The Orphanage


Junior Member

((Welcome one and all to the Orphanage RP!))

((For the Rules, Back-story, and Extra Information about the Orphanage, click here: For the sign-up thread, click here:

((Now, let the horrors begin~!))


"KEIRA, STOP!!" a voice screeched as said girl plunged her scissors back into her mother's writhing body. A giggle burst from upwardly stretched lips as a blood spilled from the wound and added to the red pool surrounding the two of them. The voice, belonging to Keira's father, yelled again for her to stop and he sprinted forward to grab the scissors away from his daughter. Keira's father reached a hand out to grab the duel-bladed weapon, but the outstretched appendage was stopped by another pair of silvery scissors. They had been stabbed upwards through his hand and were now slowly opening, the wound spreading wider as her father's screams grew louder. All the while, an ecstatic grin was spread across Keira's face, her eyes twinkling with delight as she watched the crimson liquid flow.


Keira sat up with a start, fighting off the panic that comes from being abruptly awoken from a bad dream. Her hands were trembling slightly and she held them against her racing heart as she waited for the shock and anxiety to wear off, and for her breathing to return to normal. "Are you alright, Keira?" a calm, but nervous voice asked from behind her and she let out a clipped squeak of surprise. Twisting around, she found a pair of worried onyx eyes staring back at her. "Keira?" what she could now see as her boyfriend, Matt, asked again. Keira smiled at him sheepishly before turning back around and leaning backwards again so that she rested once more against his chest.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bad dream," she murmured and yawned, suddenly tired now that her panic had subsided. She looked up at the bright blue afternoon sky and smiled again, letting her eyes fall closed as a breeze passed over the two of them. "How long was I asleep?" she wondered aloud, and Matt laid his chin atop her head.

"A few hours, I think. It's about noon," he replied as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Everyone should be awake by now, then," Keira noted as she inspected the looming building that stood a few yards away from the pair.

((Rise, my children, RISE!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Erherm. I mean, time to get this thing rolling!))
Shade and Xade were sitting together in front of each other talking about a couple things that had popped into there minds."So how did you get like this?"Shade asked,motioning to Xade's body.He wanted to know how Xade got strong even though he had explained that he didn't know about three times already.Xade just sighed and he paced his head in his hand wondering what to do with this one,Shade was one of the keep talking until you tell type of person.He seemed like he just had to know everything even though there was nothing to know.
Spades sat in his usual cage, muttering and figiting," Escape... Spades wants out," he rasped, clawing lightly at the bars. His eyes are wild and feral, with little trace of sanity. Spade's lips quivered as he held a little stuffed bunny. "Out. Out! OUT!" He screamed, sqeezing the little bunny. Lifting his claws, Spades slashed the little bunny into pieces, sending fabric and cotton stuffing everywhere. He sat alone, laughing hysterically. Claws shaking, he lifted the decapitated head of the stuffed bunny and threw it across the room, sitting the steel door locking him in. Almost all his life he had been here, and Spades was indeed mad. "When will someone come?!" He shrieked at the head that sit on the ground a few yards infront of him. The only time he was sane and calm was when he was tired. And Spades was almost never tired on purpose. "Out! Spades wants OUT! OUT! OUT!" Spades threw one of his chains at the bunny head, and the black poison touched the soft plush fabric. Instantly, the poison ate up the cloth, leaving only a sizzle of what was left. Lashing his tail, Spades pulled the chain back and licked the end. Bittersweet. He knew the poison wouldn't hurt him. He knew it couldn't. Spades knew because the poison was made from his own blood. So many years trapped here. So many times he tried to break out. Maybe today would be the day. Either way, Spades loved the sweet splatter of this blood. Spades laughed again like a madman, his red eyes staring at the ceiling.
Blu had heard yelling as he walked around and listened to where it was coming from."Hello?...."He smiled as he looked around,he hadn't came this way in a while and he was sure most of the others didn't ether."That meant quiet right?"He thought to himself as he continued walking to where he heard the yelling.
Spades heard footsteps and smelled someone. Had someone really come? "Here! Spades is here!" He hissed and stood up. Someone was coming! Finally! Now he would have to get them to open the latch, and Spades would be home free. Trying to run towards the door, Spades gagged as the many chains yanked him back. The person would also have to unlock the chains. The key was on the far side of the room, too far for Spades or his chains to reach. He continued calling until he was sure whoever had heard him knew where he was. iIt was a long walk this far in the orphanage, and Spades had been here way too long. His tail fizzed up in excitement. Now he'd have to think what he had to do to the person who would help him. Killing was his first choice, but if they were good enough he would let them live. It just depended on his mood.
Blu's smile grew as he heard the one from before yelling again,"I'm coming."He said now stepping into the sight,he saw Spades and his head slightly tilted."Are you stuck?"He saw the cage and chains and thought as if someone played a mean joke on the boy,of course anyone here would do that so it'd be hard to find out who did it.
Winter stared at her sheet music for a while before she finally became familarized to the notes. She had been hearing screaming through the floorboard the last few days, and oh how it ignored her. She wasn't just going to stand through it anymore. It was non-stop and it was annoying. She was going to do something about it, something she knew best.

She placed the bow on the viola strings and began to play. Brauhms viola sonata flew through the house and drowned out the terrible screaming, which Winter thought was so absolutely horrific. If only someone knew how to play the piano to accompany this beautiful peice, it would be perfect. Winter closed her eyes and everything else in the world was gone, disappeared. Oh it was absolutely wonderful! How could anyone....what was that?

Winter placed a hand over her stomach. She was starving. The screaming had stopped. Placing her viola neatly back in it's case with it's bow, she walked out of her room to make herself a nice and yummy sandwich.
Donovan was watching a group of birds sleeping peacefully in a corner of a abandoned room.

"Kill them Donovan." Davon said to him, or really, he said to himself.

Donovan shook his head and replied, "No Davon, they aren't harming anyone. Let them sleep, please."

He was rubbing his hands together, nervous about what Davon wanted. But he couldn't move, he was frozen in place. Just staring at the birds.

"Fine, i'll kill them you worthless boy."

Donovan walked towards the sleeping birds.

He was scared, his breathing became scarce whimpers.

Davon was smiling though, calm. He was used to this.

His other half was useless and a coward. Davon and Davon alone had pulled them to survival. They would be dead if it wasn't for him.

Donovan owed him this.

Davon needed this.

He reached the bird nest, smiling. His eyes wide with anticipation.

He cocked his arm back, his sharp, jagged bone jutting out of his wrist.

He shot forward.

There was a terrible screech.

Then, silence.
Seiko hummed as she half skipped down the hallway to the kitchen. Her swords were bouncing with a jingle and she entered. She looked through the pantry first and finding little that she could just tide her over until they got more. Checking the cabinets, she didn't find anything eatable. 'Why is there never any food anymore...?' She thought closing the cabinets. Her stomach yelled at her and she growled back. "I know...." Seiko turned on her heal and looked out one of the windows to see how long she had before the game tonight. 'Some hunting practice before the game will be some fun~' She exited the kitchen with a large smile on his face and her hands itching to draw her sword.
"Of course i'm stuck!" Spades hissed rudely. Lashing his tail, Spades threw a chain at Blu, which quickly wrapped around him. The chain didn't have any poison, for Spades didn't whether he was a threat or here to help. Spades yanked the chain back, dragging Blu toward him. He was only the few inches away from Blu's face, with metal bars in between. "Hey pal, could you do me a huge favor?" Spades rasped, his red eyes staring intently," See that key over there?" He pointed across the room," Take it and unlock me from this place." He obviously didn't know the definition of manners, but tried to stay as polite as he could. Spades then unwrapped the chains from Blu, leaving a slight mark. Spades licked gis lups. Maybe if this guy was cooperative, he might not attack. He then waited for this boy's reaction, his hair swaying darkly, hiding the glint of hope in his eyes.
Blu didn't seem to be effected by the chains,he just smiled,and he walked as Spades pulled him close.He listened to what Spades had to say without interrupting and nodded when he finished."Sure,I don't see why not."He said as he walked over to the key,as he grabbed it he turned and asked."But after you free could you do me a favor?..."He walked back with a slight skip to his step.
Winter slid past Seiko, another girl who lived at the orphanage. Stopping and looking back she saw the girl reaching for the sword.

"Woah there," Winter whispered under her breath with a smirk, "Don't do anything drastic." Sticking her hands in her jacket pockets she continued to the kitchen, searching through the cabinets, fridge, pantry, and found nothing. Slamming the fridge closed, she silently raged. We need food, we never have food, I want a freaking turkey sandwich. She ran out of the kitchen to look for some children. If she told them what to say and how to say it, then show them to Keira, she would definitely find some food. She was a sucker for the younger ones, just like Winter was a sucker for music and food.
Spades answered with a mixture of a rumble and a purr," Nyu. Depends what it is...," he pawed lightly at the bars. "Spades prefers... dirty jobs," he licked his lips. It had been so long since he had the taste of blood. An entire year! A year ago, a little child had eandered into the forest, not fully mitated yet with immortality. The child teased Spades for a long while until he finally lost it and slaughtered the child with his chains that could reach a good seven feet in circumference. Spades looked at Blu," Fine. Whatever it is, i'll do it. Just get Spades outta here!" He snatled rather loudly, getting right to the point.
Blu's smile grew."It's nothing special..."He said as he unlocked the cage,opening it seemed a bit difficult since it had been closed for so long.Blu sighted with relief when he finally got it open and he waited until Spades got out."There.much better,no?"He chuckled wondering about this one,he seemed really fun and crazy like someone else he knew.
"Yes! Yes!" Spades cheered and got out and stretched. He stretched rather oddly, like a cat would. "Yes, yes, much much better. Spades likes outside much much better!" He went over and unattached his chains, now the key was within his reach. The same key both unlocked the cage and his chains, which now swung freely, expanding almost a good eleven feet behind him. Spades was used to talking in third person, and was surprised how this guy acted so calmly. "Spades Cheshire," he introduced his name, pointing a clawed finger at himself. "Now tell me..." He purred, now in a much better mood," What's my side of the deal?" Spades ran a claw down his attire, snoothening it effectively.
Blu couldn't help but laugh at the way Spades acted,he must be very happy to finally be out of this thing.He slightly bowed his head to Spades when he introduced himself."My name is Blu Books,and I want a story."He smiled,wondering what Spades reaction would be from the small part he explained of what he wanted.He didn't want just a story,but a story worthy enough to have a spot in his book.And he wanted someone else to read to since most here didn't seem to care about old tales,he was sure he'd go crazy if it weren't for Xade and Shade who loved the stories he told.
(oh okay)

Spades tilted his head and thought. "Fine. Read me a story," he said and plopped down on the ground. It felt strange and childish, but Spades did anyway. "Go on. Read me this story." Spades put his chin in his hands, only slightly interested.
( O.o Ohhhhh What Blu "Said" meant he wanted a story from Spades xD Oi)

"Eh?...Now?"Blu looked at him with a slight confused look on his face,maybe he wasn't clear enough on who told what story.Ether way was fine with him as long as he also got a story,but he wasn't sure about telling one in this particular place.
(Hey! Sorry for being a bit late, just got my internet back after Sandy swept through!)

A young girl stirred, her eyelids fluttering open. What she saw was the dirty surface of a porch, leaves and debris scattered along it. She felt her hand on a book, the leather worn and soft under her small hands. She sat up, shaking any leaves that were on her off, and looked at the book with a slight smile. It was her botany book, one of her most prized treasures. "Abutilon hybridum, Bay Wreath, Ipomoea..." She began listing off the names of the flowers she read up on last night. She had probably read about them hundreds of times already, but nothing tasted sweeter than the names on her tongue. She yawned, then stood up, stretching her body and twisting it every which way to get the kinks out of her shoulders and back. Sleeping on the porch was... Not exactly comfortable, but it was one of her favorite places to sleep, almost like how a dog would prefer to sleep on a pile of it's owners shoes instead of the fluffy bed bought for it. She slipped the book into her canvas messenger bag, and quickly ran her fingers through her long brown hair, she knew no one really cared what she looked like, but she prided herself on looking presentable. Now... If only she could get the little ones to look presentable. She shook her head with a happy sigh, now that would be a task! She took a few gentle steps, opened the door, then swung around, hearing a blood curdling screech. She quickly took off, not even bothering to put on her shoes, she ran around the orphanage, then stopped when she saw the source of the screech. A boy, maybe around her age, standing over a pile of dead birds, his black hair ruffling in the minuscule wind. Now, it wasn't like she hadn't killed anything... Or anyone, before. But the sight of a dead animal, that was unacceptable. Plants and animals, they were nature, and were her closest friends. She could barely allow herself to eat salad without feeling at least a little bad! She didn't even bother hiding her intentions, this... This! "You!" She called out, her voice was tiny, but she made it well heard, "You... Why would you do that!?"
Donovan looked down at the birds, tears running down his cheeks.

why Davon..why..

Davon chuckled, bemused by the boys fright.

Davons laugh was interrupted though, by the yelling of a girl.

"Donovan, a girl is yelling at you." Davon whispered, "You should kill her."

"No Davon, i cant." Donovan whimpered, "Leave her be. I'll calm her down."

Donovan turned around and locked eyes with the girl in the doorway.

She looked mad.

"It wasn't me that hurt the birds, i swear." Donovan pleaded.

A slow stream of blood dripped off his bone onto the floor, making a little pool.

Shall we go for a swim Donovan? Davon thought.

He smirked.
Chess became enraged. "You didn't hurt them!? YOU didn't hurt them!?" She yelled, her voice growing more and more and her sanity slipped away little by little. She could feel her hands shake as they hovered over her bag, part of her screamed at her to grab the knife, while that little sane part of her that was left kept her from it. She had seen this boy around before, but never talked to him, she figured this was why, some part of her told her that he was an animal killer. Took pleasure out of the yelps and screams of nature. She could feel the snap, the break. She always felt it in her chest, not her heart, but the center of her chest. Like a bone being torn open, the marrow and porous innards exposed. Her outer being calmed, and she took a few soft steps towards him. She took out her knife and hid it behind her skirt, continuing to look at him with the eyes of a big sister, never to harm, only to care and nurture. She hid all intentions of her plan, "I... I'm sorry, I lost it for a moment there." She started, giving him a big smile that hid any shadows that lurked inside her. As she came close to him she put a hand on his arm, "We should clean this up? Shouldn't we?" She said as her hand enclosed around his arm and she lifted the knife into the air... "Cypress would suit you lovely."
Seiko was slightly surprised when Winter passed her and entered the kitchen only to come back out a minute later. She shook her head lightly knowing what Winter was about to do and not about to stop her since they did need the food. Yelling from another room reached her ears and she quickly came into the area. Opening the door as quietly as the old house would allow her, she saw Chess raise the knife. She came up behind Davon or Donovan, who ever he was at the moment, and slid him backwards in a swift motion seconds before the knife hit the air where he had stood. "Hey now~" She smiled at the two of them standing in the center to avoid a fight. "Lets just wait till the the games to settle this~"
Dpades seemed to sense his discomtempt," Eh? My room isn't fit enough for you?" He asked with a purr, not upset at all and stood up. "Nyan. Let's go sonewhere else then. I haven't been outside this place in forever!" He swung his tail, strangely mellow. When Spades was tired or groggy, he seemed to be much more normal. And all the excitement made him yawn. He then looked at Blu with a huge sparkle in his eyes," Blu! Show me your favorite spot in the world!" Spades felt bubbly," I haven't seen outside yet and i'd like to see your favorite spot!" Spades said almost as an order. This was the most excitement moment in his life.

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