.:✧ Nekoverse ✧:.
- Off-site
Daniel: Oh, yeah! The snow just started a couple days ago, it'll probably get to be even more soon! It's so pretty around here in winter, I think you'll like it!
*You move through the few shops, and into a little neighborhood. Each house is of a different style and color, with perfectly mowed lawns and white picket fences on some. Christmas decorations sit in the front lawns and around the edges of the roofs of most houses. These people must definitely enjoy Christmas!*
*The nearest house to you is a slightly larger orange house with a metal and slightly twisted pipe for a chimney, smoke puffing out of it at various intervals - that said, it has no decorations out front, besides the porch lights that have been changed to shine red and green. Right next door, sits a quaint little blue house with slightly frosted flowerbeds, guarded by a short fence and a tree that shades half of the front yard.*
*Up ahead, sits a lighter orange house, and a purple one right across the yellow cobblestone road. The orange one has little Christmas lights around the roof and some wrapped around the chimney, a white fox with a red collar laying on the front steps, just relaxing in the cool air. The purple house has many lights on, big lit-up presents sitting on one side of the yard, and a lit up cookie sitting on the other side. A Christmas tree is visible through the window! However, Danny seems to be taking you towards the orange house.*
Daniel: Oh- Miss Luna! That there's Kida! On the front steps!!! HI KIDA!!!
*He starts waving excitedly at the fox, who perks up and looks in your direction.*
*You move through the few shops, and into a little neighborhood. Each house is of a different style and color, with perfectly mowed lawns and white picket fences on some. Christmas decorations sit in the front lawns and around the edges of the roofs of most houses. These people must definitely enjoy Christmas!*
*The nearest house to you is a slightly larger orange house with a metal and slightly twisted pipe for a chimney, smoke puffing out of it at various intervals - that said, it has no decorations out front, besides the porch lights that have been changed to shine red and green. Right next door, sits a quaint little blue house with slightly frosted flowerbeds, guarded by a short fence and a tree that shades half of the front yard.*
*Up ahead, sits a lighter orange house, and a purple one right across the yellow cobblestone road. The orange one has little Christmas lights around the roof and some wrapped around the chimney, a white fox with a red collar laying on the front steps, just relaxing in the cool air. The purple house has many lights on, big lit-up presents sitting on one side of the yard, and a lit up cookie sitting on the other side. A Christmas tree is visible through the window! However, Danny seems to be taking you towards the orange house.*
Daniel: Oh- Miss Luna! That there's Kida! On the front steps!!! HI KIDA!!!
*He starts waving excitedly at the fox, who perks up and looks in your direction.*