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Fandom The new avengers CS



"Honey!!! Wheres my Supersuit?"


Age: ( over 18 please. Young adults only.

Alias: (your hero/villain name)

Race: (are you human, asgardian, a mutant, an alien?)

Gender: (whatever)

Personality: (can be a list of traits or a paragraph. Must include negative personality aspects. No one is perfect.)

Backstory: (how did get your powers? How did you eind up here? How did tony stark contact you?)

Hero stuff- (your powers, skills, abilities, and tech what you use to be a hero.)

Goals: (what does your hero hope to achieve)

Fears: (we all have them none are an exception.)​


Benjamin O'Hara

Age: 19

Spider-Man, Spider-Man of the Future

Technically Mutant, as he was injected with the original Spider-Man's DNA.


Ben is much like Peter Parker, as he's quite cocky and snarky. He's much more calculated and calm than Peter, coming off sometimes as a deadpan snarker. He is a genius, with an IQ of at least 165, though this does make him over confident at times.

Ben was born to a poor family in the slums of New York. His father was a struggling geneticist while his mother stayed day home. One day his father finally made a breakthrough. He was finally able to splice the DNA of the original Spider-Man with other humans. This made him both rich and famous, but this created enemies. They kidnapped Ben in an attempt to ransom the splicing techniques. Turns out Mr. O'Hara had injected himself with the DNA and become a new Spider-Man. Ben was almost killed in the crossfire, and could only be saved by having the DNA injected in him as well. Soon both his parents just...poofed. No words, no reason. Just....gone. He was sent to an orphanage where he decided to become a hero for shits and giggles. And also to be like his heroes, the Avengers. After taking down a crime syndicate, Tony Stark contacted him, offering him a spot in the Avengers and a new suit, to which Ben of course accepted and finally became a part of the Avengers.

Hero stuff:
Wall Crawling:
Pretty standard. He can also stand on walls, which he loves using.

Much like his predecessor, Ben can sense most incoming dangers. He doesn't have to be aware of it, and it can even make him dodge out of pure instinct.

Enhanced Physicality:
He can run faster, jump higher, and lift more than even the strongest weightlifter. Currently, the heaviest thing he's lifted is a pickup truck, in which he pulled it off of a civilian.

Web Shooters:
He can't naturally shoot web, so he uses an updated version of the web shooters. They shoot on his mental command, and can shoot in hundreds of variations.

To find out what happened to his parents.

Ironically, spiders. But not the normal time. He fears what they represent. Deception, lying, that sort of thing. He fears of being abandoned and betrayed by those he cares about.​
heroes_of_ruin_conceptart_ADACr (1).jpg
Name: Arron Green

Age: 24yrs

Alias: Hunter

Race: Mutant/Vampire

Gender: Male

+Knows his limits
+works well with others
-is willing to kill
-Doesnt trust very well

Backstory: Born in New York City right after the death of captain america, Arron doesn't remember a time when things weren't in chaos. His parents died before he ever met them and he grew up in an orphanage in Hells kitchen. As a child the only hero who seemed to make a difference, who seemed to do what needed to be done was The punisher. And so he modelled himself after frank castle. Starting at age 11 he taught himself to fight by picking fights with bigger and more experienced fighters. Needless to say he got his but kicked alot. Until he realized something at age 14. He was a mutant. At this point he began winning fights. So he moved on to firearms and melee weapons, which were not hard to find in a world run by criminals. Practicing in secret he finally donned his costume. With only A hood, cloak, and a pistol he took the fight to his neighborhood. Being an orphan boy with no friends means there was no one to know who he was. No need for hiding his identity or worrying about loved ones. So when he encountered a street thug who turned out to be a vampire o one was there to look for him. He was found by Blade the half vampire together they hunted the one who attacked him and destroyed him. Yet he had already been bitten and his change was inevitable. He chose to use this new curse of his to his benifit drinking from bloodbanks and criminals deserving of death in his eyes. It wasn't until he was in way over his head with too many enemies to count that Tony stark came to him with an offer. Be a part of something bigger, make a difference. Or fight in the gutters until he inevitably dies. Arron chose to join this group of misfits in the hopes that together they can at least take new york back the criminal scum that rule now.

Hero stuff-
The Numbers- Arrons mutant ability is the see angles, numbers, and mathematical equations everywhere he looks. He can use this to calculate speed, force, trajectory, and even how to arrive at certain locations. He applies this to his everyday life in too numerous of ways to mention. But in combat he uses it to predict his enemies movements, gauge how to best deal with a situation and provide him with advanced warning of impending danger. Its like a math based spider sense, and keeps him aware of what he can and cannot do.

Skilled fighter- Arron has at least 13 years of fighting beneath his belt. He hasn't won them all but with his mutant power he has been able to best fighters with more martial arts experience than he has years of life.

Perfect marksman- having nearly 10 years firearms experience paired with the ability to perfectly calculate the trajectory of not only the bullet but also the target makes it near Impossible for arron to miss.

Versatile fighter- a gun, a fist, a rock, the wall, his opponents own hands. Everything can be a weapon to arron and he is very skilled at using the environment to his advantage.

Sustenance- Vampires live off of drinking blood From living things. Preferably human. As they do this they release an enzyme which fills the place of the victims blood. This enzyme leaves the victim susceptible to hypnotic suggestion from the vampire who bit them. If the vampire wills it to, or accidentally kills the victim they too will become a vampire via a 3 day long very painful process.

Summoning- Vampires are capable of summoning and controlling various creatures of the night. In Aarons case the creatures are Rats and Bats.

Shapeshifting- Aaron is capable of turning himself into a Swarm of bats, or a cloud of Shimmering mist.

Mind Control- Aaron is capable of Hypnotizing his victims with a few moments of eye contact. The limitations of this are set by both his and his victims willpower.

Health- Vampires are immune to Disease and ageing, however they will display signs of age if suffering from starvation. They also possess an effective healing factor which can repair superficial damage in minutes while broken bones and other serious injuries can take a few days. Poisons and toxins can adversely effect a vampire, but no dose is enough to be lethal.

Supernatural strength- Vampires usually possess 10-20 times the strength they possessed in life. For Aaron that allows him to lift up to 4000lbs.

Supernatural speed- the same multiplier as with ones strength is applied here. Allowing Aaron to sprint at speeds of up to 200mph.

Weaknesses- As powerful as vampires are they have many weaknesses.
Garlic-The smell of which saps their strength based on intensity.

Native soil- Aaron becomes increasingly unhinged the further he goes from his "birthland". Unless he takes at least 1lb of soil with him.

Blood consumption- Aaron must consume at least a few liters of blood every other night or he will become weaker, after enough time passes he will enter a deathlike hibernation state.

The lethal ones

Sunlight-direct exposure to sunlight without proper covering can cause a vampire to rapidly dehydrate into powder or even just explode into dust. Uv lights have a much lower effect but can achieve the same goal.

Impaling the heart- The old fashioned way to kill a vampire run a wooden stake through the heart. Though it doesnt have to be wood. Any object that pierces the heart and stays there will suffice. However so long as the vampire doesnt decompose to bones, removing the stake will revive them.

Decapitation- Fatal just like the stake. However if the head is reattached he will revive.

Goals: to ensure that things don't get worse but better instead. Also to attain better weapons, training, and possibly magic.

Fears: Dying Alone, loosing control of his "Thirst"​
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(I did not actually make this. I am a horrible artist. This is how I imagine my character. All rights go to Warner Bros)


Name: Sampson

Age: 25

Alias: Kong

Race: Mutant(Enhanced Gorilla)

Gender: Male

+Likes to Joke
-Quick to Anger
-Can be possesive
-Can be Secretive

Sampson was born in a lab. The scientists there were experimenting in ways to better the human race. They enhanced Sampson's intelligence, and strength. Sampson initially only wanted to learn, he dived into any subject he was given. That didn't last long. The experiments failed. What worked so well on Sampson, only harmed the human body. Sampson was taken to a zoo where his white fur drew crowds. The gorilla tired of this quickly. He tore up his exhibit in rage, and retreated into a nearby national park. At this time Sampson, had learned ASL adeptly, and could speak a good amount of human words. He only knew humans for their terrible parts. He eventually met the good half of the human race. Meeting up with a vacationing scientist. Their friendship was short lived. Hydra had tailed the scientist, and took him as hostage. Sampson tried to follow them but he had no means to follow a speeding vehicle. Sampson did however find a Hydra operation, and managed to drive out the Hydra operatives. This drew the attention of an aging Tony Stark, who was creating a new group of heroes.

Hero stuff-
Enhanced intelligence: Sampson is extremely intelligent. Partly due to his experimentation, and partly due to his inquisitive nature. Although Sampson is perfectly capable of speaking he prefers to communicate using sign language. Sampson is well versed in human history, and science.

Enhanced strength: Although Sampson's intelligence is formidable it is his strength that truly makes him a dangerous enemy. Sampson's strength is so powerful that he could easily crush steel alloy in one hand, the extent of his strength isn't really known, but theories say he may be able to lift around thirty, to fifty tons, and throw it. This strength also adds to his durability.

Animal abilities: Sampson can do the things any normal gorilla could. That gives him enhanced speed, and agility. Sampson can understand other non-human apes although this skill rarely comes in handy. Sampson's instincts also help him in hand to hand combat.

Goals: To find a place in the world where he truly belongs.

Fears: Being caged.
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stark jnr

full name ― Ellie Emery Stark ―
age ― 25 ―
nickname ― el,em, stark jnr, ―
hero name ― Icarus ―
gender ― female ―
sexuality ― heterosexual ―
race ― human/mutant ―
parents ― natalie worthington & eric [stark] ―
grandparents ― tony stark & warren worthington―



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likes; sarcasm, free falling, "tinkering", stark labs, alternative music, writing, sleep, equality, baby's breath, wakandan tech
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dislikes; injustice, virus', alcohol, smoking, immobilization, seafood, clowns, hypocrites, loki most of all

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hobbies; designing and creating new tech for hours w/out end, pranking her fellow avengers, talking for hours to her A.I
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― 17/3/18
Personality; Ellie is a sight to behold. Her large black wings give off the accurate impression of a strong and capable young woman, who's lineage has brought her humble pride, genius and a passion for wiping out evil, the most efficient way possible. Her usual self is lively and light-hearted. She likes to stay positive in the face of confronting situations [that is, until it gets too much] and incorporate fun into her speech. It doesn't take away from her mature take on serious situations, and her ability to detect when things are going south. It just alleviates some of the stress. Ellie doesn't particularly like people as much as she likes robots or A.I's, they less more easily offended. She supposes it's because she inherited a little narcissism from her mother. Talking to other humans isn't her strong point, despite the fact she likes to tease others . She is lacking in a deeper level of communication. Something more from the heart. Till then perhaps, she will stay the same closed off person who hides pain with humor. Ellie is a true gemini it seems, undoubtedly loyal to the people and causes she cares about, janus faced, aware, talkative and determined.

Powers/Mutation; She inherited the mutant gene from her mother, whom inherited it from her father, the original Angel; Warren Worthington.
Black Wings -
Intellect/Genius -
Flight Suit -
Reactor -
A.I -

Sign Language - Growing up, she took to as many extra curricular activities as she could, and learning sign language was one of them. This has come in great use. Upon meeting Sampson the gorilla, the two delved into deep conversation via signing. Fate favoured them. She is the only one on the team who can sign, and so acts as a valuable communicator for the others, and a good friend to him.
Strategy - With the genius she inherited from her grandfather, Ellie excels in strategy and planning, and decision making is her best forte. The more information she has, the greater her ability to map out a situation to the teams advantage. There may be some cases where she has a mind block, but surely they have reason behind them
CQC - She has trained in mixed martial arts for many years. Since she was young, her family has encouraged her to engage in classes and programs to ensure her own safety if she is ever in a close quarters situation. Before her death, her mother, whom was not winged, taught her rigorously, how to incorporate her wings into her unique fighting style.
Recon - Her HUD and flight abilities allow her to pull off reconnaissance missions with great ease. She has the advantage of keeping a distance and still identifying many targets on the ground., with a quick in and out. As long as her suit is not detected.

- Ellie wants to avenge her parents, and the countless others who have met their untimely end due to the villians who now rule earth. She loaths them.
- To develop brand new sustainable technology that will better the world and its environment. Similar to Tony's sustainable blue power source....
- She's always had the hope of finding real love in all this chaos, but that seem's long gone for her already~
- Her greatest fear is falling out of the sky. In the back of her mind there is always the fear that her wings will suddenly stop working, and without the ability to fly without them, she will come crashing to the ground. She has heard about what happened to Tony's best friend Rhodey
- The extensive knowledge she holds in her brain, keeps her on her toes, always thinking always knowing. It gives her the confidence to do many a thing, even those she has never done before.
- Her wings are easily her second greatest strength. Their durability aid not only herself, but others, should she want it. They fuel her with more added confidence
- Without her flight suit, Ellie is utterly human, and susceptible to all kinds of attacks. She does have the option of using her wings to protect her body, but, imagine they were unable to, or an enemy found a way past her defense. Game over, if they hit the right spots.
- She is a sucker for her team already. If it meant their safety was guaranteed, she would do anything it took to keep it that way.

― 17/3/18
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Name Gali

Age: N/A

Alias: Galacta

Race: lesser cosmic being

Gender: female

Personality: Well lets see see Gail is a caring person who at least respects life somewhat, at least enough that it has more worth than as food. She is also protective of earth even if not the status quo. She is a genius when it comes to tech but not exactly a fast thinker when it comes to new toys or strategy. She is also a big eater even if it does little to fill her true hunger. When starving and on the edge of life and death gali can become almost a beast and will do anything to gain the life energy she needs it is when she is her weakest but also most dangerous. Also she can be a bit arrogant and detached but only a bit .

Backstory: Gali is the daughter of the world devouring cosmic being Galactus, even she is a little confused as to how she was born, but well she didn't get along with her father and his planet devouring ways. thus at some point in the past she left him and took up residence upon earth which she has taken as her home for the time being and has thus taken to defending it from the background. That was at least what she used to do stopping cosmic rays and getting rid of alien bio weapons. Still she like her father is plagued with unending hunger that can only be satiated by life energy, though unwilling to eat worlds she instead ate microbes, mostly alien bio weapons but some humans ones. in recent years with the change in powers she has taken a more active role in the defense of her home even if it is a bit tough for her. it is also noted she is the keeper of the ultimate nullifier after the fantastic four died.

Hero stuff
powers: The power cosmic
  • levitation: Galacta can make herself float and move through the air
  • Energy Control & Manipulation: Galacta can control, manipulate and channel pure energy of a wide variety of forms, such as diverting a cosmic-ray burst similar to the one that created the Fantastic Four and using her power to redirect a large asteroid on course for earth.
  • Molecular Restructuring: The ability to physically alter persons or objects through the manipulation of their comprising molecules.
  • Cosmic Teleportation: The ability to teleport beings and objects across space and time. This ability also allows her to teleport herself.
  • Hyper-Acceleration: The ability to speed up her perception, effectively making normal-speed events appear drastically slower to her and allowing her to act at a similarly rapid rate.
  • Cloaking: The ability to hide herself or just her equipment from the senses of others.
Weakness: Hunger every power she uses makes her hunger grow and the more hungry she is the weaker she grows and given she is very unwilling to kill sentient creatures to live this means her power is rather limited and pest used in burst or very rarely. Her hunger also makes her a bit unstable as if she is pushed to far and is to hungry she may lose control of herself, the results are nasty.

  • Sensor Array: A highly advanced sensor array, claimed to be the most advanced in existence, used by Galacta to find suitable biomass for consumption. Galacta prefers use these sensors instead of her own cosmic awareness because it uses less energy and doesn't fuel her hunger.
  • Feeding beams: Part of her suit's array includes beam emitters Gali refers to as her 'utensils' that allow her to feed on bio-mass with a great deal of precision and from a distance.
  • Special Glasses: Galacta uses a wide range of glasses to hide her unique eyes.

Goals: find an end to her hunger (like father like daughter), protect her home.

Fears: starving, killing to feed, her hunger growing worse, people knowing who her dad is.
Name: Grimace Zangi

Age: created to be about 20

Alias: Overdrive

Race: self thinking Android

Gender: made to look male

looks: picture above.

mostly wears: black, sleeveless, fabric turtle neck shirt. Dark jeans or black pants. No need for shoes and his feet don't look like feet...

*will to learn

Created in the year 2000, woke up in the year 2030. Though his creator, Dr. David Nay, made him to seem 20. Dr.Nay died in 2050 as an old man, Grimace was by his bed...he had no capability of feeling sad, though he did not comprehend what to do now. He became glitchy after ten years of staying in the room, looking down at the bed, his metal rusting and his limbs not being able to move.
He sat...and waited for a command from his master, his creator who treated him like a son. All he was programed to do was wait.......and wait.
And even now he waits, the house having been destroyed around him and his metal having rusted together. He twitched from the glitch, his robotic body needing care. Twitch...Twitch he looked to his side, the metal neck making a ear piercing scrapping sound......"Help.." he said before powering down, his battery finally run out, his rusty body waiting there. all he needed was a retarge and someone to clean up the rust.
now its up to the role play, will people help him? will he be reactivated? will another builder use him?.... only the story can tell.

Hero stuff-
*Can transform arms into large laser guns or blades. hands into a hand held bullet gun.
*feet can turn into roller skates that help him reach the speed of 1000mph.
*simple Hacking if plugged into the machine, though its risky sense he can catch a computer virus and/or hacker can control him.

Goals: to gain feelings of a living thing. to be treated as a organic person.

Fears: until he has a feeling chip he has no fear. though when he does get one it will be becoming rusty again. or being scrap.....maybe-no- Definitely Dogs.

weaknesses: hackers or viruses. low battery. water inside his metal, its ok if its outside but if it touches his wiring it effects him badly.

whats the feeling chip?: a chip that can allow him to both emotionally and physically feel, can be made or found in the rubble of Dr.Nays lab.
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NAME: Combat Model A1B37T

Alias: Albert

Make: Mk.1 Combat Drone walker

Race: Combat Drone Walker

Looks: (Above)

Mostly Wears: (Cant do so)


*Lacks Emotions

*Incredibly Strong (Can lift 12 tons)
*Want to learn how to be human
*Primitive Design


Built originally to stop the hulk, Albert was reconfigured as an anti vehicle walker when shield was still around. When he was outdated shield dumped him as they had no reason to keep him. When the race attacked Albert was in hibernation mode and unable to do anything. However, a spot of sentience awoke him and he is now on the move and on the watch for any new threats. He awaits action and awaits a new goal. The goal to be human. As human as he can be that is...


+Incredible strength (Can lift 12 tons)
+Long battery life (Around 3 years on a single charge)
+Heavy Armor (30mm hardened steel plates with a nanofiber coating)
+Fast Reflexes (Robot) (Around 40 milliseconds)


-Slow (Maximum speed is 20 mph)
-Outdated (Inferior tactics)
-Low combat efficiency (The hulk can kill 10 of these before death)
-Easily hacked (Hard to convince however)


-He was programmed without fear.... When he overtakes this he will be afraid of possibly everything.... but he will have to learn to be brave...


+To be a bird watcher (YES YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT)

Why no fear in his programming: You might already know... It's because he was built to fight the hulk.
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yes it does matter this is marvel things must be marvel themed there are not forerunners, there are no flood, there is no halo array you are denied
actually there are quite a few mechanical beings that are fully sentient and self aware i am not being a lore nazi i am saying this is not a multi fandom work
you can modify it to be some other alien yes you can even be an alien fleeing something like the flood from another galaxy

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