Edric Blight
- One on One
Thomas Vlasic:
"Still, those bugs freaked me out," said Thomas as he shuddered a bit. He nodded, glad he had pointed out that it might be unwise to use this medical equipment that hadn't been used or cleaned for only the Titan knew how many years. "Good idea," he said in reference to her idea to sterilize them in boiling water. He watched her a bit nervously as she took off her helmet. He was unsure of what to do- what they could use, what they shouldn't use. He had zero knowledge on any Healing Coven business or medical supplies.He raised his eyebrows as the girl told him that her family were healers and that she actually lived in a clinic. That would explain why she seemed to have a bit more knowledge than Thomas on matters concerning the Healing Coven. "Wow, I didn't know that...." he said softly as she told him. Thomas nodded, "Yea I suppose you're right. There's not many options we have here with the limited supplies we have," he said. And of course, to his knowledge, none of them, not even Audrea, could perform advanced enough Healing Coven magic to heal her nasty gash.
Sure, the girl had treated the slight gash that was on his abdomen earlier, freaking him out a bit seeing an abominations coven witch perform healing magic, but there was no way she was trained in the Healing Coven and their magical ways. Practicing more than one type of magic was against the law, as were per the orders of Emperor Belos. Of course, it would be a crime to disobey the Emperor, something Thomas could never imagine doing, as his family were loyal followers of Belos who wouldn't dare do anything against his will. Emperor Belos knew best after all, for he claimed he knew how to keep everyone safe from the evil wild witches who used wild magic dangerously to kill Belos' family. Thomas and his parents couldn't imagine an evil wild witch killing them with wild magic, so they put their faith and trust in Emperor Belos.
Thomas had been raised to follow and never disobey the Emperor's rules and to fear wild witches. The thought of anyone performing magic outside of their coven's specialty made him fearful and distrustful, for that would mean they were a wild witch- by Belos' standards. He didn't want to think or even deal with the possibility of Audrea and her parents possibly being wild witches. Even her brief use of the small healing spell on him had freaked the witch boy out enough, so he sure hoped she had just picked up on little healing tricks from her parents who seemed to be Healing Coven witches, rather than full on knew how to perform Healing Coven magic. If her parents were training her, that would mean that not only were they promoting wild witchcraft and were possibly wild witches themselves, but they were making Audrea into a young wild witch too.