[The North] OOC


Ten Thousand Club
For all all normal OOC discussions.

Rules of the Game:

You're the good guys, not antiheroes or good villains.

Base experience is 4 points per page of the IC thread, not including whatever page we're currently on. This is given automatically, and you can spend it whenever. Training times apply as normal. More will be given for good roleplaying, extra ideas, and so forth. As a special note, putting up dossiers in the NPC thread will be likewise rewarded. I use those a lot, and I can never remember who I named what.

Put characters in the appropriate subforum, and just tack on a post everytime you spend xp. Please keep a running total of what you've spent.

No setting material is considered cannon. I'm picking and choosing through my non-complete Exalted library.

You can pick either way to handle backgrounds gained in play. If you spend xp on it, it will have a certain amount of plot immunity. A certain amount is not infinite, however. If you pick a fight with Three Weasels, the Greatest Thief Who's Ever Lived, and suddenly you wake up with all your stuff stolen, don't be terribly shocked. I'm not out to nerf you.

A certain amount of running away is expected. Not all fights/debates/conflicts are to the death. Any problem that is to the death will have at least one way out, and almost always three. The exception is situations you guy put yourselves into I cannot foresee. The corollary to this is while you won't get straight thrown to the wolves, you're all beginning characters and shouldn't get overconfident. As awesome as you are is as awesome as other people will be too.

Craft will be executed by the book, so a multitude of craft skills may wind up being necessary.

Stunting: Stunting in a PbP game is basically a necessity. In effect if you make any IC post, that counts as a stunt. In my games you should call your own 1D or 2D stunts, and include the dice.

1d stunts are anything that just involves your character. "Bob punches Bill." "Alice looks around."

2D stunts are anything that involves the environment or setting. "Bob runs across the icy valley and punches Bill." "Alice looks between the moss-wrapped trees for danger." I'm very lenient with 2d stunts, so all you need to do is mention some detail of the game to get bumped upwards. Also, feel free to borrow details from each other. In the above examples, "Alice looks to the valley's rim for danger" is perfectly acceptable and matches up with Bob's stunt. This reinforces the fact that both players are in the same scenario. It also can be helpful if you run into a brain fart and can't think of a 2d stunt on your own.

3D stunts cannot be self called. Another PC or me bumps the stunt, and then it counts.

So if I'm playing Bob, and I have a punch dice pool of 12d, if I say, "Bob hits the bad guy with his fist." in the OOC thread, that's no stunt(total 12D). If I post "Bob punches the bad guy." in the IC thread, that's 1d, and I can add that myself when rolling(total 13D). "Bob ducks around the altar to the forgotten gods and punches the cultist." is a 2d stunt, and again, I would add that to the roll myself(total 14D). If someone else just loved the shit out of that stunt, they'd bump it, and I'd add an extra die(15D and sweet, sweet xp).

Also, once you start using charms, you should keep a running tally of how much essence you've spent at the bottom of your posts. Recall that you can only get the mote/wp reward for one stunt per action. Also, you don't need to stunt every attack in a flurry. Once is enough. A good stunt can cover both offense and defense.

NPCs who don't matter won't stunt. Well, they will, but they won't get a bonus from it. NPCs who do matter, by which I mean I've statted them up, maybe knocked out some backstory, and are significant to the plot, will stunt and will get bonuses from it. In theory I could call my own 3D stunts, but it just about never happens. I'm just leaving the door open.
I just got slammed, so expect things to start Friday. That place holder will be replaced with the full rules of the game, (including things like when xp is given out and how much) as well as general ST expectations so you all know what your footing will be. Otherwise, I'll see you shortly.
Leaving for class now and will be there likely until at least 10 PM, but will try to get the updated character sheet and ally notes up either tonight or more likely right after work tomorrow. [mutters]stupid trial prep and late clients and FBI keeping swamped all day and unable to catch up on homework.[/mutter]
Might I request that you place up what style of crafting rules you wish to follow when you get it up? The friggen manuals can get kinda confusing, and crafting in general is a bit of a mishmash so I would like a good idea what I can and can't do. I don't expect much, just a general gist and I will go from there.
Ok, post what you guys are going and any special preparations you want to bring with you. Everyone's got normal supplies (food, water, cold weather gear, etc) as dictated by your Survival and Resources. If you want something bizarre, eighty three tetrahedral crystals dedicated to the UCS, that needs to be listed. Dog sleds are governed by Survival as well, if it's an issue.

Loststar: That's a pretty general question. If you can narrow it down, I can probably answer better. I'm not using any house-rules to alleviate the cost of multiple crafts, if that's what you're asking.
So the rules in Core for crafting? Since my guy has craft air, he can make normal items calligraphy, jewelry-making, creating precision

instruments and glassblowing. The dice pool he uses for normal items would be [Dex+Craft (Air)] and the time is defined by you. Since I have resources 3, I can make items up to value 3. For artifact creation (The important stuff) I would use [Craft(air) + ?] (Same as the previous?) I would also need exotic materials equal to the resource value of the item I wish to complete (Which isn't defined), and the time would be equal to one season (Which is how many hours?)

See what I mean by crafting is a bit confusing? I have Craftsman Needs No Tools, and I get 9 hours of work per hour.
Yes regarding the purvey of craft air. Yes regarding normal dice pool and time. By default you can make up to cost 3 items unless you score 5+ successes above and beyond what is required. Then you create an exceptional version of the item, which is worth resources 4(usually. Some things don't have better versions. Some discretion will be used.)

For artifacts it's the lower of Intelligence, Perception, Dexterity if handmade or just Int or Percep if a bigger project. Exotic materials are sort of a generic term. For most things you would require a magical material base (enough jade/orichalcum/whatever to make the bulk of the thing) and a number of special ingredients up to the artifact level of the item. This would apply exclusively to crafting rolls subject to craft (Air). So you could probably sculpt a weapon up to the size of a short diaklave, but a bigger one would require craft (Fire). In general the rule is whatever craft makes a mundane version of the thing, if such a thing could exist, would be used to make a magical version.

Refining orichalcum certainly requires Craft (Fire), as it needs to be boiled and distilled. Moonsilver could be done via air. I wouldn't worry overly much about this. You'll be able to get MM. It's an intentional difficultly left vague so I can sink a plot hook it in. If the hook isn't necessary, you'll probably just be able to find a shortcut.

Regarding time, the prerequisites are listed on the bottom of column one on page 134. I haven't seen those changed anywhere by default. Craftsman Needs No Tools increases your speed by a factor of nine right now, not just hours per hour. So if a season is a little less than four months, or 16 weeks, by burning copious amounts of essence you could complete an artifact in about a week and a half. (Since you'd be getting a usual amount of sleep, or using Hearthstones, the essence requirement would not affect your mote pools and would normally be considered irrelevant save for combo requirements and drawing the attention of a Wyld Hunt. in general, if you want to do any serious crafting, you should buy a combo with CNNT and an excellency.)
Just a quick heads up. I have my last final exam on tuesday and it takes most of my brains processing capability at the moment to ger ready for it (five different web-browser coding and similiar amount of database coding on paper is a little hard). If everyone posts a few things I will post something at monday at worst but it may be a little crude piece of a post otherwise I can post at wednesday at best (exam is between 4.30 pm and 6.30 pm and will probably exhaust me for rest of the day)
Someone tell me. Obviously someone needs to be on the ground to track the pilgrims. Is it following you, parked somewhere convenient or what?
Considering its a search and rescue, probably in the air and waiting for a signal. It's a bit hard to track from the air.

As an aside, backstory wise, my guy has a sidreal enemy and a lunar ward, should I make character sheets for them?
No. Just put together a list of three or four attributes you want them to have.

Be aware the Lunar isn't going to be with you.
I think so? Haha, there might have been a bit of a misunderstanding. I agree with you totally and was just saying yes! In a silly way.
*uses perfect defense*

Hehe. I've already learned a bit about character creation doing this already. Will learn even more as the story goes on.

Question though. I keep reading about custom charms, where is that in the books, if it exists as a ruling?
There's some discussion of it on page 182, and some more dispersed throughout the charm section of the basic book. That's not something we should get into too deeply here. As to balancing them, it's a vague, tenuous process that consists of comparison with a bunch of other charms and ST fiat.
Someone tell me. Obviously someone needs to be on the ground to track the pilgrims. Is it following you, parked somewhere convenient or what?
Ok. Gotta wait for Kiara (Jondera) to make that call. Though I suggest the crew to cruise the Air boat around the region (though 4 motes committed, i think) and wait for our signals and come for our rescue if anything goes bad.
Question: Does knives and thrown knives counted differently or same weapon with different statistics depending on use? I plan to get half a dozen of throwing knives for Silent Shadow placed on various places in his clothings and intend to keep two of them as his main weapons besides his short daiklaves. Also does paired short daiklaves count as one weapon or two weapon when used with charms? Specifically for call the blade and summoning the loyal steel charms which lets me keep daiklaves in elsewhere and let me call them from a certain distance or from elsewhere.

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