The Orphanage Sign-Up

(I Could get one of my characters to break your character out of the cage,If that would be okay.I have the perfect idea ^^)(Sorry if this is chatting O~O...)
(I suppose it's technically chatting, but it's constructive chatting that benefits the RP, and it's relevant to a character. As this is the character sign-up thread, I'll accept discussions about characters as I have been discussing characters with their creators here as well, and I don't want to be a hypocrite.)
Name (First & Last): Winter Siro

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture is not required): View attachment 8215 except she wears black and white stockings

Backstory (Please include how your character got to the Orphanage: Winter lived with her crazy father who loved her very well. She didn't go to school, and instead her father taught her everything she knows, and he taught her very well. Since she grew up knowing no one else but her father, she talked to inanimate objects and gave them their own personality and name. She grew curious about the world outside her and decided to leave the house one day, without her father's knowledge. She traveled to a nearby elementary school's playground and watched all the children play. One of the school girls saw her and teased her to impress all of her other friends. It made Winter raging mad and she attacked the girl, nearly killing her with her fists before the other children tore her off, which made her attack them. In the end, 7 kids had to go to the emergency room that day

Worried, her father thought long and hard about what to do with her. He knew about the orphanage and the curse, he was the grandson of one of the scientists. One night while she was sleeping, ever so carefully, he carried her out to the orphanage, kissed her goodbye, and left her there, leaving her to wake up to her new home.

Bio/Personality: She's very awkward with new people, but once you slowly gain her trust, you can see she's very kind. She lives in her dream world most of the time. She is very bad at small talk ad would rather tell you random facts about the world. She gets overly excited and curious about things, and usually gets herself into trouble because of that.

Weapon of Choice: Her father's double bladed battle axe (her father was very into vikings). She calls him Mr. Death but, "despite his name, he's very polite," as she always says when introducing him.

Mutation: Keen sense of hearing

Extra (Optional): She's an expert at the viola, violin, and piano, her favorite being the viola. She plays a lot of the time.
(I have one thing to say, Mr.Fancy-Cake (man, that's a fun name to type xD ), before I accept your character. That battle axe has to be rather small (not tiny, but not bigger than two feet long or so), or else I don't think Winter would be able to wield it efficiently. If you don't want her to be able to wield it efficiently, that's fine, too. Actually, that would be kind of interesting.

Anyway, I'm just saying that you should keep in mind the strength of a typical 12-year-old and the size of your weapon of choice. Otherwise, I think it's a great character, and you are...

([MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION] yeah, that would be okay :D and could you please tell me your plan over PM or something? We could work something out)
([MENTION=3530]ShizukaAyame[/MENTION]Actually yes, I wanted it to be a regular size so it would be hard and awkward for her to pick it up and move around with it x3 I think it would go nice with her character :D And YAY I'm accepted! *fist pumps*)
Name: Donovan/Davon



Appearance:5'5, Black curly hair, brown eyes, wears a black V-neck, cargo pants and military boots.

Backstory: Donovan has been locked up in a insane asylum for 7 years. He grew up with a split personality disorder that no one but himself knew for many years. Around the age of 9 his other, evil personality got the better of him and he went on a killing spree, killing every living thing he saw. He was later caught and thrown into a asylum where he practically rotted. On his 16th birthday he made his escape from the nuthouse, killing 4 guards and smashing through a 2nd story window. Donovan ran into the surrounding wilderness and was never seen again..

Bio/Personality: Donovans personality is a nurturing kind. He finds the goodness and happiness in any situation. Davon on the other hand is very hateful. Bloodthirsty. Out to kill anything he deems, kill-able. (which is pretty much everything)

Weapon of Choice: Bone protrusions coming out the top of his hands.

Mutation:Bone protrusions coming out the top of his hands, Wall crawling.

Extra: Donovan and Davon talk to each other. They are both consciously aware of each other.
Name:Azeel Jackson

Age: 14

Gender: male

Appearance: 5'3" tall, has a small muscular build{not buff though}, short white hair, black eyes, wears mostly darker colors, has a small silver necklace that he wears all the time.

Backstory: Azeel had grown up and lived with his mother. He never knew his father, and any time he asked his mom about him she brushed off the question. When Azeel was 7, he woke up one day to hear a loud sound of banging coming from the kitchen and went to go see what it was. When he got to said room, he stood in the doorway and stared at his mother, laying limp on the floor, blood slowly seeping through her dress, and a man who was holding a knife and standing over her. Azeel ran screaming out of the house with his mother's killer following him into the woods. A few weeks later, the man had been found dead, the knife he had used on Azeel's mother embedded all the way into his back. Azeel had vanished without a trace.

Bio/Personality: Azeel is very quite and closed around people he doesn't like/know but when he is around people he likes he is a very sarcastic but bubbly person.

Weapon of Choice: A small dagger that has a black blade and handle.

Mutation: Can feel other people's emotions and manipulate the feelings of others. Also, he has a lack of pigmentation in his hair and skin because of a test that went bad when he was little.

Extra: Is basically addicted to sweets and always has a sucker of some kind in his mouth
(...God dang it! Why Must I type this again!)

Name: Niro (I must disscuss with mori for Last name )

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Appearance: He is a 5'4 young boy with hair a lunar Ocean (Meaning its white with a wave to it if you didnt pick that up). His eyes are a deep oak and and skin is a bleach peach color, though not to the point were he requires the title of "albino". He wears a long black trench coat that is covered in mud and other substances. His coat covers his mouth and the bottom of his nose, while his hair hides the top of his eyes.

Backstory: Niro use to belong to a family, unfortunatley that family beat him and his brother, Mori, constantly. Finally having enough for the pain that his parents mentally cause him, but more importantly his brother, he murders them with a boning knife found in his kitchen. From then on, he had protected his brother with all his strength and looked out for him through everything, as a older brother should of course. He will do everything in his power to proect his younger brother from anything.

Personality: Niro barley talks, only when in dire need and around his brother he does. He is ruthless when killing, he wont think secondly when taking a life.

Weapon of Choice: Single-Sided Ebony Scythe

Mutation: None (As long as being awesome isnt a Mutation)

Extra: Has a brother named Mori
(([MENTION=3276]yistae[/MENTION]: I need to know if your character is already at the Orphanage, or if he's just finding it as the RP starts. Either is acceptable (and everyone else - except maybe Niro - has started at the Orphanage, so it would be interesting if you didn't. BUT, you don't have to.).

Your mutation needs to be edited, though. Being able to sense other people's emotions will be fine, but manipulating anything about another character - especially emotions - is not allowed. I ask that you edit that out. Otherwise, you are ~ACCEPTED~))

(([MENTION=3576]Broken Blacklist[/MENTION]: Did you start at the Orphanage, or are you just arriving? Otherwise, you are accepted~))
{[MENTION=3530]ShizukaAyame[/MENTION]: Ok. He can be just arriving.

Backstory: Azeel had grown up and lived with his mother. He never knew his father, and any time he asked his mom about him she brushed off the question. When Azeel was 12, he woke up one day to hear a loud sound of banging coming from the kitchen and went to go see what it was. When he got to said room, he stood in the doorway and stared at his mother, laying limp on the floor, blood slowly seeping through her dress, and a man who was holding a knife and standing over her. Azeel ran screaming out of the house with his mother's killer following him into the woods. A few weeks later, the man had been found dead, the knife he had used on Azeel's mother embedded all the way into his back. Azeel had vanished without a trace.

Mutation: Can feel other people's emotions. Also, he has a lack of pigmentation in his hair and skin because of a disease when he was little.

I can't edit any of my past posts so, yeah. Just reposting the edited stuff. And yayz for acceptance! :D }
Name (First & Last): Johnathan Wilson

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance (Picture is not required): Roughly 7 feet tall

View attachment 8317

Backstory (Please include how your character got to the Orphanage): They took him and his sister over ten years ago, and began experimenting on them. He was a sort of prototype, the very first of many children who would have been experimented on. He was the first to be successfully made immortal, but his sister was the first to be mutated. She didn't survive. He was successfully made immortal, and technically alive, as well as immensely strong. But his appearance was so grotesquely mutated that he was forced to wear an old deep sea mining suit that they had on hand. They sedated him, restrained him, and froze him in cryogenic storage. But now, the seal has been broken around the chamber, and he is slowly thawing out. He is awakening soon...

Bio/Personality: He is very VERY protective, rarely speaks, and is generally neutral. He gets aggressive when the one he is protecting is being threatened.

Weapon of Choice: A large deep sea mining drill

Mutation:He does not need to breathe, eat, sleep, or even rest. He is immortal like everyone else, and has enough strength to push over a tree, and move boulders, but not lift anything that weighs more than 500lbs

Extra (Optional): He likes daffodils and kittens. He will bond with one of the other young female immortals, his damaged psyche believing that they are his little sister.
Name: Mori (Last name unknown)

Age: 8

Gender: Male

Appearance: 4'3" in height. He wears a plain (albeit, torn and dirty) green t-shirt and unevenly cut shorts. His sneakers were originally white, but now they're torn and covered with mud and blood. He also has cloth wrapped around his arms with writing on them. His hair is blonde and short, and his eyes are honey-brown.

Backstory: As far as he knows, his parents died in a car accident, and he and his brother were sent to the orphanage because they had no one else to take care of them. You'll have to go to his brother, Niro, for the real story.

Bio/Personality: He's a pretty chipper boy, who just goes along with whatever is happening. Even if it's something completely insane, he'll take it on as just another daily activity. He's a bit more trusting than he probably should be, as well.

Weapon of Choice: Cutlass

Mutation: None

Extra: He has short-term memory loss, which means he can not remember anything past the time he woke up in the morning; sometimes even less. To help him a bit more with remembering things, he writes down whatever he thinks is important on the cloth tied around his arms.
((Yo-hey, guys, I'm back from the dead. Sorry 'bout the wait. So, @The Bounty Hunter, I can't accept your character. I enjoy your idea, but it doesn't match the Orphanage. There are no adults in the Orphanage, you see. When there is an adult, it can't be immortal; only children were experimented on. :/ I'm sorry, but your character has to be under the age of 18 for this RP.))

((Yo, [MENTION=3569]MythicalCreature03[/MENTION]! Nice to see ya made it. I've only got one thing for ya. I would change the term amnesia to short-term memory loss. Have you seen the movie, "Fifty First Dates?" The main girl looses her memory every time she goes to bed, 'cause her brain is on a twenty four hour loop, which is basically what Mori has. Otherwise, my dear, you are A.C.C.E.P.T.E.D.))
(([MENTION=1750]The Bounty Hunter[/MENTION]: Cool beans, you're accepted.

[MENTION=3576]Broken Blacklist[/MENTION]: Yeah, I know.))
Name (First & Last): Alyx Nather

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture is not required): Bright purple hair, violet eyes, pale skin, 5'3", likes to wear black rabbit ears, wears a violet dress with studs with purple and silver gold diggers.

Backstory (Please include how your character got to the Orphanage): Mysteriously appeared at 1yr old in the woods, was found and raised by a young couple was taught to use a Katana and has unusually sharp canines. Ran away and found the Orphanage.

Bio/Personality: Mysterious, loves purple and can be vicious. Likes to taunt people and mock the weak and slow.

Weapon of Choice: Katana.

Mutation: Rabbit ears and Sharp Canines.

Extra (Optional) Just arrived at the Orphanage.

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