The Orphanage Sign-Up


Junior Member
Welcome to the Orphanage sign-up thread! Click on the linky to learn about the Orphanage RP! All participants of the Orphanage RP are required to know the story, so please click the link provided before posting a character:

One thing that I forgot to mention in the back story; your character can have a minor mutation. Something like a little enhanced strength, speed, sight, hearing, etc. is acceptable, but nothing over the top. Characters cannot use magic nor shoot lazer beams from their eyes or anywhere else. If you're wondering if your mutation is acceptable or not, shoot me a PM and I'll get back to you ASAP.

The only rules of the sign-up are to stick to the sign-up sheet template that will appear in a moment, and to make no more than three characters at this moment in time. I might allow more characters per person later, but I want to see how well the RP flows with a limit of three characters per person for now. If you have under three characters, you can make another character at any time. However, do not introduce your character in the RP unless I've okay-ed the character.

Sign-up sheet:

Name (First & Last):



Appearance (Picture is not required):

Backstory (Please include how your character got to the Orphanage):


Weapon of Choice:


Extra (Optional):


Name: Keira Darkova

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Keira is 5'3'', skinny, but overly so with waist-length, straight brown hair and blue eyes with cat pupils. She usually wears a black tank-top covered by a white jacket that is decorated with black skulls, with a red plaid skirt and ripped grey tights. She never wears shoes, but usually has a army green messenger bag slung over her right shoulder.

Backstory: Keira was a pretty normal fifteen-year-old girl. She had a few good friends that she hung out with occasionally, she had good grades, and she was content with her life. But there was something off about her. You wouldn't sense it at first, but if you spent a good length of time with the girl you would begin to understand that she had an obsession, one that she thought about constantly. Keira was obsessed with blood. Pain wasn't necessarily something she liked to inflict, and she typically bared no ill-will against her peers, but she couldn't help but think of ways to make the people around her bleed. She was so obsessed with the red liquid that she went into a frenzy nearly every time she saw it, and would have to remove herself from whatever situation she was in before she outwardly showed how crazy her obsession made her. It was this obsession that led her to her boyfriend - a masochist by the name of Matt - and what later led her to kill both of her parents. The latter is what caused her to flee the small town she lived in, and what ultimately led her to the Orphanage as she had taken to the woods in her attempt to escape the police. Keira had never intended to harm her parents, and the memories of that night - the horror on their faces and their screams and moans of pain - are things that haunt her dreams. After that night, she vowed to never hurt someone she cared about again, and is obsessively protective of Matt as a result, though her desire for blood and her knowledge of his masochism still lead her to cut him on occasion. The other inhabitants of the Orphanage are now the ones that she attacks to fulfill her obsession. She had lived in the Orphanage for nearly a year when the members had begun disappearing and had become the new "mother" of the Orphanage as a result.

Bio/Personality: Keira is a generally nice and happy person who avoids needless confrontation, except when Matt is involved. She is very protective of her boyfriend, though this trait isn't apparent when blood is involved. She often becomes giggly and overly friendly when she leans towards insanity, and she enjoys dragging out fights during the night.

Weapon of Choice: She carries around two pairs of six-inch, double-edged scissors in the inside pockets of her jacket.

Mutation: Her eyes have pupils reminiscent of a cat's, and they work in a similar way, too. Her pupils dilate like a cat's and allow her to see very well in dark areas, though she can not see if there is no light what-so-ever.

Extra: She has a soft spot for children and prefers playing the nightly game with the older kids, though she wouldn't hesitate to play with the younger children if they initiated a game.


Name (First & Last): Matt Watson

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance (Picture is not required): Matt is 5'11'' and thin, but toned (so not wimpy skinny, but not buff). He has chin length black hair that he has dyed a deep red at the tips, and underneath his hair that covers his eyes are nearly black irises. He usually wears an oversized gray t-shirt, black baggy jeans, and faded black sneakers.

Backstory (Please include how your character got to the Orphanage): Matt grew up knowing only abuse from his parents - more so his father than mother - and from his peers. At school, Matt was always the odd one out. He was always a quiet boy, and he preferred reading and writing over sports. He'd worn dark clothing since he could remember, and from a very young age he had been considered freakish by his classmates. He was the outcast, the person that you made fun of to feel like you fit in or to make you feel better about yourself. His home life wasn't much better. His father attacked him whenever he was drunk or angry, which was often, and his mother acted as if nothing was going on. With no escape from this mixing pot of hate and pain, Matt looked for any outlet of relief he could try and soon found his vice: cutting. It was only a temporary fix, though, and Matt began a rapid downward spiral when he reached middle school, coming out of the experience with a bad case of depression and a cloud of suicidal thoughts floating around his head. Ninth grade was more of the same, and then, when he entered the tenth grade, he met Keira. She was probably the first person in the world who hadn't looked at him like he was some kind of disgusting thing that had crawled out of a hole in the ground, and he found himself drawn to her. Surprisingly, she was drawn to him as well, and it was only a couple of days before they were officially a couple. Even with Keira, his life was still miserable - his classmates still abhorred him, his father still beat him, and his mother still neglected him - but it was now bearable. He was no longer suicidal and he didn't have a undeniable need to cut anymore, just a faint, nagging desire that floated around the back of his mind.

When Matt heard about Keira's disappearance following her parents' murder, he searched for her. He knew she had probably been the murderer; they had told each other nearly everything there was to know about each other, which included Keira's eccentricity in regards to blood. He raked through the woods, and finally found Keira three days later. In all of this time, Matt had not slept or eaten, and he died after finding Keira, but he died within the walls of the Orphanage and consequently came back to life the next morning. He now lives in the Orphanage with Keira and the other children.

Bio/Personality: Matt has a very quiet, detached personality that makes him appear apathetic, but this is not entirely true. Though it goes unnoticed by most people, he is very warm and gentle when Keira is concerned and quickly becomes violent whenever Keira is hurt or in danger of being so. Matt does not care if he himself takes damage, though.

Weapon of Choice: Matt wears a ring on each finger, excluding his thumbs, from which spikes protrude. They only stick up from the top half of the rings, so he can form a fist without cutting into himself. He uses these to add an extra kick to his punches, which is what he primarily uses to attack with.

Mutation: Matt has a very high pain tolerance, but he is unsure if this is an actual mutation or just a product of enduring years of abuse.

Extra (Optional): Having been abused since he was only a few years old, Matt has a strong hatred for and fear of adults, particularly older men.

i'll be posting my character sheet here in a bit, i got to cook dinner and what not at home ^_^

like the idea of your RP
(Yay! X3)

Name (First & Last): Xade Hunter

Age: 14


Appearance (Picture is not required):

Backstory: He lived a normal life until his strength kicked in when he was 6 years old,then everyone was scared of him for he had killed two of the children playing with him.He ran away at the age of 10 because he had over heard people wanting to kill him after all he did and found his way to some large house he though,he figured he'd stay here since everyone wanted to kill him. Though one person didn't,Blu loved Xade from the moment he saw him.He always said that Xade reminded him of a man named Samson in one of his stories,he told Xade the story over and over again whenever he wanted to hear it and it made Xade feel better about himself.

Bio/Personality: Doesn't talk much unless he has to,stays around Blu and his friend most of the time.

Weapon of Choice: He mostly just uses his strength.

Mutation: Has great strength

Extra (Optional): He loves music and the stories Blu tells,And is very protective when it comes to someone he cares about.


Name (First & Last): Blu Books (Known as the "Story teller")



Appearance (Picture is not required):

Backstory: When he was just a baby his mother had left him on a porch of an old man's book store,where he was taken in and cared for most of his life.The old man showed him so many books and he was able to remember them all so well.At age 3 he knew how to read what most adults wouldn't understand and at age 10 he had remembered all the books in the store and knew about 9 different languages.He was very happy in the book store he grew up in,but nothing lasts forever.The old man died when Blu was 11 and He kept one book with him called the story teller which the old man gave him to keep all his favorite tales and facts he had collected,he never let anyone touch it for some reason and on the first page was a message from the old man to him that he will cherish for as long as he lived.

Bio/Personality: Cheerful most of the time and tends to speak in a way most people won't understand.

Weapon of Choice: He doesn't have a weapon,he seems to think words are all he needs.

Mutation: He can remember almost anything very fast

Extra (Optional): Nothing yet.


Name (First & Last): Shade Of Reds



Appearance (Picture is not required):

Backstory: Picked on by his name all the time,and the fact that he was born with red hair to made drove him crazy. He lost count how many lives of children that made fun of him,and taking beatings from his parents every time just made it worse.His parents always stood up for him saying he didn't do anything and it always worked,though it never helped him.At age 12 he gave up to his rage and destroyed who he hated most,the ones that took the sight of his left eye away from him and the ones that never cared.The policed showed up at his house that day and saw his parents hung from ropes by the necks and a little boy sitting on the ground crying in front of them. They never knew what he knew,the one who actually killed them,the one who hung them as if they killed themselves,the one who had onion juice in his eyes so he could cry.No one but Shade knew the truth,and isn't that what his mother and father always wanted?No one knowing what happened.

Bio/Personality: He always has twisted thoughts going on in his head and hates it when someone points out his name.The only thing that he liked in the orphanage was the stories he heard from Blu.

Weapon of Choice: Anything he can get his hands on

Mutation: His senses have improved to take place of his lost eye

Extra (Optional): he has "Insane" moments that come out of nowhere
(Hey Shizuka!~)

Name (First & Last): Seiko Butler (US Census Bureau list of surnames is the best place in the word to me now!~)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture is not required): 5'11" in height. She has black hair and always wears a pair of cat ears along with a hoodie, tee-shirt, and jeans. Her eyes are a light green color.

Backstory: She was raised by a kind, elderly woman that found her on her doorstep. The woman taught her how to use swords and all she knows about the world. One day the woman had a stroke and died. Her son was given custody of Seiko along with the land and other possessions. Her son was a petiphile and attempted to rape Seiko. She ran away taking two of the woman's most beloved katanas with her. The man followed, not wanting to loose his property, and Seiko sliced into him with all her training. He lost a leg in the one slice. He fell to the ground and she smirked at him as he begged for mercy. She let him suffer for an hour before beheading him.

Bio/Personality: Usually kind and easily excited but can be childishly cold when it comes to torture. She was very interested in the torture methods used in the dark ages and the guillotine for the French revolution.

Weapon of Choice: Dual Katanas

Mutation: Enhanced strength

Extra (Optional): Has been at the Orphanage a while now Keria and Seiko have been having a killing contest with each other.

(X3 Hopfully its all as we talked about and I can't exactly tell anyone to post because my phone has died..... again..... The sim card is messed up.....)
Yo, hey, Seiko!

Hey, Ember Bare, did you read the description for the Orphanage? The info page, I mean. 'Cause your backstories don't really match the Orphanage.
(Oh oops xD i'll fix it)(Actually,do we have to have the BG story? O.o if i don't have to put it i can do what i wanted and leave it a secret X3)
(Um...I think you're asking if you have to put a character backstory that relates to the Orphanage's history...and if so, then you don't have to have a detailed one, but your characters simply couldn't have arrived at the Orphanage like they did. Well, actually they could have, but only if they were part of the group of kids that were experimented on, and I ask that you include that in your backstory. I'm sorry if it changes something in your plot, but it is necessary that you add if they were experimented on or not. Since all of them were shipped off to the Orphanage, it's implied that they were sent there while the barrier wasn't there - if the barrier had been up then the kids would have killed the adults handling your characters.

Hmm... That was too long of an explanation, I think. And perhaps a little confusing. Basically, I just need you to add whether the kids were sent to the Orphanage while the scientists were still there. I'm thinking I should add that in the first post, too...)
(I changed the BGs a bit and has nothing about the orphanage in some of them,they came after the scientists,they just found there way there after something happened in there lives.)
Name (First & Last): Chersier (Chess) Kyles

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture is not required): [Picture Here] About 5'4"

Backstory (Please include how your character got to the Orphanage): One day several years ago, Chess was walking around a forest, exploring deeper and deeper, loving every moment of it. This was a forest she knew well, she had adventured in it nearly every day that summer, but this day was different. This day, she stumbled upon a house. But not just a house, it looked like an abandoned house. Chess raced on into the building, but never came out...

Bio/Personality: Chersier has always been a kind girl with a passion for forestry. Being the oldest sibling, with four younger ones to take care of, she became mature fairly quickly, and can handle many situations with ease and familiarity. She's quiet though, preferring to read over having social interactions, unless the younger children ask her to play. She can never refuse that.

Weapon of Choice: Ropes and a small knife. During her worst nights, she can be known to tie her victims down, carving the names of various flowers and trees the person reminded her of into their flesh.

Mutation: Intentions. She can either help a person realize her true intentions, or hide them completely. For example, she uses it on animals to convince them it's safe to approach her, that her intentions are good. But she will hide her bad intentions completely when luring her victims in.

Extra (Optional): She is almost always bundled up, save for very hot days. She also never learned how to swim.
(I realized I should probably announce if your characters have been accepted or not. Attention Ember Bare, Seiko-kun, and xxFluffyShortcakexx: your characters have all been accepted. Just an FYI, the actual RP will be up sometime this weekend. I will send you all a link to the thread when it is up.)
Name (First & Last): Spades Cheshire

Age: 14

Gender: male

Appearance (Picture is not required):

Backstory (Please include how your character got to the Orphanage): Spades was born normal like everyone else, but at the age of five he was kidnapped and forced to be a servant. He was treated like an animal and was kept in a small cage. Growing up that his kidnapper was his parent and it was normal for a parent to treat a child this way, Spades was disturbed when the police came and killed his "father". After his kidnapper had been murdured, Spades had begun to grow mentally unstable. He killed all the policemen and ran into the woods, where he began changing. Spades if 90% insane and is kept in the back room of the orphanage. In the cage Spades sits alone, constantly muttering something. He is known as "The Cheshire Cat" of the orphanage and always tries to pursuade wandering children to unlatch the lock.

Bio/Personality: most of the time, bloodthirsty and frantic, but when he's tired he gets very mellow and clam

Weapon of Choice: a long silver chain wrapped aorund his body that can be used as a lasso or whip with a dab of black poison at the end

Mutation: cat ears and tail, at the cost of much of his eyesight, so he's almost blind

Extra (Optional):Spdaes secretly likes cute and fluffy things

(not sure if backstory fits, so plz tell me if i have to change~)
(SongOfTheSpiritWolf, you've got an interesting character, but I don't think you'll be able to be very active in the RP unless Spades can get out of the cage/back room by himself. Also, it would be very hard for Spades to participate in the nightly games if he's always locked in a cage. If you don't want to change your character at all, I think you should make another character in addition to Spades and keep Spades as a side-character.)
(As long as you explain how he breaks out of his cage, that will be fine. ;] Oh, by the way, I hereby accept your character. ^_^ )
(Please refrain from chatting in the sign-up thread. I'm happy y'all are getting along, but littering is illegal.

Update: I should have the actual RP up tomorrow. Sorry for taking so long, everyone. Real life got busy this weekend. :/ )

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