream

Chained in this sleep

Unable to escape this slumber,

Even as I fight my binds.

Yet I already knew what awaited me

This beautiful misery is ending today."

Scarlet smiled at her accomplishment. Finally, a set of lyrics that weren't exactly... Terrifying.
The female's eyes rose to Az, a nervous smile now upon her lips as she slowly stood from her spot upon the ground. "Hey..."
Matt walked through the house, thinking about what had happened earlier. He was lost in thought, his mind a million miles away.

What was that...Thing? He thought to himself.
"Scarlet." Though, unlike the female, her smile was true pleasance, taking her hand in a greeting shake. Slowly, she pushed her small notebook into her pocket, hiding away the words she scribbled onto her page.
Matt snuck up behind Scarlet and poked her on the shoulder a couple of times, then indicated towards the notebook with curiosity.


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