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Fantasy The Not So Normal Character Sheet

Raina Mathers





Raina is your stereotypical rebel. She has little regard for rules or authority. She's very easygoing and funny by nature. She can find a way to make a joke in any situation.But if you cross her you'll find she has a bit of a temper. Even though she's short she compensates with her sarcasm and less than friendly words

Raina was born to the wealthy Sheryl an Peter Mathers. When she was only to they were killed in a car accident where the other driver was drunk.From then on she was sent to live with her aunt.At age seven she was sent to live with another relative after she "accidentally" shaved her aunt bald and spay painted her car the colors of the rainbow.He other relatives jumped at the chance to take care of her, since she was the sole heir of her parents fortune. They hoped that when she was older she would be gracious and repay their kindness.But that was the furthest of her concerns.Instead she used it as an excuse to get away with anything she wanted.
Theme Song

Whoa!!!! Just.... Whoa!!! Accepted!!
(Sorry in advance for the size of the pictures)

Name: Nathaniel O'Ferrell

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Theme Song: Lol yes the whole album is his theme song


Backstory - Nathaniel or Nate for short was born in Ireland and was raised there by his mother. His father left when he was about five and he hasn't seen him since. Nate was a pretty shy lad to start especially between the ages of 13 and 15. After that though his confidence shot right through the roof. With that though Nate began to get himself into sticky situations. These molded him into the man he is today which was forced to move to America when his mother died. He had no other relatives in Ireland so he figured he would give America a try and considering he dropped out of high school just after his 10th year he found out very quickly that in America you need a diploma to do just about anything. Luckily for him he found this one that would take him...

Likes -

  • Working out
  • Alcohol
  • Kilts
  • The Real Mckenzies
  • Dropkick Murphies
  • Being a sneaky bastard
  • The sea
  • Cats
  • Irish accents
  • Irish girls
  • Irish girls with Irish accents
  • Whiskey
  • The Cold
  • The Bagpipes
Dislikes -

  • People who think highly of themselves
  • Weak people
  • Hard drugs
  • Cops
  • Dogs
  • Catholics
  • The Heat
Height - 6'3

Weight - 170 Pounds

Eye Color - Brown

Tattoos -
(On each shoulder)

(On each forearm)

(On the back of the neck)

(On his lower stomach trailing down to his waist ;)

(On his chest )

Misc. Appearance things - Freckles, Scruffy facial hair though is usually clean shaven.

Skills -

  • Can and will beat you in a drinking contest
  • Pretty strong
  • Pretty fast
  • Can sing fairly well
  • Social boy
  • Knows how to fight
  • Has learned to slug through pain (He has a large pain tolerance)
  • Can play the bagpipes

I think that covers it :D

Ok this is a high school Roleplay, and he's too young to be a teacher...
Name: Deo A. "Mercury" Robbinson (On the roll call list it will be Mercury... His half brothers are mean people. Nobody calls him Deo except his dad. It's usually Dee, the family nickname, or Mercury or some version of "Mercury")
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Powers: If he has any, he's completely oblivious to it.
Energy manipulation. Basically he can make things move by extending his own energy to things. He can also release his energy in a giant golden wave that blasts people back.
Abilities: He's incredibly dexterous with his hands and has an incredible poker face. He can usually read people's body language and facial expressions. He's also an excellent climber and surprisingly strong for his wiry, small frame. He's endurant (strong for climbing and high endurance due to climbing as well) but mostly fast. He's built for speed, not strength. For getting away not for standing and fighting.
Appearance: Mercury is a short individual, around 5'5 and has warm hazel eyes that can change color from a cool mint green to a warm brown. He has unruly dark brown hair that sticks up and slightly tanned skin from being out in the sun. He has a calming tenor voice with a Southern lilt. He's remarkably thin and doesn't look dangerous besides a mischievous glint in his eye accompanied by a Devil's grin whenever he gets an.. interesting. Besides that, he looks like a weak and frail person that couldn't harm anyone if he tried... Looks can be deceiving
Personality: Mercury is rather soft spoken. He has a penchance for pickpocketing people but usually returns what he steals. He also likes to observe people. Mercury can not stay still for long and is a pretty crappy student. He prefers wearing jackets. Funnily enough, he likes nature and animals. He has a bulldog like approach to learning new things and won't give up once his mind is put to a task. Mercury's also a bit of a flirt though most of his flirtations are a joke and made to rib on himself as he's a thief (Example: "Oh a ring? I'm sorry but I'm not ready for the commitment").
Backstory: Mercury is a private person, few people have his cell phone number, fewer know where he lives. It's just a known fact that he comes from a rich family. He's known as the delinquent that was put into a private school for troubled people when he was in middle school. The crime(s) that he allegedly commited range from skipping school to shoplifting to straight up murdering a fellow. Funny how the truth can get away from people, eh? Mercury drives a Mercury Comet, the irony is not lost on a good chunk of people. All people know for sure that he comes from a rich family (evidenced by his ride) and that he went to a private school for something that he did that was wrong and that he's from the South (judging by his accent).
Alright, wanna know the truth? Mercury went to the school for shoplifting food and cigarettes and running away to a place behind the grocery store and into the woods where all the transients and homeless people hung out. He would stay there for a week, two tops before returning home. One day he was caught. He lives in the slums to a poor family that does odd jobs here and there for money. He had two part time jobs to help his family before he moved. One being at a magic shop. His half brothers once jacked a Mercury Comet. The same one he drives now. His brothers made fun of him for originally scorning them for having stolen this car.


Name: Handy
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Half beaver
Sexuality: Going with bisexual here
Appearance: Handy is about 5'6" in height, making him below the average height for a man, though not so much that people would make note of it. With pale skin, blond hair, and yellow hair, his entire doesn't seem like anything of note, either. The most interesting part of his physique is definitely that he's missing his arms above the elbows. Just how he lost his arms is completely unknown; given that everyone from his universe respawns after they die in the same state they were in before death, it's exceptionally odd that he doesn't have them. Though not in the picture, he has a beaver tail.
Powers: Apart from being unable to die permanently, he's pretty much normal.
Theme Song:

he's so cute!! Accepted!
Name: Dimentio
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
View attachment 329413
(What he looks like in the RP)
View attachment 329415
(What he looks like in Super Paper Mario)
Theme song:

Other: none
Personal information: "Oh ho ho. Nosey are we? You'll find this out in due time."

"My mother always said if you didn't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. And still people wonder why I'm so quiet around them."
Gianni Grant
Based off of the game Fran Bow
Gianni Grant




Sexual Preference:

Sophomore (10th)

Relationship Status:
Nothing yet

Theme Song:
Black Cat by Mayday Parade


Theme Song link:

Peach Tea Peach Tea

Fandom: Yume Nikki

Name: Madotsuki

Age: 13-14ish

Gender: Female

Height: 4'4

Weight: Anybody's guess (Light enough to be carried by an adult)

Personality: Like Leah from the mirror lied. She also doesn't show any emotion nor reaction to many things. Her personality is so vague and mysterious it is hard to tell what she been like or act like before. But she is known to be a Hikikomori and a frequent sleeper. Able to sleep a day or so. (No really she can)

History: Not much is known about her history. She's been known to shut herself in her bedroom alone and refuses to leave through the door. She has been playing only one video game, writing something in her diary, and sleep into her bed to go to the fixed dream world. But to make this cannon in the rp. Madotsuki somehow ended up in the school for some apparent reason. Thinking that this is part of the dream since she has access to all her effects. She treated it like any other dream. Also for some reason She can still dream her dream world even though she's already dreaming. (Confusing but it happens)


Theme Song:

Other: In her game. She is known to sleep and goes to a large dream world where she wanders around for some reason. This dream world is the only thing she dreams every sleep session. She just pinches herself awake. She can stay long in this dream world without her body being affected in the real world.


Think of them as collectible superpowers that only Madotsuki can use in the academy and the dream world. She can make these appear and disappear at will.


Flute effect: She gains a flute out of nowhere at will. She knows how to play it too.

Frog effect: Her head becomes a frog head which she gains the traits of a frog too. She can also jump 3 feet high.

Umbrella effect: An umbrella appears in her hands and rain will start pouring on where she is standing even while indoors this rain reaches three meters away so anyone close to it will unlikely to get wet.

Hat and scarf effect: Gives her a hat and scarf.

Yuki-onna effect: She transforms to a japanese creature called a Yuki onna. Snow will start falling, again just like the umbrella effect.

Knife effect: One of Madotsuki's iconic effect. This effect grants her a metal kitchen knife that can cause harm.

Meudamude Effect: Her head transforms into a giant hand with a giant eye in it's palm. She can teleport through walls and short distances about 10 meters

Midget effect: She turns super small. Turning into a mini version of herself about a size of a foot. She can also spawn more mini versions of her by the maximum of 7.

Noperabou effect: She becomes faceless.

Severed head effect: She becomes only a head.

Towel effect: A large white towel appears around her.

Cat effect: She gains pink cat ears and tail. She also gains a large golden Koban coin. When she meows it attracts a few creatures.

Lamp effect: Her head turns into a lamp. She can toggle the light at will.

Long hair effect: She gains her long free flowing hair

Blonde effect: She gains gets long blonde hair

Poop hair effect: Self explanatory

Triangle kerchief effect: She becomes a spiritual youkai. She can turn invisible but cannot phase through objects.

Witch effect: She gains a costume of a witch. The broom let's her fly when rode on.

Oni effect: She becomes a demon

Fat effect: Self explanatory

Stoplight effect: Stops all moving entities from moving

Bicycle effect: Self explanatory

Buyo buyo effect: Her body begins to become soft and squishy like some kind of elastic rubber.
Fandom: Yume Nikki

Name: Madotsuki

Age: 13-14ish

Gender: Female

Height: 4'4

Weight: Anybody's guess (Light enough to be carried by an adult)

Personality: Like Leah from the mirror lied. She also doesn't show any emotion nor reaction to many things. Her personality is so vague and mysterious it is hard to tell what she been like or act like before. But she is known to be a Hikikomori and a frequent sleeper. Able to sleep a day or so. (No really she can)

History: Not much is known about her history. She's been known to shut herself in her bedroom alone and refuses to leave through the door. She has been playing only one video game, writing something in her diary, and sleep into her bed to go to the fixed dream world. But to make this cannon in the rp. Madotsuki somehow ended up in the school for some apparent reason. Thinking that this is part of the dream since she has access to all her effects. She treated it like any other dream. Also for some reason She can still dream her dream world even though she's already dreaming. (Confusing but it happens)

View attachment 331696

Theme Song:

Other: In her game. She is known to sleep and goes to a large dream world where she wanders around for some reason. This dream world is the only thing she dreams every sleep session. She just pinches herself awake. She can stay long in this dream world without her body being affected in the real world.


Think of them as collectible superpowers that only Madotsuki can use in the academy and the dream world. She can make these appear and disappear at will.

View attachment 331695

Flute effect: She gains a flute out of nowhere at will. She knows how to play it too.

Frog effect: Her head becomes a frog head which she gains the traits of a frog too. She can also jump 3 feet high.

Umbrella effect: An umbrella appears in her hands and rain will start pouring on where she is standing even while indoors this rain reaches three meters away so anyone close to it will unlikely to get wet.

Hat and scarf effect: Gives her a hat and scarf.

Yuki-onna effect: She transforms to a japanese creature called a Yuki onna. Snow will start falling, again just like the umbrella effect.

Knife effect: One of Madotsuki's iconic effect. This effect grants her a metal kitchen knife that can cause harm.

Meudamude Effect: Her head transforms into a giant hand with a giant eye in it's palm. She can teleport through walls and short distances about 10 meters

Midget effect: She turns super small. Turning into a mini version of herself about a size of a foot. She can also spawn more mini versions of her by the maximum of 7.

Noperabou effect: She becomes faceless.

Severed head effect: She becomes only a head.

Towel effect: A large white towel appears around her.

Cat effect: She gains pink cat ears and tail. She also gains a large golden Koban coin. When she meows it attracts a few creatures.

Lamp effect: Her head turns into a lamp. She can toggle the light at will.

Long hair effect: She gains her long free flowing hair

Blonde effect: She gains gets long blonde hair

Poop hair effect: Self explanatory

Triangle kerchief effect: She becomes a spiritual youkai. She can turn invisible but cannot phase through objects.

Witch effect: She gains a costume of a witch. The broom let's her fly when rode on.

Oni effect: She becomes a demon

Fat effect: Self explanatory

Stoplight effect: Stops all moving entities from moving

Bicycle effect: Self explanatory

Buyo buyo effect: Her body begins to become soft and squishy like some kind of elastic rubber.

She has to be an age :/ so is she like 14? Because 13 seems a little young for high school
It was never really indicated how old she is accurately but they are old enough to go to high school. So probably 14.
Ok this is extremely messy... I think I'm going to make a reboot of this and fix like everything. I honestly was sloppy with this and it's driving me crazy.
Eren Yeager
Gay (Ereri)
Theme Song:

Can regrow limbs, and organs, and basically anything else as long as he is alive.

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