The New World


Why, Hello There Stranger~
It's the year 2078, and everything has changed.

The government chooses what you do, who you are. It chooses who you marry, how many kids you have, what job you have, when you die. And you are always under their eye. Always. Patrollers in the streets, computers in the house that are watching your every move, god knows if your phones are bugged.

And love?


Love was classified as a disease in 2064.

Love is forbidden.

Love causes suicidal thoughts, depression, problems, worries. Any two people from the opposite gender caught showing affection for each other are immediately taken to be cured. It's a procedure that gets rid of these forbidden thoughts of love. Few survive.

You are the son/daughter of a middle class family. You have everything, yet you have nothing. You have a home, a nutritional diet and you go to school. You have friends, and family. But. Your home has the absence of love, you're given food so you survive not so your taste buds can savour it, and you're school teaches you everything that's against love.

There are people that, deep down, know love exists and that it's not a disease. But they can't speak out, because they're scared. And even if you do, you'll be taken for the cure, or classified as a person that's mentally unstable.


Schools to choose from: Heath High (Girls), Heathcroft High (boys)

NB: Max two characters!!








Hobbies, Personality:

Do you believe love is a disease?:

Family members:

Name: Ashley

Nickname: Ash

Age: 16


School: Heath High

Hobbies, Personality: Ashley is outgoing and confident. She loves to make friends, and her hobbies include drawing and listening to music. At school she's known as the 'angel' because she's so bright and full of life, but she doesn't become friends with anyone. She has two close friends that she loves to hang out with, for as long as she can before curfew. Ashley hates it when people call her Ash, unless it's her two best friends, and she hates school, except for the part when she sees her friends. She occasionally forgets to do her homework, and she tries to conjure up some excuse or the other to get away with it.

Do you believe love is a disease?: She doesn't believe it's a disease. Love's everywhere, not just between two people of the opposite gender. She loves her family, her favourite singer and her friends. So then how can it be a disease?

Family members: Mum, Dad, and little brother called Jamie

Other: She's on the rebellious side even though she keeps her opinions on love to herself- she's the only person in her whole year group to have dyed their hair a completely different colour.

Name: Aurora

Nickname: -

Age: 16


School: Heath High

Hobbies, Personality: Aurora is shy, and the only time she lets loose is with her friends. Her closest friend is Ashley. She loves to write poems and stories even though she never shares them, and she never feels free because she's always being looked upon by the government.

Do you believe love is a disease?: She's confused about this and every time this question ponders her mind she pushes it away. She doesn't want to believe it but the government can't be wrong.

Family members: Aurora lives with her mother and dad, and she's the only child. Other: -

Jessica Christine Torres


Jess, Jessa, and Jessie (only used as a teasing nickname from her friends.)






Heath High


Jessica enjoys singing,

dancing, creative writing, photography, and acting.


Funny, outgoing, smart, kind, caring, sweet, loving, quirky, cute, adorable, dorky, and goofy

Do you believe love is a disease?:

She does not think love is a disease. Its a family

secret and they hide it from the world, but her family is consistent of all love believers. Of course her parents and grandparents don't love each other, but they do believe that love exists.

Family members:

Grandmother, Grandfather, Mother, Father, Tia, Tio, 3 cousins, 2 sisters, and 4 brothers.


Jessica secretly sees this boy that goes to Heathcroft High. She just sees him as a friend. There is a girl at her school that she has a

major crush on but she refuses to tell anyone who it is. Even her closest friends.


Name: Ryan Grayson Davids

Nickname: Ry

Age: 17



School: Heathcroft High

Hobbies: He enjoys photography, creative writing, and acting.

Personality: Kind, Caring, Sweet, Loving, handsome and princely

Do you believe love is a disease?: He finds the subject confusing and prefers not to talk about it.

Family members: Mom, Dad, 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters, 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister.

Other: He secretly sees a girl from Heath High. He has mixed feelings about her and is very confused by them.
I guess we should just get started, so here goes :)


Ashley ran into the school, panting. The corridors were empty, and it gave the school an eerie look. The walls and floor were a pristine white, and the lockers were white too. She glanced at her watch and cursed under her breath. "Damn, I'm late!" Ashley stopped running because her footsteps sounded like earthquakes in the silence. The last thing she needed was a teacher checking on her and interrogating her. She turned the corridor into the side corridor, her registration room coming into view.

Aurora looked around nervously at everyone settling down, scanning the room for Ashley. She watched as their registration teacher, Mr Wilson walked in, a stony expression as always on his face, and chanted in her head Ashley, come on, come on. The door closed behind Mr Wilson, and Ashley was officially late.
Name:Soul Eu Min




School: Heathcroft High



Do you believe love is a disease?:He does not really enjoy the topic of love,but is constantly given love notes,letters,and presents from different girls from different schools who are constantly confessing their 'love' to him. He is still unknown as to what love exactly is.

Family members:Father(Hung Nam Eu Min),Mother(Eun Ae Eu Min),Grandfather(Sang Hee Eu Min),Grandmother(Meiyumi 'Meri' Eu Min),Younger Sister(Chun Hei Eu Min)

Other:Since he was a child,he has always had this deep passion for music and has even perfected the art of it,being able to play every single instrument ever created. Known as the 'Triple Threat',he has talent,brains,and looks,his personality being a bonus. He is clueless as to what love is and is often confused by the constant letters,notes,and presents that he receives from girls professing their 'love'.
Name:Chun Hei Eu Min




School: Heath High

Hobbies: Painting,Drawing,Sketching,Anything in relation to art


Do you believe love is a disease?:She has no idea how to think about love. She does tend to feel a strange and fluttery feeling whenever her brother's friend,TingZhe,comes over to their house to visit,but she doesn't know what it is. Chun Hei also receives multiple of presents and letters of love from boys.

Family members:Father(Hung Nam),Mother(Eun Ae),Grandfather(Sang Hee),Grandmother(Meri),Older Brother(Soul)

Other:Since she was a child,Chun Hei has always had this passion for the arts and became known as the ultimate artist.Like her brother,she is a 'Triple Threat',with the talent,looks,and brains,plus the personality to top it all off. She is clueless as to what love is despite feeling weird around TingZhe and also the constant love letters and presents.
Chun Hei sat down in front of her registration classroom,her materials already on her desk and waiting patiently for a lecture to begin.

Soul was seated in the front row,with his school materials on top of his desk and waiting for his teacher to arrive.
Ashley, ran towards her registration class's door, and then realized this was a grave mistake right after she burst into the room, heaving and panting. Mr Wilson glared at her, and all the girls in the class stared at her, mouths formed in a small 'o'.

Aurora winced as Ashley ran into the class. She had the urge to smack her hand to her forehead in a face palm, but then decided against it. So she did a mental one instead. If you're late of course you knock first, it's just common sense!
Chun Hei mentally sighed and watched the scene before her,back straight and hands folded onto her lap,like a proper young woman
"Miss Ashley Lewis, what do you think you're doing?" Mr Wilson's voice boomed across the room. Ashley fiddled with her hands nervously. "Erm, I-I lost track of time. " She said, as confidently as she could. Mr Wilson shook his head, and pointed to her seat in class. "Just go sit down, Ashley. And stay behind when the bell goes for a minute will you?" Ashley took her seat next to Aurora and sighed.

Aurora slapped Ashley round the head as quietly as she could, and then bent her head down in an attempt to conceal her whispers: "You lost track of time? Really?" Ashley shrugged which kind of infuriated Aurora because they were supposed to be best friends. "Come on, Ash. If there's something wrong just tell me, I'm you're best fr-" She was cut off by Mr Wilson.

"Aurora, would you mind swapping places with Chun Hei?" Of course I mind, Mr Wilson... "Okay..." Aurora gathered her things, her face red, and walked towards Chun Hei's seat. Mr Wilson turned to Chun Hei. "Sorry Chun Hei, I just think you'd be the perfect role model for Ashley." Mr Wilson glared at Ashley.
"Yes Mr.Wilson",Chun Hei spoke in a delicate yet mature voice before collecting her materials and walked over to Aurora's seat before sitting down and setting her school materials on the desk.
Jessica had been watching the whole scene from the back of the room. She was sitting crisscross on her chair and she she has her head on her fists. She sighed and yawned.

"God i'm sleepy....." She mumbled.

Ryan was asleep in the back of the classroom. Sleeping soundly and softly, dreaming away about who knows what.
Chun Hei was writing in her usual,clean and perfect cursive writing,copying down any notes and whatnot

Soul was still waiting for the teacher when a classmate walked over. "Soul,my sister wanted me to give you this",he said as he placed a note in front of Soul. With a confused look,Soul picked the note up and put it into his pocket
Ashley scowled at Mr Wilson when his back was turned, and then picked her pen up and twirled at around in her hand, staring at it. She was immensely bored.

Aurora placed her pencil case in the corner of the table, her ruler and pen out and ready, and sighed.
Jessica sighed as she struggled to stay awake.

Ryan shot awake suddenly and looked around. No one seemed to notice so he went back to sleep.
Chun Hei glanced quickly at Ashley,obvious a bit curious as to why she was so intensely bored,but then ignored it and went back to writing down her note,putting her attention back onto Mr.Wilson
The bell went, and Ashley abruptly got up, then sat back down with a sigh, remembering that Mr Wilson asked her to stay back. She rolled her eyes as everyone gathered their things for next period.

Aurora walked out the classroom and then waited for Ashley. Remembering that Ashley was in a different class for Maths from her, she continued down the corridor towards the maths department.
Chun Hei collected her materials and then placed them into her book bag before heading to her next class.

Soul heard the bell ring,it was odd for his teacher to not be in the class. He put his materials away and headed to his next class
"Ashley, why were you late? I'm sure you didn't lose track of time with your computer beeping on alarm mode." He sighed, as he collected some papers on his desk. "Look-"

"I was doing my homework and the plug for my computer was it so it didn't beep and I forgot the time." Mr Wilson gave her an 'I know your lying' look, but then returned to the papers he was marking dismissively. Ashley stalked out the room, and sauntered to her maths class.

Aurora finished the last question on her maths task sheet. She knew she'd given the wrong answer but oh well, she had tried. She put her hand up to tell Miss she had finished.
Jessica shot up from her class and began walking to her drama class.

Ryan groaned as he got up and started walking to his drama class.
Chun Hei was reading a book in her language arts class,nothing love or anything,but merely poems

"Yo Ryan",a boy said as he walked over,"You have class with Soul after this period. Could you give this note to him for me? It's from my sister"
Ashley walked into class, knocking before this time, and told her teacher about her lateness. Miss Lee, her maths teacher, scowled at her with narrow eyes, but then returned to teaching the class about trigonometry.

Aurora sighed, random thoughts whirling through her head at top speed. She looked out the window, and nearly had a heart attack. There used to be a clump of trees in view, but someone had chopped them down and she could see straight into a classroom. Full of boys. She suddenly felt vulnerable and tried hiding her face with her hair.
Soul was in his music class,sitting down and playing his guitar. A beautiful melody began to come from the guitar. He was so focused in his music that he not only didn't notice that the window was open,but he also didn't notice the crowd forming around him or the fact that there were a class full of girls in a separate building across from him.

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