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Fantasy The Order - Character Sheet [Reboot]

Name: Oren
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Jewish
Species: Humanish?
Sexuality: Strait
Power Source: The Hearth/Fire

Personality: Oren as his name means in Hebrew is tough and has deep roots which makes him extremely caring for his friends and loving to his family. He is hard to move to tears and as hard as stone, however do to his age and powers he has a fiery rage which causes him to be rash and bold and plenty of times get into arguments.

Physiology: Human with more of a dark red mixed with (whatever middle eastern skin color is called) Brown/Tan skin color


Fire Master: Oren has had several years to learn and control his power in the deserts of The Middle East under the glare of the sun, however he hasn't been able to fully master his power but he close to mastering his ability

Pyrotechnic: Some how Oren is able to summon a flame thrower that can can just like his regular fire power can change the hotness depends on what he wants it to be

Titan: Think Èl Díablo in Suicide Squad when he transforms into Èl Díablo. The former Titan power is unlocked once he masters his power if Light agrees to it

Immunity: Oren is immune to any types of heat or less fatal diseases related to heat

Limits: With his power also causes great fear of water of any shape of form. Even when he's drinking water you can see a small form of terror in his eyes. He also becomes very tired once he has been fighting for a long time. Affects happen one hour after the battle where he gets exhausted. However no matter how long he uses his powers he will never die by used them for a long time and will only suffer from lots of broken bones

Theme and why: Highway to Hell was to metal and Sound of Silence by Disturbed is to dark

History: BOOM....BOOM....BOOM....
The sun roasted Oren alive as he lay in Desert sands, his heart pounded against his chest seemingly trying to get out of his body.
This was the end and he knew it. Sitting back up he looked over his surroundings one last time before the heat finally took him. Then as his heart finally gave its last beats he collapsed upon the desert floor where the sands took his body and desert insects called his skeleton home. "Oren what are you doing?! NO!!" His father yelled as he dove to catch him before he fell into the fire near the anvil. (His father had been working as a blacksmith to support the family) But Oren did not burst into flames and his father didn't see his boy die but instead saw what appeared to be a monster, his skin turned more red than brown and he opened his eyes from his dream now amazed at where he was. "Daddy isn't this cool!" Oren exclaimed spinning around in the flames unaffected. Then the sound of multiple guns loading made him face his father who along with several other men of the town raised there guns at the 5 year old boy "You are no son of mine. Get away from here before I blast your freakish head of you monster!" He roared as his mother wept in the corner.

That was 13 years ago and now Oren watched in awe and excitement as he burned down the village and killed any people who tried to flee. The while village was burning and the sand around it had turned to glass, dead cargoes bodies littered the floor as Oren walked through the flames where his step mom and ded along with everyone else who had hurt him stood quivering in fear. "You are the monsters now freaks!" He roared as he brought down his flaming sword and axe upon the group. 13 years ago he had fled from his home into the desert crying his heart out where a family who had been traveling to another town took him in where they accepted his strange power and helped him practice. He now had two brothers and one sister along with two new parents. His father and both brothers were guards while his mom and sister were bakers, his new family loved him and accepted him so he accepted them.

Extra: Weapons include: Khopesh, Falchion, Two-Handed Falchion, Bow and arrows, axe, five throwing daggers, and shield. All weapons besides shield can be set on fire, the shield when hit spreads sparks and depending on how heavy the object is may let out a small burst of flame around the object

Oren seems incredibly powerful compared to everyone else. So first off what is "Fire master" and what exactly does it entail? Is it just fire manipulation? Because if it I see no reason for him to also be able to summon a flamethrower at will like he can.

Secondly, I have no idea who el diablo is. And quite frankly, the power of being able to turn into a titan seems overpowered already, so I'm going to have to ask that you remove that power completely, as I feel that being able to transform into a titan is far too much power.

And him being immune to all types of heat, seems like a bit much. If he was just resistant to fire, That'd be fine, but completely immune to all types of heat again seems like a bit much. Him having, and being able to use that many different weapons also seem like a bit much.

Lastly, his limits seem really weak compared to the powers you gave him. Since it doesn't limit the amount of power he can use at any one time, nor does it actually limit him. The worst I can see happening to him, is him being tired along with a few broken bones. Not to mention these effects apparently only set in one whole hour after the fight has finished. Meaning he'd be able to outlast most, if not all of the people in this thread were any of them to fight him. Also I'd prefer if you added more detail to the powers.

Oh, and what is the hearth? You put that as his power source, but I have no idea what that is. As it doesn't seem to be one of the types of mana

Name: Beleth
Age: 18
Gender: male
Ethnicity: Hungarian, Spanish, Polish, and Jewish
Species: half demon half human
Sexuality: strait
Power Source: energy? Possibly?
Appearance: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/102/1/b/alaspeed_by_anikakinka-d4vxpur.jpg
Personality: Beleth is hard headed but also charming in a weird way. He is more aggressive than a regular human but also has more control of there demon heritage than others.
Physiology: human
Powers: Shapeshifter: Beleth is able to roll a dice and whatever it lands on he turns into one of the 45 demons. Nergal Demons: Beast of Nergal
The Beast’s body is that of a massive, black-spotted slug that glistens with dewy excretions and is topped by a massive head with a large, drooling, fang-filled mouth ringed in tentacles that drip a paralytic toxin. Growing all along the length of its moist body are razor-sharp spines that stick out in random places. About midway down the trunk, a pair of useless legs ending in clawed and webbed feet flop about uselessly. The thing’s body ends in a long tail fitted with a sharp stinger. Though somewhat uniform in appearance, the Beasts are heavily corrupted and sport many mutations and alterations, giving these creatures a wide array of unpredictable abilities and features.

Prince of Nergal
Their body enlarges. Horns, talons, a tail, and sometimes wings sprout from their changing form. All manner of contagion erupts over their new body, yet they treasure each festering cyst and scabrous blister. They have a daemonic blade that can split flesh with a mere touch.

Great Unclean One
Great Unclean One A Great Unclean One is invariably a gigantic figure bloated with decay, disease and all imaginable kinds of physical corruption.

Bubo are being delicate, fragile, foul, and green. They look like small withered peas but are dimpled with sphincters that issue foul yellow wetness. These creatures thrive on sickness.

Plaguebearers What little of the Plaguebearer’s skin that can be seen beneath the discharge of innumerable sores is tinged with suppuration greens and vile browns. Pus weeps continuously from its single bloodshot eye and from the Daemon’s forehead protrudes a single horn

Plague Toad
Plague Toads They are toad-like bags of brackish filth and pus whose wide maws can swallow a man whole

Nurglings are friendly, mischievous faces with bloated, green bodies fitted with disproportionate limbs. The only difference is their size. A Nurgling is no taller than a foot high

Bile Troll
Bile Trolls they look like regular trolls but are disease filled with green skin, sunken faces, and countless pus filled sores

Herald of Nergle
Heralds of Nergle are plaguebearers but 10x bigger and there swords drip with death, one cut and you are filled with diseases the deeper the cut the more deadly they are.

Rot fly
Rot flies are a combination of a fly and a mosquito. They are also very large
Malal Demons: Amalgamation Beast
The Amalgamation Beast is a massive bag of undulating flesh. Its hide consists of countless faces stitched together and animated by Chaos. Each individual face is frozen in some expression of joy, hate, love, or despair, lending to its madness-inspiring appearance. It pulls itself along with great tentacles that shoot forth from its quivering body and drag it forward so that it can rend its foes with its gnashing teeth. And when it slays a mortal, the tentacles pull the corpse close so it can absorb the body, adding one more face to its form.

A Baalrûkh is a type of Greater Demon, distinguished for its affinity for fire and fire-based magic and how they keep there true names a close guarded secret. Baalrûkhs have muscular humanoid bodies with massive goatlike legs and horned heads resembling a cross between a goat, a lion and a dragon. A pair of huge batlike wings grow from their backs, and they have a long, barbed snakelike tail. Fire shoots from their nostrils and mouths and their eyes glow like coals. They are often wreathed in flames. Baalrûkhs are large, always over 10 feet tall and often much bigger.

Chaos Furies
Chaos Furies are fierce creatures with great, leathery wings. Their faces have more in common with Dragons than they do with humans, as they are twisted into snarling visages full of sharp angles and wicked fangs set beneath searching, feral, red eyes.

Chaos Steeds
Chaos Steeds, are as strong and fierce as their riders. No normal horses are these, but coal-black chargers with demon ichor for blood, needle-sharp teeth and the intelligence of cruel men. A Chaos Steed’s head and flanks are protected by sculpted plates of thick, metal barding that no normal steed could bear, and they gore and slash those before them with bladed horns and hooves.

Daemon Prince
Daemon Prince At the point of a Chaos Champion's transformation, bat-like wings or mighty feathered pinions will sprout from his back, bearing him aloft that he might rule the skies as well as the earth. They just like all other Princes are the only Demons who can talk with mortals

Daemonic Mounts
Daemonic Mount Many Daemonic Mounts have sharp horns, bony plates and fangs of steel corrupting their immortal bodies, and their eyes burn with the fires of chaos.
Some Daemonic Mounts are gigantic chargers whose breath is like a pestilent cloud; others are massive, bear-like creatures with claws of iron that can disembowel a man with a single blow, or serpent-bodied aberrations that shimmer and writhe across the battlefield.

Imps are the least of the least, minor demons that are born from loosed emotions. In their “natural” state, they are amorphous things, endlessly cycling through a variety of shapes that seem to reflect the thought or concept that birthed them.

K'daai are half-daemon stuff and half-raging fire drawn from the magma of the deep earth, given form and contained within an armoured framework of articulated iron and rune-stamped bronze.

Mutalith Vortex Beast
Mutalith Vortex Beasts think the Rathtar from Star Wars the force awakens

Slaughterbrutes The Slaughterbrute is the epitome of violence. It possesses four front arms of differing sizes, a muscular body, a triplex tongue, whilst its massive head shows a cluster of eyes and multiple rows of teeth. It possesses skin that is chitinous, creased and spiked, and the creature stands on hoofed feet.

Verminlords a humanoid rat with horns
Tzeentch Demons: Prince of Tzeentch
The Prince of Tzeentch grows immeasurably in size, and sprouts a long, snaking tail of sinewy flesh. His hands and feet become fearsome talons, and large horns erupt from his distended skull. These Daemon Princes are powerful spellcasters, They often have enormous, feathery wings in a similar style to the Lords of Change of they carry an ornate blade or a lavishly decorated staff

Discs of Tzeentch
The Discs of Tzeentch are large, sentient creatures that were transformed from an ordinary screamer into large, disc-like shapes. They float in the clouds of swirling energy. Most become round and flat, capable of flying through the air

Flamers are Capable of a fair turn of speed, expelling gaseous ichor through the fungoid ‘skirt’ at their base to bound and leap across the ground with considerable mischievous gusto. A Flamer uses its blazing limbs to hurl bolts of flame at the foe. They have tubular bodies melded with gnashing faces or grimacing maws that end in a pinkish, fleshy skirt that they use to propel themselves along the ground. Their arms are blue trunks that each end in dripping orifices capable of spraying liquid flame

Fearlings are small balls of pink flesh, like a miniature Horror of Tzeentch. It sits and quivers, expelling blue and pink flames from its many mouths. When it moves, it pulls itself along with pseudopodia, scorching the ground wherever it goes. Fearlings inspire rebellious thoughts and acts of anarchy.

Lord of change
Lords of change A massive feathered creature with the head of carrion bird wobbling on top of a wattled neck, It has a bright multi-coloured wings, and a gigantic bird-like face,

Pink Horror
Pink Horror's are shapeless masses of solid magic that undulate and transform, cycling through a myriad of different shapes and colours, ever changing, always in a state of becoming. New faces push out against their rubbery hides only to retreat as the section is replaced by a new flap of skin or a nest of writhing tentacles. They are also cheerful in some weird way usually always squealing and having a High Pitch Laugh

Blue Horror
Blue Horror's Blue Horrors are sullen and malicious, like evil-tempered children, and sneer and grumble their way through a battle. Once spawned, they add a deeper whining note to the incessant chortling.

Screamers A Screamer is a large glimmering being that looks something like a mutated purple manta ray. All along the edges of their flattened bodies are sharp barbs and horns. Their tails extend out behind them for a few feet, ending in a horned, mace-like tail.

Herald of Tzeentch
Heralds of Tzeentch are Pink Horrors but 10x bigger and there flames are twice as big

Khorne Demons: Bloodletter
Bloodletters, Each Bloodletter carries a Hellblade, a jagged iron sword whose blackened blade glows with heinous enchantment. A wound from one of these weapons can slay even the hardiest heroes, draining their soul and sucking dry their shrivelled corpse. The Hellblade is formed from the Bloodletter’s own essence and can never be discarded nor torn from its grasp. These Demons are tall, rangy humanoids with snarling bestial faces, twisted with rage. Their monstrous visages are framed by horns sprouting from the sides of their skulls. Their blood-red skin is hard as brass forged upon the anvil of ceaseless war.

Bloodthirsters A Bloodthirster’s ruddy skin is covered with coarse fur and brass armour, slick and gleaming with the blood of innumerable victims. In one hand, the Bloodthirster carries an ensorcelled axe that thirsts for blood and slaughter; in the other, the Demon wields a cruelly barbed lash, with which it can easily flay the flesh from a victim’s bones.

Prince of Khorne
Princes of Khorne become a hulking creature over ten feet tall and bulging with slabs of iron hard muscle. He sprouts a tail and horns and fearsome claws. Many of them have large leathery wings like those of a bloodthirster, scaled skins the colour of blood, heads of massive hunting hounds.

Flesh Hound
Flesh Hound feature scaly skin, huge teeth and claws, horned heads and spines, as well as wide reptilian crests, flaps of skin and a studded metal collar

Heralds of Khorne are blood letters but 2x bigger and there blade is always on fire, they also have a flaming whip of skulls

Malices are miniature warriors encased in black armour. They look like tiny armored bloodletters and indeed, they have the temperament of the most vicious Khorne Champion. Malices feed on rage and hate, inspiring both in mortals.

Juggernaut These four-legged beasts blend the features of canine and bull but are covered in profane armour formed of a fused mass of flesh, bone and metal.

Mardagg's The Mardagg appears as a huge robed and hooded skeleton, over 10 feet tall. It is typically armoured in chain mail, and carries an immense scythe.

Slaanesh Demons:
Prince of Slaanesh
Princes of Slaanesh While sharing common traits such as wings, a powerful tail, and razor sharp talons, Slaanesh’s Daemon Princes are lither and far more graceful in their actions than other Daemon Princes

Daemonettes have creamy, pale skin and large, emerald pools for eyes, but instead of hair, most have horny bone ridges. Instead of hands, their arms end in scythelike talons, much like a crab’s claw. These man-sized Daemons stand upon two legs that end in two-toed feet fitted with black talons.

Fiends of Slaanesh
Fiend of Slaanesh the creatures combine several traits of scorpion, human, and reptile to become some unholy abomination. The main body of the Fiend is white or some other pastel hue and segmented, ending in a broad stinger tail that drips with venom.
Four roughly humanoid legs branch out from the rear body to give the creature stability. From the front of the lithe body grows a humanoid torso covered in a row of breasts and a pair of arms. The Fiend’s head is reptilian, not too unlike that of a monitor lizard, but with a longer prehensile tongue. Its emerald, alien eyes perch on either side of its head, rolling about in its skull.

Muses are appealing, taking the form of beautiful young women with perfect nubile bodies and long hair of scintillating colours. They are tiny, no taller than three feet, but despite their size, they have power over men, stealing their souls, and draining away the capacity for sensation. But they are also inspiring, urging their victims to new heights, always pushing further and further to attain the glory they seek.

Keeper of Secrets
Keepers of Secrets The Keeper of Secrets is awful to behold. It takes the form of an androgynous being of impossible stature. Its four arms, two of which end in pincers, It has huge jewelled eyes, It has pastel skin, Its head, sometimes human, sometimes bestial, is ringed with a nest of curved horns that glisten with an oily sheen. A serpent’s tongue writhes from between its razored teeth, and It stands upon strong legs that give way to almost reptilian claws.

Steed of Slaanesh
Steeds of Slaanesh They are bipedal, with a body shape not unlike that of an ostrich, sans feathers. It has two long, feminine legs, and a crest of vivid green hair that runs down the length of its back. The glossy fur on its legs and upper body is typically lavender, whilst the head, tail, and underside are pastel yellow with mottled deep red markings. The most disturbing quality of this creature is its conical head equipped with a sphincter-like mouth. Flitting out from this orifice is a long, electric-blue, whip-like tail that ends in a sharp barb.

Herald of Slaanesh
Heralds of Slaanesh are Daemononettes but 10x bigger

Hell Fire: Beleth can summon cyan colored fire to lit his cigarette

Seeker: Beleth can feel when a portal from hell to the mortal world opens, depending on how powerful the demon is the stronger he feels it

Limits: Hell Fire and Seeker are basically useless unless you want your cigarette lit or to know when a demon appears. For Shapeshifter Beleth has to roll a dice of 39 to shapeshift into a demon, if it is not a number he wanted Beleth would have to quickly say "re-roll!" In which the dice flips onto another number. He also has another dice of six with his most powerful demons.
Theme and Why: N/A
History: TBA
Extra: doesn't have a fetish for dice

Okay, so this one seems way too overpowered. Some of the 'forms' that he can change into seem overpowered by themselves. And he can seemingly change into any of them with no limits about it whatsoever. Considering the Limit you put on it with the dice roll, Which doesn't seem like too much of a weakness with the range of the demons. But the weakness doesn't even matter, as he can just reroll it to get something that he does want. And then he has another dice to change into only the most powerful ones. I'm failing to see any actual limits imposed on any of these powers. Also this is adding seemingly completely new lore, that I don't think you've spoken to any of the GM's about.

So, because of the reasons I just spoke about, I'm rejecting this character

1/2 rejections
DeathValley105 DeathValley105 I'm going to have to go with Gingy on this one. If you can make changes that make Oren less overpowered and come back with it, then we can talk about. As for the demon dice dude, I think it'd be best to simply scrap him. Until then, I'm going to have to give it a 2/2 rejection. Sorry, bud. Like I said, just hit us up when you've worked out some stuff with Oren to make him on the same playing field as everyone else.
I copied my original character so some the stuff i changed may of not been on there.

Fire Master is Fire manipulation but he easily is drained from it hence why he can summon a flame thrower

The heat is all types of heat such as burning himself, fire, and lesser heat diseases or symptoms, his weapons however are on a weapons rack so he only carries one or two

His limits are that he gets tired of one ruse and broken bones, broken bones meaning he can't go on with a quest or he can't use his power cause he can't move his arm or leg

Idk i didn't know what the thing for fire was so i put the hearth.

As for the second character it was a lot of demons as you can see so listing all of them would take a lot of space hence why i would explain the effects on the human body after transformation and the demon during transformation, the dice re-roll i can remove, and i just have stuff from a Fantasy Universe thats why there in categories but they don't change the gameplay. For the greater demons he only uses that dice for huge events like the event of the end of the world.
I copied my original character so some the stuff i changed may of not been on there.

Fire Master is Fire manipulation but he easily is drained from it hence why he can summon a flame thrower

The heat is all types of heat such as burning himself, fire, and lesser heat diseases or symptoms, his weapons however are on a weapons rack so he only carries one or two

His limits are that he gets tired of one ruse and broken bones, broken bones meaning he can't go on with a quest or he can't use his power cause he can't move his arm or leg

Idk i didn't know what the thing for fire was so i put the hearth.

So his limit for fire manipulation is that he gets tired easily? Alright. He still doesn't need a separate power for summoning a flamethrower though.

The heat 'immunity' can be that he's highly resistant to fire, but not immune to all types of heat. as he is still human after all, correct?

Okay, but does that stop, or limit him in the middle of a fight? I don't think it would since you said that the effects happen one hour after the fight that he uses them in, correct?

There isn't a separate thing for fire. All powers go on mana or energy. The different types are located on the overview
https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-order-overview-reboot.343651/ Here's a link for your convenience

As for the second character it was a lot of demons as you can see so listing all of them would take a lot of space hence why i would explain the effects on the human body after transformation and the demon during transformation, the dice re-roll i can remove, and i just have stuff from a Fantasy Universe thats why there in categories but they don't change the gameplay. For the greater demons he only uses that dice for huge events like the event of the end of the world.

He's still not accepted. Sorry. But he's just way too powerful compared to every other character in the rp at the moment.
So his limit for fire manipulation is that he gets tired easily? Alright. He still doesn't need a separate power for summoning a flamethrower though.

The heat 'immunity' can be that he's highly resistant to fire, but not immune to all types of heat. as he is still human after all, correct?

Okay, but does that stop, or limit him in the middle of a fight? I don't think it would since you said that the effects happen one hour after the fight that he uses them in, correct?

There isn't a separate thing for fire. All powers go on mana or energy. The different types are located on the overview
https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-order-overview-reboot.343651/ Here's a link for your convenience

He's still not accepted. Sorry. But he's just way too powerful compared to every other character in the rp at the moment.

He's half human half fire titan (enables him to control fire.) He also was given the fire when he "died" in the desert and was then reborn as a fire user via sun
It would depending on what type of fire he used, the hotter or more magically the fire the quicker it is
i understand, but could i have the character only have the demons from two or three of the categories?
He's half human half fire titan (enables him to control fire.) He also was given the fire when he "died" in the desert and was then reborn as a fire user via sun
It would depending on what type of fire he used, the hotter or more magically the fire the quicker it is

Alright then, Edit the Cs for him, and I'll give it another look over. Since you seem to have some limits for him that you haven't put down. And put some more detail into what exactly he can do with fire manipulation if you can

i understand, but could i have the character only have the demons from two or three of the categories?

Nope. The character's already been rejected man. Like I said the first time around. Some of the demons I wouldn't even accept on their own. Sorry
Alright then, Edit the Cs for him, and I'll give it another look over. Since you seem to have some limits for him that you haven't put down. And put some more detail into what exactly he can do with fire manipulation if you can

Nope. The character's already been rejected man. Like I said the first time around. Some of the demons I wouldn't even accept on their own. Sorry
Alright done
Alright done

Name: Oren
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Jewish
Species: Humanish?
Sexuality: Strait
Power Source: The Hearth/Fire

Personality: Oren as his name means in Hebrew is tough and has deep roots which makes him extremely caring for his friends and loving to his family. He is hard to move to tears and as hard as stone, however do to his age and powers he has a fiery rage which causes him to be rash and bold and plenty of times get into arguments.

Physiology: Human with more of a dark red mixed with (whatever middle eastern skin color is called) Brown/Tan skin color


Fire Master: Oren has had several years to learn and control his power in the deserts of The Middle East under the glare of the sun, however he hasn't been able to fully master his power but he close to mastering his ability. The powers of this are basically fire manipulation shooting fire, creating balls/objects of fire, and possibly flying a short distance (or a jump boost sorta thing) with it

Titan: Think Èl Díablo in Suicide Squad when he transforms into Èl Díablo. The former Titan power is unlocked once he masters his power.

Immunity: Oren is immune to any types of heat or less fatal diseases related to heat

Limits: With his power also causes great fear of water of any shape of form. Even when he's drinking water you can see a small form of terror in his eyes. He also becomes very tired once he has been fighting for a long time. Affects happen one hour after the battle where he gets exhausted. However no matter how long he uses his powers he will never die by used them for a long time and will only suffer from lots of broken bones. If he uses a very powerful type of fire or magically type of fire he quickly gets tired and bones break quicker also rendering him less powerful

Theme and why: Highway to Hell was to metal and Sound of Silence by Disturbed is to dark

History: BOOM....BOOM....BOOM....
The sun roasted Oren alive as he lay in Desert sands, his heart pounded against his chest seemingly trying to get out of his body.
This was the end and he knew it. Sitting back up he looked over his surroundings one last time before the heat finally took him. Then as his heart finally gave its last beats he collapsed upon the desert floor where the sands took his body and desert insects called his skeleton home. "Oren what are you doing?! NO!!" His father yelled as he dove to catch him before he fell into the fire near the anvil. (His father had been working as a blacksmith to support the family) But Oren did not burst into flames and his father didn't see his boy die but instead saw what appeared to be a monster, his skin turned more red than brown and he opened his eyes from his dream now amazed at where he was. "Daddy isn't this cool!" Oren exclaimed spinning around in the flames unaffected. Then the sound of multiple guns loading made him face his father who along with several other men of the town raised there guns at the 5 year old boy "You are no son of mine. Get away from here before I blast your freakish head of you monster!" He roared as his mother wept in the corner.

That was 13 years ago and now Oren watched in awe and excitement as he burned down the village and killed any people who tried to flee. The while village was burning and the sand around it had turned to glass, dead cargoes bodies littered the floor as Oren walked through the flames where his step mom and ded along with everyone else who had hurt him stood quivering in fear. "You are the monsters now freaks!" He roared as he brought down his flaming sword and axe upon the group. 13 years ago he had fled from his home into the desert crying his heart out where a family who had been traveling to another town took him in where they accepted his strange power and helped him practice. He now had two brothers and one sister along with two new parents. His father and both brothers were guards while his mom and sister were bakers, his new family loved him and accepted him so he accepted them.

Extra: Weapons include: Khopesh, Falchion, Two-Handed Falchion, Bow and arrows, axe, five throwing daggers, and shield. All weapons besides shield can be set on fire, the shield when hit spreads sparks and depending on how heavy the object is may let out a small burst of flame around the object

.... All you changed was the fire mastery. Which is good. But I'm pretty sure I said about changing the immunity to resistance and get rid of the the titan power. Both of them are still there. Also the weaknesses still happen an hour after a fight, which is still not okay
Name: Alyssa Rothchild
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity/Layer: Mortal Layer
Sexuality: Bisexual?
Mana: Energy
Uh. Hooman. Hooomaaaannnn.

Say hello to kindness and innocence. Now say goodbye to the kindness part, and you have Alyssa. Considering that Alyssa is pretty much an ass to anyone she just met, its not that far of a stretch to say they're an unkind person. However, it would unfair to to state they're like that to everyone. Anyone who they believe is an equal to them in combat is someone they respect. If this be by magical or physical means, anyone who can stand up to her assault is someone who she has no qualm with treating like an equal, and with respect.

Otherwise, she won't treat them very fairly if they are considered a combatant. If they are a support fighter, then she holds judgement back once she learns of it, yet won't look kindly on them beforehand.

But for all of her outwards appearance of arrogance, she hides the major trait of fear, in the act of getting close to a person. This manifests as her attitude to push people away, which can be an ugly thing.


Notable Equipment/Inventory:

Sturdy Buckler, Steel Rapier. Steel plated glove on her spare hand.


Unnatural Grace:
As an energy user, she prefers to use her talent as a swordsman to an extreme, and embraces her Elven heritage to gain grand results. Compared to most of humanity, she's along the top most agile people, yet...she isn't able to take a hit. At all.

Being a swordswoman isn't easy for most. So one doesn't depend upon brute strength to fight, nor do they depend on fancy magic to get the job done- they depend on pure skill to fight their foes. Capable with a rapier, she can fend off most sword users with ease, and even more; she knows that the best defense is one where one isn't hit.

Swordswoman's Instinct:
The trait which manifests in almost all masters of combat, renown as a 'Sixth Sense', enabling the user to fight on a level almost past the mortal capabilities, by understanding the flow of combat. This is not magical in nature, and is quite literally just Battlefield awareness, making them capable of understanding their surroundings, using their other senses to comprehend the fight around them.

Limits: Durability is an extreme issue, as it would only take a single good hit to take her out. In return for her energy flowing through her to make her fast on the battlefield, she abandoned her ability to take any serious damage.

Music Theme ( Optional ): Don't you look at me.
History ( Optional ): *Cries*
Extra: Boom. Shaka. Laka.


  • Johnny B Goode.gif
    Johnny B Goode.gif
    312.3 KB · Views: 8
Name: Alyssa Rothchild
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Ethnicity/Layer: Mortal Layer
Sexuality: Bisexual?
Mana: Energy
Uh. Hooman. Hooomaaaannnn.

Say hello to kindness and innocence. Now say goodbye to the kindness part, and you have Alyssa. Considering that Alyssa is pretty much an ass to anyone she just met, its not that far of a stretch to say they're an unkind person. However, it would unfair to to state they're like that to everyone. Anyone who they believe is an equal to them in combat is someone they respect. If this be by magical or physical means, anyone who can stand up to her assault is someone who she has no qualm with treating like an equal, and with respect.

Otherwise, she won't treat them very fairly if they are considered a combatant. If they are a support fighter, then she holds judgement back once she learns of it, yet won't look kindly on them beforehand.

But for all of her outwards appearance of arrogance, she hides the major trait of fear, in the act of getting close to a person. This manifests as her attitude to push people away, which can be an ugly thing.


Notable Equipment/Inventory:

Sturdy Buckler, Steel Rapier. Steel plated glove on her spare hand.


Unnatural Grace:
As an energy user, she prefers to use her talent as a swordsman to an extreme, and embraces her Elven heritage to gain grand results. Compared to most of humanity, she's along the top most agile people, yet...she isn't able to take a hit. At all.

Being a swordswoman isn't easy for most. So one doesn't depend upon brute strength to fight, nor do they depend on fancy magic to get the job done- they depend on pure skill to fight their foes. Capable with a rapier, she can fend off most sword users with ease, and even more; she knows that the best defense is one where one isn't hit.

Swordswoman's Instinct:
The trait which manifests in almost all masters of combat, renown as a 'Sixth Sense', enabling the user to fight on a level almost past the mortal capabilities, by understanding the flow of combat. This is not magical in nature, and is quite literally just Battlefield awareness, making them capable of understanding their surroundings, using their other senses to comprehend the fight around them.

Limits: Durability is an extreme issue, as it would only take a single good hit to take her out. In return for her energy flowing through her to make her fast on the battlefield, she abandoned her ability to take any serious damage.

Music Theme ( Optional ): Don't you look at me.
History ( Optional ): *Cries*
Extra: Boom. Shaka. Laka.

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