The Outsiders (IC)


New Member

Let me tell you a story...


It starts...with a celebration


It ends...


...with a bang


December 31, 2011. As the famous New Year's Eve ball dropped in the middle of Times Square, friends, lovers, and families held each other tightly, chanting in unison. They had no idea what the new year would bring, but they were all ready for it. At least,...they thought they were. The American people were in a constant search of change. Tonight...they would have it.

"We're here reporting live from Times Square in New York City! The New Year's Eve ball has just dropped, and, let me tell you, there is much love in the air! In just a few short minutes, Florence and The Machine, followed by "Gangnam Style" singer PSY, and Rihanna will be kicking off the New Year's festivities. There are many great acts to be seen tonight, so don't you change that chann--"

Darkness. All power within the city somehow failed. And then, a loud noise...

At first, it had been mistaken for the sound of thunder approaching. Light began to fill the darkness. Brighter than any light ever witnessed. It was so blinding. Within the first few seconds, there was silence. Then, the monstrous rumbling grew louder until the screams of thousands upon thousands of people were heard. "BOMB!"

The morning after, Times Square was leveled. A SWAT team and city firemen had been called in to ratify the situation to the U.S. government and give help to any survivors survivors that could be found among the dead and the rubble. A frail boy, no older than sixteen, clothes tattered, was found lying on top of a woman. She wasn't breathing. He...was hysterical. A fireman approached him and asked him his name, asked who the woman was.

"I'm Donnie...this is my mother. Can you help her?"

"She's gone, kid. Come on. Let's get you out of here, kid. We'll get the sick bastards that did this..."

"You don't understand!"

"We have to get you to safety, kid. Now, let's go!"

F**king LISTEN!!!! Terrorists didn't do this! I DID!!"

And so...that was the beginning

March 2, 2013 - 7 A.M.

"Get back here, you thieving B**CH!"Anxious feet moved swiftly along the soaked pavement of the city streets. Heavy breaths escaped her. This had been going on for the past ten minutes. Why was this creep not letting up? "GET YOUR SWEET LITTLE ASS BACK HERE!"

Fine. If he wanted to play persistent in his effort to chase her, then she'd play as well. This was the most fun she'd had in quite some time. Usually, Georgette would just get away without ever being noticed. She picked a hell of a day to challenge a meta-human with an eye growing out the back of his head,...literally. The brunette ducked through an alleyway. He was much faster than her, and gaining. She'd have to outsmart him. Thankfully, no one had ever seen her shift before, so that would be a very doable task.

Her pursuer finally made his way into the alley and began pacing, utterly confused and looking about, the woman he'd been chasing nowhere to be found. He paid no mind to the pitbull with the weird looking eyes just making its way around a tight corner and out of the
alleyway. Well, that was a close call, Georgette thought, running on all fours and full speed ahead to her next destination. Time to drop off the package! A few minutes later, she came across what seemed to be an abandoned gun shop. The front door had been boarded up pretty good. She moved around to the side of the wooden shack and shifted back into human form before banging her fist on a metal door. A voice came from behind it.


"Do I really have to do this shit every time, Manny?"

"Yep! Password?"

"I'm a little tea-cup, short and stout. Here is my handle. Here is my stout. When I get all steamed up, hear me shout. Tip me over and pour me---"

"Good enough!"

The sound of a several bolts being disengaged could be heard on the outside. Within a few seconds, the door swung open and an elderly man in his 60's peeked his head out. Manny Sterling; owner of Manny's Gun Shop.

"Hey there, Blue! Good seeing you!"

"You reeaaaally need to think up a new password, Manny", the thieving beauty said with a non too pleasant look on her face. Manny would only laugh at her frustration. Georgia unzipped her jacket and reached inside, revealing a dirty towel. Wrapped inside it, a sub-machine gun, a miniature uzi. The elderly man took it within his shaking hands.

"Ah, yes. Certainly couldn't let him and his boys run the street with this kind of firepower. Well, that's the last of them. All retrieved thanks to you. Thank you, Georgette..."

"I do believe we had a deal?"

"Blah! Kids these days. Always in it for something. Whatever happened to doing a favor out of the goodness of your heart?"

"Out of the goodness of my heart and your wallet, certainly"

"Well, I would pay you, but I'm running short. No one really buys anything anymore when they figure they can just steal it..."

"Then, how about letting me keep one of the guns I managed to retrieve. Those dual glock 26s looked nice..."

"Oh, fine. Give me just a second and I'll go and get 'em"

"Throw in some thigh holsters, too, will you?"

A loud horn sounded off, wailing like some menacing creature and causing a ringing in Georgette's ears, beckoning her attention. She looked in the direction where the sound was coming from, towards the barrier, towards Utopia.It's time again, the young meta thought. Manny, as promised, came back with Georgette's reward, wrapped in the same dirty towel.

"Here you are..." He then directed his attention toward the sound of the loud horn, not bothering to step outside.

"Sounds like they're getting ready to throw a couple more poor souls out into the dumps."

"Yeah. Seems that way."

"You thinkin' 'bout goin'?"

"Maybe..." The brunette offered a slight smile to shop owner as she accepted her earnings for services provided."You take care, Manny. If you ever need another favor---"

"I won't be calling on you. You price too high!"

Georgette would smirk at Manny's remark before walking off. She'd head in the direction of the barrier. No doubt that Marcus fellow would be waiting at the exit point. Marcus, he was one of the good ones, a real standup guy, always willing to help anyone that sought his generosity out.
Marcus smiled and shook the hands of a nice young couple from the outskirts. He had just sold them a sturdy truck and they had traded in a little sedan. The added size would be harder on them as far as fuel, but much more safe in an emergency. "You have nice day. Come back if you need anything. And remember... buy from a Kristoff, and you won't get ripped off." The couple smiled happily and drove the vehicle off the lot moments later. Life was not so different here. Sure... he didn't have his family. But he had a purpose. Not just the purpose of being a savvy auto salesman, either.

The dealership was small, and had a modest selection... but each car and truck was inspected and repaired by Marcus and his select group of mechanics. But thanks to the fact he was making a fair amount of money, he was able to do something else he had a passion for... helping those in need. The profit that he made... nearly all of his share was spent on behalf of the new exiles that were thrown out of the city every week or so. Marcus himself actually lived on site at the dealership. It wasn't the best situation, but it allowed him to save money. Plus... there was another reason he was so successful.

Aside from his dashing good looks and bright smile, Marcus was able to hide his gifts from others more easily than some other Metahumans. He had the ability to alter his muscles. Size, density, minor alterations to their composition, etc. And thanks to that, it was not an obvious ability. Some people didn't trust Metas. But Marcus had shown time and again through his actions that he was a trustworthy young man. "You know, Yuri..." he said to the middle-aged man who was his head mechanic. "... it's been a few days since last exiles. Sh..." the horn sounded as he spoke. "... speak of devil." He said with a chuckle. "Go get them, then... идиот." Said Yuri. Marcus walked toward the door and shook his head. "Просто трубу вниз и заблокируйте место во время я." And with that said, Marcus was on his way.

The big Chevy Tahoe rolled up near the gates, much to the chagrin of the guards. They knew who it was by this point... and didn't much like the thought of someone helping the freaks. But legally, they couldn't stop him. The one thing they DID like... despite hating freaks... was the various Metas that had become almost like local junkyard dogs. They terrorized the new exiles, then kept them in check with threats and violence. They found the entire idea absolutely hilarious. Luckily for those newer teens and kids, Marcus was mighty tough, and most of the scummy bastards gave him a rather wide berth.

After stepping out of the truck, Marcus walked around to the back hatch and opened it. Inside were a few backpacks filled with basic foodstuffs, hygiene supplies, and a single envelope. Each envelope contained an amount of money and a letter... similar to how his father had helped him. It was only $100 in each backpack... but even that was really more than he could spare. The young Russian. Took the sign from the back of the truck and propped it against the front fender. "NEWS. New Exile Welcoming Service. Stop here for free assistance and information" Marcus thought it was clever.
Edison Luxin was in an alleyway near the one mile band of no-man's-land between the dome and the metahuman pits. And he was displeased. This was the third dead,stripped woman he passed within as many minutes. He understood the needs of the flesh,but wasn't it supposed to be a defining attribute of humanity to be able to ignore,or at the very least control those base urges? He scanned the alleyway,and saw bricked and boarded windows and doors. Dumpsters overflowing with garbage and refuse. The very image of what urban life will become without effective services or law. Law here has degraded into what the powerful can impose on the weak,regardless of the morality of it all. With a snarl,the lumaturge continued down the alleyway to the sole unblocked door. A thick steel door with a tiny window,covered with a steel plate with quick and dirty weld seams keeping it on. Edison pounded on the door,and was immediately greeted with a shout, "Whaddya want,kid?"Edison shrugged,and said, "I heard some fine pieces of ass went missing from around here. Thought I could get me a piece of that." A moment of silence passed as the doorman thought of this,and replied, "Alright. Come on in. But we'll be watching you. Closely." Edison heard five bolts scrape across the door,and three internal locks click open,and Edison was greeted by a filthy man in a stained white sleeveless shirt and torn up jeans.

"No,don't get up." The man was about to question Edison when a lance of light pierced his forehead. Death was instantaneous,his brain boiled. No blood escaped the entry or exit wounds,as the laser cauterized them. Edison searched the corpse,retrieving a simple kitchen knife and a handgun,with no ammunition. It appeared to be some model of SIG Sauer. Holding the knife in his left hand,his good one,in a reverse grip,and held the empty handgun in his right hand. Let's hope they don't recognize the gun... Luxin inched into the building. There was an antechamber and just beyond a stairway. Edison began his slow ascent,noting that every door was bricked up. He tried his best to walk quietly,but with his heavy work boots,it was impossible,and every step was probably audible to anyone hanging about outside the apartments.

Edison reached the top floor,and saw no one there,however the sole door was not bricked over. He approached the door,and pressed his ear to it,listening for the scumbags that kidnapped the women. They were speaking loudly,and caught conversation regarding just how the men violated their victims,and he could hear the unmistakable sounds of the deed occurring further in. Edison held the knife in his mouth and ran his finger down the knob side of the door,projecting a laser through the door,cutting all locks in the way. While he did this,he formulated a plan.
I probably only have one charge left in me...A laser is out of the question...Mirage or flashbomb...? Putting the handgun in his pocket,and held the knife in a proper grip. He inhaled deeply through his nose,then Edison booted the door open with a loud yell. The room had five occupants,and all of them were looking in his direction. Only an idiot wouldn't after such a commotion. Edison held his right hand forward,then closed his eyes and turned his head. A blinding flash of light exploded from his hand,blinding the occupants. If I do that again,I'll be out like a light...

He charged into the room,eyes now open. The five thugs were blinded,and were milling about in confusion. The first one got his throat slashed open,the second got the blade of the knife jammed into the side of the throat,then pulled out savagely. Another had his knee tendons slashed out,and then he drove the blade home at the base of his skull. The fourth was kicked in the groin,with the blade drove up into his skull from behind the mandible. The final thug was dispatched by simply burying the knife to the hilt in the crown of the skull,never to be removed. Edison stomped towards the back of the apartment,with unholy fire in his eyes. He pulled out the handgun,and opened the bedroom door,leading with the weapon. Lo and behold,the thug was caught,quite literally with his pants down.
"Get away from her." The thug's eyes darted between the woman and Edison. Edison could guess his intent. "You try either,you're a dead man. Back off." The thug complied,and dismounted the bed. The woman,probably no older than seventeen,immediately scampered to the far side of the room,and began rummaging the pile of clothes.

"Your friends are all dead. One with a boiled brainpan,the others stabbed. I don't take kindly to kidnappers,and even less so to rapists."
The man was sweating,and smiling nervously,a subconscious reflex to try and appease the object of his discomfort. "Start talking. Why did you do it? What made you think it was a good idea? What made you think you can get away with it? And,most importantly,why should you live?" The thug began to stammer out a response,but before he could say anything intelligible,his windpipe was suddenly constricted by the belt of his trousers,held by the woman he was violating moments ago. She had the belt looped once around his throat,and was pulling as hard as she could,tightening the coil. Edison lowered the empty gun,and smiled wickedly at the dying man. "The gun was empty. And you were dead the second you got off the bed" Half a minute passed before the man finally died. Edison simply gestured over his shoulder,out the room. "If there are others,round 'em up and get going. The pricks are all dead. I'm done here." With that,Edison simply left the apartment building without another word to the woman. Just as Edison left the apartment building,he heard the drone of the dome's warning horn blared off. They were releasing another convoy. "Right,forgot about that..." With a shrug,Edison made his way to the main street where the convoy would pass through. He was a known figure during these times. His very presence was often enough to keep n'er-do-wells at bay. And with a pistol in his hand,he was certain that only the most insane, suicidally overconfident,or desperate would cross him to get at the supplies unlawfully.
His footsteps echoed through the dark tunnel accompanied by the sound of moving water and the whispers of those who avoid the light at all costs. The sewers beneath New York had become home to those who were truly outcast, those whose bodies had been changed by their mutation. The people who lived down here were people who; didn't want to be found, didn't want to be seen out of shame or those who had truly become animals. James spent his first few weeks beneath the surface, his powers had gone out of control and he looked like some misshapen golem. Apparently his powers reacted to his emotional state and his panic had frizzled them up a little, when he finally calmed down he noticed that his powers had returned his human body.

The dark sewer tunnels swerved and changed as he walked on but he maintained his course, he knew exactly where he was going since he'd followed the route several times before. As he drew nearer to his destination he could see a faint yellow light from around the corner, closer and closer he drew and he came to a door. Above the door was a neon sign that read 'entry', James tapped the door in a certain pattern and it opened. In the doorway stood a mass of fur complete with fangs, claws and a pair of red eyes that threatened you with death if you made the wrong move. James disengaged his powers and his concrete body became skin and bone once more.

After angling pass the giant ball of claws and fur James was ushered into a well lit room, in the center was a steaming bath filled with soaped water. James didn't need any instructions so he undressed and jumped into the bath, the water was lukewarm but clean. Minutes later he was changed and ushered through yet another door by a lizard woman, James held his bag close to his chest as he was led up a flight of steps and down several corridors to pushed into a high ceiling room. In the center of the room sat a woman with legs until tomorrow and milk white skin.

"Hello again...... Ward is it?" She asked in a silky smooth voice, her eyes abundant with mischief. "Ahem. Um yes, yes that is what your people have started calling me, but ah it is only because some of them can't say 'wart'."

"Ah yes, I had heard that, but don't you think Ward is so much nicer and cleaner?" She replied and their discourse continued for several minutes before the woman gestured to his bag which meant she was ready to discuss business. James opened a bag and placed a bottle of gelatinous liquid on a small table nearby. The woman sat up her eyes wide "Where..... where did you get this?" The beautiful woman sat up her pink lips pursed momentarily as she brushed her brunette hair behind her ear. "A clinic out west, I have the directions here. But before we move on I would just like to ask you if our deal is still valid?"
Evangeline sat in her holding cell, or what she at least called a holding cell, and held her knees against her chest. She had heard about the Meta-humans, who hadn't by now? Evangeline never thought that she could be one of them. She was normal, just a sixteen year old girl who's birthday was a few days ago. Evangeline sniffled and gripped her legs tighter to her chest, "A few days ago..." she mumbled to herself. Not like anyone could hear her at this point. She would get tossed out of the city like she had seen nearly every day on TV. Her parents never approved, they were appalled by what the country was coming to, kicking out youths barely old enough to fend for themselves. They tried to keep Evangeline from watching it, but they couldn't, not all the time. It confused her and horrified her, these mere kids being deemed a danger. Who could argue though? With what happened on new years... everyone seemed afraid.

Evangeline stood, stretching slightly, trying to not become too distressed in the situation. 'What if it happens again?' she thought, biting the tip of her thumb nervously and wincing at the thought. She had caught on fire before, yes, she was ok. It killed her family, and a few of her friends though, and burned down the house she had grown up in. Parents and friends dead, the official-looking people brought her here, tested her, and from chatter going on on the other side of a large metal door with a window in it, it sounded like they were going to be kicking her out soon.

"...every time... I swear its always the good families...." she heard one man she couldn't see say, while another one responded, the voices growing closer, "I know right? They say the good die young or something right?" They stopped at the door, looking into the window at Evangeline. The one to the left spoke, still looking at her, "Come on, maybe she has a chance out there." The other one made a laugh like sound that sounded more like something choking than anything, in Evangeline's opinion, "Look at her. You really think this pretty little thing has an inkling of a chance? I've heard stories it can be nuts out there."

Evangeline gulped and breathed out shakily, and the other guard smiled at her, a fake smile with no concern or sympathy. Then they opened the door and he grabbed her roughly by the arm, "Come on little lady, time to go. You aren't in much luck today. I think you are the only newbie today. No friends for you. Too bad." The other man looked at her, clearly unsettled by the situation. Evangeline glanced at him, then winced and looked at the guard dragging her along, but said nothing. "He's new," said the mean man, rolling his eyes. The apparently new man just followed silently, not making eye contact with Evangeline whenever she looked around. After a short time they came to the gates she had always seen on her TV in her bedroom.

A two door system, one opened, they went in, and the door closed behind them. Once the door behind them had closed, she looked up at the door in front of them opening. It didn't look too vastly different outside in the Wasteland than it did inside the city, but it was a noticeable difference. Guards and a man stood outside, and she stared at the man for a while, not realizing how impatient the man grasping her arm was getting. He practically tossed her outside, and she landed on the floor with a thud, her hands barely catching her in time. Evangeline looked behind her as the mean man smiled and waved goodbye to her, the other man was avoiding looking at her, and the door closed.

'Just one?' she thought, standing up slowly and brushing off the dirt from her clothes. Besides dirt and a small scrape, the fall hadn't hurt. Her face not hiding in the least that she was crying, she looked again at the man, then read the sign next to him and raised a brow. "Information?" She called out towards him, meaning it to be loud enough to hear, but it came out hardly a whisper. Evangeline cleared her throat and sighed, her breath shaking as she walked towards the nice enough looking man. She meant to say something else to him, to question him, but instead stood there feebly, looking completely depressed, but in her silvery eyes with a dark rim around the rim of the iris, one could see curiosity.
Run, come on, run! You where in track and football for God's sake! Run! Is what ran through the mind of the redheaded girl who had just escaped a literal black death. Her brothers, Harry and Mark, where not so lucky. The three had been here for a few weeks, and had taken a small apartment, so that's where she ran to. She ran about three more blocks, took a sharp turn right, almost falling, and then ran some more. She hoped the man wasn't running after her, but she'd heard his laughter trail off as she ran. She reached a door, pulled a key from her pocket, and fitted it into the lock, and then two more. She walked in, and locked every lock. There where about five locks, three of which could be unlocked from the outside if you had the key.

Scarlette Crimson now stood alone, the last member of her family, in the apartment. It all hit her then, a wave of emotion so fierce that she fell down, and started to cry. Sobs and cries would have been heard if her brothers hadn't been able to soundproof the apartment, then again, they didn't need to do much. She sat up, and slammed her fist with electrical sparks flying from it into a wall, making a bright flash of red light. She stopped then, and looked at her now bleeding hand. She stood, tears rolling from her wide green eyes.

"Pull yourself together. . . You can get through this. . ." She spoke aloud to no one other than herself. She was alive, and there had to be some reason, some good to come from that.

She then realized that based upon how easily that man had slain both of her brothers, and would have done to her if she wasn't such a good runner, that she'd need help. But who? Who out here would have a good enough soul to help her? Sure, she was a beautiful girl, but that didn't much matter anymore. It mattered little to her, if they didn't want to help her, she'd not make them. This was her fight, and the fire now alight deep inside was to be fueled for her hatred of that black and white man. She'd get her revenge.

She'd get her revenge after she calmed down, and relieved some of the stress. She walked into her room, and went to her dresser. She took a carton of cigarettes out, and a lighter. She rarely smoked, but her life just got ten times as stressful as yesterday. After that, she took a shower, and changed. She dressed in black jeans, and a black hoodie. She then put her red hair up into a ponytail, not something she did much. She looked in her mirror, seeing a red haired girl, with a pretty shade of pale for skin. Her eyes were wide, and a light green. She had high cheekbones, and a slender nose. She'd been in many sports, and was athletic, she didn't look like a body builder girl, her figure wasn't all muscle like some people who'd done that were. She was all in all a beautiful seventeen year old girl who's life had gone haywire at least four times now, including today.

She didn't bother with makeup, she never did. She never needed to hide anything, as she'd always taken good care of herself. Now, she was all alone. No father, no boyfriend, and no brothers. She needed to find someone crazy enough to fight someone who'd be willing to kill you the instant he saw you. So, grabbing a knife from the kitchen, and then hiding it in the pocket in her hoodie. She walked to the door, and unlocked the locks, then walked out, and locked them. She knew how to drive, and how to lock pick, she'd learned it from someone her and her brothers had helped. She also knew how to start a car without the keys, but the car nearby she had the keys to. She got in, and started it. The radio turned on, but she paid no mind. With any luck she'd hit the creep who'd ended her brothers and be done with it, but as she drove down the road, she started to figure that wasn't going to happen.

She knew the schedule for new arrivals well, and she was driving towards the front gates, hopefully someone good would have been dropped off. . .
The drive was nearly silent, besides the terrible country music and hum of the bus' engine, maybe the occasional bump. Two armed guards stood at both the front, and the back of the vehicle, casually holding shotguns as though they had to use them on teenagers on a regular basis, which now that Raymund thought about it, they probably did. A gaggle of other youths also sat on the bus, keeping quite with varying degrees of visible mutation. Most of the teens seemed upset, though some actually seemed to be glad that they were being sent away, maybe it just hadn't quite sunk in yet. Raymund wasn't quite part of either of these groups, still not quite sure what to think just yet.

It seemed like the others were left unmanacled, while Raymnud seemed to be the only one with hands left covered in strange gloves. Apparently bringing a bus seat to life was more dangerous than spontaneous combustion...

Finally the vehicle slowed to a stop in the city, roughly the time that a pickup truck arrived, laden down with what appeared to be backpacks in the bed.

"Up and out, freaks," one of the guards said with a sense of finality as they stood, shouldering weapons just in case any of the metahumans tried something funny. While the youths slowly filed off the bus, Raymund offered his manacled hands to a guard in silent askance of freedom, but all he got was a laugh, and shoved backward, bumping into one of the other youths, a gangly boy, considerably taller than himself, though no more muscular in the slightest. A mumbled apology from the both of them was all that was spoken between them, neither sure what to say.

Feet on the ground now, Raymund glanced around, several groups that had obviously been here longer had gravitated to the site, not to mention the man with the truck who seemed to be intent on giving out backpacks, a sign labeled NEWS nearby. A gate was opened from the utopia, and a girl tossed out, the only mutant from inside today he supposed, or perhaps sympathizer at the least although she seemed a little bit young for that. Raymund was left standing where he was as the bus began to drive away, all of it's passengers disembarked, his hands still shackled, and glancing dumbly about as he attempted to plan his next move very carefully.
Georgette walked slowly, now halfway to the Utopian exit point. She was in no rush to get there. During her time as an outsider, she'd seen youth, one after the other, thrown out of Utopia, sheep to the inevitable slaughter. Of course, one would be exaggerating by speaking of the exile in such a way.

While the "Wasteland", as utopians called it, was a violent place, it wasn't overrun with violence. The appointed police did somewhat of a fine job in doing their part, fending the human public from the local goons. It was the creeps that did their dirty deeds in secret, the ones who stuck to the shadows, that were hardly ever caught. In addition to the uniformed officials, the number of meta-humans that decided to make the best of their situation, the Wasteland's very own heroes, were also a great help.

Some notable names were Fiona Harper, a fifteen year old girl, blessed with the gift of chlorokinesis; Her powers had manifested a mere few months ago. Georgette herself had been there to witness the girl's exile, to see that terrified look on her face, Fiona's mind clouded with nightmare tales of a world outside of Utopia filled with beasts, demons, and hellfire. Marcus, a car salesman and the Wasteland's very own white knight, had met her at the gate, comforted her, and then helped her settle in. Upon truly seeing and accepting the wasteland for what it was, Fiona did what she could to help others. She found a small playground, its soil perfect for her intent. She'd go on to set up shop there and begin using her powers to grow fresh fruits and vegetables, selling them for a dollar each, or exchanging them for other goods.

Some companies, such as the local diners and clothing stores, even hired meta-human employees. It was all very simple, really. When segregation shattered New York City, the people were divided, split into two groups, utopians and wastelanders. Rather than outrage, some wastelanders, whether they carried the meta-gene or not, decided the best plan would be to stick together rather than crumble and further divide themselves. Others, unfortunately, did not see things this way. These people became the Wasteland's thieves, rapists, murderers, and etcetera.

Georgette eventually arrived at her destination. She wouldn't be standing on the sidelines this time, watching from afar. No. This time, she'd offer Marcus whatever help he'd need with today's new outcasts. Marcus had been present during Georgette's exile as well. Like others before her, he'd even offered to help her settle in. At that point in her life, however, she'd been scared, somewhat hysterical, and distant. She ran away before the car salesman could even reach his hand out to her. She'd wonder if he would recognize her from that time. It was long enough ago, and he had seen so many faces since then. The two never even exchanged names. If it weren't for Marcus' name being on the tongue of so many wastelanders, civilian, hero, and villain alike, Georgette wouldn't have had the slightest idea on how to properly address him.

"I don't suppose you could use a hand?"A soft and sultry voice, one very unfamiliar crept up from behind the muscular car salesman. Georgette would then stand to Marcus' right, a slight smirk present on her face. She'd look to her left, directly at him, wondering if he'd recognize her.

Marcus didn't figure it would be long before the guards tossed out the Metahumans they had scanned and confirmed. What DID surprise him was that there was only one this time. Luckily enough for the one, the exile procedures seemed to go off without a hitch. Well... initially, at least. He knew it wouldn't last. When did it ever? And sure enough, shortly thereafter a bus full of other teens and kids pulled up nearby. "просто ... нет драк." He whispered, hoping no violence would happen. Sometimes it erupted between new exiles, sometimes people fighting over supplies, sometimes just between people who were, well, stupid. "Whatever. Life goes on." Said the big man as he started unloading those handy little backpacks. Right on schedule, other metahumans he knew began to arrive. The first familiar face to arrive was that of Georgette.

She was a nice person in general, but he felt she was under too much stress. Stress was a big problem here in the outskirts. People just trying to get by and live as they did before the metahuman "crisis" occured. Now segregated outside the grand dome, everyone from butchers to lawyers had to adjust to life in the "wastes" as Utopians had come to call it in the short time it had existed. And... as with any city... this one had it's predators and problem starters. But they had no choice but to deal with that. Oh well... Marcus helped where he could. That's what mattered to him.

"По воле Бога... it's too cold today." He said as he rubbed his hands together. The cold wasn't the problem, really... but the wind. Marcus responded to his own comment by taking his coat from the seat of hit vehicle and slipping it on. "There. Is much better now." He turned and walked to the back hatch of his SUV and retrieved a couple of the backpacks from the cargo area. "Since is only one from inside dome, what harm is there in helping them more? Today, they get double help. Mind carrying one? Will make you look like hero to them, like I did to you at one point." Sure, the kids from the bus would get help as well. For now, though, this girl seemed like she had been treated roughly and could use a hand before the others. Instead of approach the crowd first, the big man simply motioned for them to come over to him. "One at time, please. Form line near my truck. All will be helped in some way or other. If in desperate need, come see me now."

Slowly but surely, the car salesman turned hero to the down and out walked up to the new exile. "Good afternoon, young lady. I am Marcus Kristoff. This is associate, Georgette. I work at Five K's. King Kong's Krazy Kar Korral. I am also the founder of NEWS. New Exile Welcoming Service." The man reached out a hand the the clearly distressed girl and smiled pleasantly. He had seen first-hand many exiles in need of such simply politeness and comforts as a smiling face and helping hand. They were just torn from their lives and homes to be thrown out and told not to come back, after all. "Is there anything we can do to help today?"
Evangeline looked at the pair named Marcus and Georgette, and frowned a little, then rubbed any remanents of tears off of her face. She didn't trust them yet, and the man sounded very foreign. She figured, however, that she had no one else to help her, and shook his hand firmly, no stupid, delicate, and girly handshake. Evangeline never knew why girls did that, seemed almost afraid of shaking a hand. Regardless, she shook his and spoke, "My name is Evangeline." Her voice was high, but not in an ear grating way, "NEWS huh? Seems really kind of you guys... and thank you. I don't really know how much help I will need though..." Evangeline paused, looking down for a moment then back up at the two, "My situation has never been hard in the least. My parents always took care of me... I am sixteen, just barely. My birthday was a few days ago..."

Evangeline grimaced again, not really wanting in the least to remember what had recently happened. "Oh," she said, remembering her manners, "I forgot to say. It is nice to meet you both. How does one get a place to live out here? Or food for that matter? I mean... I have bought things from my local corner store before... but I have a feeling it is different." She paused again, thinking and furrowing her brow, "Is it really as dangerous as they say out here? I mean... in the city people go on and on about how dangerous it could be to mix and stuff..." With what had just happened, she almost agreed with the people against Meta's.

"What's in the bags anyways?" Her voice got quieter as she worried a little that she was asking too many questions, and that she would annoy him. If she had gotten tested before all that happened, her parents probably would have come out here with her. "But no... I had to kill everyone..." she muttered, her voice barely audible if at all as she spoke to herself, lost in thought again. This was unlike her, to be so introverted, and she knew it, but honestly she could not help it.
((Edited for continuity))

Jana-known as ghost by the few she has meet in the short time she has been around-has more or less adjusted to being seen as a meta-human. More times than naught she found humans more different than anything, them being the ones to cast out those that needed help understanding themselves. She saw similar traits of the current situations the metas were going through in many past occurrences in human history, this being a literal witch hunt by the highly placed government individuals. She could not do anything about it though, her not being strong enough to do anything to counter such atrocities in human rights…no matter how different a human may be, such things should not be practiced.

Nevertheless she has been out in the wastes for little over five weeks now, being introduced to Marcus on her first day. He seemed like a nice enough individual even if he had ulterior motives in offering help to those that were exiled from Utopia, the motives were not known to Jana though or at least they were not apparent. It is entirely possible that he was simply doing because he liked helping out those that were cast aside by civilized society, which was laughable to Jana…civilized society does not cast out humans due to the way they look or what their DNA reveals about them. In lou of information on him at their first encounter she stayed and held a conversation with him, his idealistic outlook on the world being one similar to philosophers of the past. He offered her a backpack and money but she did not take it, her seeing such things as something to weaken her in the long run…if she were to survive in this situation she would do it on her own, using her own skills and wit.

It took the scientists a while to even decipher what she was capable as a meta, them settling on her being able to dream walk. That showed how problematic they scientists of Utopia were, she did not dream walk like the guy from Elm Street…she employed a favored power from witch lore, that of Astral Projection. It was a great way in seeing how Utopia was getting along without rising suspicion, a diamond wall wasn’t a limitation to someone on the astral plane…physical matter being nothing more than air in such a form. Now if she was capable of moving physical matter in astral form she could even open the gates of utopia and cut off the defenses, but that was not something she wanted to do…it only raising the ire of the government and causing worse circumstances to rain down upon them all. She was held for quite awhile as the people tried to find out what she could do, her being released quite late compared to the other metas.

Jana thought briefly about checking out the ones that would be inducted into the life of a waster but quickly decided not to do so, Marcus most likely being there already do so the hero thing. The only person that Jana sees on a regular basis is Citrix Log, known around these parts as Trix. She often calls his rabbit simply playing on the cereal mascot which is popular with young kids, it seeming rather ideal in her own mind. More often than naught they agree on what to do in situations, like minds for the most part. He has the tendency to not trust people which is totally understandable around here, it being quite a feat that he even hangs around her at all.

Jana was now sitting in the room of a homestead, one that she had been using for sometime now. Trix had often came around to speak with her, friends not a common occurrence in the wastes. Her eyes were closed and she was in a light trance, centering herself becoming easier and easier as the days pass by. She had read some books on meditation before she was sentenced to this place and kept the teachings fresh in her mind, astral projection being all about discipline and concentration. Having a stout mind also helped in the long run, which was something that her parents often said she had.

By the time Jana was sent to the zone she was already aware of her power for some time, which was a leg up on most of the people that get sent to the wastes. Trix was one that had the same kind of luck, him being sent here after the fact as well. Perhaps that was one thing that they had in common, the other being that they were not normal at all. How many people would be able to go into astral form and walk through walls, and how many people would have the power to use another’s power? Nevertheless she was content with the life she had now, at least out here there was less discrimination and idiotic fools prattling about politics.
Scarlette had now arrived in the outskirts, getting out of the old Gran Torino which her brothers had gotten an amazing deal on from Marcus, part of that deal was to do good, and help him welcome some of the new people here. She'd have to inform Marcus, and likely return the car. It was a nice car, green, with white race car stripes on it. It handled well enough for her and her brothers, and she still couldn't believe the deal they'd gotten on it. Then again, Marcus was in his own right, a hero. Inspiring them to do more good than just working with him when the new people got here. Marcus had also helped them get their apartment. She owed this man a lot, and she'd owe him a lot more by the time this whole mess with her brothers was over.

She walked over, noticing the new people. Of course, she remembered when her and her brothers had arrived. They never once resisted, and were for some reason treated fairly well, or, at least Scarlette was. Her brothers had gotten off first, and then she, it was fairly warm then, and the sun had shined bright, so she had put on sunglasses she managed to buy before getting exiled. So, she looked out, and around into her new life, and there stood a man she now saw as a hero, and now a man she sought out for help.

She stepped forward, and stood beside Marcus on the opposite side of the other woman, whispering into Marcus' ear, "Remember me? May I help?" In the sweetest voice she could.

She really hoped he'd remembered her, he probably did, most heroes are that noble. Even if he wasn't the hero you'd envision, Superman, Batman, nor Spiderman, he was a simple man offering a warm welcome into a world that some would consider to be Hell.
His meeting with the Pale Lady had gone well and he was rather clean which was always a plus, above the sewers life continued on as it always would despite the walls that separated him from Utopia, surrounded by its guards and walls. To be honest he didn't really care about what was in there but it was good to have a dream, even such a childish one as being reunited with his parents again, he didn't even know if they knew about him and his powers, he hoped that they were safe at least but nevertheless he had to continue.

When, just before he was removed from Utopia James had told his friends and his parents' friends that he wished them well and if they could tell his parents what happened. He didn't know how they would do that but it didn't matter. At the moment he didn't have too much to worry about, his deal with the Pale Lady gave him a nice motel room in the better part of town fully stocked and all that stuff. He wasn't sure how she made things happen but he didn't want to, jumping down the rabbit hole unawares was not a good idea and the Pale Lady was one of the few who knew how to navigate the underground.

He walked up the steps of the apartment complex looking at the piece of paper that held his room's number, he tripped a few times on his way up but managed to avoid any major incidents with the steps themselves. His surprise when he walked into his new room was at least a nine out of ten, it would have been ten had he not have to debug the whole place of what surveillance the Pale Lady had installed in the house. If he was right then some of her men would be by soon enough to hassle him about the cameras and microphones but he would simply dump them outside the door and ignore them.

After he had finished setting up his new apartment to his liking he heard the telltale siren the meant the Wastelands were about to receive yet another young inhabitant. James knew that whoever it was would have been picked up by Marcus, he had a few dealings with Marcus before but otherwise they were simply acquaintances of little value to each other. James locked up his apartment and resolved to change the locks later and do another check for bugs, he knew the Pale Lady was a pervert and he would have to take steps against her intrusions into his privacy later.

A while later and James rounded the corner to Marcus' car lot, he noted several models in good condition and wondered how the man kept afloat in such times without turning to the more seedy characters about. Shrugging away his idle musings he saw Marcus and noticed he was busy with people so he walked u quietly and keep an ear open to the conversation.
"Just what in the Hell do you guys think you're doing?!"

A lone guard walked from the Utopia gates, addressing the driver, guards, and passengers of the newly arrived bus, carrying meta-humans over from another city.

"You ass clowns don't belong in New York, and neither do these kids you just brought here. Pack it up and keep it moving elsewhere!"

"We have orders..."

"Screw your orders!""

And permission..."


"We're from Woodstock. Hours ago, we radioed in here and received special permissions from your Mr. Isley to come here and drop off these kids. Our wasteland is overpopulated. You fine people here in New York seem to have lots of room to spare, am I right?"


"I don't suppose you have any other questions?"

"No. That'll be all."

"I thought so."


"We're headed back home, boys! Let's get going!"

Dumbfounded, the guard watched as his fellow guardsmen from Woodstock drove off, making their way out of the city. He looked to the new group of meta-humans, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Some of them seemed afraid to even move a step from where they departed.

"Listen up, all of you! You're a long way from home, but that doesn't mean that you're gonna forget your home training and manners. Don't go starting any trouble, y'hear?"

There wasn't a peep from the crowd. They all seemed to be waiting for further instructions. The guard looked over to Marcus and the gathering meta-humans around him. Pointing at the 'NEWS' van, he smirked and then stepped away.

"You all can proceed over there. Remember: Don't go starting any trouble."


"If you can ever count on anyone being a total d**k about something out here, it's always safe to bet on one of the guards", Georgette whispered, shaking her head in shame. Not all guards were rotten, just a majority of them. The government appointed officials looked at meta-humans with utter hatred and disgust. She'd wait for the day when the inevitable would happen, when it was one of their kids being thrown out here. Karma had its way of being a *****. Placing her index finger and thumb into her mouth, the brunette let off a loud whistle at the group of newly arrived meta-humans.

"Any of you plan on being helped in getting situated anytime soon?"
After a rather heated debate between the bus guards and city ones, the new metas were left in the city, and told rather casually to mind their manners. More than a couple of the new arrivals seemed to already be looking to make a commotion, starting some rather loud conversations as already they divided into cliques. Looking at the others, then his manacled hands, Raymund shivered at the chill breeze, deciding that the NEWS truck seemed safe enough, only a few people there thus far, including the only girl coming out of the Utopia. If nothing else, it seemed like the big man there was helping new arrivals, and maybe he would be able to do something about these confounded shackles.

Walking toward the four of them, Ray attempted to wave, a gesture made terribly awkward by the metal chains from one wrist to the other, and strange gloves over both hands. Already the boy felt their stares, even if they weren't making any, practically speaking aloud, "who's this freak?" they said, but if he didn't get some help, there was no way in hell he'd be able to survive here, especially with cold weather already starting to creep up on the city, going homeless wouldn't be a very good option. When he thought about it, Raymund probably looked the most suspicious of the lot, being the only one with shackled wrists and hair so long that more than half his face was impossible to make out.

"Oh- uhm..." the boy struggled to get out, obviously not used to talking to new people under regular circumstances, let alone ones such as these.

"Hello?" he weakly attempted, at this point just hoping not to make an impression any worse than he already had seeing as the big man could probably fold him in half like a sheet of paper if he were so inclined, and he had no idea what powers any of the group might have.
A power loader with a cage attached, drove through into the wastelands. In the cage was a new Meta. His eyes raked the scenery, looking, hoping for something out there to give him hope. As the loader started to let the cage down, his worry levels increased. For one, he'd be viewed a little more as a freak than the others based on how he had a dorsal fin from his back, and gills on his neck. A man walked up, and hurriedly opened the cage, and then ran away, as if he feared his life. The person inside the cage stood, he was dressed in a white suit, and his blonde hair flowed with the wind. He walked out, holding his hand over his eyes.

The first thoughts running through his mind were, Warum ist es, dass ich solch ein Schicksal, da dies bin verdammt? He had thought in German, as Richtofen Hildegard was from Germany. When he would speak, he'd have a heavy German accent.

As he looked around, he saw the group of people, one of them holding a sign saying, "NEWS." They looked rather friendly, so, Rich started his way over. His mutation was much useless here, turning into a man shark would do no good without water. He frowned, and when he reached the group, he spoke in his German accent, a monotone voice that was rather high pitched. "Hallo, I am Richtofen, vhat may I ask are your names? And vhy are you standing zere vith ze sign?" He figured he knew the reason, but he'd ask anyway.

It was better to know than to assume, as he knew the saying as well as you and me.
Jo Anna Tannings walked around her house, getting ancy and bored. Only fourteen, she had this huge mansion of a house, and was bored none the less. Every few moments she would pass by another person, and she would smile sweetly, say hello, then continue walking. They didn't want to really talk much, most were depressed, scared, and just wanted a roof over their heads, food, and alone time. Jo Anna knew this and understood, not bothering them too much unless they were new, or talked to her first. Most didn't want to talk to her much regardless, what with Hale trailing behind her protectively.

Hale had always been with her, making sure she was safe. He was a Meta, having the ability to control someone's emotions. It seems harmless, but can be a powerful thing in reality. He spoke softly from behind, "I can tell you are anxious Anna... Would you like to go somewhere? We can see the new arrivals, if there are any, and offer them shelter. The other people you have employed should be able to keep the house in check while we are gone."

Jo Anna nodded, then turned to smile at him, "Let's do that!" They left the house a few minutes later, after Anna had grabbed her light jacket, and Hale spoke to some of the other workers about what to do whilst they were out. Once out of the house, Hale held Anna's hand as a brother would to a sister, and they decided to walk the not too far distance to the gates. After a short while, they arrived and looked around. There were a number of people around, some deformed, others not. One girl looked like a City girl, one boy had a fin coming from his back, another boy had something precautionary on his hands.

Anna also saw Marcus, and waved at him, a huge smile on her face. Marcus was sweet, trying to help as much as he could, kinda like herself, though he had less, and was giving just as much. Anna pulled away from Hale and ran straight to the boy with the gloves and handcuffs on, "Hi there! What's your name?" Hale sighed and walked up to the boy as well, chiding Anna, "Manners first Anna dear." He turned to the boy, "My name is Hale, and this is Jo Anna Tannings. If you are from inside the city, or perhaps even outside the city, you may have heard of her? If not, no issue in the least."

Jo Anna frowned, then spoke, looking at the boy again, "He is right. I am sorry. You can call me Anna though. Or Jo. If you want. I don't mind either." Her voice was fast, and though she was small, it was also secure and powerful feeling. "I offer room for the newbies," she called out, loud enough for the others to hear, "That goes for anyone who wishes it." Anna's voice went small again then, speaking only to the boy in front of her, "I came to you first though, cuz you look like you need a bit of help." Anna tapped his hands and half smiled, "We might have handcuff keys at the house... if not..." Anna looked up at Hale, and he groaned, knowing what she wanted.

"Anna... I would rather not..." He almost pleaded, but she frowned at him, and pointed at the boy, nearly hitting him with her finger, "Look at him. He needs help. Who else can help get these off of him right now? Maybe Marcus, but he is busy. Helping is our job too." Hale sighed, folding his arms, "Fine. You stay here while I do that though. Got it?" Anna nodded and smiled at him, then looked back at the boy, "Just give him a second."

Hale walked up to the nearest guard, assuming almost all of them had keys, and looked him in the eyes, "I need your keys for that boy over there, got it?" As he spoke he was changing the guards emotions to be passive, compliant, and almost tired. A moment passed and the guard handed Hale the keys, which he took and then nodded at the guard. He turned and went back to Anna and the boy, "Got them. I would like to give them back after this." Anna nodded and smiled, "You are so awesome Hale!"

Hale rolled his eyes and handed the keys to Jo Anna, knowing she would want to be the one to do it. She didn't question why he was shackled like that, but quickly unlocked them and took them off for him, the items once on his hands now onto the floor. She grabbed his hands and bounced up and down, "Yay! You are all free now!" Hale smiled weakly and grabbed the keys back, a little nervous about the boy.
Before the other group had gotten the time to respond to Raymund, another pair approached, a girl that seemed quite excitable while the man behind her appeared rather exasperated, almost exhausted merely by being in her presence.

Abruptly the girl burst into a run, practically shouting a greeting, startling the new arrival. Opening his mouth in an attempt to reply, the other half of the duo spoke up, reminding Anna to mind her manners, and in excellent form, Raymund thought to himself sarcastically.

"Woodstock actually. It's uh, nice to meet you..." he replied, trailing off at the end, forgetting to even introduce himself. The young Tannings continued unperturbed, offering Ray a place to stay, and anyone else keen on the invitation, solving his first problem before he'd actually gone in search of an answer.

Going on to explain herself as to why he'd been the first one to approach, Anna tapped the odd white gloves over his hands and by extension, the metal cuffs attaching them to his wrists. From there the conversation shifted focus, thankfully off of the fledgling author while the two discussed things amongst themselves, not caring to explain themselves.

Anna, ever seeming to solve problems before they arise, practically jabbed Raymund in the eye pointing at him, causing him to flinch noticably, convincing her companion to do something. Conceding defeat, Hale crossed his arms and demanded that the girl remain where she was, leading the new arrival to believe he was about to do something dangerous, though he simply walked toward the guards, probably a bad idea nonetheless, but not what he'd been expecting.

Ever confident, Anna stated that it would only be a moment for whatever Hale intended to do, and so it came to be. Simply speaking to the guard briefly, Hale convinced the guard to hand over a set of keys matching the shackles on Ray's wrists.

Returning, Hale stated his preference on the keys, wanting to return them to the guard quite simply as he handed them off to Anna, who proceeded to unlock the cuffs. Excitedly proclaiming the obvious, she grabbed Raymund by the hands and began jumping up and down. A little bit hesitant, a smile managed to creep it's way onto Ray's face, the girl's happiness seeming infectious.

"My name is," he hesitated, not sure if it was a good idea to share his name with strangers,though these strangers had been nicer in mere moments than many people he'd known before had ever been over the course of many years.


Seeing the look on Hale's face, Ray figured he should explain himself before he made a bad impression.

"I'm not dangerous, really..." he said, probably only making things worse for himself.

"They were afraid I'd mess with the bus..." he explained, hoping that his power would be evident from that, though it likely wouldn't.
Hale rolled his eyes then patted Raymund on the back, "You feel about as timid as a fly. I am not too worried." Hale then walked back to the guard, handed him back the keys, and walked back to the group while Jo Anna chatted on and on, "So! I am Jo Anna, and that is Hale. Wait... I think I already said that... No matter! Do you want to come with us and have some food? I could cook o-" Hale cut her off, shaking his head, "If you ever want your stomach to trust you again, you will not let her cook. I will, if nothing but to save you the agony." Anna frowned at him, "Hale! That was mean! You should try to be nicer to me."

He rolled his eyes once more and sighed, "Yes Anna dear. Now then. We should go." He started to turn before Jo Anna was suddenly in front of the Shark Man, smiling wide, "What about you mister?! Wanna come with too?" Hale looked like he was about to explode or something, but he stayed next to Raymund, "The nutty girl... She really needs to be more careful. With these people... you never know who is good or bad until they act."
Judas had been relaxing on the roof of his refurbished nightclub home when he heard the siren a few blocks away, signaling the arrival of supplies and new metas. Moving to the open roof access, he yells down to the few wimps that stayed with him for protection: "Get the bread truck and head to the gate, you have work to do!" before moving to the front ledge of the building and causally jumping off, landing in a crouch with cat-like grace that seemed out of place for someone so massive. Knowing the locals weren't going to wait around to take the supplies, Judas picked up a light jog and made it the two blocks to the drop off zone in only a few minutes, before slowing down to a leisurely pace and assuming an air of superiority as he neared.

As he approached the square he noticed the local goody good was already there waiting for the newbies to get off the transport all scared and alone. The weak ones usually ran away from or joined Judas's little group of thugs, the smart ones went off on their own, and a few went with the russian believing his "I'm a good-guy" attitude and his belief that if the normals were shown that not all metas were bad then they would open Utopia to them. He was delusional of course. To them the genetically evolved are a cancer to their comfortable way of life and have no place in their perfect society. Judas had no issues with the guy as long as he didn't interfere with any of his operations in the area. But sometimes he needed a reminder that Judas wouldn't take his shit or anyone else's.

Walking past the welcoming committee's truck, Judas casually swept his tail in to the sign leaning against the front fender, knocking it a few feet away and exclaiming that there was "too much garbage on the streets lately", before moving to the side where food and medical supplies were left and where his group had backed their truck up. Once the normals had a large enough stack and the shaky guards backed away, Judas motioned for the four lackeys to fill the truck three quarters of the way with food and the other quarter with medicine. The later stack being almost half of what was dropped. If people needed help they would come to Judas and be in his debt (which of course he would collect on). While they worked, Judas crossed his arms and watched the crowd for signs of trouble and kept them away with menacing glares that promised a violent beating to anyone that tried to stop him.
Marcus greeted the new arrivals one at a time until he came across a shy young man who seemed to quiver at the sight of him. "What is problem? There is nothing to be scared of. Here. Take backpack. It will prove helpful." said Marcus as he handed the teen one of his little welcoming backpacks. And then he turned to the teen who was speaking in a foreign language. You are not a local, friend. Where do you hail from? "Вы говорите по-русски?" He figured he would ask, but doubted the boy spoke the tongue of the Motherland. Marcus extended his hand in greeting. "I am Marcus. I greet new exiles. Sign is for my service. New Exile Welcoming Service. NEWS is good, as they say." The Russian then stepped over to grab another backpack for the fellow foreigner... but then Judas made an appearance. "великий..."

Judas, local bulldog and man-bull. His appearance alone was enough to scare away most folks. Marcus was used to his posturing, however, and would not be frightened away. "Good day, Judas. I assume you are here for more strong-arming?" Marcus shook his head as the brute tossed away his sign and made a rude comment. "Allow me to show how is done." Marcus focused very briefly on the muscles in his upper body, and they responded by expanding rapidly and filling him out even more than he already was. The now incredibly muscular man looked at Georgette and Richtofen with a serious look on his face. "Back in few moments. If gets heated, take my truck and go. You know Yuri, Georgette... go to him." ... Marcus lifted the sign Judas had tossed aside, and sat it back in its place. What he did next could be interpreted as either heroic or stupid, depending on one's point of view.

"Judas, my friend. I have something for you." No doubt the arrogant man-bull would turn to see what the so-called good guy wanted. When he did, however... he would be beaned in the face with a baseball-sized hunk of concrete, torn right from the parking lot where everyone was standing. Hell, he'd be pelted with it even if he DIDN'T turn around. What followed after the inevitable rock-toss was a statement that couldn't be more true. "You're not welcome here, Judas. Take what you NEED and leave. Let these people have what is theirs." The muscles in his powerful arms trembled with his anticipation as he spoke. "Every time is new exiles, you come here and take from them. Every time, you scare them and make this place even more unpleasant. All the time, you try to make feel like they have no hope. Enough is too much. Вы должны покинуть прежде чем я вам больно." ... bold words when you're facing down someone of Judas' intimidating proportions. At least for most beings. Marcus was immensely strong and durable once he switched on his metahuman abilities, and he was not afraid of Judas in the least.
After what Raymund couldn't discern as either an insult or compliment, Hale went on to cut off his charge, insisting that her cooking wasn't nearly so good as she was convinced it was. Chuckling quietly, Ray wasn't quite sure if he should be taking it to heart, or if it were simply a joke though. Before the group left though, the big greeter insisted there was no danger here, handing him a backpack full of supplies, leaving the boy stunned at simply the abruptness of it all. Briefly after even all of this, apparently one of the less than savory characters arrived, strong-arming supplies, whether for his own group to use, or to sell was unknown however.

The russian man actually scooped a fistful out of the asphalt to throw at the new arrival, likely with some history between the two, however Raymund opted to stay out of it, not exactly sure what help he would be anyways.

"Should we be helping?" he asked the other two, as unsure of what to do now as he had been getting off the bus.

The Woodstock kid was tempted to use his powers, though he had no idea what use they'd be considering the last two times he'd used them had had drastically different results, from a sofa frolicking about like a puppy, and a toaster going absolutely mental, launching anything it could get into the slots across the room with violent force.
Judas had made it a few steps before the russian called after him and subsequently pelted his skull with with a piece of road. Without much thought, Judas abruptly spun around to his right with his tail extended, bashing Marcus in the chest and sending him flying on to the hood of his truck and through the front windshield. Not wanting to lose an opportunity when presented with one, he grabs Marcus's ankle and, with a grunt of effort, heaves him skyward. Utilizing the short ammount of time that he has free of the nuisance Judas yells to his men loading the bread truck "LETS GO! I want the truck loaded and on its way before mister pansy cakes lands and comes to and wastes even more of my time!". Turning back around Judas glares menacingly at the bystanders before slipping his fingers in to the side of the truck's hood and pulls it from its mountings. After carelessly tossing it down the street he reaches in to the truck, gripping the engine block with both hands, and begins to pull. At first the truck begins to rise with the engine as if refusing to be parted with its heart, so Judas lifts his foot and brutally stomps down on the front while still strong-arming the engine, the end result being several loud metallic pops, a few stings, and a now freed engine block.

Just as he is ripping it clear, Judas hears the mildly pleasant sound of a do-gooder smacking pavement, bringing a toothy smile to his monstrous face. Engine block in tow, he turns and makes his way to the small, Marcus shaped, impact crater and crouches down beside its dazed occupant. "Next time you try to be a hero," he growls softly "I'm going to take this piece of metal that was recently aborted from your tin can's face, and shove it up your ass. You can clench all you want, but you cant keep it out forever. Keep that in mind." Patting his back in a friendly manner, Judas returns to his full height and makes his way towards his group's truck. "LOCK IT UP, WE'RE LEAVING" He bellows as they load the final few crates of supplies. Walking past truck and down the street, Judas begins to whistle a random tune whilst tossing the engine up and catching it as if it were a ball until he rounds a corner and is out of sight. As soon as he cant be seen, Judas stops and shuts his eyes trying to block out the massive headache that his adrenaline rush had helped to ignore, but was now hitting him head on like a ton of bricks. Pun intended. "Son of a ***** has good aim, I'll give him that" he thinks out loud as he opens his eyes and continues back towards his pad.
Before Hale could tell him how bad of an idea that would be, Judas was out of sight, and Jo Anna was practically on Marcus, wanting to make sure he was ok. Hale sighed shakily, "That man always scares me a bit... He always seems so furious to the core, and it bothers me more than one would think that it should." Anna on the other hand was wondering how she should help Marcus, and if the man was even conscious, "Marcus...? Are you alright? Do you want me to get you a glass of water?" her voice was quiet, and serious, but audible as she hoped he was ok.
James froze, he hadn't yet met the imposing wall of scales and muscle that called itself Judas. He hadn't seen so much malice in his life, not even in the guards that expelled him from what was once his home, they were simply afraid but Judas...... Judas was simply hate personified. The fight, if you could call it a fight was short but violent. Marcus was a real hero, James couldn't believe the power Marcus had and marveled when he ripped a piece of asphalt from the ground and tossed it with amazing accuracy at the lizard like Judas.

When Judas disappeared round the corner James sped to the crater that Marcus made when he landed, he skidded down a little until he regained his footing
"I am so sorry Marcus I should've done something to help you." James shook his head but Marcus looked none the worse after his violent bout with Judas. Self pity welled up in his gut and gave him butterflies but he kept his feelings to himself, he'd have to work them out on his own.

He saw a girl kneeling down beside the Russian juggernaut of a man and shook his head slightly
"He's fine ....Anna was it? He's just a little dazed if that, Marcus is tougher than he looks and that's pretty tough." James smiled knelt down next to the prone man "Cone on Marcus, you're gonna worry everyone if you stay down for too long." Having said his piece he scrabbled from the small crater and waved to all the new arrivals "Um Hello everybody I'm James Cauthon and if you all could give us a moment and move closer to the building and away from the road I'm sure we can help get settled here in New York." Walking close to the building he looked at Hale and Anna, he didn't know them personally but he knew them by description, the duo had a lot of rumors following them but not all of them bad.

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