News The Nyte Life: Part 1

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The Dark Wizard

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Hey All,

So the extremely infamous Nyte Life update that brings a dark style (optionally switch into, the main site will always be supported as light) also comes with a bunch of other stuff. Due to the sheer size of this update it will either be broken off into 2-3 parts. This part here does not come with the style yet since everything else should be finished first before styling the site for a dark mode.

Part One Includes:

  • 2 new Discussion Areas
  • New RP Format
  • Important Posts Feature

Discussion Areas


Under the Discussion area some of you may have already noticed the fact that "Video Games" has sprung up. The general rule is that when sections lose activity they get merged into another area as a prefix and when a prefix in a section gains popularity that it will get its own forum. In this case "Gaming" inside of General Discussion seems to deserve its own area and thus Video Games was born. That is pretty straight forward.

However I know your eyes were darting back to "Current Events" while reading this because mine were as well. We've had "Debate" forums in the past and normally politics and the such are not welcomed on RpN because the general user base always breaks out into riots and burning down the storefronts however since I'm a glutton for punishment and I really do believe that such conversations can exist on RpN (after all we need stuff to do while we wait for RP Posts hehe). The twist this time is that its not a flatout Debate forum. Instead as you can see in the screenshot its called Current Events. Meaning that the topic has to be accompanied by an article and the conversation must stay within the confines of the topic. So this should prevent worthless nonsense like Hitler Evil or Good topics and the such like last time. I mean I still get flashbacks from that controversy when so many people went to debate that.

I encourage everyone to post articles from politics, news, tech and just about any subject into that area so others can reply/read/learn.

I hope these two new sections help people find something new to do/discuss while waiting for RPs.

New RP Section


So this is a new format of RPing that we are now supporting on the site. This is something we've regularly done in the past as users show interest (like Nation Builders, Dice, The Colosseum and so forth). Questing while it sounds weird is something that is super straight forward.

The basic concept is that The RP creator sets the rules/world like a regular RP except the difference is that it involves voting. Unless other wise stated by the creator, the game is open to everyone(feel free to make them private for your friends/group and such). The Creator provides options after a scene and if they allow write-ins, that can be done as well. Other wise users will vote on actions and once The Creator has decided that enough time/votes have passed, posts the results. Its an interesting collaborative way to determine what happens in an RP. Just about any type of voting format/weights can be used as well as system from freeform to dice, to nation building. We look forward to seeing what everyone does.

Quests get a Main Tab and then a second one called Story Archive where the creator can post only results to keep everything archived and to allow newer users to the quest to follow a long much better since for this kind of Format OOC got merged into Main (to allow voting and discussions all in the same place for convenience). Of course that does not mean you can't ask for seperate OOC and Vote Here tabs. We look forwarding to see what RpNation's tab thread system can do for this genre/style of RPing.

Read more about quests here and the rules that must be followed (including the message format for voting).

New Feature: Important Posts

So this is also a new feature we are releasing to go along with our amazing bbcode collection which you can see here. Here at RpN we've always been in favor of tools and features that allow you all to better organize/present your RP information to your players. To that end we are releasing something called Important Posts for Quests and all RPs across the site (hosted projects coming soon).

The concept/use of it is simple, The creator of the thread can mark stuff like bookmarks for other users.

Allow me to show you.


You'll notice that ontop of all my posts theres a title(which you can make anything you want). Posts that are marked as important appear at the top right of the thread.


We have more exciting features planned for this tool in the future but as it is we hope that it can help everyone better organize and present RPs to their players.

If you have any questions/concerns/feedback please post below.

Coming Soon:

  • Possible Banner System for users to Advertise their own RPs
  • Character Database
  • The Dark Style
Looking good! Nice work, I'm loving the video games section already.

Oh and a character database sounds interesting and useful. I'm excited. :3
I-I'm not used to change, but this'll be a nice addition (I think?) to the site. Though I may not visit it often since I like staying original. o)-o
Oh... I like this a lot. I just wish this was out before I made my latest rp! Quest rping would have fit rather nicely with my mechanics.
[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]Quest rping would have fit rather nicely with my mechanics.

Thats how I feel as well :P !
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Wat?

I am just more familiar with the same-old-same-old. Though it looks useful nonetheless!
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This is kool and all and I love that I can go dark look now I always liked that more but man I want that app. I do 90% of my rp on my phone and google is annoying.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Thats how I feel as well :P !



//wonders if whole rps could be migrated
Noivern said:
I am just more familiar with the same-old-same-old. Though it looks useful nonetheless!
I don't understand what your talking about.

All that happened was that new sections on the site appeared. If you hang out say a lot in Fantasy an example, you probably won't be effected by the fact that a new Genre appeared called Quests. What happens in that area stays in that area just like anything else.

//wonders if whole rps could be migrated

Go ahead and repost them under the new Quest rules.

//wonders if whole rps could be migrated

Ooooor you can go to roleplay support and our mods can help move your threads for you however you want it and what not. C8
This is some amazing news. I'm excited! The amount of work, effort and dedication that is put into this site never fails to astound me. You guys deserve so much for all of your endeavors and time. ♥
You guys work so hard to keep the site current and looking awesome. I feel kinda guilty that I'm here just enjoying it while y'all are working hard on it. I wish I could do more to help, but y'all are doing great! You are all amazing! Keep up your fantastic jobs! :)
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