the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}


New Member
Kyo is the new kid at school and everything goes well at first untill someone figures out his little secret....that he's gay.

I walk into the unfamiliar class room. My thigh lenth white blond hair swishes with every step. I stand next to my new teacher. "Hello... my name is Kyo Ryuu."

This is set in a Highschool somewhere in America. Main characters should be either a freshman or sophmore please.

Some rules:

Not alot of cursing

You can have up to 3 characters

no 'hardcore' stuff









Back story:

My Characters:

Name: Kyo Ryuu

Age: 14


Grade: Freshman

Looks: Thigh lenght white hair, icy blue eys, and is about five and a half feet tall.

Personaliy: He is shy and doesnt talk much to people at first but when someone breaks through those walls he is a great friend and very nice.

Sexuality: Gay

Back Story: Kyo was kicked out of his house after his father found out he was gay. So he saved up all his money after working odd jobs and moved to america. He is living in an apartment and just started highschool.

Name: Takumi Ryuu

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Grade: college studant

Looks: short white hair, dark brown eyes and his about 6 ft tall

Personality: funny, loud, and protective

Sexuality: Gay.

Back story: Kyo's older brother. He moved out of the house when he whent to College and has not told his family about his sexuality. (he comes into the story later)
Name: Aimi Emi Riku

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Grade: Freshman


Personality: Developmental

Sexuality: Lesbian

Back Story: Aimi was born in Japan but her two gay dads adopted her when she was six. She grew up being told she could whatever and whoever she wanted to be. Aimi always thought that because her dads were gay she couldn't be straight. But she decided for herself when she was twelve that she was a lesbian. What had happened was her and her friends were staying over at Ami's house and they were playing Truth or Dare. A friend dared Aimi to kiss her best friend, who she happened to know was a lesbian, and she did. After that night she knew she was lesbian and wasn't afraid to say it.
I walk into the unfamiliar class room. My thigh lenth white blond hair swishes with every step. I stand next to my new teacher. "Hello... my name is Kyo Ryuu."
Aimi glances up from her doodles and smiles at the new kid. He seems nice. She suddenly realizes he's walking towards her. Of course. I'm the only one who doesn't have a lab partner. As he sits in the seat next to her she turns back to her drawing. The red and green dragon stood out against the black counter top and she tries to hide it from him as she speaks. "I'm Aimi Riku," she says quietly, so she wouldn't get into trouble for talking. She glances at the board and sighs at the assignment, 'Complete Pg. 437 Due Today'. She'd have to explain what they were doing to the new kid and probably would have barely enough time to do her work.
Name: Bittersweet Elliots (Bit for short)

Age: 14 (and a half xD )

Gender: male

Grade: freshman


Personality: a naive but calm guy. He's freakishly gullible but in no means stupid.

Sexuality: not exactly sure-- yet

Backstory: Bit was adopted and raised in a wealthy family, along with 6 other children. Because of their massive amounts of cash, Bit easily paid his way into the school. Yet since he had such a big family, all his life, everyone was 'too busy' or 'too tired' to pay attention to him. Therefore Bit never really experienced actual love. In spite of his mistreated past, he is usual very nice and caring. Maybe too nice and caring. Even though he gets exceptional grades, Bit is very easy to trick and persuade, giving people the impression he was dumb. Even through all that, whenever anyone brings up 'what type he's into', Bit has absolutely no idea. He hasn't decided is he was gay or straight or neither. Bit is mostly a good kid, but can't help the occasional urge to mess with someone.
@Xx-Katherine-xX So, uh, I was thinking that Aurora had met Aimi in 6th grade and that they had been decent friends since (maybe even was present during the Truth or Dare game, hmm?), and that Aurora had a secret crush on her, even though she claims to the world as being "straight". If you don't want this to happen, that is a-okay, I'm just thinking out loud here.

Name: Aurora Starr

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Grade: 9/Freshman


Personality: Shy, quiet, nice, lovable.

Sexuality: In the closet lesbian.

Back story: Aurora was born and raised by two strict Catholic parents, who were very homophobic and cruel. She had to beg them to go to a public school and not a Catholic school, so if she ever told her parents she was gay she would be hated in less than a second.
Aurora quickly scampered in to Science, muttering small squeaks under her breath. "I'm so sorry I'm late! My brother was driving me to school and he accidentally hit a bird, I got really emotional. I'm really sorry. Er, here." She squealed sadly in her high-pitched voice, bowing her head in shame and handing the late note to the teacher with two shaky hands. "The office excused my late for now. Again, I'm very sorry." She breathed quietly, gently handing over the note and walking to the back of the room. Every student chose a small table by the door, so the back of the classroom was always the quiet sanctuary Aurora needed. Humming a quiet Catholic song her younger sister was singing this morning, she pulled out her thick notebook, pencil, and eraser. Aurora quickly took a glance across the room, seeing that though she began unpacking by herself, everyone else was with a partner. Lab partners! Oh no, no one is by themselves! Oh no, oh no! Her mind raced with horrifying thoughts, her large pupils shrinking slowly as the stress began to build up too easily. Her parents got angry at her often, so she got stressed and emotional often. Taking two subtle breaths, she calmed down, putting her belongings back in to her small white bag with a cross on it.
Kyo messed with his bag, He whent through the pockets taking out a mechanical pencile with a cute charm on it, and a notebook. He started to fiddle with the charm. He got real nervus around new people, so he was having a hard time dealing with being in a class full of people he doesnt know. He looked behind his shoulder to see what the girl who just walked in was doing.
Name: Shane Calloway(Bit for short)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Grade: Sophmore

Looks: View attachment 10033

Personality: Intimidating and calm, can be a hot head but kind, Is very possesive


History: He was born in a rough neck family, A win or die house. His father was no joke ,He was the leader of the silencer Gang the second top in the nation. While his mother was a Ceo of a Medic company. His two brothers made their own gang and slowly made it up the top notch list. Shane is the heir to his Fathers position. One day he walked in seeing his dad with a man. Like normal kids they would scream or say ew, but shane just shrugged it off and walked away.
[MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION], Yeah! She could even be the one who set up the dare and still teases her about it. IDK thinking aloud.

Aimi smiled but inside she was rolling her eyes. She turned away from her drawing and explained that they had just started on cells. She told him how to do the charts and as she was helping him finish, the bell rang. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She stood up and grabbed her bag. Aimi walked to the front, explaining why she didn't have her paper. Mr. Teague was always pretty lax with her. She hissed him goodbye and caught up with Kyo. "Hey! So, uh, what do you have next?" she asked as they walked.
( [MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] - accepted)

"Um...I think math..." He pulls out his scedual from his pocket. "Yeah, Math....what about you?" He looks at her and tilts his head
Aimi grinned, "Me too!" She brushed hair from her face as they walked through the halls, pushing against the current of people. Aimi turned around and grabbed Aurora's wrist, "Get up here before you get run over, A!" I was a known fact that Aurora was very small but her and Aimi had been best friends since sixth grade.
Name: Alex Mahogany

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Grade: Freshman

Looks: Long brownish-red hair; yellow-green eyes; thin glasses that almost blend in to her face; fairly average in size; not tall or short; not skinny or obese

Personality: Very nice, funny, and smart; good friend, but vicious enemy; a bit nerdy at times

Sexuality: Straight mostly; crush on one girl (Vera Davis)

Back story: Alex had been straight her entire life until she had met Vera Davis. Alex's parents were accepting of all sexualities, but she still hadn't told them because she hoped it was just temporary. She had been best friends with a boy named David Zinc since she had been five. There were many rumors of them being a couple, but they were not true.

Name: David Zinc

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Grade: Freshman

Looks: Curly blond hair so light it is often mistaken for white; deep blue eyes like two little pools in his face; light blue shirt and jeans

Personality: Very sweet and caring; an amazing friend; smart but not too smart

Sexuality: Straight

Back story: Best friends with Alex Mahogany

Vera Davis


Gender: Female

Grade: Freshman

Looks: Long jet-black hair; blue eyes; warm smile; slender but not skinny

Personality: Sweet, funny, and smart with a contagious laugh; amazing artist; weird/cute obsession with bunnies

Sexuality: Unknown; she assumes she is straight, though she hasn't really had any crushes yet

Back story: In art class with Alex Mahogany
Alex walked into her art class and took a seat at a large table with several stools sitting around it. The walls of the classroom were covered with student and teacher artwork and famous paintings such as the Mona Lisa and The Persistence of Memory. She was the first one in the classroom besides the teacher, Ms. Shields.

"Good morning, Alex," she said.

"Morning," Alex replied. She began taking out the supplies she needed for class when a friend of hers named Vera walked in. Vera sat in the seat next to her, her assigned seat, and took a pencil out of her backpack. Alex took out her pencil, pencil sharpener, and a bag of colored pencils. She was always prepared with more than the bare minimum. She looked over at Vera, and her heart leaped. She hated that. Vera had no idea Alex felt this way about her. It bothered her so much, but she would never say a word of it to anyone—not even her best friend, David. She swallowed, though it did nothing to clear the lump in her throat. "Hey, Vera," she said lamely, hoping to strike up a conversation.

"Hello," she said, smiling. The smile made Alex melt a little. She hoped Vera didn't notice. "How's your project coming?"

"Well," Alex replied. She stood up, walked over to the back counter of the classroom, and searched for it in their class's artwork bin. She found Vera's first, so she grabbed it. Once she found her own, she took both pieces back to the table.

"Thanks," Vera said when Alex handed her her work.

"I just have a bit more coloring to do," Alex said, laying out her paper on the table in front of them. "And some shading. I'm hoping to finish by tomorrow. I might want to take it home tonight. You?"

"I have a ton more to do!" she said, laughing a little. The laughter was contagious, making Alex chuckle a bit as well. "I'm so slow with my work."

"Yeah," Alex agreed. "But your work always turns out amazingly. It's the best in the class!"

"Thanks," Vera said, not seeming to believe it. "I'm not even halfway through, though. I haven't even finished coloring the bunny."

"Well, you don't want to mess up the bunny." While the rest of the class found Vera's bunny obsession kind of weird and funny, Alex saw it as cute and sweet. Vera always managed to fit a bunny in with any piece of artwork she made.

"Of course not," she said, laughing again.

Alex laughed as well. She loved this class. Not because she loved drawing or coloring or shading. She did, but that wasn't what made her like the class itself so much. She loved it because it was the only time she got to spend with Vera. She loved it so much.

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