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Fandom The Obsidian Knights CS



~Vibing along the cosmos~
Ranks don't necessarily mean who is stronger but instead how high the character is on the charts. The amount of missions, tier level Imps, and years equate to their rank. Most veterans that have taken several missions are usually ranked A-B. Decent agents are C rank which is common.

Rank F: This is mostly for those who are terrible in the game. They are either cowards, or have done something horrible like accidentally causing harm to their teammate, or uncooperative. They are dropped to that level for a second chance or they have potential

Rank D: Is given to rookies starting from age 13 and up

Rank C: The majority of the organization are rank C as it is the most easy and perfect place to be if they are unable to take on higher tier Imps. Most people have gotten too comfortable at this level. (Working years: 1+)

Rank B: These people deal with higher tier Imps while still considered mediocre but have been ranking in the charts with how many missions they have amassed over the years. (Working Years: 5+)

Rank A: This rank not only is the highest, but these people can deal with any level of threat. They are either prodigies, talented, or have managed to rank up over the years. There are different ages. They would be on par with the Obsidian Knights or sometimes Rank B (Working Years: Varies/ 10+ Usually)

Character Sheet
Nationality: (Optional)
Rank: (D-A rank)
Weapon: (Optional)
Abilities: (Keep it specific to your element and give details. Your character may enhance and grow these powers later in the story. Run by me their upgrades for approval)
Other: (Optional)​

  • Nova Reinhart
    Personality & History

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Name: Raikou Natsume

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Nationality: Japanese

Rank: A

Element: Lightning

Weapon: Katana - Raikouken


Lightning Infusion: He can infuse objects mainly his weapons with lightning. This increases their efficacy and for blades allows them to not only electrocuted in slash but they gain increase cutting lower from becoming a high frequency vibration blade.

Lightning Enhancement: He can enhance his own body with electricity mainly speed, strength, and healing.

Electroreception: He passively can sense animate things or rather the weak bioelectric fields they give off. He actively map and sense in a 3 dimensional manner inanimate objects through producing weak electric fields and sensing the distortions.
  • He can acutely read the flow of bio electricity in someone’s nervous system sense their muscular movements ahead of time (Will develop this ability later on in the RP)

Personality: He cares about the well being of others, it’s just the expressing of that is lost. He comes off as an asshole sometimes without even grasping what he is saying is asinine. He finds it hard to say “you’re welcome” or acknowledge he actually went out of his way to do a good dead or provide help. He all around struggles with being nice like it’d give him a bad disease.

History/Background: The Natsume bloodline once held one of the Obsidian Knights seat forever ago. There have not been an agent born into the Natsume clan that seemed capable since. Raikou is included in that statement because he did now show any such prodigious talent in his first two years as a recruit.

Overtime as he did more jobs he learned to simply play to his strengths. This led to him forgoing the thought of lobbing a crazy amount of lightning bolts and instead specializing in close combat. This allowed him to advanced to being Rank B.

He did not advanced to Rank A until he learned electroreception. He started to take on more dangerous missions often ones in which enemies were numerous and used ambush tactics. He proved that his sensory skills together lightning infused swordsmanship surpassed those threats.

Other: (Optional)
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Name: Hudson Rudrake.
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Nationality: Australian
Rank: A
Element: Metal
Weapon: anchor "scythe" made of supposedly adamantium due to its hilarious durability and how sharp it is (its really just tungsten but he jokes about it)
metal manipulation: the capability to move existing metals that he can see while he can't bend or reshape them he can guide there path pull them towards him or launch it even spin it around himself.
metal summoning: the user can produce most types of normal metal on the periodic table temporarily summoning up to a 600kg of metal of any type for about an hour this metal can be made into any shape the user wants and dismissed at ill before the time limit is up the metal can be summoned up to 60meter away from the user.
Personality: Hudson isn't at all cold or calculating like his appearance would suggest in fact he just think he look really damned cool, he's your average Australian so to speak overly friendly, talks a bit too much, drinks a little too much too and seems to be having a good time regardless of the situation at hand, Hudson given the chance will absolutely act like the team dad if no one else is up to his standard of being responsible.. if there someone else more responsible.. don't expect him to be as so much so of course this is mostly his social life, work takes precedent but he can't pass up a few jokes on the job.
History/Background: Hudson worked for Chess for ages, at least that what he says record wise he'd been with the organisation for about a decade so far what he was doing before this was a mystery he rare bother to speak about the past in too much detail but he does mention he had a girlfriend that he lost, and in some way chess was how he moved on from that hurt, where he got his combat skills is another questionable thing but form what known he may have worked some security company for high value warehouses before
Other: (Optional)

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Name: Soma Barbaro
Gender: male
Nationality: Irish-American
Rank: C
Element: Wind/Contract

Weapon: A magical long sword with arm guards

Is a hand-size spirit that was contracted with his late mentor and now he has a contract with it. Liye doesn’t talk much and is extremely shy, often hiding whenever someone besides Soma tries to talk to her. But is extremely active to offset it flying around most of the time. When she does feel tired she would find somewhere on Soma to rest.

Liye mainly just gives Soma a boost to his moves or power at times.

She also can levitate something that isn’t too heavy

She can do more but only if certain conditions are met.

Jet flow- He can sense the flow of the wind around him sometimes giving him foresight on what’s happening around him, and how to deal with it. It also allows him to control the power and speed on which the wind will come off of things and him giving allowing flight.

Sky Pressure - wind enhancement that builds up pressure around, whatever he is focused on to be used for offense.

Raver-it is the thing that he prides himself on being good at It gives him to control rotational forces giving him a variety of abilities. But for him, he mainly uses it for defense.

Personality: Soma exudes a laid-back vibe that some might mistake for laziness, but there's much more to him than meets the eye. When it comes to his job or supporting those he cares about, he dives in with a surprising fervor. Yet, if he thinks a task will be a hassle, he’s likely to sidestep it or need a gentle nudge to get moving. he can be quite studious at times You can often find him enjoying a treat or a refreshing drink, sharing moments of sweetness with his friend Liye, where they savor life’s little pleasures together. Sometimes, he showcases a playful side, bringing a touch of silliness to their escapades.

From the earliest days he can remember, Soma has traveled the winding roads alongside his grandfather, dedicating their lives to helping people rid themselves of pesky imps. His early lessons were grounded in survival: learning the art of wielding a weapon and mastering the vital skill of identifying edible plants versus their poisonous counterparts. Once he had those basics down, he ventured into herbal remedies and natural medicines, eager to assist his grandfather in every way he could.

As their journey continued, Soma’s education took a fascinating turn. His grandfather, a seasoned traveler, taught him the stealthy craft of gathering information. This knowledge was essential; knowing the lay of the land meant they could locate the best spots to settle and offer their services in each new place they visited. "Always scout your surroundings before you plant your roots," his grandfather would say, emphasizing the importance of preparation. Now, before lingering in any town for too long, Soma diligently gathers insights, ensuring they are ready for whatever challenges may lie ahead.

As Soma grew older, his world expanded with each lesson learned and every challenge faced alongside his grandfather. Together, they navigated the wilds, encountering mischievous imps and unraveling the mysteries of their realm. One serene afternoon, as the sun dipped low in the sky, his grandfather shared a momentous revelation that would change everything.

That they were a part of an organization called Chess and they had been doing jobs for them and he had some leeway to train him differently. Whenever they visited Chess Soma would just do whatever until they left.

“Soma,” he began, his voice steady but heavy with emotion, “the time has come for you to forge your path. I have important missions to undertake, and it’s time for you to stand on your own two feet.”

Though heartbroken, Soma understood. They shared a bittersweet farewell a few days later, the weight of their separation hanging in the air. As they exchanged final words, Soma felt a mix of pride and sadness. With determination blossoming in his heart, he vowed to carry forth the wisdom his grandfather had imparted as well as a strange spirit he had no idea about even with that he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Other: Some whispers are floating around about his potential promotion, but it seems that scheduling conflicts might be getting in the way.

Learned how to make sweets for Liye
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Name: Cassandra “Cass” Fields

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Nationality: Biracial/Indigenous American

Rank: C

Element: Earth (Plant life)

Weapon: Staff
A staff that she can effectively change the form of through the use of her abilities. She can change it to be more whip-like, or rigid, depending on its form, and it’s less taxing on her than her actual abilities. When not in use, it changes into a flower so it's easier to carry.


Plant Generation – She has the ability to rapidly summon any plant of her choosing at will. The larger it is, the more difficult it is for her to summon. As of now, she has only mastered vines.

Creeping Vine – Vines summoned from the ground which she can manipulate at will, as well as alter to either be smooth or thorn covered. She can use these to grab, restrain, throw, choke, etc.

Thorn Barrage – A rapidly summoned wall of thorns which she can use to either shield herself, or knock back on-coming attackers.

Blood Vine – Similar to creeping vine, except that they burst forth from her own body. She hopes this means she can eventually transform her actual body-parts into plant matter, but for now she has to deal with this mess. It hurts as bad as it sounds, and she rarely uses it.

Arborkinesis – The ability to manipulate plants, including appearance, movement and shape. She’s not as skilled at it with those she hasn’t summoned herself, and can really just affect growth acceleration and plant-health for now.

Personality: A friendly but serious individual, Cassandra is hardworking and focused, trying to prioritize developing her abilities above anything else. She can be a bit reserved upon first meeting, but is far from shy, addressing others with a forthright attitude, sometimes to a fault. Because she pushes herself so hard, she has a tendency to get high strung if she feels she’s lacking in anything. This can seep into her treatment of other people, especially if they aren’t taking something as seriously as she thinks they should. That being said, she’s very caring once she manages to relax a little, and ultimately just wants what’s best for herself and others… even if they are technically her rivals.

Cassandra grew up in a small town with a very strict family. While not necessarily prestigious, they were well known in their community, and expected the best from her to uphold their image. She strove to meet their expectations, but things took a turn when her abilities began to surface. Cass is a first-generation Witch, as far as she knows, and her powers were quickly shunned. She was punished whenever her parents caught her using them, and she eventually stopped altogether. For a long time, she ignored them, only focusing on making her family happy, until, one day in her late teens, she finally met someone else like her.

A boy named Adam moved to their town, apparently a distant relative of one of the families already living there. Everyone knew about him, and he became a huge point of focus, quickly labeled a blight on their community for his overall poor behavior, combined with whispers about strange happenings surrounding him and the home he left. Being somewhat self-important, thanks to her family's standing, Cassandra took it upon herself to tell him off one day, irritating him enough to lash out at her. A projectile of some sort went flying past her head. She didn't really see what it was or understand what was happening, but before she knew it, he was on the ground as a stem shot up from beneath him, and knocked him off his feet. As it turned out, they had both effectively outed their elemental abilities to each other, as well as a few confused bystanders. Instead of causing deep-seeded hatred between the two of them, they actually wound up bonding after this event, as he was the first person with magical abilities she had ever met, and now she irritated him with endless questions about it. He wasn’t as excited over this as she was, but she slowly wore him down, and, much to her family’s dismay, they became friends. It took her time, and some encouragement, but she eventually started experimenting with her own abilities again.

One day, the two were approached by a person claiming to be the member of a mysterious organization called “Chess”. She was skeptical at first, uncertain about leaving her home behind, but again, with Adam’s encouragement, she accepted their invitation to join, realizing it was a chance to put her power to good use. Now, having finished her training, she is a proper member of Chess, and fully intends to claim one of the eight empty seats at the top of the organization for herself. The only problem is, she seems to be hitting a wall lately, and is having trouble developing her powers any further…

  • She was cut off by her family following her recruitment and hasn’t had contact with them since.
  • Adam is now her roommate, and she’s currently irritating him about taking his position in Chess more seriously.
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Name: Connor J. McKinley
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Nationality: European
Rank: B
Element: Muscle (self modification)
Weapon: S&W 500 Revolver, Hand and a half sword, parrying knife.
Abilities: Connor's form of magic focuses on improving his own capabilities in three ways. Endurance, strength, and speed. He has only managed to do two out of the three at any given time, however. When he enhances his traits, they reach levels similar to those of a Tier 3 Adult Stage Impurity. His limitations, that of not being to enhance all his abilities simultaneously, means he either will not survive long enough or lack the stopping power to ever kill an adult Impurity.
Personality: Connor has been working this job for a long time, and has seen many co workers and friends die. He has learned to not form close connections with his fellow Sorcerers. He does however hold a soft spot for fresh recruits, knowing that they have to learn very quickly and are under a lot of pressure to do so.
Other: (Optional)
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Name: Adam Whitaker

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Nationality: American (European Descent)

Rank: C

Element: Ice

Weapon: Magic Dagger
When attacking, it can freeze the area around a wound. He doesn’t really use it unless he’s low on mana.

Cryokinesis - He can summon, shape, and control ice telepathically.
  • Freezing: Can use ice to freeze enemies/parts of enemies.
  • Shard storm: Rapid onslaught of ice shards used as projectiles against opponents. This can be highly effective, but difficult to pull off when he is working with other people, so he mostly uses it on solo missions
  • Ice wall: Can create walls of ice to block attacks.
  • Appendage: Can shape ice into various forms of weaponry that he typically attaches to his forearm when attacking. Usually, they’re just spikes.
Personality: Calm and aloof, Adam's demeanor is silent and cold, with a look that almost always shows disinterest in the things around him. He is extremely closed off, and doesn't typically go out of his way to meet other people outside of work. His deadpan expression and lack of emotion can make him unapproachable to others, as he's not much better with words, apart from dry responses.

This completely changes if he's actually fascinated by something, especially with magical properties, including other people's elemental abilities. Because of this, he doesn't actually like normies, and isn't driven to protect others, mostly just wanting to see what their powers can do.

That being said, he's very good at faking emotion when he wants to, for the sake of appearances, or just fulfilling tasks properly. Protecting others is technically part of his job, after all. When fighting, he can be somewhat severe, and might take things too far if he loses himself in it. He's fairly controlled most of the time, though, knowing the backlash he'd face probably wouldn't be worth the trouble.

It's not entirely accurate to call him completely uncaring, but he rarely expresses this part of himself, and even when he does, he still tends to lack general warmth.

Adam’s childhood was quiet and lonely. His mother, an ice witch, died due to complications when he was born, and he was left with a father who was cold and distant, paying little to no attention to him. He decided it was better to just try and stay invisible, after multiple attempts to gain his father’s affection ended in disappointment. He moved about his home like a ghost, ultimately taking care of himself, and not bothering to find attachment elsewhere. He occupied himself with his developing abilities, using them as an escape from his bleak surroundings. Thanks to this, he had relatively good control over them at an early age. It wasn’t enough to save his home, however, a high tier imp suddenly attacked. He was easily overwhelmed, and barely managed to save himself. His home was left in ruins with his father’s mangled body lying amongst the rubble.

Things moved very quickly following this event. He was sent to live with relatives he'd never met, in a town he'd never heard of, surrounded by people who didn’t know about magic and were less than welcoming towards him. It didn't take long for him to start acting out, and his behavior was apparently important enough for one of his classmates to stop him after school one day just to tell him off. Reaching his breaking point, he used his abilities to try and scare her into shutting up, but this completely backfired. Her retaliation revealed her own powers, and she started following him around, bombarding him with endless questions. At first, he hated it, unsure of what to do with this sudden burst of attention, but he was curious about her elemental abilities, and this eventually won him over.

Despite finally making a friend, the attitude of their town never really changed towards him, and it only got worse the closer he got to one of their own. When he and Cassandra were approached by a Chess representative one day, he quickly accepted their invitation, ready for the chance to actually put his powers to use.

  • He doesn’t like hot temperatures, and prefers completing missions in the evening or at night.
  • While he likes testing his powers, he's not that interested in becoming an Obsidian Knight.
  • Cassandra is his roommate.
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Sinnan De Fiore

▸"Have you seen the waves at night? The moonlight sparkles upon them without hurting the eye."

▽ scroll ▽
▶ ID

≈ Full name: Sinann Muirenn De Firore
≈ Age: 24
≈ Birthday: April, 10th
≈ Gender: Female
≈ Nationality: Irish + Italian
≈ Rank: C


▶ Element of Water

≈ Weapon
▸ A spear/staff that is collapsible to become a dagger.
(Will viewable in a spoiler later. Just gotta draw it.)



≈ Hydrokinesis
▸ Can summon water and manipulate it as well as existing water and liquids comprised of 50% or more water (most juices and soups).

≈ "Water noodles"
▸ She uses water as an extension of her arm or in various shapes / sizes to latch onto enemies and push / smack them around.

≈ "Water Slice"
▸ Very thin slices or disks of water used to cut through many things, even rocks and some metals if done correctly.

≈ "Wave shield"
▸ She brings up a wall or bubble of rushing water around / in front of her to block incoming attacks, if the water is rushing fast enough it is very difficult to pass through without getting washed away in it and thrown back out. Note: She uses the bubble if she is being attacked from multiple directions, otherwise it's just a water wall.
( The bubble version can only be big enough to fit herself in, plan to progress this in rp to have a wider bubble so others can be protected inside of it as well.)

≈ "Water bullets"
▸ High speed bullets of water used for precision shots.



≈ Ambivert
≈ She's a "Go with the flow" type of gal. Very Adaptable, is open to changes in atmosphere and actively seeks out adventures.
≈ Sinann enjoys both exciting and calm environments & prefers to have a nice balance of both.
≈ Sinnan can get carried away from time to time and forget to be realistic in certain circumstances.
≈ She's optimistic about the future and believes she can make a positive change in the world.
≈ She can come across as too much, and it may seem like she's super extroverted on first meetings but she will chill out once her curiosity is answered.
≈ She asks about other people and other things more than wanting to speak about herself.



Sinann was born in Ireland to Irish parents who passed in an accident just 4 years after she was born. She was then taken in by her Italian Uncle and took on his Surname of De Fiore and now has Citizenship in both Ireland and Italy. The accident was painted to be just a "horrible incident due to negligent construction." In the local newspaper. A restaurant had toppled over and crushed the people inside, her parents being 2 of the victims. After some digging in her teen years, Sinann figured out the building's construction was just fine, but heinous beasts known as Impurities caused it to collapse. Her parents were average humans, but they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was only after she probed her Uncle about it with the threat of running away if he didn't tell her that she found out that these creatures were real and that certain amounts of mana is present in people, some more than others. She learned that people with more mana can manifest powers related to elements and that she'd manifest hers soon since her mana was tested when she was born, and she is one of the ones with an appropriate amount to consider her a mage / witch. Her uncle's father is a retired member of Chess, so he mentioned the organization, "If you want to learn more about what killed your parents, you'd find out a great deal here." He said while giving her a recruitment flier he got from his father for her. In the mean time her Uncle taught her mixed martial arts, as he is an athlete turned coach in the sport because that was the least he could do as an average human. Around the age of 16, Sinann entered Chess and began training her powers to fight impurities while learning more about them.

▸ (might add more or re-word this with time but that's all I could muster for now)



≈ Most people she knows call her Sina for short, others call her Fiore if they know her less personally.
≈ Sinann is purely motivated by her desire to learn more about Impurities and how they can be vanquished efficiently so they do not continue harming innocent people. For this reason, she was an instant hire on the same day she was interviewed.
≈ Sinnan isn't sure if she should aim for one of the eight seats or not, as she is not confident in her abilities to be a leader / authority figure. That doesn't mean she isn't at least thinking about it in the corner of her mind. However, that's not what she is striving to get better with her abilities for anyway as stated previously she just really hates impurities and wants them all eradicated.
≈ She likes to draw a water drop on her forehead, and has a lineart tattoo of waves with bird motifs on her left forearm.

Code by MisoraUni | Character art by MisoraUni | Background from Unsplash
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Name: Dylan Kato
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Rank: B
Nationality: Japanese-American
Element: Energy

Ability: Dylan can freely create, shape, project, absorb, and manipulate energy. She possess complete control over energy the capacity or ability to cause change or do work, one of the most basic quantitative properties of a system, such as an object or a field of energy. Energy can be transformed (converted) into a number of forms that may each manifest and be measurable in differing ways. The law of conservation of energy states that the (total) energy of a system can increase or decrease only by transferring it in or out of the system, thus the total energy of a system can be calculated by simple addition when it is composed of multiple non-interacting parts or has multiple distinct forms of energy.
- Can transfer energy from one thing / person to another
- Sypher emotional energy
- Can transfer light energy / kinetic / potential energy / electrical energy / chemical energy

Limitations: SInce I know that is a very easily overpowering Ability, she has plenty of limitations that will cause her not to be able to God mod LMAO.
- She can only use it for 2-3 minutes before it begins to remove energy from her person which will eventually drain her of everything, causing her to collapse.
- Energy absorption / Immunity (She cannot manipulate energy in such a way in which is supply's her person.)
- Anti-Energy Manipulation destroys all forms of energy. (She cannot destroy energy / cannot manipulate Anti-matter)
- etc..

Weapon: A midnight black AK-47 & Two pink gutting knives

Dylan Kato was born into a world of power, secrecy, and bloodstained wealth. As the sole heir to the Kurogane Syndicate—one of the most feared mafia families in Japan—she was raised in a life of luxury, yet always shadowed by danger. Mystery surrounded her every move, a trait she cultivated as naturally as she breathed.

One evening, as she passed by her grandmother’s study, she overheard a story that would alter her fate. The old woman spoke of strange occurrences—civilians exhibiting unnatural abilities, inexplicable phenomena manifesting in the streets, and creatures of wrath known only as "Imps" attacking without reason. Intrigued, Dylan delved into these rumors, uncovering a hidden world where individuals awakened to powers beyond comprehension.

As her obsession grew, so did something inside her. One night, she reached out in frustration, and the lights around her flickered. Soon, she realized she could manipulate energy itself—siphoning joy from one person and injecting it into another. What started as minor experiments turned into mastery, but with each use of her gift, an eerie sensation followed. She was being watched.

Her suspicions proved correct when her father sent her on a routine business meeting with a powerful ally of the syndicate. The moment she entered the car, unease settled over her. The driver—someone she had never seen before—radiated a foreign energy, different from any of her family's trusted men. Before she could escape, the doors locked. Turning in his seat, the "driver" revealed himself as an agent of a clandestine organization known as "Chess."

Fear should have driven her to resist, but curiosity held her captive. This was an opportunity—to understand the world she had only begun to grasp, to sharpen her abilities, and perhaps, to seize power far beyond her family's empire. She accepted their offer, undergoing grueling training that pushed her limits.

Five years have passed since then. Dylan has honed her energy manipulation to near perfection, carving a reputation as one of Chess’s most enigmatic operatives, Class B. Yet, one goal remains: to claim one of Chess’s legendary eight seats—an elite position of dominance within the organization.

And Dylan Kato has never been one to settle for less.

Dylan Kato is the kind of person who walks into a room and commands attention without saying a word. Her presence is intense, her gaze sharp and calculating. She rarely speaks more than necessary, preferring to let her actions—and the weight of her silence—do the talking. Always composed, always in control, she exudes an air of mystery that keeps people guessing.

Her intelligence is razor-sharp, making her an expert at reading people and anticipating their moves before they even make them. She thrives in strategy, always thinking several steps ahead, whether in combat, negotiation, or deception. Dylan has little patience for foolishness or incompetence, and she carries herself with an air of authority that makes it clear she expects nothing but precision from those around her.

Despite her cold and distant demeanor, she is not without ambition. She is driven, relentless in her pursuit of power, knowledge, and mastery over her abilities. While she doesn’t trust easily, when she does form alliances, they are calculated and deliberate. However, anyone who mistakes her loyalty for weakness would be gravely mistaken—Dylan plays by her own rules, and betrayal is never out of the question if it serves her greater purpose.

To most, she is an enigma—one part aristocrat, one part lethal operative, and entirely unreadable. Few truly understand what lies beneath her cool exterior, and that’s exactly the way she likes it.

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