The Orphanage [Inactive]

Scarlett stared at Yume. He was quite an interesting fellow, but a bit odd. When he conjured up a withered rose and she smiled again. She thought for a moment and then switched her flower for the dying one. "I think it suits me much better." she said with a smirk. His question practically echoed in her head and she tried to think of some type of explanation that didn't sound like she was a bloodthirsty creep. "Oh, you know. I have control of only half of myself. The other just does whatever it desires. I can sort of control whether or not I choose to have certain traits of either vampire or werewolf. But changing is an entirely different story. If anything I can summarize myself as a freak. With the addition of killing half the people that I meet..." she replied. It still sounded horrible. She wouldn't feel hurt if he thought the same. She killed things for the fun of it, and it was as gruesome as it got. "But on another note, you might be the first one who has lasted this long?" she said somewhat sweetly. Scarlett had trouble talking to people in the first place, which is exactly the reason she stayed away from them, but hopefully she could improve her people skills at least to a level one.
Nightmare chuckled to himself while Scarlett described her past relationships. Oh what a disaster they must've been! It would've been a wonderful site to see, a BEAUTIFUL sight indeed!

Nightmare had also killed people in his past, in cold blood. Maybe he could've related to her in this respect had he felt bad for his victims. She was amusing. A train wreck of emotion! Ah, I wonder how much it would take to blow her lid, make her CRAZY! ...But whats this? Nightmare had thought he felt a tinge of regret or sorrow for what he planned on doing to her in his stomach. That's weird. He didn't know he could feel such a thing. No matter, his feelings for her would have to be discarded sooner or later. He wasn't going to stoop down to some idiot human's level feeling those mockeries of emotion and logic some call "empathy" "happiness" "hospitality" or "love". No no, Nightmare was too good for those things.

"Well then my cute little freak. Do not hesitate to ask me if you require some form of bloodshed to survive. I'm,... erm,.. how do I put this... I have connections. There are certainly people you'd like to kill and I'd be willing to give you a few pieces of trash that I'd rather have taken out, if you know what I mean. But if you could, could you keep that on the down-low, honey? pretty please? Alright, thank you. Moving on, I'm sure I'm no different from the other people you've met, aren't I? I am relatively normal, right? ...Alright, sorry, that was a bad joke. But really, I'm honored. Personally a little flattered too," Nightmare actually wasn't lying when he said this. Nightmare found great joy in talking to Scarlett, something he had never really enjoyed in the past. It was all the more flattering to him. Some would argue that he was "happy" talking to her, but not in a million years would he admit that.
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Jessamine nodded. "I wonder if any one else has woken up yet." She started walking toward the building, then

hopped up onto the stone platform before the door. "It's getting quite late in the morning now, and I want to

have a look around here." Jessamine turned to face Thal and smiled. "It's huge. And besides, I want to get to

know you better." She opened the door and jumped in, her skirt swishing, and Jessamine's top hat fell off as

she went through, but it didn't register to her. Inside was all made from polished, old wood and some kind of r

eflective metal- presumably, Jessamine thought, to keep the inhabitants from destroying the house. "Hey, Thal.

Who runs this Orphanage, anyway? I havn't seen anyone." She called
Scarlett gave a half smile. There was a crap load of people she wished was gone, but at least a quarter were already dead. "You intrigue me my dear Yume." she said narrowing her eyes a bit. He was quite the mystery, and she hardly even scratched the surface. "Now, don't think I won't eat you. You might be on my next menu." she said with a grin, but clearly she was joking. She had an awkward way with words. Though, somehow she felt comfortable about it. Shrugging as a reply to her thoughts, Scarlett stared at Yume for a while. It wasn't anything awkward, it was just a look, but she still seemed a bit confused about things. Like, how did she actually get here? Where exactly was this place? Who owns this place? Why hasn't she heard of it before? These thoughts seemed to run through her head a couple of times and the only explanation she came up with was that she was a total wack job in the making. Of course, Yume seemed to already have that covered.

"So, where exactly are we?" she asked, this time aloud. Scarlett could have missed the memo while she was sleeping, so if at least one person knew the answer than the other would understand. But then again, Scarlett doesn't take a lot of information well. She gets quite bored with details and only focusses on the aspect of the situation. Scarlett could completely care less about details and personally thinks they are completely useless when it comes to a mystery. Ah, a mystery. She loved them. Actually, she couldn't get enough of them, which is exactly why she was so interested in the whole scenario.
With a dive, Thal managed to grab Jessie's hat before it hit the ground, and carried it with him as he followed suit. I better give this back, but I don't think she knows it fell off... Should I just give it back? Hold on to it? Leave it here? Hey look, a hat rack, and a coat rack, and a... What was I doing again? Frowning mentally at his sudden derailment of thought, Thal plopped Jessie's hat on his head without another thought.

"The Boss- well, we call him that- doesn't show up much. He lives somewhere else, I think. That, or he has a room I haven't seen yet. But if you do see him... Well, be polite and proper, that's all I can say. The helpers keep the place running; Fixing up stuff, making sure the rooms are clean, making the food, that sort of thing. They have a dorm wing on the other side of the building. All the way down this hallway," He said, as he pointed down the hall. Thal frowned. It was a little weird that there wasn't much activity yet. Most of the time the building looked rather empty; It was normal to walk around the whole building and only see one helper, maybe two. But for none of them to be walking around yet... Maybe they have the day off? No, that can't be right, we have new kids here. This should be one of the busier days.
"Huh?" Nightmare paused recalling all the information he knew about the place. "Well, it's an orphanage. An orphanage for weirdos and kids society has deemed 'too scary to handle'. Honestly, they are just a bunch of pussies, that's what they are," Nightmare scowled at the thought of normal humans. "As for why you're here, I don't know. I would say it was fate for us to meet here. Oh how romantic that would be!...ah but seriously. Might you have amnesia? I may be a little dreamy, but even I know this stuff. Or maybe you experienced too traumatic for the ol' heart to handle? Hah...well whatever the cause, you're now dead to the world. Yes like me. We are nobodies. We are monsters. Kind of exhilarating, would you not agree?" Nightmare said with little enthusiasm.

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Scarlett stared blankly at Yume. Is it true? "Well, nothing like the ugly truth! But then again, nobody liked me in the first place." Scarlett shrugged and abruptly jumped up a bit. "Ha, yeah, have you by chance dreamt of blood? I'm sort of lacking in that area right now." she tried to smile, but her question sounded a bit odd. Then again, all of her questions were a bit weird. Scarlett shrugged and looked down the halls. It wasn't much of an 'orphanage' if half of the kids were asleep. Maybe Scarlett did have amnesia. Though she could remember her childhood, her 'friends', her first kill, somewhat of yesterday, even her parents. So, why was she the only one who had no clue what the memo was? She shook her head and tossed her raven black hair behind her ear. It was nothing. She shouldn't be worrying. It seemed like a habit of hers and she just needed to quit it before it got in her way. Scarlett looked up at Yume with her blood red eyes and gave a pleasant smile. If anything, she could look to him for trust. But there was something about him, like he was hiding something. Though Scarlett was hiding a bunch of things from him as well, so technically it was even.
Nightmare hesitated for a second, knowing that if he gave his blood to her, he would have to give the body back to Yume. But then what about Nightmare's plans? How was he supposed to eliminate Thal and Jessamine if he gave his body back to Yume so quickly? Nightmare stared at the girl for a moment, considering his options. She would make a wonderful queen in his mind. He could use her, manipulate her to his will. But he knew that might never happen if he didn't 'trust' her. Anyway, if Yume had more time to bond with those in the Orphanage, the more devastating it would be to him when he killed each and every one of them. Besides, the trust thing? It was all just an act...wasn't it? Was it all just an act? Or did he truely trust someone for once in his life? "Damn! I can't be thinking such utterly foolish things!" he told himself.

"Yes, of course I've dreamt of blood lately? Who do you think I am? a human? ahahahahaha!!! Of course I have nightmares. Something wouldn't be right if I didn't. ...At any rate!" he stuck out his neck, "please drink to your leisure, Lady O'Dare. I sure hope you like O-. If not, I also have A+ and AB+ that I could switch too, if O- disgusts you. I personally prefer the Os the best though. Ah, enough blabbering. Take your pick then dine like a pig," he giggled.
Scarlett's eyes widened as she listened to the list of blood types. Oh how she loved the variety. "O- is perfectly fine." she said with a smile. Though she would have bitten into the wrist, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to stop. "Do you have a glass perchance?" she asked. As much as she loved drinking from the 'tap', as she liked to call it, she felt that in a presence of someone else it was better to drink normally. She gave a slight shrug and replied, "Though, it is all up to the victim-- I mean, person...heh.." she scratched the back of her raven black hair and tried to give off a welcoming smile, but how welcoming is the word 'victim'? It could only be used in one way, and that wasn't considered a compliment. Scarlett stared at her black shoes until an answer was given to her. Way to make friends Scar... she thought.
"Oh how cute! You think you'll kill me by drinking me? ...Ah, well if it makes you feel any better, I'll cut some from my wrist for you," Nightmare said undoing his jacked, revealing countless amounts of scars 0n his wrists from cuts in the past. Yume had liked to keep a jacket on to hide them but Nightmare really didn't care either way. A a large, bloodied knife appeared in Nightmare's hands as he searched around for something of a makeshift cup, as he had not dreamt of anything like a cup the previous night. He eventually settled for a large pot he had seen in his dream the night before. "Sorry for the choice in silverware," he sighed extending out his arm handing the pot to her. he made 8 clean, big cuts in his disfigured arms before looking back up at her. "Ahaha! Would that be enough, my princess? Or would you like more? I'd be happy to give more. Very happy in fact."
Scarlett laughed a bit as seeing how kind Yume seemed to treat her. When the rush of blood entered the pot she smiled. "This will do just fin--" she interrupted herself be an unconditional urge to gulp the beautiful red liquid. Her eyes went pure black along with dark veins around her shadowed eyes. After finishing she kept an everlasting drop beside the corner of her lips and gave a bloody smile. "Thank you, Yume." she replied as her eyes faded to once again, red. The dark veins decreased and she felt at least 'normal' for a hybrid like her. "Now, on to business," she said, "is there anyone else around this place? Not that I don't adore your company, but it seems very... quiet." she replied. Scarlett looked down the corridor and shrugged as her eyes followed back to Yume.
"Of course there are others," he sighed putting back on his jacket feeling slightly lightheaded. A devious plan then grew in Nightmare's mind, one that Yume would be certain to dislike. "Oh, a wonderful idea, Nightmare! You really are a genius! hahahaha!" he thought as another twisted smile encroached upon his face. He giggled saying, "Oh yes. Be careful of the two named Jessamine and Thal. They're both very mean, I assure you. If you happen to come in contact with them...well, you might as well put your fangs to use. Hahaha!!!"
Scarlett stared blankly at Yume for a second. Finally she came back to her concentration and looked down the corridor. "Well, as long as they aren't fairies. God, those things taste disgusting. Have you ever tasted pixie dust? Try that with blood and its like liking sandpaper." Scarlett shivered. That stuff was nasty. "Anyway. We should probably walk around a bit I guess. We've been standing in this hall for about an hour or so." Scarlett straightened her slick dress a bit and walked down the corridor with a smile growing upon her lips. Yume intrigued her, and more than she normally was interested. Other creatures were despised by the likes of her, but Yume, he was quite an interesting fellow. She stopped in her footsteps and turned to Yume, "Are you coming my dark one?" she replied with a smirk and awaited her new partner in crime.
Had it really been an hour? A full hour that Nightmare had control of his body... Usually Yume would've awoken from his Nightmare by now and taken back his body. "Y-yes, love," Nightmare said rather impulsively. Even if he was being slightly sarcastic, the word "love" had never once escaped his lips leaving a bittersweet feeling in his mind. It really made him beg the question he asked so many times to himself yet again: what is love? "A petty thing humans have that drives them insane," Nightmare grumbled fiddling his thumbs while following Scarlet. It was almost time for Yume's personality to resurface and Nightmare knew it. Yet he wanted to spend his last few moments in control of his body with Scarlet. Maybe...this would be a good time to make a nickname for his new friend? "Lets go, Scar-Scar." Nightmare, adamantly proud of his (honestly not very thought through) nickname, contently skipped down the hallway singing his favorite song.
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