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Fantasy Death’s Playground CS

Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
Welcome to the CS for Death’s Playground. I’d like to say that this is not first come first serve. I will be choosing people off of a few different factors, I won’t say as I want your character to be what you want and not to be influenced by these factors.

I wanna add that if we still end up getting less than the max amount of people I’ll accept, I’ll take everyone. If we get more then that amount, I’ll go through to application process. (FYI If we get like 1-2 extra people, I’ll probably just accept everyone)


Faceclaim (optional)
Anime only, please use no AI and no realistic ones. I will not use faceclaims as a factor for who is chosen, don’t worry. If you choose no faceclaim, please add detail into the appearance.





Orientation (optional)




Military specialty (what they are best at combat wise)
-Weapon of choice and short description about that. See mine for example.

Extras (can be likes and dislikes, fears, whatever you wanna add)

Thank you and good luck!
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I’ll go to hell and back, but I won’t leave people behind to die. Nor will I leave all of mankind to suffer.
basic information
Jackal Evanstan
Jack (only used by those he allows, the rest should call him Jackal.)
May 19
Jackal is a simple man in truth. He likes a lot of basic things and is very kind. He treats most people with high levels of respect, no matter if he is higher in rank than them. He’s always thought everyone deserves respect unless they've done something to lose it. Jackal treats his job seriously, and even more so after the outbreak.
Jackal grew up in Galesburg Illinois as an only child in a middle class family. He was treated well and sent to a good school. He loved school and loved the friends he had made, he had exceptional grades and exceptional behavior. At age 13 his father cheated on his mother causing them to get a divorce. To stop Jackal from seeing this they sent him to a boarding school, making him have to make new friends and learn to live without seeing his parents as much.

He made new friends and had fun, he also kept his good grades and good behavior, but it still felt off. His father had left his mother and abandoned them for a girl who was twenty years younger. His mother tried to stay happy but failed. She later married a man 9 years later. Jackal hated his father for what he did, and never spoke to him again.

When he graduated highschool, Jackal quickly did 4 years of college at Harvard as per his mother’s wishes. Jackal found a girl named Elizabeth who he grew close to and eventually fell in love with. 6 years after they met in college he decided to ask her to marry him, but his cousin needed a place to stay after some personal issues. So he had to cancel the date, last minute.

Elizabeth came to his house but saw through the window Jackal and his cousin, and she came to conclusions that were untrue. So when Jackal did come over to Elizabeth’s house the next day, she yelled at him and broke up with him, without even letting him explain.

Jackal’s cousin heard what happened when Jackal told her and she rushed to clear up confusion, but Elizabeth mad things worse by again, not listening, and insulting Jackal’s cousin with insults you can’t take back, and can’t forgive.

This little experience ended Jackal’s pursuit of love and made him despise the whole thing, he then sold the diamond ring he had bought and gave the money to his cousin so she could buy an apartment.

After college Jackal joined the military at age 22. Jackal rose through the ranks and by his 32 birthday, received the rank of sergeant first class. Then, one day, everything changed.

The N-virus broke out, the world fell to pieces, and 8 billion became 7 thousand. He was part of a team that was tasked with studying the Nals.
Now they did technically succeed, but when they approached Area 0 they came across The Nalpous and only Jackal survived.

Jackal then asked for backing to create a team, not to kill The Nalpous, but to get the cure from Area 0. He was given backing and given an undisclosed number of candidates, he chose 6, and now they have been tasked with getting the cure.

This is the tab I’ll use to put Jackal’s thoughts on the different members of the team, I’ll edit this when he interacts with them as it’ll be in his perspective.
Weapon Of Choice
Any long range gun.
Jackal is skilled with any type of long range gun. He is an exceptional marksman and can take apart almost any sniper, explain each bit, and put it back together in 20 minutes. If he’s given the right tools he can wipe out a platoon solo.

  • Reading
  • Baking
  • Being useful
  • Hunting


  • Beef
  • Feeling useless
  • People that act arrogant.
  • Death

code by @Nano
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