The Path to Rock

The small female smiled nervously in the slight as she tucked the notebook further into her pocket while shakin her head, indication a slight refusal without words.
Az's smile faded and she twisted the girl's arm behind her back. She shook her hand slowly, knowing it would most likely inflivt pain.
Her movements were just as fast, hooking around the other female's neck as she was twisting her arm behind her back. Her grip was strong, abnormally for a girl her size as her stormy grey eyes narrowed, a scowl upon her features.

"Dirty... You play dirty.​" She 'tsked' her disapproval as she allowed herself to let the female go, making her stumbling forward at the sudden movement of her own. Her grey eyes were now ablaze in bright silver, glaring and evidently pissed​ off.
Matt watched this exchange and took a few steps back, not wanting to get involved. He coughed a couple of times and put his hands in the air.

"Whoa, looks like we got a badass over here."
Az drop kicked Matt ¨Yeah.¨ She said glancing at Scarlet, ¨But she isn't Latino.¨ She took a drink fromhee Pepsi. She had been truly surprised by the other girl.
Matt blinked several times, then mumbled quietly.


He had seen Az fight before, and it was scary. But this girl...She was definitely something. He might like to see a good mud/jell-o/chocolate pudding fight between the two of them.
The red head's glare dissipated, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she resolved to fix things with an extended hand, as if to apologize for her actions.
Scarlet's grin spread across her face as she balled her small hand into a fist, obliging. She decided she was quite fond of these types of girls. Of course, she was quite at home.
Matt thought of the Latino way of apologizing, then he chuckled to himself, if not a bit perversely. He strummed his guitar lightly, waiting for...Something...To happen.
(I gtg for now... x.x" You guys can keep going, but please try not to advance like ten pages ahead of me. Imma see y'all tomorrow.)
Az bumped her fist against the other girl's. She smiled and headed inside. She looked at the clock ¨Sh*t. I gotta start getting ready.¨ she said to herself. She showered and drssed before straightening her hair.
Josh sat, thinking of what he read and the events of the day and thought, well, what could possibly go wrong? and got up to find the dew sitting behind him, recalling the slight sting in the back of his head, he cracked it open, drank, and sprang up. "Hey! we go on in an hour! We gotta get our shit togather!" He clumped all the equipment in the Vestebule Of Rock, and leaned against the pile of instruments and amps in full rocker attire.
Scarlet crinkled her nose as she plopped onto the couch, having already entered the house without welcome. She had her legs tucked in from under her, crossed indian style as she stared, watching as the others scrambled to get ready.
"Hey, babe, don't be like that, Az is just......sausy" he looked at the disappointed girl, "Hey, tell ya what, i got some of my old girlfriends clothes in my closet, why don't you try to find something cute, it's all stuff you might like." Josh gave her a wink and began playing with his many buckles and straps on his outfit.
Scarlet offered a weak smile to his comforting, and obliged. And as she stood, she tugged on the sleeve of his shirt. "Lead me to them... I'll get lost in this house..."
Az helped load everything into the van. She sighed as they finished and went to do a touch up on her makeup.She finished quickly and stepped outside and leaned against the van.
"Heh, right this way milady" and gestured toward a halway. He lead her down to the end of the hall and opened a door to a plain-looking, unused room and swung open the closet, exposing the general equivilance to the inside of a Hot Topic outlet. "Help yourself"
She didnt quite know what to wear, considering the wide variety of color and style. So much so tht she almost forgot to close the door before dressing. She scowled, mentally scolding herself at her ignorance and accidental stupidity.

But she vame out with a regular black skinnies and white tanktop anyways. No sense in trying to select from maybe a couple of hundred pieces of clothing.
Azriala walked back inside, realizing she had forgotten her guitar necklace. She paused when she saw Scarlet ¨You look nice.¨ she said. She grabbed her necklace off the coffee table. She lifted the chain over her head and let it rest around her neck.
Scarlet shrugged as she stepped out into the room, where Az was slipping on her necklace. Nice wasn't the word. Her quotes didn't quite appear to be in any of the shirts. And her worn out converses were just one of the only ones she'd been able to keep after she resolved to leave her parents.

Couple of thousands of dollars... She'll be spending on shit tons of clothes and necklaces... No, chokers actually.

"Is there a kit set up in the stage we're performing on?"
"Nah, its in the van" Josh watzes it, with his usual smug expression, "And thanks Az, you coulda called me, you know, to help." He spoke slowly and almost in a whisper as he approched Az and stood mere inches from her face, then, walked off to the van and kicked the horn with his leather boot, 'COMON, WHATS THE HOLD UP!?!?"
Az chuckled quietly and climbed into the passenger seat of the van ¨I thought you were all over Scarlet.¨ she said in the few moments that they sat alone in the van.
Matt sat in the van, his eye staring out the window. He was silent, his mind set to earlier. What was that thing? Was it a hallucination? Maybe that moldy hotdog he had eaten last night...He didn't know. What he did know, however, that something stellar was something to happen. Soon. And he was apprehensive. He enjoyed Josh's enthusiasm, but Matt was still worried.
Scarlet sighed softly as she slid the door to the van open, slipping into the seat beside Matt. There she sat, eyes roaming about, silent... Until a thought came to mind that nobody seemed to even mention.

"Has anyone noticed... We have not practiced once and we're doing a gig..."

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