The Path to Rock

"And this is the Band! The Ultimate Band....THATS OUR NAME!!!" he waltzed about hooking up equiptment , "I guess I'm Rhode as well!" He let out a hearty laugh, "Oh, and u can use my kit, it's banged up, but it plays"
Scarlet grinned as she once again brushed away her bangs, kneeling beside the beat up kit. Quickly, she worked to tighten the screws, observing the set with experienced eyes. And after she'd finished, she stood, her grin still adorning her lips as she patted the male on the shoulder.

"Nice set, bro... But where's the band?" Scarlet looked about the empty room, having not seen the other band members yet.
He looked at her and blinked a couple times.........where did i leave them? "Uhhhh......OH! they're in the livingroom!!!" He jogs to the stairs of the Pit of Rock (note how he has signs up depicting each section of the house) "GUYS! STOP MAKING OUT AND GET DOWN HERE I FOUND A DRUMMER!!!......wait, Matt can't make out, those straps get int the way of talking and eating much less complex actions......hmm" Now more talking to himself than anyone else.

--- Merged Double Post ---

It'll probly take them a while.
Matt grumbled at Josh yelling, and followed the noise. As soon as he saw him, flipped him the bird, then looked at the new girl. He nodded to her once, then strummed his guitar as a greeting.

Scarlet crinkled her nose as she approached the new male, then glanced at the strap in his mouth, afore looking back at his face. Her smile spread across her lips, though it was pleasant. It was bitter sweet and sugar coated with poison. Scary enough to send a rabid dog fleeing with his tail between his legs.

"It is... Impolite to speak with your mouth full." She spoke slowly, her voice laced with venom as she tugged in the slightest at the strap that hung from his mouth.
Matt grumbled again, then scribbled on a nearby piece of paper.

Mayb sum ppl cnt tlk... The scribbled note said, the handwriting barely legible.

He then played a killer tune on the guitar again, his fingers gliding across the different chords with ease. He turned his eye back to the new girl and sighed lightly.

Scarlet's eyes narrowed as she tugged harder on the strap, one hand upon her hips as she glares haughtily. A slight pout was upon her lips as alarming grey eyes were fixated on him, a childish look in which people tend to be unable to resist.
Matt's head bobbed with the tug, his face remaining the same composure as it previously had. She was giving him a sad-puppy face, a cute expression in which he was completely immune. Being homeless gave him a disadvantage in the women category, however, being a guitar-slamming-god-in-human-form gave him WAY more of an advantage. He had seen looks like this many times, and he has grown immune to it.

"Mmmmmmffffffff...Hrmhrm hrmfrumf."
Her pout grew as she tugged harder. And though she did not know the male, she found herself in such a childish display with him. So much that she almost forgot...

"SHIT! School!" Scarlet gave no time for a response as she darted through the corridors with bag in hand, making for the door... That she cannot quite find.
Being nearly pushed over by the sudden rush, Matt blinked confusedly. He shrugged, however, and strummed quietly on the guitar, humming as he did so.

"Hmm hm hm hm...Hmmmm hmm hm..."
Azriala didn't like the new girl. She sat on the couch strumming her guitar and watched the girl. Once she left Azriala stood and shook her head ¨No. I don't like her.¨ she said to Joshua.
Josh scooped Scarlet up and walked to the door and set her down infront of it. "You really wanna go? I mean, we were gunna totally shred."
Scarlet forced down a slight red that had begun to build onto her cheeks and nodded vigorously as she was set down. "First day, i HAVE to make an appearance."
Josh turned to Azriala, "Well, I think she's got potential." He looked into her eyes and smiled wide, "What, think you got competeition?" he said with his "i know what you're thinking" face. He walked over to Az and sat down and sang "I do it because im ee-val/ And I do it all for free/ Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need"
Matt looked at Az for a moment then huffed. He strummed a single chord on the guitar, then tweaked the tuning a bit. He strummed again and was satisfied by the new sound. He then looked at Josh with an impatient look.
Josh looks back at Matt. Listening to his jamming he stood, "Do you hear that? That sound? That pounding in your soul? know what it is?" and begins singing Tenacious D's The Metal
Azriala resisted the urge to slap him. She liked him, and they had become close over the past two years. So, instead of slapping him, she kissed his cheek and then looked him in the eye ¨You aren't replacing me, right?¨ she asked.
Matt's eye squinted in a sort of twisted joy as he began to play the guitar part of the song in chord with the singing.
Upon finishing the last chorus, Josh spins on his heels and pullz Azriala up by the chin, "I wouldn't dream of it," and he goes in for a kiss and spins around and walks to the phone "Gotta make a call I think we have a gig"

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Just to clarify the kiss didn't happen he was teasing, forgot to add that)
Matt stopped playing and let out an audible sigh. He unslung the guitar from around his neck and sat on the floor, closing his eye. He hadn't been sleeping well the past few weeks, mainly because he's had to fight off poodle-sized rats from his home.
"Dude, you know you could stay here if you wanted, i mean its better than the streets" As he reaches for the phone, it bursts into flames, liquidy fire falls to the floor, spelling "This Goes No Futher" and leaves and eire black scar on the floor. Josh stands there, his mouth gaping, ".........DUDE! THAT'S MY PHONE!"
Azriala got slightly excited when he went in for the kiss. When it turned out he was teasing,she pouted and picked her guitar up. She began to lightly strum 'In The Dark' by Flyleaf.
Matt blinked rapidly at the phone, then nudged it slightly with his guitar.

:o ".........I'll go get my spare." Josh walked into the kitchen and pulled out a Motorola Razor (you know those super old ones), "Good nuff!" he makes the call, "Yeah, Danish Brotherhood?.......I just wanted to clarify when The Most Amazing Band was going not them, the guys called 'The Most Amazing Band'.....ok" he hung up, "We go on at 9, Scarlet should be home from school by then right?"

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