The Orphanage Sign-Up

((Yo-hey, by the power vested in me, I hereby accept the character, one Alyx Nather, to the Orphanage RP. [MENTION=3635].Autumn.[/MENTION], you're good to go. Start posting on the RP whenever. ;]))
Name (First & Last): Nora Lucas

Age: 16

Gender: female

Appearance (Picture is not required): View attachment 8399

Backstory (Please include how your character got to the Orphanage): Nora was a fun-loving energetic child who was always smiling..... that was until her father died when Nora was 5 and her mother remarried. She had no idea what her mother saw in her new step-dad... he was mean to both Nora and her mother, treating them like slaves and abusing them. He was almost always drinking, and when he wasn't he was in a bad mood. When Nora was 11, her mother got tired of living that life and left in the middle of the night. Nora was watching from her bedroom window as her mom snuck out the back door, into her car, and drove away. Nora never saw her mom again and wondered why she left without her. Did Nora do something wrong? Was she not well behaved enough? Should she have eaten her broccoli when her mom told her to? She became closed off and resentful, she stopped doing good in school. Every time she brought home a failing grade, her step father would either beat her or send her to bed without dinner. This didn't motivate her to get better grades, it just caused her to retreat further and further within herself. Suddenly, years had passed and Nora had matured into a young woman. Her stepfather stopped seeing her as an annoying child then, and started to see her as an attractive teenager. One night when Nora was 15 and her stepfather was exceedingly drunk, he cornered her in her room and forced himself on her. Nora tried to fight but she was very small and not very strong so it was useless. Nora began to avoid going home (if you could call that hellish prison a home!) as much as she could. she wanted to avoid her stepfather as much as possible. But she couldn't avoid going back forever. He began attacking Nora on a regular basis, and she would cry herself to sleep every night. She wished for a way to escape.... any way to escape. Suicide crossed her mind multiple times, but she could never bring herself to do it. One day she was hiding in the library after school, when she overheard the conversation of two upperclassmen in the other isle. The spoke about horror story.... about an old house in the woods where children lived forever..... though to the upperclassem that place sounded horrible, to Nora it sounded like heaven. No matter how gruesome that place may be, it was an escape. Anywhere would be better than where she was now. She began spending every bit of free time she had researching the house. She needed to find out where it was and how she could go there. Finally, she found it. She planned how she would get there and decided she would run away that very day. In the middle of the night, after her stepfather had left her room and passed out on the couch, she grabbed a flashlight from her drawer and ran from the house as fast as she could. She ran through the woods until she found it. The house where children lived forever and all the adults who entered were killed. She had found her new home. ((She is a new arrival, She will be crossing through the barrier when I join the rp))

Bio/Personality: Nora is friendly and loving, but she can also be cold and reserved to those she doesn't know. She won't open up to someone immediately and she is very untrusting towards strangers. She makes a habit of locking her door every night before she goes to sleep.

Weapon of Choice: a small chain about the length of her arm with a heavy metal object on the end. ((you know, good for crushing skulls

Mutation: Nora is invisible. Not truly invisible, it's just that when she stands completely still or otherwise doesn't move, your eyes pass right over her and therefor she isn't seen. She developed this mutation herself, after hiding from her step-father for so many years. However, she doesn't like not being seen, so she is constantly fidgeting to keep herself visible.

stupid picture didn't work so here i go again: View attachment 8400

why it posted twice I have no idea....
Name (First & Last): Lee SuMi

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture is not required): Long black hair and pale skin. Dark almond-shaped eyes and soft pink lips. Petit, and shy, yet strong. She always carries her stuffed rabbit with her.

Backstory (Please include how your character got to the Orphanage): Abandoned as an infant, SuMi was taken in by scientists and used for experiments. She has no mutations, but the experiments have left scars on her body.

Bio/Personality: Sweet and gentle, but agile and fierce. You're in luck if you're on her good side. If you're on her bad side, you'd better hide somewhere safe. She is generally a nice person but if she needs to defend herself, she will.

Weapon of Choice: Spiked nunchucks

Mutation: None

Extra (Optional): None
|| I'm sorry for not posting lately V____V I got very sick this whole week, and I only have a few moments to write this, since I now have a weeks worth of homework to do. As soon as I'm done I will write up a reply. ||
((Don't worry about it! I know it's sucky being sick, so take your time, catch up on work, and get better before worrying about posting!))

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