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Fantasy The Other Side OOC

I figured I'd wait for an Elodie post and then I'll post Emory!
I'm so sorry. I've been burning out trying to take care of my mom and not writing as a result. I'll try to reply today. I'm super rusty, so it might not be great. X.x

TaperedNightjar TaperedNightjar
I love your dog! Give him extra loves from me. Also I'm glad your laptop is working again. I usually use a tablet with an external keyboard, so I understand the troubles without one.

Malacina Malacina
I think "If not friend, why friend-shaped" would be pretty good last words.

Caffeinated Joy Caffeinated Joy
I hope you're feeling better. *gentle hugs*
I'm so sorry. I've been burning out trying to take care of my mom and not writing as a result. I'll try to reply today. I'm super rusty, so it might not be great. X.x

TaperedNightjar TaperedNightjar
I love your dog! Give him extra loves from me. Also I'm glad your laptop is working again. I usually use a tablet with an external keyboard, so I understand the troubles without one.

Malacina Malacina
I think "If not friend, why friend-shaped" would be pretty good last words.

Caffeinated Joy Caffeinated Joy
I hope you're feeling better. *gentle hugs*
it's alright! I understand feeling burned out, so don't stress out too much :)
Im on my iPad because I’m dog sitting and it won’t really let me re-size this. I have no idea how big the picture will be on everyone’s end. Anyway, I finally drew a full reference for Vyrik. I needed one for when I play art games with people and I put it off for literal years, LOL. This is him before he left home.
it's alright! I understand feeling burned out, so don't stress out too much :)
It's quick. My mom'll likely wake up soon, so I didn't want to not finish. I was thinking, Gazimon X Gazimon X could reply for Jero, while you write how Emory's morning has started--he can come late to breakfast or not leave his rooms at all. (Obviously something completely different is fine, these are just suggestions.) Then Elodie can comment on hiding Yetzirah from the public--that he was unaffected by the otherkin's tricks made him seem inhuman. And when dismissed, she can go find Emory?

I hope it's okay...it's been a while since I've really written.
Well, because life can't give me a break, what ended up being bruised ribs and fingers ended up being broken. Along with my nose. Then two weeks ago a good friend of mine died out of no where. Fine one day, dead the next. It's been rough.
Well, because life can't give me a break, what ended up being bruised ribs and fingers ended up being broken. Along with my nose. Then two weeks ago a good friend of mine died out of no where. Fine one day, dead the next. It's been rough.
*hugs gently* Fuck. I wished it helped more, but I'm so sorry. If you ever want to talk/vent, feel free to pm me. If you need rp as an outlet, we're here, but you have to take care of you first.
Well, because life can't give me a break, what ended up being bruised ribs and fingers ended up being broken. Along with my nose. Then two weeks ago a good friend of mine died out of no where. Fine one day, dead the next. It's been rough.
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I know it's hard to just lose someone out of the blue like that. Sending you very gentle hugs!
It's quick. My mom'll likely wake up soon, so I didn't want to not finish. I was thinking, Gazimon X Gazimon X could reply for Jero, while you write how Emory's morning has started--he can come late to breakfast or not leave his rooms at all. (Obviously something completely different is fine, these are just suggestions.) Then Elodie can comment on hiding Yetzirah from the public--that he was unaffected by the otherkin's tricks made him seem inhuman. And when dismissed, she can go find Emory?

I hope it's okay...it's been a while since I've really written.
I'm gonna try and get an Emory post out today, so I was wondering if you'd rather have him join them at breakfast, or have Elodie find him wandering the grounds somewhere?
I'm gonna try and get an Emory post out today, so I was wondering if you'd rather have him join them at breakfast, or have Elodie find him wandering the grounds somewhere?
Whichever you think makes the most sense. If you think he'd come to breakfast, then that's fine with me. If he'd still be in his chambers or wandering the grounds, then do that.

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