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Fandom The New Teen Titans

"Alright... do you want to lead me to this hill?" he said, popping the headphones out of his ears. "Damn, these didn't do a thing." he thought to himself." HHG had never fully jogged more than 2 miles. No one ever required him to jog more than 2 miles, and HHG's power wasn't super strength or endurance, though sometimes he wished that it was. He stuck out his hand, waiting for Miki to grab his wrist again.
Miki stared at him. He had his wrist extended. She was tired of this. She grabbed it and yanked. This caused him to face plant on the floor on the other side. She let go of his hand and dusted off her other hands. She looked at him. "You can run on the treadmill. But make it the highest elevation." Miki said. She walked out to the common area and spotted a new girl. "Finally, a girl!" Miki said. She walked up to her. "Hi, my name's Miki." She said calmly.
Feeling nice and loose, Al teleported to the kitchen and made himself an espresso. As he waited he dried himself with a towel, and began shadow boxing. He grabbed a gatoraade from the pantry too.
"Nice grip" he remarked, getting up. He made his way toward the treadmill, feeling awfully whipped that day. "You know, I'll be really mad if you're not the leader" he turned back and pointed, before focusing his attention on the tread mill and setting it to the highest everything it could go. The tread began moving as HHG moved his legs to keep up. It wasn't hard. In fact, it was quite refreshing. He watched the screen as it placed him at .1 mile... .2 miles.
Lilly turned her head to the source of the broken silence. She smiled at the new girl. "Hello, Miki, I'm Lilly." She stuck out her hand and gave hers a firm shake. "So, how many people are here anyway? And what do I do about the housing situation?" Lilly looked around the spacious living area, the large couch, the even larger television, and the wall of windows overlooking the bay. Out of the corner of her eye, Lilly saw the flash of someone appearing then disappearing. "I'm assuming that was a housemate?" She asked, grateful that things like that no longer startled her.
"Yeah. That was Al. We also have Ravens daughter, who isn't here yet, a couple more boys, and stupid pig." Miki said. She pointed towards HHG on the treadmill. She was already not very fond of him. He did break in early yesterday. She sighed. "Yeah, he is learning a lesson right now. You can ask him if your interested in it." Miki said. She grabbed the piece of glass and walked to the training room.
After 10 minutes, Al chugged his espresso, playing music in his head. He wanted to lift a couple weights to a couple gym class hero tunes. Hed go harder with the metal tomorrow. After finishing his gatorade, he teleported back to the training room, on top of the bench press. He could see a new guy.... HHG was it.... he could see miki pushing the kid running on the tredmile. He had some work to do, but anything was possible.

He put on all the weights, then started paying viva la white girl on the surround sound. He loved. This. Song. He laid down on the bench waiting for the chorus. He looked to his side and noticed a new girl appear. He didnt know who this one was. He gave a quick wave before placing both hands on the bar.

"We get high.... and hide."

1... 2... 1... 2...

His muscle stretched and he breathed with accuracy with each pump. He did this ten times with out much effort before standing up and stretching
Lilly looked in the direction Miki pointed and sighed. This will be interesting. Better than boring, I guess. She saw the guy that popped in earlier and managed to wave back, slightly. "You know, with the proper heat and a little elbow grease, I could get those weights more compact so you can fit more onto the bar." She smiled, eyes dancing with the fire she felt inside her. She opened her right hand and allowed the orange flame to dance in her palm. "I got the heat if you got the elbow grease." She smirked, watching the flame dance.
Al smiled as she made her way to him and made the suggestion. "Sure. Id like that actually thanks!" He took of the plates and put them on the ground. He then hovered his hands above them. He was going to push the with his vector powers. "Ready when you are." He smiled looking up at her from his kneeled position
Lilly made her way over to the stacked weights. She examined the metal for a moment to decide on the proper melting point. After deciding, she stepped back slightly and took a deep breath, concentrating on the pure heat. The flame in her hand changed color first to a dark red, then green and finally settling on blue. Lilly raised her left hand and copied the blue flame. Then, in one swift movement, she covers the weights in a concentrated blue flame, the edges melting almost immediately on contact. "Now, for pressure." She cued.
Al quickly forces the melted metal down, the fixed the sides up. It was one perfect block. He sucked the heat from the metal and breathed out releasing hot air. A perfect cold weight for each side of the bar was created. He quickly tried them out on the press. "Wow. Thanks... im al by the way. I didnt get your file." He smiled standing up with his hand out
"Nice to meet you, Al. I'm Lilly." Lilly gave Al a firm handshake and walked around the training room. There wasn't a whole lot here, but she could make due with just running outside anyway. She left the room and decided to seek out a place of residence for her.
Benjamin came to the work out room, ears still ringing. He'd been busy working when Miki had screamed, the walls had great sound proofing, but...she had a better set of vocal chords. He looked at the newcomers A new girl, and a new guy. The team was assembling, although still not everyone was there. Though he didn't exactly require it, as his suit was the way he had powers. He still figured he himself had to keep in reasonable shape. He hopped on a treadmill and started jogging at a reasonable pace
Miki walked over to Ben. "Hey." She said. She smiled at him and hopped on the treadmill next to him. She started jogging, trying to burn the rest of her anger off. She didn't want to destroy her vocal chords. She turned on the stereo and started blasting her favorite songs. She started blasting Sincerity Nature: Drastic Measures of Ignorance. She smiled and continued jogging.

(Song link:[media]

Looking up at the huge building was sickening enough for Denaki but going inside was crazy... but he had to go here after recent problems at his old base. The massive structure would be his home for a while he was told, he was also told the people inside could help him but so far everyone who tried to help wound up turning on him, in the long run...Denaki felt like the freak of all freaks, at least these titans could control there powers..there emotions..he on the other hand could not control anything, he felt weak, pathetic...no he felt like a monster. No one but him and the leader of his old group knew what happened a couple night ago, unless he told this new leader what had happened but other then that he was safe for the time being till he lost control again. Although he had been able to control it for a while since then he felt that he was turning back to normal, he could control the powers for now but what if a massive battle ensued or if he got to angry....what would happen then, would more lives be lost because he couldn't control his emotions....pathetic... Denaki entered the building and looked around the building confused on where to go, should't someone have got a letter or a memo that he was coming today...or was it tomorrow. Denaki spoke calmly but put some emphasis on his naturally quiet voice "Hello....Anyone around here" he asks staring at a wall like he was talking to it and not the people who were in the building.
Miki felt a disturbance and a new generator of sound. She stopped jogging and went down to the elevator. She went down to the main floor and opened the door, revealing a man with dark hair. "Hello. You must be Sub zero." Miki said. She smiled at him. "My name's Miki, and I suppose I am the new leader." Miki said.
Denaki had been staring at this wondrous wall when a girl appeared from an elevator door, he had not seen a girl for a long while having been put in a group of all men because it was better for him as they said but he did not like other guys, they were angry all the time, rough and aggressive, not a good environment for a walking ice bomb. Denaki looked her up and down, she seemed nice and all around pretty girl but most people these days were painted in gold but he would see. Denaki spoke quietly now they he found someone "Most people just call me denaki, sub zeros kinda more of my titan name and less my real name." he says his voice remained a dull, sad infused voice, he was still recovering as it seemed "Nice to meet you too Miki, First time i have had a young women as my leader, but thats not a bad thing!" he says forgetting that it sounded kinda rude "Please try not to yell at me a lot ma'am..." he says looking to the ground and rubbing his arm the lobby getting cold.
"Don't worry." Miki said, smiling. "I have already found someone to yell at." She said smiling. She gestured inside. "Now then, why don't you come in. We were practicing, but now I'm tired. So, lets eat!" Miki said. She walked to the elevator and pressed the button, waiting for Denaki to come join her in the circular elevator.
"Did he tell you...about my condition..." he says quietly almost a mumble as he rubbed his arm still, awkwardly entering the elevator shaking and his breath showing. Denaki sighed a sigh of relief, could he control it for this long.... long enough to live with others... she seemed nice though maybe she could help him. Denaki kept glancing over at her keeping quiet well they were in the elevator together then tried to break the silence but on a serious note "If you know how I am, if something goes wrong take me out or try to wake me up... I don't know..." Denaki sighs.
"My scream destroyed half the upper floor." Miki said. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "I think I can wake you up. Or at the least stall you." Miki said. She smiled, reassuring him. The doors opened, revealing the large and unfixed crater in the wall. She sweat dropped. "Yeah, that was me." She said sheepishly.
Denaki flinched when she touched him knowing her hand would grow cold if she held on to him for too long... Once the door opened he stood in awe maybe he was in a place where he was truly welcome, she was very kind to him plus it seemed she let her emotions get out of control as well, well maybe only just a little bit. "Its hard to get me out once I'm in but hopefully nothing will happen" he sighs sadly looking at the hole and walking towards it "Pretty amazing huh..." he sighs depression in his voice as he starred at the crater "Mind if i eat alone...."
Miki looked at him. "I know your antisocial so ill let it slide because it's the first day. But don't make a habit of it." Miki said. She blushed a bit at the part about the crater. "Hardly. Someone just pissed me off real bad." She said. On a side note, she muttered "Stupid pig." As she looked towards the training room. "I'm going to gather the others. Is pizza ok with you?" She asked.
"You should know why I don't like being around others.....I just do not want anything to happen to you guys even if i do not know you...." he says sadness in his voice as flashbacks of the night a couple of days ago continued in his head, the screaming of his friends, the frozen tower....he froze them all because of a stupid argument, he cant let that happen again. "I don't care what I eat as long as i do, i have not eaten for like..." he counted on his hands "One...two...three days i think..." he sighs "I will make sure not to make you angry then cause I don't want to get hurt or get angry too".
"Yeah. Just don't go sneaking into my house like HHG then." Miki said. As she though of him, her blood started to boil again. "Stupid, uncharacteristic, annoying pervert." She muttered as she stalked down the hall. She was still mad at him. She shoved open the door of the training room. "Were ordering pizza!" She yelled, not loud enough to break glass, but loud.
"Well I'm good at hanging in the background so sneaking is something I don't mean to do but it just happens naturally.." he says to her still staring at the ground and sulking around after her, he always was a depressing guy after things went wrong a couple years ago, but hopefully he could be fixed. Denaki watched her storm off in anger over this....HHG guy? whose name is HHG? Denaki questioned this well he walked around the crater, all he could see was himself in it....No not him, his other self, the monster, all he could see was that golem like beast there, when would he tame that beast...or would the beast take over and tame him....

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