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Fandom The new avengers CS

Ok Best Trekkie. Best Trekkie. i have a few problems with the character.

1St Thor is the upper power limit. Rivaling him is not allowed. Even Galacta would get spanked by him.

2Nd- Everyones character has some marvel in it. Yours does not. Look into the Kree empire, or the Skrulls. There are existing aliens no need to jock Halo.

3rd. All the avengers slots are full. He would be stand alone not called upon.

4Th Its bare bones Af. Three words is not a personality, there are no perameters to your powers and how is he weak against ballistics if he is immune to ballistics?

Over all id say just delete him and try again. Im not trying to be a jerk or nothing its just i hope to have this rp last and im not confident this character can pull his weight.
You're saying that i am a bad rper? Cause that's how im taking it.
if thats how you take it i am sorry. I specified very clearly what i was saying. The character is not acceptable. It only reflects you if you let it.

Cassius Skaalson
Human (Mutated)
Background story:
Cassius grew up in s small village called the Skaal. This village was located somewhere in island and was secluded. Untouched by outsiders for centuries. Then a mysterious group called The Eye came and whipped out the village. All except cass. The experimented on him. Making him blind. But with a cost. He now has the Universe's eyes for his eyes. He easily broke out but couldn't take revenge. He then when to a Nepal monk hood called the Shambala. These monks had ties to the Skaal. He learned how to manage his Powers, and how to properly see everything. He now travels the world as a champion for good. Offering his services for free.
Hero stuff-
Byakugan: This more separate from his Retina of the universal eye. This was a tequnique passed down from an old clan that help found the Shambala. The can see the Energy Circuts that bind every living creature. He can use his knowledge and strike the Chakra/Pressure points with extreme efficiency.(pretty much Neji's gentle fist style. Along with the trigram fun stuff)
Way of the Nomad: During his monk training he learned a Magic tequnique called the Way of the nomad. This ability grants him Healings hands. It also granted him multiple Trainings in martial arts.
twin fang style: A blade technique he uses with his ninja blades. He can extend the reach with his Mana and it has a life/Stanima/Mana Drain effect. The effect depends on the severity of the wound and is doubled when both Blades attack at the same time... if he was using this sword it's like if he was using them both at the same time

Swordsman:Extensive use with a sword has made him an expert swords man.
Retina of the universe: Due to experimentation, Cassius is now able to see absolutely everything, but he doesn't actually see them. He knows where it all is. In addition he has learned how to use and manage Psychokinesis (telepathy + Telekinesis)
Occam's Razor: His sword. The effect of his sword is unknown but it can help manifest the abilitys of the user into a meta-physical projections.
Water Bending: Cassius tribe has a natural affinity with water, able to mold and manipulate water based structures.
Revenge on those who Experimented and destroyed his village
Not being able to see something coming. Failure to protect his comrades.
He uses two Smaller ninja blades as his primary weapons... He uses his sword more as a ace in the hole.. its like his ultamate ability... in addition to that he has various Kunai and shuriken.​
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Can you please recheck my CS?

I'm not the way you think.

I just get offended easily that's all.
Doomyfish23 Doomyfish23 I added some things I forgot to add.... looked at his original character sheet. I used him for a different roleplay but something's were different... the edits are in red.
unnamed (1).jpg

Name: Daniel Muso

Age: 27

Alias: Metallic

Race: Mutant/Enhanced Human

Gender: Male

Personality: Unlike his father, Daniel is considered to be a stand up guy often fighting for whatever he believes in. However he did inherit his hot headedness often relying on his fist rather then his brains when angered. When calm though he shows a much more collective and thoughtful side that most would consider unordinary. He can be incredibly charismatic often soothing people over with his words in an attempt to deceive them, however, having a big mouth he can sometimes also say things that would provoke them instead of gaining their trust.

Backstory: While Carl Creed was not a mutant himself having powers granted to him by the infamous Loki. That energy altered the genetics of his son granting him a part of his power turning him into a mutant. Daniel was the son of the Infamous Absorbing man and a random bartender after Creel and his wife, Titania, had gotten into a huge fight ending in divorce. Since the discovery of his unique powers Daniel utilized them to his everyday advantage often wearing gloves to hide his metalic fist when he got into fights. He wasn't evil just violent due to the environment he grew up in. Due to being discovered by Loki’s men he was offered a stable job should he join his crew. Not wanting to associate himself with the likes of him but not wanting to offend him he decided he would “think on it” even though he was clearly never going to join. Upon finding out his mother was dying of cancer Daniel was cornered with his next decision. Eventually he reluctantly accepted the God’s offer after a few negotiations of payment. Everything he earned or found would be directed to his mother’s treatment.

Villian stuff-

Matter Absorption: By touching solid material Daniel is able to completely copy it's structure and density and turn his entire body into the same material. For instance, if he were to touch a steel dagger his entire body would turn to that of steel. The stronger the material the stronger he becomes. Along with this transformation he gains all the benefits and the weaknesses of whatever material he's absorbed meaning he can become a great conductor of electricity thus electrifying his attacks or become incredibly weak towards heat based attacks. Despite his name, that's meant to throw off his enemies, he is able to absorb non metallic materials as well such as wood, granite, and etc.

High speed regeneration: Due to his unique genetics Daniel is able to recover from severe wounds that would instantly kill most normal humans. He can regenerate an entire arm within a day and small cuts and bruises are healed nigh instantly. This also increases his stamina to immense levels that not many possess.

Body Manipulation: After absorbing a material Daniel is able to essentially modify his body to meet his needs. He can turn his arms into blades, make a giant hole within his body, or even make completely new weapons for him to wield. He is able to generate extra material from his body like this but it can be incredibly taxing on him if he exerts it too much.


-Unlike father dearest he cannot absorb any material he wants. It must be a solid. Though the benefit is that he has more control on what he can and can't absorb.
-Material limitations: he is limited to the capabilities of whatever material he absorbs.

-Help cure his mother of cancer
-Discover his father
-Obtained wealth beyond imagination
-Live in a happy home in Hawaii

-Losing his mother
-Losing himself while serving under Loki
-Being burned alive
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View attachment 413950

Name: Daniel Muso

Age: 27

Alias: Metallic

Race: Mutant/Enhanced Human

Gender: Male

Personality: Unlike his father, Daniel is considered to be a stand up guy often fighting for whatever he believes in. However he did inherit his hot headedness often relying on his fist rather then his brains when angered. When calm though he shows a much more collective and thoughtful side that most would consider unordinary. He can be incredibly charismatic often soothing people over with his words in an attempt to deceive them, however, having a big mouth he can sometimes also say things that would provoke them instead of gaining their trust.

Backstory: While not a mutant himself having powers granted to him by the infamous Loki. That energy altered the genetics of his son granting him a part of his power turning him into a mutant. Daniel was the son of the Infamous Absorbing man and a random bartender after Creel and his wife, Titania, had gotten into a huge fight ending in divorce. Since the discovery of his unique powers Daniel utilized them to his everyday advantage often wearing gloves to hide his metalic fist when he got into fights. He wasn't evil just violent due to the environment he grew up in. Upon finding out his mother way dying of cancer he had stooped down to robbing dozens of banks to help pay for her surgery often wearing a mask to cover his identity. He would soon be known as the infamous Metallic and is constantly on the run from the law.

Villian stuff-

Matter Absorption: By touching solid material Daniel is able to completely copy it's structure and density and turn his entire body into the same material. For instance, if he were to touch a steel dagger his entire body would turn to that of steel. The stronger the material the stronger he becomes. Along with this transformation he gains all the benefits and the weaknesses of whatever material he's absorbed meaning he can become a great conductor of electricity thus electrifying his attacks or become incredibly weak towards heat based attacks. Despite his name, that's meant to throw off his enemies, he is able to absorb non metallic materials as well such as wood, granite, and etc.

High speed regeneration: Due to his unique genetics Daniel is able to recover from severe wounds that would instantly kill most normal humans. He can regenerate an entire arm within a day and small cuts and bruises are healed nigh instantly. This also increases his stamina to immense levels that not many possess.

Body Manipulation: After absorbing a material Daniel is able to essentially modify his body to meet his needs. He can turn his arms into blades, make a giant hole within his body, or even make completely new weapons for him to wield. He is able to generate extra material from his body like this but it can be incredibly taxing on him if he exerts it too much.


-Unlike father dearest he cannot absorb any material he wants. It must be a solid. Though the benefit is that he has more control on what he can and can't absorb.
-Material limitations: he is limited to the capabilities of whatever material he absorbs.

-Help cure his mother of cancer
-Discover his father
-Obtained wealth beyond imagination
-Live in a happy home in Hawaii

-Losing his mother
-Being caught by the law
-Being burned alive
One thing. Being caught by the law isnt a concern anymore. Loki and the ruling villains make the law and if you work for them you are the law.
Face claim: Isla Fisher

Name: Kari Beck

Age: 21

Alias: The Strangler Vine

Race: Mutant

Gender: Female

Personality: Kari can be rather fiesty towards people she either doesn't like or doesn't know. She is the type that doesn't take lies from anyone. Although, her stubborness can get the best of her since she will be bent on a certain action that may or may not result in the best circumstance, and it takes a lot to talk her out of anything. She is quite motherly towards those she is quite close too, and very protective, and maybe a little possessive of them as well in fear that they all may one day abandon her.

Kari Beck grew up in New York City in the slums, and her parents unaware that Kari was a mutant. Needless to say, she had to learn how to fight at a very young age. However, and incident with a knife armed criminal changed her life forever. She had no control over her mutant powers, and they had been unleashed right then and there, and she ended up killing the criminal without even realizing. Her parents abandoned her in fear that she would accidentally kill more people. Needless to say, Kari was devastated. She then met another kid on the street whom she befriended since he was a mutant too. They vowed to gain control of their mutant powers. One day her friend was killed by a villian, and Kari vowed to avenge him, thus she started practicing her mutant powers on various street criminals at the age of ten. As she grew older, she learned how to survive on her own by studying and becoming observant. As an adult she became rather successful in the business world, starting up her own shop of herbal medicine. She hadn't forgotten her vow, so when her taking down of different criminals and a few super villians got her an offer from Tony, she gladly accepted.

Hero stuff-
Due to being a mutant that somehow connects her to plants, she can control any plants around her, and even grow plant like attachments, especially vines which she can use to strangle her opponents. She also can project wood bullets from her fingers, and make defensive barriers with iron wood.

Martial arts: When she was a kid she was taught aikido and Tai Kwan do. She has perfected these techniques with plenty of practice.


Energy: While she is connected to nature, and can borrow energy from nature, she has to give it back which oftentimes leaves her tired after or even during prolonged uses of her powers.

Kari hopes to fulfill her vow to her childhood friend, and in that she has developed a sense of Justice for bringing those who threaten the lives of children to Justice.

Fears: Kari is very afraid of being abandoned, and getting close to people in fear that they will abandon her. She also has an subconscious fear that she may loose control of her powers and kill those close to her.

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