The Outsiders (IC)

It taken Edison longer than he'd like to reach the drop off site,outside the dome. When he got there,he saw a mountain of a man--No,a demon,get into a box truck and speed off,leaving behind a ransacked convoy,ravaged street,and a very much unconscious Marcus. Edison drew his empty handgun and pointed it at the truck,but it didn't even slow down. Edison looked at the plates,and began to mutter the number under his breath. He walked up to the abandoned pickup truck and quickly scribbled down the number on a sheet of paper with a pen he found in the glove compartment. Taking the paper with him,Edison left the building to survey the situation. There was a chunk of asphalt torn from the street,and the pickup truck had it's front end gutted,with Marcus just now regaining his feet,with enough onlookers to convince even those who thought that Metahumans were a myth. Edison passed the empty handgun to a heterochromatic woman his age with a grunt of, "Hold this." And proceeded to help pull Marcus up. "I got the plates. What the Hell happened here?" He looked at the others and said, "Stick around! We'll be taking statements! We need to track that hellspawn down!" He looked down at Marcus,and asked, "Got any energy drinks? I'm tapped."
Richtofen, had, unmeaning fully, and rather accidentally, ignored the girl. Should he apologize? Most likely. Would he? No. He thought he'd scare her, and her bodyguard at least. It'd be better if he left her alone. So, having taken whatever offerings the Russian man had made, he looked now towards the city. His blonde hair moving when ever the breeze kicked up. His blue eyes looking across the distance. Der Whaise Hai, what his parents had called him before sending him off. Der Whaise Hai he'd surely be.

Scarlette helped out the best she could, having eyed the man with the gills and the dorsal fins. Damn, these Metas are getting different and different every day. She thought. It was true, however. She watched as the young girl went around trying to help the best she could. Then a few thoughts ran through Scarlette's mind. She shouldn't need to be here. She's too young, and she isn't even a meta.
The man who came on scene told everyone to stay, and so she would. Anna figured there was nothing better to do, and the man that had done this did need to be caught. She looked at Marcus for a moment, then figured that there were enough people around him, and she backed off, heading back over to Hale when she saw someone look at her.

Instead of going back to Hale, who by this point was just watching Anna run around, keeping an eye on her in case anything bad were to start, Anna went over to the girl(Scarlette). "Hello there!" Anna said, her voice fast and high as usual, "You look like you've been out here a while... in the wastelands I mean." She sighed, and cupped her hands behind herself, "Eventful day today huh...? Do you know who that demon looking person was? I usually know people, especially ones that hard to miss."

Anna didn't want to say odd, everyone outside the city got called odd, or freaks, and she didn't want to be someone who called people that as well, good or bad. Her eyes moved to the man with the fin, then back to the woman in front of her, "He looks sad... Well... then again, most people here do. I'd hate it if I were stuck in their situation, so displaced."
The impact had knocked the wind out of the big Russian, and he groaned in protest as he moved to sit up. His back and shoulders ached from the force of landing, his stomach cramped from his diaphragm being compressed, and his pride ached from being so stupid as to forget about Judas' tail. Regardless of the aches and pain, Marcus got to his feet and looked around at the people nearby. "Позвольте мне угадать..." grumbled the hero as he rubbed his head. "... Judas ruined my truck, didn't he?" Sure, Marcus remembered being tossed through the windshield. But that was something that was fairly easily fixed. Sure enough, as he surveyed his surroundings Marcus saw the broken remnants of his father's gift. "That bastard. I don't even care if he ruined car. That truck was gift from my father. I can get new car from lot... I can't replace father's love." Though the muscles in his upper body had since regressed to normal, Marcus slammed his fist into the ground hard enough to create a small crack in the concrete. Blood oozed from the fresh scrapes on his hand as his breathing grew heavy. "He will regret this. I swear to God."

Sighing sadly, Marcus reigned in his emotions and stepped over to the wreck of his truck. Thankfully, his cell phone was still between the front seats. He took it out and dialed up the number for "Five K's". "Hello? Oh. Hey Yuri. Yeah, is me. Judas was here a... yes. Ripped out the engine, crankcase and all.Yes, I will need lift. No, I am fine, just my pride. Yes, I know. Alright. See you soon." The phone beeped as Marcus ended the call. He was surprised at Yuri. The man was more worried about Marcus than about the damaged vehicle. Normally he was all about the business and less about the people. "Yuri is sending Vlad to pick me up. If anyone wants to come along, I can help find apartments and whatever else is needed." Another sigh left Marcus, who re-opened the back hatch of his SUV and resumed handing out welcome packs.
"I have never met that, thing. I don't know everyone, even though I've been here for awhile. The only people I ever really knew are Marcus, and my now dead brothers. Well, he doesn't look sad, he looks more like he's ready to start a new life. Though, you say we are, displaced, look at yourself. You aren't a meta. Though, I respect your friend there for being with you, don't you think it'd be safer to try and get out?" Scarlette spoke in that soprano voice of hers. She didn't know all that much about anyone here, just who was a meta, and who wasn't.

Richtofen heard the two talking about him, and turned towards them. He walked a little ways, and then spoke towards them. "Zat vas interesting, ja? Es ist nicht gut to attack the innocent, or the helden, ja?" Helden meant heroes, and he had called Marcus that, only as he was a small one. One good action could make anyone a hero, in a way. And Rich knew that.
Anna smiled at both of them, "Yeah, I am not a meta, but who cares? Just because I don't have powers doesn't mean I shouldn't try to help out. I have my mansion and Hale, we have people stay with us, so they can get a good footing out here. Hale keeps me safe, and helps me around the house. My parents chose to go with Hale when he got kicked out, and helped people out here until they died..." Anna looked at the man with the fin again, "Yeah... it really wasn't cool of him. I don't know what his problem was. It seemed all so ridiculous."

Hale was watching the three people talk, and looked to the boy beside him, "I am going to go join the conversation there, feel free to join me." With that he moved over to the others, and stood next to Anna, "We do not ever house people like that demon spawn though. They are too unpredictable and dangerous to have around." He looked at the girl, then to the man with the fin, and sighed. He figured they were ok as far as people went, they hadn't caused too many issues for Marcus yet, and the girl seemed to know Marcus.
"Vell, I am not someone vho begs for house and home, jah? But, if you really vish, I shall accept ze offer," Rich spoke with his accent. He then turned to Scarlette.

"I live in an apartment, I don't need housing. But, I have a car, and I could help you get to your house, if you wish," Scarlette spoke.

"You can drive?" Rich asked.

"Yes, I can, do you need teaching?" Scarlette asked him.

"Nein, I need not to drive."
Lightening Flicker had been in the Wastelands ever since being thrown over the nearly finished wall. At the time they had already started ushering Metas in as they were tested positive for the gene. He had heard certain names floating about the streets since. He knew of Marcus, though had never met him. He knew Marcus had some foreign last name & was one of the first in the Wastelands before the wall could even be called a wall. But he only seen the man in passing. The guy had started to come over & help him before he took off. Having just discovered he was, in fact, one of the 'freaks' he so blatantly protested against, then unleashing his pent up power thus maiming & killing those he cared or & being tossed out like trash it was safe to say he wasn't up for talking then. & he certainly didn't want help from a freak. He also had heard of a regular badass named Judas & a girl by the name of Tannings, though he'd never met either of them.

Usually he ignored the siren that alerted to new arrivals. But this time he didn't. He was starting to become more comfortable here. Being a Meta himself he no longer viewed them as freaks. He was them & they were him. All one in the same. Unlike most Metas he had no desire to go back to Utopia. There was no longer anything for him there. His family, his friends, his people had all abandoned him. So now he walked back to the wall. Maybe it was time to finally meet some of these people. He had seen them in passing in his day to day life here in the Wastes but nothing he could call as to an actual meeting.

He got there well after Judas had left & that commotion had all but died down. He saw people talking, conversing with each other, the seasoned veterans helping the newcomers. For the most part, people seemed to be getting along, though he wasn't sure what was with the broken down truck with no engine or the hole & crater in the pavement, but he didn't see a point to question such things.
About two blocks from his hang out/home Judas had a stroke if inspiration. Making a cut down a side street and walking past a couple storefronts, he finally stopped at a lumber store and did a little window shopping before he found what he wanted. Trying the door he found it locked and realized it was after hours. Shrugging, he proceeded to simply let himself in, applying a small amount of force to side of the door with his free hand until he heard a loud crack and it came free, falling to the ground. Stepping inside, he went straight for the desired object: a Large two by two by two block of solid oak. Picking it up and tucking it under his arm, Judas chuckled at his idea, getting warm and fuzzy all over. Sometimes i amaze myself he thought to himself as he made his way back towards the door. He was a few steps from the portal before something caught his else caught his eye. Stepping over he scooped up three cans of gold colored spray pain in his massive hand and continued out of the shop and back to his pad. Upon reaching front he saw that his peons had already arrived and had half of the truck unloaded in to their supply vault. "Its about time someone took the initiative around here" he said as he walked up. Looking at his small band he picked one of the newbies out from the last exile drop, he thought his name was Frankie, but the guys just called him 'blob' as all he could do was turn in to a gelatinous mess. "YOU, BLOB! C'MERE!" he yelled over his shoulder as he walked in the door, not bothering to see if he followed. They always followed. Setting the engine on the floor, Judas tossed the spray cans to Blob as he came in, "See that engine? I want every inch of it a lovely golden color." Smiling as Blob began, he turned around and started on the wooden block. Using one of his claws, he scratched deep grooves in to the wood until an inscription could be read: KRISCO'S THIRD TRUCK. As soon as blob was done he'd set his newest trophy next to two other slightly dusty but similar objects in his room, marked first and second, respectively.


A few hours later Judas was lounging in the main room of the hangout when he overheard one of his lower street thugs talking about convoys. "Yeah man, its weird, like for the past couple weeks the norms have been clearing buildings along a stretch of road in my area and doing regular patrols as if it were the outer wall border. They're scaring off all my profits and i think something else might be going down, they only seem to do this if a special convoy's gunna come through." Calling him over, Judas put on his' im your best friend' facade "Why don't you take a seat and tell me more about these special convoys, what do they carry, how often do they come through? I want to know it all." And talk the man did, explaining things that Judas had never before heard of the normals doing. Something was going to happen, and Judas knew he wanted to be there to ruin it for them and run off with whatever the loot may be. "I'm glad you brought this to my attention, I need you to do me a favor: I need you to track down the source of their patrols find out where they're coming from, and if you can, find out if their package is coming or going." With that Judas stood up to his full height and left the room, headed for his chamber to begin planning and seeing what more he would need to stick it to the man once more. This was going to be fun.....
A short while passed before Yuri showed up with a big van. "Marcus, you тупица. Why are you letting that bastard kick you around like that? I know you stronger than him. Marcus just got what supplies he hadn't handed out and tossed them into the back of the van. Naturally, Yuri expressed his impatience. "I am talking to you, Marcus. Don't ignore me. I will f..." he shut up when he saw the muscles in Marcus' right arm enlarge once again. It was clear that the man was frustrated and didn't want people to go off on him fight now. Knowing that the hero would talk about it eventually, Yuri took up the job that Marcus had been doing. "Alright kids. Hop in van if you want more help. Vladimir, Marcus, and myself? We will help with you finding places to live, finding the jobs, and even get you bite to eat if you're hungry. We have plenty of room, and Vlad is on his way with another car." The gear Marcus had left over fit nicely into the van, and he climbed into the front seat once he was finished. He was really rather tired of the whole routine of helping people, being kicked around, and then smiling once he got up.

Vlad showed up moments later in a large sedan. He stepped out of the driver's seat with an AK-47 assault rifle in his arms, a spare clip and bandolier on his chest, and a Colt M1911 at his waist. "Where is bastard, Judas?! I will kill him for ******* with my brother and his truck." he popped the clip out, checked to make sure he had a full one, and popped it back into the rifle. "Come out, you тупица. Face me like man!" Yuri quickly told the gung-ho mechanic that Judas had left and that they were going to help Marcus with the NEWS today. Vladimir seemed relieved and disappointed at the same time, and masked both with a show of manliness. "He knew I would not stay while he messed with my family. He must have run when he realized I would shoot his ass in the face." Marcus and Yuri both shook their heads while the cheerful Vladimir opened the trunk of his car and tossed the assault rifle inside. "Alright, so who is coming?" asked both of Marcus' friends to the small crowd.

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