The Orphanage [Inactive]

Jessamine hurridly pulled her clothes back on, then, still blushing, approached Yume. His nose wa bleeding heavily. "What? I don't think... I didn't do that to you, but maybe you had a sort of... supernatural allergic reaction to me?" she tried for humour at the last bit, but was worried for Yume. "Are you ok?" She put her hand up to his face and wiped away some of the blood.
His eyes watered up as he blushed at her kindness. "Yes, I think I'm fine. Thank you," he scratched his head. "A-are you also a new resident here? I-i mean...Have you always been here? Er, no I guess you wouldn't have been here your whole life because if that was true, then you would've never had parents but..." Yume stuttered as he tried to start conversation, "B-because I'm new and...Yeah..."
Jessamine smiled sweetly, he was so awkward it was funny. "I got here yesterday, so I'm new too.I don't know anyone here,

apart from Thal." She wondered what his life was like before this. "So why did you move here?" She asked. "Uh, you don't

have to answe that if you don't want to. I know that lots of people here have had traumatic experiences." She nodded, then

lowered her hand. The slight breeze made her whitw-pink hair fly up.
Yume paused for a moment before saying, "Oh! It's ok! Nothing traumatic here! I never had any parents, that's all," he opened his mouth to add something to what he said but he decided it would be best to leave it at that.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to ask the same thing. I mean-! know, if you want to. I understand if you don't, I really do." The breeze strong, yume crossed his arms and shied away, hoping he didnt say something wrong.

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Thal listened intently to Jessamine's story, feeling a twinge of pain when she got to the part where she was chased out of her home by death threats from everyone she knew. She managed to smile at him with trusting eyes, and he marveled at her. Marveled because she could somehow smile after everything that happened to her. And she said she was happy she ended up here... "Y-yeah, me too." What bothered Thal slightly was that he meant it, that the two of them went through horrible events and ended up in a home for those like them. The feeling was unnatural, he didn't know what to make of it.

Although he didn't have much time to. Yume suddenly jumped up out of some bushes yelling his bloody head off. Upon spotting the two, he suddenly bolted. He was about to say something, but Jessie told him to wait before she went running off after him, quick as a whistle. "I-uh... I'll stay here, I guess." Thal bit his lip as he watched her become a little dot in the distance- mighty big field, it is- then he shrugged and kicked back on the ground to wait. He didn't mind waiting, he was used to seclusion. He was more wondering about her abilities. She said she could turn into a bunny... That was somewhat like what he could do, although severely raw. Maybe...

While he thought, his stomach's starting grumbling from his earlier shift. The little bio-factories that flowed around in his body were hungry after their earlier exertion, and he had to feed them somehow. Somewhat mindlessly, Thal picked and ate a flower, then another, some grass and clover. He felt his little factories eat up the organic parts and molecules that made up the plants. It wasn't much, but it would do for now.
Yume immediately started to panic, thinking that he had said something wrong to Jessamine. "I'm so sorry!" he ran off, tripping on himself every few seconds. After a few seconds of blindly running around, Yume ran into Thal quite literally. He tripped on him and fell down violently looking at Thal dazed. "Oh! Thal! It's you!" He exclaimed, his head throbbing from the impact. "Here, have a cookie," he fabricated a cookie while trying in vain to get up due to his extreme light headedness. "Oh all this bleeding and collisions can't be good for my head. Here, have a few more cookies as an apology," Yume made several more cookies and started pushing them over to Thal
"Ow! That smarts!" Thal rubbed his side where Yume kicked him as he tripped over him. He was about to yell at the kid, then all of a sudden in a panic, Thal was bombarded with cookies! "Jeez, Yume, that's enough! That's enough! Man, it's alright! I'm fine!" This kid is messed up. I wonder what happened to him? "Thanks for the cookies, I guess. I am a bit peckish." He picked a cookie off himself and started eating, giving the dream kid a look. "What led you to panic like that? You've been runnin' all over the place."
"I have? I don't really remember that..." He paused and thought for a minute. "O-oh! You're right! I have! I-if you'd like more consolation cookies, I have about 4,239 more..." Yume panicked further. In his mind it made complete sense. If you shower people with cookies and tea, they will forgive you for your mistakes. Possibly, the reason he thought this was because he himself was hungry and wanted a cookie. "No," he thought, "I can't possibly take a single one of these cookies when I in fact owe them all to Thal!"
"No, no, you can keep them, I'm good." Whatever was going on here, Thal wasn't happy about it. For being on the run from everyone for 16 years, being suddenly showered with attention was not something he was used to. "Just calm down, deep breaths, and have a cookie." He picked another cookie off his chest and offered it to Yume, with what he hoped was a welcoming look on his face. He didn't really have time to train that kind of look while on the run. But that was a look the kid needed, and that's the look he'll get. And no more cookies, he thought with a mix of a mental smile and grimace. He may be hungry, but not hungry enough for 4,239 of them. Well, that he'd admit anyways. Thal wasn't planning on shifting into a lot of different forms anytime soon.
Yume blinked for a moment confused. "Well, if you aren't going to eat them..." Yume started eating one of the cookies. His mouth full, he added, "Oh thats right! I don't believe I've ever introduced myself formally. I'm Yume. I'm a dream. It's a pleasure. You're a shapeshifter, correct?" The word shapeshifter came off of his tongue a little more rough than the other words. He wasn't quite sure what to think of them. But Thal seemed nice enough so Yume decided to give him a chance. He smiled at Thal, hoping that they could somehow become friends.
Thal nodded as he finished off the cookie he was eating. "Yeah, I guess. I don't really know what I am for real, just that this isn't the real me," He said bitterly. The sentence grated on his ears and bounced around his head, and he hated it. Not knowing what he was plagued him every day and every night. The stupid humans knew what they were, Yume knew what he was, the other kids in the orphanage knew what they were... All he had was the knowledge that he didn't know. Hey didn't even know what his real body looked like!

The rage and despair that he felt so often built up and whirled around in him, tossing his conscious every which way. Everything turned into a haze until he felt something gave way under his hand and a sudden pain. Everything came back to him in a flash. Field, flowers, Jessamine, Yume, cookies, pain. Thal looked at his hand, which had grabbed his knee so hard that his fingers pierced under his kneecap. Trying to down the sudden revulsion, he pulled his fingers out of his leg, making a sickening pop. There was very little blood; His body didn't expect him to wound himself, so it didn't have much time to synthesize human blood. What blood was there dripped from his fingers and out of the wounds before it was soaked back up by his body, recovering organic matter and nutrients. Inside the wounds, all that could be seen was light blue... Stuff, with little bubbles inside. This soon turned into human meat, bone, and muscle, in a instinctual attempt to not be discovered. Although it was a little late for that.

"I-I'm sorry you had... To see that. I've... Been stressed." Oh, how I hope I didn't scare him off with that. How can I be so stupid?!? "It'll heal by itself, don't worry. So, uh, you're a dream? You can just make stuff you see? That sounds really cool."
Yume paused for a moment, a little shocked at Thal's anger. Then he made and gave a few napkins to Thal. "It's alright, use these to clean the wound a bit," he got up. He thought about Thal and how he may have misunderstood him at first. Yume realized it was wrong to develop opinions on people before he knew who they were. Even if his dreams made them seem like scarier people than they actually were.

"Oh, Thal, don't forget: It's not who you look like that makes you who you are. It's what's inside that really counts," Yume said while walking away. The injustices the world must've brought upon Thal...the things he must've heard. It all made him....angry. He remembered Nightmare and bit his lip just thinking about it. "No, no this won't due! I can't let him take over here. I must go to my dorm..." Yume sprinted off without another word trying desperately to escape the sight of both Thal and Jessamine.
Jessamine watched Yume run off and trip over Thal. She smiled and sat down, bringing her knees up to her chin as she thought about the past hour. It was amazing that she had already made 2 friends in this short space of time, when in her -past life, should she call it?- she was pretty much a lonor. Sighing, she felt the silkyness of one of her ears, almost as a comfort thing; it made her relax. Jessamine stood up and walked over to where Thal was now laying surrounded by cookies, Yume was in the distance. "Thal? Is Yume alright? And where did you get these cookies?" She smiled sweetly and picked one up, then delicately bit off a chunk. It tasted buttery, with cinnamon, and Jessamine knelt next to Thal, offering the other half. "This one's cinnamon, see?" She pointed at another, "But that one's strawberry, and that one plain." She gathered up all of the cookies and put them in a pile by Thal.
Looking back, Yume saw Jessamine approach Thal. He smiled briefly at the thought of the two bantering happily with one another. "I hope they're great friends! Oh, I bet they will eat my cookies together and laugh and..." Yume went on and on about how much fun he thought they were having, prancing off to his dorm for a nap. "Oh, I just hope Nightmare isn't in the mood for taking over," he sighed.

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Thal took the napkins from Yume with a nod, feeling the pain and anger dissipate. He watched Yume run off into the distance, probably to his room. Hopefully not because of him... But if it was, he would be more panicky. That's a relief, Thal thought as he used the napkins to clean up the blood on his fingers and legs.

Jessamine's sudden arrival made him jump in a sudden panic, although he instantly calmed down when he saw it was her. He covered the holes in his legs though, to avoid scaring her. C'mon, heal already! "Yeah, I think he's alright, he left me the cookies. Thanks," He said, and took the other half. "I haven't really been tasting them. They're good." Thal risked a quick glance at the napkin, then at his leg. Yes, the blood dissolved and the wounds in his knees were almost healed. He smiled and took his hand off his legs and relaxed, looking up at Jessie with a smile on his face. I may be going mad, but at least I have people here.
((Just a little status update for Yume, since Im bored as hell xP)

Yume closed his eyes and sat down halfway down the corridor. No one would interrupt his nap here. Closing his eyes, he entered the world of his dreams.

Yume begun his dream in a void with nothing in it but himself. Everywhere he looked, to his left, right, or straight forward, he could see himself and only himself. "Yume, it's meee~," a voice in the distance cried out, his voice reverberating again and again within the void. "Ah, Nightmare. It has been awhile. It is good to see you," Yume greeted the friend he had in his dream. All of the lips of the mirror images surrounding Yume changed to a crooked smile in unison at Yume's reply. "Kehehehe!!! Oh yes indeed, indeed!! Far too long! I figured I'd let you get all settled in with your friends a the orphanage before I made my appearance once again," Nightmare admitted his intentions to Yume. "Oh you're far to kind. With all do respect, Nightmare, I know we've known one another for quite some time so I've grown very much accustomed with talking to you. However, I'm confused frankly why you would choose to make your appearance after the incident you caused," Yume began to sip away at his cold, bitter tea that he created for himself while looking at Nightmare's clones in the eye. "Oh yes. That incident. Lets call "accident" if you will. I simply went a little more crazy than I usually do. Well if it's any consolation, I'm so very sorry. In all insincerity that is. Kehehe! Well anywho, the reason I came today was because I wanted to meet your DEAR, PRECIOUS friends you so kindly gathered for me to feed on," at the mirrored images laughed in unison at the idea. "D-do you have some plot, Nightmare?" "Ohoho, don't worry, I swear i won't kill them or harm them...two terribly much," Nightmares words faded towards the end of his sentence. Defeated by what Nightmare was saying, Yume looked at the ground in silence, wishing somehow he could control whether or not Nightmare could talk or do anything in his body. "You wouldn't," Yume nervously said to Nightmare as the reflections of Nightmare's smiles widened further. Nightmare was Yume after all. Yume couldn't control when Nightmare would take over his body when he had felt a feeling of abandonment, sin, or weakness. Yume worried that when he awoke from this dream, he would be Nightmare instead. "You can't hurt them. You haven't dreamt anything that can hurt them!" Yume said angrily to nightmare. "Yume, you bastard, I've been dreaming this whole time! I've only seen scary things. For the past year! Now let me take over!" The mirrors Yume had in his dream reached out for him to grab him a simulationeously before the dream abruptly ended.

Opening his eyes, Nightmare examined his scenario. "Oh what a stupid little place. Can't wait to see it burned," he said happily.

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((I am SO sorry! I will just have Scarlett wake up like the beginning and then sort of try to work from there?))

Scarlett awoke in panic. Her eyes were a bright ember and she growled like a savage dog. She looked around and saw plenty of other supernatural beings like her that obviously were thrown out like outcasts. She tried to lift herself up and get a gist of things before wondering anywhere else. Looking around, she felt completely lost. Like something was missing. She could only see pictures of her parents throwing her into the woods like a monster. But it scared her to think about another captive type of place. Scarlett tilted her head and her eyes went red. She heard something down the hall and wasn't quite willing to leave the place she was yet. But, she stepped over some other sleeping creatures and peeked her head out. "Hello?" her british accented voice echoed down the halls while the supernatural stayed there with curiosity. Slowly, she opened the door a bit wonder and started walking down the corridor. "I can hear you.." she said as if it would help. She was completely confused on the past hours that went by while she was dazed. Slowly she halted at the corner of the corridor as she saw some others all chatting. "Hello?" she asked again.

((I hope this works since I hadn't gotten any alerts to the role play!))
Jessamine turned her head, "where did Yume go?" It seemed like they couldn't all be together at once. She remembered what Yume had said about Nightmare, but didn't think anything of it. Sighing, Jessamine stood and looked around. The old building was staring ominously down at them, and she held out her hand for Thal.

Jessamine wasn't sure what to make of this, all of a sudden she was close friends with him. Could this be influence from being scared and in a new place? Or something else?
Yume's split personality, Nightmare, turned toward Scarlett after awaking from his slumber. "It's that girl that Yume saw upon entering the Orphanage..." He grumbled to himself. "Oh, hello, my lady," Nightmare paused a moment to smell her, "you reek of vampire. Oh? And what's this? Do I smell a scent of werewolf somewhere in that god forsaken mess? Splendid, splendid! You are an interesting one indeed!" Nightmare laughed enthusiastically. "But your's being masked by...that stupid flower in your hair," his smile quickly faded staring at the flower placed in her hair. "Not that it really matters. Say...girl. What's your name? How would you like accompanying me to the garden? Regardless your decision, I'm going anyway. Oh, and by the way, you would do well to Choose your friends wisely. Kehehehe..." Nightmare giggled walking off in the direction of Jessamine and Thal.

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Thal stood up and took Jessamine's hand, feeling her warmth. His own hand was cooler than the usual person's but there wasn't much he could do about that. "I don't know, I think back to his room." He looked at her, seeing slight confusion and, maybe dread? "Do you want to head back? I've had all the cookies I need," He chuckled as he looked at the old building with Jessie. It should be an interesting life here. Jessamine, Yume... The first time he had friends. It was a good feeling.
Scarlett's eyes widened and stared at the man. When he suggested her flower she looked up towards her hair to realize it still wasn't dead yet. She shrugged and replied, "My name is Scarlett O'Dare." she walked out into the open now to get a closer look at the guy. "Who might you be?" she said with a smirk growing on her lips. She liked talking to weird people, they made her feel like she wasn't so insane after all. Scarlett stood and crossed her arms across her chest. She thought for a moment about the offer of going to some garden, "Sure. Every girl loves walking with a stranger to a garden." she said sarcastically and waited for the guy to lead the way.
Nightmare was taken aback by this girl's response. No one had ever really talked to him as nicely as she had. Something about her allures him, drawing him in, a sensation he had never felt once in his life. He decided that maybe he would stay and talk with her for a little while before meeting up with Thal and Jessamine, the two he had initially been so anxious to meet. Blushing slightly, Nightmare uttered, "m-my name? It's..." He paused considering his options on how to approach this, "I'm Yume. It's a pleasure." He of course lied about his identity and he was certain this would bug Yume, get under his skin. And that's exactly why he did it. Nightmare smiled extending his hand out to Scarlett with a twisted smile on his face, "Im sure we will be great friends. Oh, such great friends!"

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Scarlett gave a smile that showed her fangs, but she didn't care much. She barely gave off a smile anymore, so it was a pleasant reminder she could be happy, even with what had happened in her past. Her pale and cold hand reached towards Yume's. "Well, I'm glad you feel that way." she said as she tilted her head to the side. Hopefully it would be a good friendship, considering what happened with her last one. Though she hardly considered that as a friendship, it was more like an alliance, no, a meal. She killed the poor sucker because he refused to leave her during her change, but he realized his mistake afterwards. She shook the thoughts away, the friendship with Yume would most likely be different and not as chaotic as before. Just as long as he wasn't dull, things would be ok. "So what type of creature are you exactly, Yume? You know, you look darker in appearance and personality than your name.." Scarlett said as her eyes flickered.
"Oh me? Ah-, well the specifics are complicated, but I am what you might call a 'dream'. You know, those things you experience at night? Yeah, that's me," Nightmare nodded slowly at the girl. "My powers include the ability to create thing from which I saw in my dreams," he fabricated a withering rose into his hands. "Please excuse the withered appearance of the flower," he smiled, "I had a bit of a Nightmare last night. Hahaha!!! At any rate, you are a bloodsucker, right? And a werewolf too! What might that be like?"

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