The Orphanage [Inactive]


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.Autumn. submitted a new role play:

The Orphanage - Welcome to The Orphanage For The Supernatural.

This roleplay was up about a year ago, when i first joined here and it was made by somebody els. I really enjoyed it, however it sadly died a few weeks after I joined it.

This Oprhanage is for any body who was run away, been kicked out or taken away from their homes. They can be up to 18.

However, these children are not normal- not my any means. They are Supernaturals, so they are in a giant building in the middle of no where to keep them from marhs way.
Read more about this role play...
And there Yume awoke, surrounded by many other children like himself. Weirdos. Oddballs. Monsters. He closed his eyes for a minute recalling his dream. "There was a dragon...yes, and he was drinking tea with me. We were in the land lost in time. And he was so kind as to warm my tea for me...Mmmmm..." He murmured to himself. He was not suprised to see that when he had opened his eyes there was a hot cup of tea waiting in his hands. Sipping away at it, he scouted out all of the other supernatural beings in the room. Only one stuck out to him however. A girl stood amongst the strange group that he deemed approachable. She had long, dark hair and piercing red eyes. She was clad in mostly black with a red ribbon tied around her neck. She had a pretty red flower in her hair. Yume attempted to guess what type of flower it was but eventually gave up, realizing he didn't know any types of flowers. Curious, he walks up to the flower, sniffing it and poking it repeatedly before telling her, "I like your flower. Its red."
Jessamine awoke from dreams of villagers chasing her down with guns and knives, scared of what she was. Even her parents had been there. Jessamine had no idea how she had become like this; one day she woke up, and pinkish-white rabbit ears were there... What a shock. She opened her eyes properly and blinked at the bright light streaming through the window. She was in her new home, and around 10 other people lay asleep, some tossing, others murmuring in their sleep. It was then she noticed a boy, poking a flower in somebody else's hair. Jessamine's own hair was a pale pink, the colour of candyfloss, and atop it was a white top hat, with a black robbon and flower. Her long ears poked out from underneath, touching her cheek. Jessamine bought up her pale hand to push it away, as she watched the boy with her vivid blue eyes. He was now talking to the girl, though she appeared to be asleep. She stood up and brushed dust off her tie, watstcoat, shirt and skirt, approaching him. "What're you doin'? She asked in a clear tone, cocking her head.
At the sound of Jessamine's voice, Yume turned himself slowly to her direction. When he saw her face, he gasped as his eyes widened. She had rabbit ears. A large smile set upon his face as he looked up at her ears. He ran over to her and smelt her all over then spent a moment thinking as if smelling her gave him some sort of information to consider about her. Finally, he nodded to himself saying, "you smell like apples. Apples or carrots. I can't tell. Can I let your ears? I like rabbits. Also, would you like some tea?" Another cup of warm tea fabricated itself in his hand as he extended it to Jessamine.
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As Yume gasped and bounded towards her, Jessamine blinked in confusuion; when she had been bought here, she had been warned that the other children wouldn't be as nice as normal once. Normal being... what was that again? Jessamine stiffened up as he began so smell her; why would he do such a thing? Was there something wrong with him? He told her she smelt like apples or carrots, and Jessamine experimentally sniffed her arm, nose twitching much like a rabbit, yet no smell could reach her nose. Maybe it was because she was used to it. Shrugging it off, she returned her steady gaze to Yune as a cup of tea materialized. Her eyes opened wide "How did you do that?" She asked, taking the tea. Her ears had sprung up, and her hat was dangling off the top of one. She took a sip of the tea; it was just how she liked it; sweet. Jessamine smiled uneasily. "I'm Jessamine by the way."
Yume's eyes looking rather fatigued, he smiled Jessamine sincerely saying, "it's a pleasure Jessamine. The tea. It was from my dream. I can make things from my dreams," he said scratching his head. "What about you? Do you have any weird powers like me? Oh I bet you can hop really high. Wait no. Maybe the power to smell like carrots and apples?" Yume thought this over as he waited for her response

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She bit her lip, frowning. "Next you you, my power seems useless. I can talk to animals. And if somebody hugs me, I turn into a bunny." She smiled "Though i can still talk." It was quite embarassing, actually. Jessamine didn't want him to think she was weird, but could he, when Yume had the power to get things from his dreams? This seemed like a very good power to have. Unless you had a nightmare. This was what, in the end, had made her villagers turn against her. But maybe it would be different in here... Maybe she could be happy?

(Sorry for this short response :/ )
Thal lay awake in his bed, staring up at the ceiling with his hands crossed under his head. He didn't sleep much anymore, not since after his first shift. What was that, 16 years ago? Yeah, something like that. He looked like this for 16 years, at least. Normal brown hair, slicked back, normal brown eyes; Just normal. Except for the fact that he hadn't aged for those 16 years. What am I? Thal thought to himself as he lay there. I can't remember anything farther than 16 years ago. Is this normal for... Whatever I am? ... Huh, some shapeshifter I am. I don't even know my species.

Two of his fellow outcasts voices cleared his mind. Thal turned his head slightly to watch the two. One he knew had been here awhile, like him. Maybe a month or two? A couple years? He didn't know for sure, anything past a year was a little fuzzy. He definitely didn't look approachable; But hey, that's what the world does to people who the "normal people" don't like. The girl he was smelling- Smelling? Really?- was one of the newcomers. Were those... Rabbit ears? Could she be... No... Ignoring what his mind was telling him, that he was alone on this planet, he watched her, hoping that he found someone else like him.
Jessamine shook her head, thinking. Her ears dropped slowly down as she got more deep into thought. She was snapped back to earth by the prickling feeling of eyes on her back. Jessamine turned to see another boy awake. "Hello." She said quietly but clearly, "Good morning." She amended herself. Although it was only sunrise, the air was still please rly cool before the sweltering heat kicked in later " On my way in I saw that the grounds are quite large. Would you like to go for a walk so that our talking doesn't wake up anybody else." She spoke to the both of them, though looked into the one who had just woken up's eyes with her vivid blue ones.
Thal thought for a moment as he looked into the girl's eyes. She didn't look or act like the others. It may just be because she just got here. "Morning... Sure, I have nothing else to do here besides sleep and eat." He spun around and threw his legs off the side of the bed as he glanced at the other kid. Yume, was it? Maybe, wasn't sure.

"Name's Thal, what's your name?" He stood up and joined the other two, looking the girl over quickly. She looked like a normal human, save for the ears, though that may just be a personal preference. Thal didn't want to ask her outright, she might just say herself. His personal experiences with showing people or telling them what he was... Didn't end well for either party.
Jessamine smiled at him, then stretched and yawned before turning. "My name's Jessamine. Jessie." She said, opening a small door that led to a corridor. She ducked her head under the short doorframe, and her strawberry blonde hair swayed. Glancing back, jessamine estimated the boy to be about 16. A year older then her. " I know you want to ask, and so do I..." She laughed softly " I'm not so sure what I am, but my powers include: super sensitive hearing, a special relationship with all animals, I can talk to rabbits and when I am hugged, I turn involuntarily into a bunny. Although I can still speak" Jessamine turned to him, he was slightly taller. "What about you?" They were now in a huge field, filled with multicoloured flowers.
Thal ducked through the doorway after her into the field, she- correction, Jessamine- was talking the entire way. She liked to talk, that was good. Most of the other "inmates" weren't good conversation. And she was much better looking.

Then it hit him. She wasn't like him. She could do some things like he could, but she wasn't like him. He was alone. A sudden surge of sadness overwhelmed him, and he could barely keep a lid on it before he started bawling like a little kid. That definitely would of been embarrassing. Although, he thought as the emotions went away, why did he care so much? He only had lived 16 years from what he could remember. Why would he care so much that he hadn't met another like him?

"I- Uh... I'm everyone." With that, he felt the peculiar sensation he had called upon to get him out of trouble with the police, with other orphanages, with adopting parents, with everyone he had to run from. Why was he doing it again? She may not be like me, but she knows the feeling of having to run away. I know it.

Thal's hair rippled with a wind that wasn't there, then suddenly grew longer down his face and the back of his head, stopping just over his eyes and at his shoulders as it began to turn a brilliant pink. His face became blurry as his features morphed, his eyes becoming slightly larger, adopting a bright blue. His clothes changed into a dress shirt, skirt, waistcoat and tie as he shrunk slightly, bones visibly morphing to compensate for the shrink. His right hand, now the hand of a young girl, swept to the side as a white tophat adorned with a bow grew from his palm, physically apart of him as it grew. When it grew to its full size, it detached, and the shapeshifter lifted it and lightly set it on his head, covering freshly sprouted rabbit ears. All of this occured in eight seconds, and a perfect copy of Jessie stood in front of the real one.

"I can turn into anyone, as long as I've seen them, I think," Jessie-Thal said in her voice. "I have a good memory, so I don't forget someone I've seen." Jessie-Thal scratched its cheek with a finger, slightly embarrassed that it just, well, shifted without a thought for anyone. I shouldn't have done that.
Jessamine stared, open mouthed as Thal morphed into an exact likeness to her. Slowly, she walked towards him and bought up her hand to his- her top hat. It was exactly the same, down to the small thread sticking out to one edge. "Amazing... That is... " she swallowed the initial shock, and turned on her beaming smile "Wow! That's so cool!" Jessamine circled slowly, inspecting every element, even though she already knew it would be no different to herself. "I presume you're a shape shifter, then. Unless you're a hybrid..." She stopped and frowned. "No, sorry. That was rude. I shouldn't have said that."
"That's alright, that's alright, I know what you meant." Well, now Jessie-Thal was even more embarrassed. "I guess I'm some sort of shapeshifter, I wish I knew what species I was, that's all." Done with Jessie's form Thal returned to his base form, notably faster than the initial shift. "I first found out I could shift 16 years ago. Well, I guess that was when I was born. Although I don't think I've aged since then, and I don't remember anything from before that... I don't know, it's confusing."

Thal sighed inwardly in relief, happy that Jessamine wasn't afraid of what he could do. From what he could remember, she was the first to not be afraid. This place may be better than I thought...

"How about you? When did you find out you were... Well, uh... Different? That you were part rabbit?" Well, that was an awkward way of putting it. No one wakes up in the morning and goes "Oh, looky here, I have rabbit ears." ... Do they?
Yume was growing very tired after his conversation with Jessamine. He had caught a glance of a man named Thal apparently but he was too nervous to talk to him. He was a shapeshifter. He could tell by the smell. Yume had only ever met one being Thal. Though in his dreams, he had seen many. His dreams...

Shapeshifters were a reoccurring theme in his dreams. Any time a shapeshifter was seen in his dream, it turned into a nightmare. Because he couldn't fabricate living things from his dreams (save small, cute animals) due to him lacking enough power to do so, he could never figure out why shapeshifters always would ruin his dreams.

He didnt hate Thal however. Rather, he was interested in him. Almost as much as he was with Jessamine's powers. They seemed simple enough but he had a favor to ask her later pertaining to her powers. For now, however, he would watch Jessamine and Thal run through some corridor and end up in a garden together. Having nothing better to do, he followed them.

He found a small bush to hide in as they talked. He sipped at his tea listening to the two reveal their powers to one another. They seemed very happy together. They so easily expressed their emotions to one another even though they just met. "I wish I could be friends with someone like those two are," Yume whispered to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

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Jessamin watched him turn back to his original form, thinking about what she'd fo if she could shapeshift. "Well, for a couple of years leading up to it, i sort of... adored rabbits..." She blushed "Then for about a week, I was really ill, then I blacked out. When i woke up, I was at home still, and my mum ran over to me because she was so happy I was ok.." Jessamine paused, "Then she hugged me, and all of a sudden I found myself changing into a bunny. It only lasted about 30 seconds that time, but my mum was horrified, and when I changed back, iI still had ears and a tail. Then everyone starting chasing me, saying I was a 'freak of nature, so kill it!' Even my mum..." Jessamine wiped a tear away. "So I came here!" She looked up and smiled; for some reason she could trust him, he was her friend. Looking up to his face, she straightened her hat. "And I'm glad I did..."
Yume enjoyed a good nap in the bush. He dreamed of what true friends might be. He dreamed of having tea and cookies with many other people while laughing and having a good time. Unfortunately he was awoken when he spilled his cup of hot tea he fell asleep with on his knee.

"OWOWOWOWOWOWOW!" he screamed while standing up to wipe his pants. He looked up and saw that Thal and Jessamine were still there. Embarrassed that he had given up his position, Yume ran. He didn't go very far, however, because he didn't exactly know how to leave. "I remember that corridor was somewhere around here, wasn't it...?" Yume panicked searching frantically for a way out.
Jessamine turned when a shout came from behind her. She saw somebody -probably Yume- running off into the distance, and she turned. "I'll be back in a minute." She said to Thal. Jessamine took of at a sprint after him. Due to her enhanced movements, she was faster than the majority of the population. She soon caught up to him, and caught his wrist. "Are you ok?" She looked him in the eye, all humour gone from her face.
Yume turned around and looked at Jessamine in the eyes. He pondered what he should tell her because no matter how you look at it, he was pretty much evesdropping on the two's conversation. "I uh...Spilled my tea," he said softly trying to avoid eye contact. He was comforted by her presence though he didn't fully understand why. He sighed and relaxed his muscles, closing his eyes and letting off a smirk. "Jessamine, can I hug you?" Yume said abruptly, "I like rabbits."
Jessamine nodded and let go of his wrist. "Ouch. That hurts. Well, at least you're ok now." She tried to catch his eye again,

but he was looking away. She froze, when he asked to hug her. The last time she had been hugged, they had called her a

freak and tried to kill her. She paused for a moment; Yume seemed trustworthy, but how long had she known him? An hour?

Less? Well, it wasn't like she was the only weird one. Holding out her arms slowly, Jessamine nodded and waited.
Yume embraced her as many thoughts fluttered through his mind. He thought of the warmth of another being. It's something he had never felt before and the sensation shocked him. He never once thought that it would feel any warmer than drinking his tea. However, this was different. He couldn't place his finger on why he felt so comforted by the touch of another being. He was also very anxious to see the rabbit. The only rabbits he had ever seen were in his dreams. He wanted to know what a real one looked like. Deep down maybe Yume was just longing for the touch of a friend. Maybe he wanted someone in his life he could relax around. He would never admit that though. It was far too embarrassing.

But it was at that moment that Yume realized this orphanage was to be his home. It would be the first place he could make friends. He was being far too emotional about such a simple moment, yes, but for a boy secluded from the rest of the world, this hug was momentous. It was the spark that started his life as a 'normal' kid.
Jessamine once again felt the feeling as if she was on a rollarcoaster, but this time it only lasted for a few seconds. She opened her eyes, and suddenly she was eye-level with Yume's shoes. She looked up, then at herself. She was white with a black patch around one eye, black tipped ears and feet. "Wow." She leaped around for a bit, before sitting down infront of him again. Yume's arms were still outstreatched, and Jessamine found her eyesight was better, but she could only see out of the side of her head. It was weird. "This is the first time I've been like this for a while." She paused, sensing Yume's emotions. "You can pick me up if you want."
Yume smiled as he carefully picked her up. "What does it feel like being a rabbit? I wish I could transform into a rabbit," Yume looked at her and petted her lightly. "You're really soft too. It's very cute." Yume felt tremendously lucky to be in the presence of a real rabbit and was therefore very starstruck. He then set her back down saying, "Oh, right. Also, do you know how to return to human form?"
Jessamine's whole body quivered as he petted her; it was strange. "It's... different. I see everything from the ground and my rabbit instincts take over." She jumped down. "I don't know how to change back, I'l--!" Jessamine had the rollercoaster feeling again, and when she opened hey eyes, screamed and ran behind a tree. "Uhh... Can you pass me my clothes, please?" she was blushing furiously, humiliated that it had happened. In hind sight, she probably should have guessed this would happen, but before she didn't move so remained in her clothes.
Yume, oblivious to why she was so embarrassed, calmly said, "Oh yes your clothes. Here they are," he handed them to her as his nose gushed blood. As he touched his nose, he said, "Oh, what's this...? Why am I bleeding?" Confused, Yume fabricated a napkin to wipe his nose with. "Why do I feel so lightheaded? Was this your doing Jessamine?"

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